Nov. 17, 2011 - The Cherokee One Feather

Nov. 17, 2011 - The Cherokee One Feather

Nov. 17, 2011 - The Cherokee One Feather


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NEWS ka-no-he-daMars Hill College celebrates <strong>Cherokee</strong> DayA demonstration and pickup gamef traditional <strong>Cherokee</strong> stickball on theollege quad was just one of the eventsosted by Mars Hill College as part ofts <strong>Cherokee</strong> Day on Tuesday, <strong>Nov</strong>. 8.According to Dr. John Wells, ExecuiveVice President of Mars Hill College,herokee Day was a joint celebrationf the relationship that was formalizedast February between Mars Hill Colegeand the Eastern Band of <strong>Cherokee</strong>ndians.“We are grateful for this relationhipand the opportunity it providesur students to learn more about theistory and the culture of the Cheroee.Mars Hill College anticipatesany more such events in the comingears,” he said.In addition to stickball on theuad, demonstrated by members ofhe ECBI, Mars Hill’s weekly Crossoadschapel service was led by Rev.ack Russell, Senior Pastor at Livingaters Lutheran Church in <strong>Cherokee</strong>nd a member of the <strong>Cherokee</strong> Tribe ofklahoma. Russell’s lecture gave anverview of <strong>Cherokee</strong> spirituality andconsidered its affect on the faith of<strong>Cherokee</strong> Christians.<strong>The</strong> celebration also included a receptionin the afternoon honoring theirst freshman cohort of students to attendMars Hill College in response tothe formal agreement, which calls for acooperative effort to provide comprehensivescholarship funds for all membersof the Tribe who qualifyacademically, and who choose to attendMars Hill College. <strong>The</strong> Agreementalso calls for the tribe to take an activerole in continuing to provide adviceand consultation for various historicevents and presentations at the college.According to Wells, events like<strong>Cherokee</strong> Day ensure an atmosphere ofhistoric authenticity and respect for<strong>Cherokee</strong> culture. This sense of respectis especially important as Mars HillCollege aims be an educational centerfor comprehensive regional history,and as the college seeks to welcomemore <strong>Cherokee</strong> students into campuslife, he said.- Mars HillPhoto courtesy of Mars HillA group of students at Mars Hill College play stickball on <strong>Cherokee</strong> Day at theschool.Chefs Stage Buffet opens at Harrah’s <strong>Cherokee</strong>Harrah’s <strong>Cherokee</strong> Casino & Hotelnnounced on Wednesday, <strong>Nov</strong>. 9 thepening of the Chefs Stage Buffet. <strong>The</strong>ew culinary option will provideuests a sampling of unique tastes andlavors relecting the creative expertisef seasoned chefs. <strong>The</strong> seven marketnspiredstations –– Soup & Salad, Mexcan,Southern Comfort Food, BBQ,sian, Italian, and luscious Desserts ofhe World, will relect seasonalhanges and fresh ingredients, providngguests a feast of abundant selecions.In addition, guests will have thepportunity to be front and centerith the chefs as they prepare cuisinehat exempliies the spirit, excitementand hospitality of Harrah’s <strong>Cherokee</strong>Casino & Hotel."Over the past three years atremendous amount of research anddue diligence went into assessing ouropportunity to offer something spectacularfor our resort patrons interestedin experiencing this uniqueself-serve choice in our comprehensivefood portfolio. We expect food connoisseursand value diners alike to indmore options, service applications andvarieties of food then they have everexperienced anywhere, and walk awaysatisied that they gained somethingtruly unique," said Darold Londo, SeniorVice President and General Managerof the property.From the moment you enter intothe inviting surroundings of the 600-seat restaurant, the Chefs Stage experiencebegins. Earth-toned coveredwalls, dramatic lighting and warm tansof leather seats are a gentle complementto the elegant sculptures andwood trim, punctuated by loor-to-ceilingwindows showcasing sweepingmountain views.<strong>The</strong> Chefs Stage Buffet is a familyfriendlyrestaurant located on the secondloor adjacent to the sky bridgeleading to the hotel and will be openfrom 4:30 pm to 10:00 pm, Mondaythrough Sunday, and until 11:00 pm onFridays and Saturdays. A Saturday andSunday brunch will be served from11:00 am until 3:00 pm. Prices for thebuffet are $23.50 for dinner and$<strong>17</strong>.50 for brunch. Children sixthrough 12 are half-price and childrenive and under are free.Parking is available in the casinogarage, loors two through eight, allowingeasier access to the restaurant forparties with minors. Persons under 21years old are not permitted on thecasino loor. E.B.C.I. Enrolled memberswill receive a 20% discount. Discountsdo not apply when using Total RewardCredits.- Harrah’s <strong>Cherokee</strong>Big Cove News ReportBy BIG COVE REP. BO TAYLORCommunity Thanksgiving Dinner at Nazarenehurch. <strong>Nov</strong>. <strong>17</strong> at 6pm. Potluck, everyone welcome.- Ko-la-nv-yi Kids Bingo Night at Big Cove Recreationenter. <strong>Nov</strong>. 18 at 6pm.Big Council ReportRep. Perry Shell and myself attended the USET inMississippi this past week. We attended severalcommittees that includes housing, culture and environmental.<strong>One</strong> important issue that could affect usas the Eastern Band of <strong>Cherokee</strong> is that the UnitedStates Government is currently has a “Super Committee”assigned to cut and slash the government spending.We need to be aware that tribes are on the radarfor cuts. We as a tribe need to be moving towardtotal self-suficiency.If you have questions or comments please contactme at 828-736-2947.12 cherokee one feather THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, <strong>2011</strong>

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