Focus on Urban Health - Keck School of Medicine of USC ...

Focus on Urban Health - Keck School of Medicine of USC ...

Focus on Urban Health - Keck School of Medicine of USC ...


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F A C U LT Y P R O F I L E •Helping Patients Walk,Run and Play By Martin BooePhoto by Philip ChanningD a n i e l A . O a k e s remembers the exact momentwhen he set his sights <strong>on</strong> becoming an orthopaedicsurge<strong>on</strong>. As a resident doing a rotati<strong>on</strong> in orthopaedics,he assisted in knee replacements for an elderlywoman whose mobility was severely compromisedby rheumatoid arthritis. A day later, he saw her makingher way down the hallway − <strong>on</strong> a walker, yes, butmoving more nimbly than she had in years.“There was the biggest smile <strong>on</strong> her face,” Oakesrecalls. “Her quality <strong>of</strong> life had been restored, andI’ll never forget how thrilled she and her family were,how grateful. I was hooked.”Oakes became director <strong>of</strong> the <strong>USC</strong> Joint ReplacementProgram and associate pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> clinical orthopaedicsat the <strong>Keck</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medicine</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>USC</strong> inMarch 2010, and he feels like a kid in a candy shop.“The beauty <strong>of</strong> practicing in a surgery care centerlike this is having the instituti<strong>on</strong>al support in anesthesiologyand physical therapy. <strong>USC</strong> has a l<strong>on</strong>g history <strong>of</strong>excellence in joint replacement surgery, and my goal isto c<strong>on</strong>tinue that traditi<strong>on</strong> and establish us as a center <strong>of</strong>excellence for joint replacement,” he says. “We wantto become a destinati<strong>on</strong> for our surrounding community,a place people know they can go for more seriousproblems. We’re doing a high volume <strong>of</strong> revisi<strong>on</strong> surgeries– in other words, we didn’t create the problemsbut we fix them – and that backup [from other departments]enables us to take <strong>on</strong> more difficult cases.”Oakes is no stranger to Southern California, norto <strong>USC</strong>. He was a member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Keck</strong> <strong>School</strong> facultyfrom 2004 to 2006 before serving as chief <strong>of</strong> theUCLA Joint Replacement Service and assistant pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> orthopaedic surgery. At UCLA, he developeda thriving joint replacement divisi<strong>on</strong> and wasa leader in resident educati<strong>on</strong>. He returned to theTrojan family in 2010.Oakes was born in Bost<strong>on</strong> but grew up in the BayArea. A Harvard Medical <strong>School</strong> graduate, he completedhis residency training and a research fellowshipin orthopaedic surgery at UCLA Medical Center.Oakes completed an adult rec<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> fellowshipat the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.His wife, Vanessa Walker-Oakes, is an art historianwho teaches Advanced Placement Art History and is thedirector <strong>of</strong> college counseling at the Flintridge Preparatory<strong>School</strong> in La Cañada. The couple has four young s<strong>on</strong>s.Oakes saw dramatic advances in hip and knee replacementprocedures during his residency, and thepace <strong>of</strong> change has <strong>on</strong>ly accelerated since then. The use<strong>of</strong> less invasive surgical approaches in c<strong>on</strong>juncti<strong>on</strong> withregi<strong>on</strong>al anesthetic protocols, rather than general anesthesia,has helped to better c<strong>on</strong>trol post-operative pain,improve early mobility and shorten hospital stays.The patient demographic requiring total joint replacementsurgery is changing, as patients are younger,more active and have high functi<strong>on</strong>al expectati<strong>on</strong>safter surgery. Treatment <strong>of</strong> the younger patient is an<strong>on</strong>going area <strong>of</strong> research.Infecti<strong>on</strong>s after a hip or knee replacement are <strong>on</strong>e<strong>of</strong> the most feared complicati<strong>on</strong>s (nati<strong>on</strong>al infecti<strong>on</strong>rate is 0.5 percent). The <strong>USC</strong> Joint Replacement Programhas tremendous experience in caring for thesepatients with good success.“The less<strong>on</strong> learned from these cases is that more attenti<strong>on</strong>needs to be given to preventi<strong>on</strong>. While we knowhow to treat infecti<strong>on</strong> cases, we are becoming even betterat preventing them from occurring,” Oakes says.“There’s a lot <strong>of</strong> satisfacti<strong>on</strong> knowing your patientsare going to get better with the right operati<strong>on</strong>, andthat’s what I love about joint replacement surgery,”he says. “Part <strong>of</strong> the challenge is that people’s expectati<strong>on</strong>sare so much higher. Performing activities<strong>of</strong> daily living and walking without pain used to bec<strong>on</strong>sidered a success. Our patients today are muchmore active than their predecessors. Now they wantto ride 100-mile bike rides and play in competitivetennis tournaments. We’re always striving to improveto keep up with increasing inpatient expectati<strong>on</strong>s.”As for Oakes’ extracurricular activities: well, hehas those four young boys, ages 1 to 11. Spare time?“What’s that?” he jokes. •For a joint replacement c<strong>on</strong>sultati<strong>on</strong>, c<strong>on</strong>tact 323-442-5860or uscjointreplacement@health.usc.edu.Daniel Oakes, M.D.,brings a wealth <strong>of</strong>experience in replacingdeteriorated joints, suchas hips, with state-<strong>of</strong>the-artprostheses.keck.usc.edu KECK MEDICINE 23

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