Round 11 - sanfl

Round 11 - sanfl

Round 11 - sanfl


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IN THIS ISSUE ROUND <strong>11</strong> 201304Where are they now?The SA Football Budget chats tosome past SANFL players about lifeafter football.08South’s Brede Seccull.Set to climb Everest… againWHO’S PLAYING?South v EaglesSaturday, 15 June 2013 @ Hickinbotham Oval (2.10pm)Port v NorwoodSaturday, 15 June 2013 @ Alberton Oval (2.10pm)North v CentralSunday, 16 June 2013 @ Prospect Oval (2.10pm)Sturt v GlenelgSunday, 16 June 2013 @ Envestra Park (2.10pm)Bye – WESTNext week’s ABC TV match of the round is North vSturt. Tune in from 2pm next Saturday to catch all theaction. This week: South v Eagles.South Adelaide’s Michael Wundke.ADELAIDE WEB AND CREATIVE DESIGN - BOYLEN BRIDGEHEADPublisher:Boylen BridgeheadLevel 3,47 South Terrace,Adelaide SA5000Ph: (08) 8233 9433Fax: (08) 8212 6484football and corporateoperations department:Ph: (08) 8268 2088admin@<strong>sanfl</strong>.com.auEditor:Anna Kantilaftasakantilaftas@boylen.com.aumedia co-ordinator:Zac Milbankzacm@<strong>sanfl</strong>.com.auDesign:Nicole Penneynpenney@boylen.com.ausales director:Kent Humphryskhumphrys@boylen.com.auSubscriptions/back copies:Ph: (08) 8233 9433admin@boylen.com.auPrinting:Lane Print & PostPh: (08) 8179 9900PHOTOGRAPHY:Deb Curtis PhotographyPh: 0437 068 043COVER:The Good Guys<strong>Round</strong>.The SA Football Budget is published by Boylen Bridgehead on behalf of the SANFL. Contributions are welcome and should be addressed to: The Managing Editor, PO Box 1, West Lakes SA 5021.Copyright © No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in the “South Australian Football Budget” are not necessarily those of theSANFL. The SANFL believes that the material produced in this publication is accurate, but gives no warranty in relation thereto and disclaims all liability for claims against the SANFL, Boylen Bridgehead, its employees, agents,or any other person, which may rise from any person acting on the materials contained herein. Boylen Bridgehead reserves the right to reject any advertisement it considers unsuitable for publication or decline to publish forany reason at its absolute discretion. Advertisements lodged with Boylen Bridgehead must comply with the Advertising Codes of the Media Council of Australia and with the interpretations of the Advertising Standards Council.

WHERE ARE THEYNOW? By Steve BarrettPAUL KENNEDYIn three SANFL seasons with Sturtfrom 2001 to 2003, Paul Kennedywas diagnosed with osteitis pubis,had his collarbone smashed andfaced the prospect of life in awheelchair after being diagnosedwith a brain condition calledArnold-Chiari deformation, whichnecessitated delicate brain surgery.Somewhere in-between, Kennedyplayed nine League games,his flowing locks of hair andkamikaze attack on the footy werehis trademarks.“It was a bit of a journey,” Kennedysaid. “Unfortunately I spent moretime watching than playing.”Kennedy could barely walk afterone Friday training and had towithdraw from the Double Bluesline-up during warm-up.He sought the assistance ofrenowned Sturt physio AndrewClarkson, a decision Kennedy willbe forever grateful for.“He booked me in for an MRI and Ihad to have brain surgery. I owehim one.“Part of my spine was less than2mm thick. If I’d got hit on that, Icould have been a paraplegic.”Post-Sturt, Kennedy played GaelicFootball in Ireland where he “learnthow to drink Guinness” and“became a mini-celebrity” beforeheading home to Victoria.He won a VFL flag withSandringham in 2005 beforemoving to Frankston, where he stillplays.Kennedy (34) who is theFrankston City Council’s MediaOfficer, left footy in 2012 to “scratchan itch” and play Big V State Leaguebasketball for Frankston, clearly apassion of Kennedy’s, who currentlycoordinates the NBL’s websitecoverage for Pagemasters, asubsidiary of news agency AAP.BRETT KNOWLESBrett Knowles’ exit from NorthAdelaide was messier than hewould have liked but it ultimatelylanded him his dream job asa teacher.After being delisted by St Kildaafter a four-year, 43-game AFLcareer, Knowles played for theRoosters in 2002 but didn’t quitesee the season out.“I loved North Adelaide andwished I played more games therebut when I left (coach) Darel Hartwasn’t happy,” Knowles said.“We had a bit of an awkwardfalling out because I left with threerounds to go, knowing we werenowhere near making the finals,after getting a no-brainer offer that Icouldn’t refuse in Canberra.“We’ve since spoken andagreed we both could have donethings differently.”South Adelaide’s Andrew Osborn.The offer was to captain-coachAinslie and the chance to start theteaching degree he always wanted.Knowles, renowned as a hardmidfielder, is back in Adelaidethese days, plying his teachingtrade at Blackfriars, after finishinghis footy career with an elusivepremiership with Ouyen United inthe Mallee League in 20<strong>11</strong>.“I coached and played inCanberra and lost a heap of finals,including Grand Finals,” saidKnowles, who is married to formerThunderbirds netballer ReaganO’Keefe and has two children.“It was great to retire, winning apremiership alongside a group ofclose mates.”Knowles, who is Walkerville’s TurfCricket A-grade captain, has spentthe past three years doingdevelopment work for PortAdelaide Power after working as4

5Andrew Osborn at the 1998 Magarey Medal..Brett Knowles.good friend Daniel Healy’s assistantcoach with North in 2009 to 2010.ANDREW OSBORNSouth Adelaide ball magnetAndrew Osborn retired twice dueto stress fractures of the lowervertebrae, was selected in two AFLdrafts without playing a seniorgame, claimed the coveted 1998Magarey Medal and kicked thewinning goal in a Reserves flag.He also narrowly avoided enteringthe Panthers coaching hot seatfollowing John Cahill’s brief, ill-fatedstint in 2008.“The club approached me to beJack’s (Cahill) assistant,” saidOsborn, who is married with fourdaughters.“I wasn’t interested in taking therole and instead the role ofmarketing manager was offeredand I gladly took that onevery quickly.“Of course, Jack lasted a fewweeks and Clay Sampson, who wasthe assistant, took the job, whichcould have been me, and it was avery tough year for him.”As a player, Osborn lacked thegenius of the Jarman brothers orthe pace of Michael Long.But the respected South captain’sconsistency and ball magnetabilities were widely respected.“I wasn’t anything pretty,” hesaid. “I was an in-and-under typewho liked to give it out to thequicker guys.“I missed two-and-a-half years offooty... I played <strong>11</strong>5 games and Ithink I missed 91.“I wish I had a body likeCraig Bradley but I was glad I gotover 100.”Since his retirement, Osborn hascarved a successful two-decadecareer in business developmentand sales.He is the director of Bloomtools,one of Australia’s leadingwebsite design, development andemail marketing companies.“I support small to mediumbusinesses with their onlinepresence and online marketing.“Marketing and businessdevelopment are my passions.”ROB DOLANGangly Port Adelaide ruckmanRob “Sticks” Dolan describedhimself as “a slow conveyancerpassing through” and being “in theright place at the right time” inplaying two flags in just a handfulof seasons.Dolan rucked for the Magpies intheir 1979 and 1980 flags but thetwo experiences couldn’t havebeen more different.“The ‘79 Grand Final wouldhave been an ugly game to watchbut it was a great feeling to win,”said Dolan, who rucked tirelesslyand played the game of his life inthe premiership win overSouth Adelaide.“I think we pioneered floodingthat day, which is a bit moretrendy now.“In 1980 I got knocked out anddon’t remember the second half.”Dolan, who goes by “Sticks” tovirtually everyone, including hiswife, due to his slim 6-6 build, wasunable to repeat the dose in Port’s1981 triumph.“I got myself really fit that preseason,”he said. “I did lots of beachruns then one day when I ran intothe water, I stepped on a brokenbottle and had 17 stitches inmy foot.“I barely played until late in theyear and then Port recruited (futurecaptain) Russell Johnston, whichmeant the end for me.“I’d finally run out of luck.“I was tall and could jump but notvery quick and probably too lightat that level.”Dolan then turned his hand towinemaking, where he has carveda grand reputation.He was the founding winemakerat the award-winning Sticks YarraValley before launching Rob DolanWines, one of the biggest wineriesin the Yarra Valley.

6ThePhantomthe ghost that talksIt’s <strong>sanfl</strong> all personality about the foodAF ood, nother food, week glorious gone… food. can Let’s you faceit; believe the footy we isn’t are really almost a past food theconnoisseur’s half way mark mine for the field. Minor <strong>Round</strong>?It As feels a little like tacker, yesterday I’d sit I was on my writing dad’sshouldermy first column,with mywelcomingsuperhero capeyou tothe 2013 season. And boy, what afloating in the wind annoying theseason it’s shaping up to be – at allpassionate men and women behindlevels.me.WithButnooneAFLof thein Adelaidethings I reallythisloved weekend, about it seems going to so the quiet. footy Usually, wasthat my weekends I was always are allowed chock-a-block to eatfoods with footy, my mum a bit would of saving never the let world meeat in between at home. games Meat pies, and chicken a couple pies, ofsausage matches sizzles, taped on steak my sandwiches,telly. But thisand weekend super-long is all about Killer Pythons. the SANFL YUM!Takewith plentyme backoftofreethetimedaysinwhenbetween.IThe thing I love most about localcared less about the consequencesfooty is that it’s such a wonderfulof eating these foods and more aboutlittle community. Sure, there areminimisingrivalries, therewastageare heatedof my meatwordspie.exchanged These days among I’m much supporters more likely and toenjoy players, a warm but for chicken the most salad part, from it’s mymanly friendly, cave it’s than exciting purchase and it’s somefood passionate. from the footy… nah, just joking.I still As I can’t sat in help the myself beautiful only weather this timeI last don’t weekend need anyone’s watching permission a couple ofunless teams battle the ‘Phantom it out for Girlfriend’ a win, it finds gotout…me thinking.eek!If the SANFL was aperson, what kind of personalityBut in all my travels, I started towould it have?reflect on my eating habits at theI soaked in the atmosphere of thisfootballparticularandlocalwonderedgroundwhich– theregroundwereI babies enjoyed and most children for the everywhere,food. Thesedays rolling every down club the and side his mounds, sidekickdog kicking has the a pub footy, or hotel laughing, serving anarray cheering, of food, clapping and in and this enjoying sense I theguess general there family could friendly be a real atmosphere.competition A couple of as small to which families club had wins settheup abestpicnicfood.withButfellowthat’s notfootywhatfans,some supporting the same team,we’re talking about here – I meanothers supporting opposing teams.good, old-fashioned, footy food.Beautiful young people stood intheWecrowd,askedembracingthe SANFL’sfellowFacebookfriendsfriends and family. and Present our Twitter and followers past playerswhat waved they hello thought to people and it they seemed haveCity met through Mazda Stadium other ventures won the outside titlehands their respective down, with clubs. more Club than officials 20comments and administrators claiming Westies chatted to be thebest. media Norwood and members. came in second witha AFL few people players commenting attended the on game the to‘BessettsupportBurger’their homeandteamsothers–votingtheforSANFL clubs where they grew,it due to the Parade being close by.developed their skills, formed lifelongfriendships and wereSouth Adelaide also seemed to be apopular supported choice by their – no footy doubt families the hotfood once keeps they were everyone drafted warm to the at thewindy national oval! League.So Everyone I guess knows one everyone, can argue and then,next why time wouldn’t your they? team is Adelaide playing is at CityMazda small, the Stadium, SANFL you community better head isdown close, there and for to get the on most the part, grub. weworkHeretogetherare sometoofensurethe commentsitcontinues to be a safe, funpeople left us with:environment for everyone from allDeb Curtiswalks of life.AsSo,I attendas I satseveralback,gamesthe suneachhittingweekend my masked (as face, the SANFL I really began tophotographer) consider – if we I am gave a connoisseur the SANFL a ofthe face, sausage who would sizzle it – be? and A my young votegoes little face Woodville painted Oval boy, – very with yummy a footysausages. in hand, grass stained knees andStu the world Boyle as his oyster? A thirteenParade. year old Eat girl, up brave then pick enough from to half adozenspeakgreatto anyone,pubsgigglingafter theatgame.themany footballers around her? Or isGary McGillit the middle-aged man who hasThe food at The CDFC President’sbeen coming to support his localLuncheon club since is he nearly was just always a boy whenexceptional!three generations would stand onIan the Button sidelines, passionatelyUntil supporting a couple the of club? years ago it wasRichmond. For me, when South I really have now thought caughtand about over putting taken a them. face and Those a two arethe personality stand outs to for the quality, League, South it was is thealsoelderlymileswoman.aheadHerwithshort,variety.curledgrey hair and character filled faceRaymond Matejcicthat had seen decade’s worth ofAlberton Oval has best steakSANFL footy. The woman who is asandwich.passionate supporter of her club,David since her Ewings father took her to the firstPie game floater when from she the was van just outside a young theParade. girl. The women that remembersSharon the SANFL Christine greats, Drabsch and the greatestWe moments would over almost history, have the sitting cheapest in thefood grandstand at Eagles; each we week have the with best hersteak club coloured sandwiches blanket and the covering friendliest heraging knees. She knows everyone’sservice by a mile or more, no othername, each of the players and theirground is as friendly as ours when itparents, girlfriends, wives andcomeschildren.toSheservice.loves to sit aroundCherieand haveLappin-Juffermansa chat, but won’t let youEagles distract steak her from sandwiches seeing her on the boys hill.on Ken the Peglar field kick the winning goal.Loved But I the guess guy it’s selling hard the to put hot a pies faceand to a pasties sport that for has two such bucks a just diverseoutside supporter of the base. gates A sport at Alberton that is Ovalat loved the end by so of many the match people, too. from allRemained backgrounds, me of cultures, Richmond ages Oval andyears genders. ago.@GShaw_74Really, the SANFL is aCan’t combination beat Richmond of all its Oval supporters. if you’relookingFrom thefornewbornsomethingbabiesfromjustthe BBQ!starting their life-long support for#bestbarbieintheleaguethe club, to the elderly people who#lovetheshaslicks.have attended each week since@Pully9994they were just a little tacker,I listening have to agree. to it on Roosters’ the radio. supporter You, thebut supporters, definitely the Richmond members, Oval. the@Scraggie_93officials and the players – you areThat all the honour face of has the to SANFL. go to Each of@WestAdelaideFC’s you represent the League home, Richmond we love,Oval and gives best BBQ it the food fantastic and the reputation serviceis it has tops today. #goyoubloods.So, what face would you give tothe SANFL?Use your imagination – tell uswhat personality the SANFLhas in your eyes.Please email or tweet yourthoughts with your name andsuburb through to The Phantom’sCave.Email: phantom@boylen.com.au.@SANFLBudget#<strong>sanfl</strong>phantom

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Young Pantherto scale Everest – againBy Steve BarrettSouth Adelaide’s seemingly endless bid to prevailagainst ongoing odds and end its painful 39-yearpremiership drought is the SANFL equivalent of climbingMount Everest.Enter Brede Seccull.The 19-year-old Victorian recruit conquered Everest –literally – three years ago during a gruelling but“incredible” altitude training camp.Seccull, then 16, took the opportunity to get himselfultra-fit ahead of TAC Cup U18 duties with theSandringham Dragons – in the most extreme fashionimaginable.“It was an incredible experience and I came back inreally good nick,” Seccull said. “It was fantastic to do butcertainly challenging and one of the hardest things I’veever done.“We did the Kalapathar trek, which by the end of itmeant we were about 6500m above sea level.“The actual summit is approximately 8500m, the nextlevel up, but to do that you need to spend six monthsacclimatising your body because it’s such a dangerousventure.“I wanted to get super-fit and had heard a lot about thebenefits of altitude training so I thought I may as well doit in the off-season for footy and during school holidaysbefore I get too tied up with uni and work.“I can now tick the Himalayas off my list… the boys atthe club recently found out about it, which gave me a bitof notoriety around the place.”The mere feat of scaling Everest aside, there’ssomething else that separates Seccull from the rest of histeammates.He has played in five Grand Finals already, andemerged victorious every time.“I’ve been very fortunate,” he said. “I’ve had a few luckybreaks and never played in a losing Grand Final.“Hopefully I haven’t used up all my credits.”In 2013, the rub of the green hasn’t gone his way.After arriving at Noarlunga from Collingwood’s VFLoutfit, Seccull injured his ankle in South’s first trial matchagainst Central District, before undergoing an anklereconstruction and a prolonged stint on the sidelines.“It was a real kick in the guts,” he said. “I didn’t miss asession in the pre-season and was feeling in goodcondition, then that happened.“But I always think there’s people worse off thanyourself, so you move on and there’s no point sulking.”Roughly a week after Collingwood’s 2012 campaignended, Seccull received a phone call from Pantherscoach Ron Fuller. Seccull jumped at Fuller’s pitch,Seccull playing Reserves.Photo courtesy of InsanityMultimedia.impressed by South’s set up and confident a move to theSANFL would be his best chance to achieve his AFLdream.“Ron called me and asked if I was interested and Ithought ‘why not have a look’.“I spent a weekend here and was impressed with thefooty club and the opportunity it presented.“One of the key elements was that he (Fuller) felt I’d fitwell in the midfield, where they needed a bigger-bodiedmidfielder – which was the role I played at Collingwood –to complement guys like Joel Cross and Nick Liddle, whoare more lightly built than myself.”Aside from Fuller, Seccull was wooed by a conversationhe had with his cousin Jaryd Cachia, who was delistedby Carlton in 20<strong>11</strong>, picked up by Norwood where he wasone of the stars of the Redlegs’ premiership triumph,then redrafted by the Blues.“Jaryd told me if I’m given the chance to play in theSANFL, then do it,” Seccull said.“He said it’s a great comp where every club’s aim iswinning rather than just development and it certainlyhelped him back into the AFL.“My dream is to play at the highest standard possibleand I still think that’s alive.”8

Star Player of theYear & R.O. Shearman Medal<strong>11</strong>Star Player Votes – <strong>Round</strong> 10West v NorwoodKieran McGuinness Norwood 7Mitchell Grigg Norwood 6Matthew Panos Norwood 6Travis Tuck West 4Matthew Fuller Norwood 4Mat Suckling Norwood 3two for tenPort’s Zane Kirkwood andSturt’s Richard Tambling werethe only two players to receive10 points in the R.O. ShearmanMedal for their performances in<strong>Round</strong> 10.In Port Adelaide’s 63 point winover South, Kirkwood collected38 disposals, and was a majorcontributor in ensuring the marginremained significant. WhileTambling’s performance proved hedeserves to be strongly consideredfor AFL selection by the Crows.The SANFL League coachesaward votes on a 5-4-3-2-1 basis,for the best players on the groundfor their game in each minor round.The player with the most votes after<strong>Round</strong> 23 will be awarded the R.OShearman Medal. The awardcarries with it a $3000 first prize.P.S. Three ‘Mystery <strong>Round</strong>s’ havebeen allocated during the courseof the year in which voting resultswill be kept secret until the end ofthe season.STAR SEARCH AWARDHarms winsSturt’s Tom Harms has receivedthe Powerade Star Searchaward for his performance againstthe Eagles last weekend.Harms, who collected 18disposals, provided a strongphysical presence in Sturt’sbackline throughout the match. Ina game highlight, he kicked a longrunning goal in the last quarter,sealing the deal for the DoubleBlues who defeated the Eagles by36 points.Sturt’s Richard Tambling.Tom HarmsPort v SouthZane Kirkwood Port 10Nicholas Madden Port 7Samuel Gray Port 5Graham Johncock Port 4Kory Beard Port 2Steven Summerton Port 1Joel Cross South 1Eagles v SturtRichard Tambling Sturt 10Angus Kurtze Sturt 8Aidan Riley Sturt 3Matthew Duldig Sturt 3Scott Lewis Eagles 2Luke Powell Eagles 2Ben Kane Sturt 1Christopher Hall Eagles 1Glenelg v NorthGeorge Thring North 9Nathan Gordon North 6Jason Davenport Glenelg 5Jay Shannon North 5Matthew Campbell North 3Andrew Bradley Glenelg 1Andrew Moore North 1Leaderboard(After <strong>Round</strong> 10 -excluding Mystery<strong>Round</strong> 5)Ben Macreadie West 37Nathan Gordon North 31Mat Suckling Norwood 30Matthew Thomas Norwood 30James Boyd Central 25Brayden O’Hara Central 24Mitchell Grigg Norwood 24Christopher Schmidt West 22Samuel Gray Port 22George Thring North 20

Mini League & KIDS’ CORNERAll matches to be played at half-time of the League match12South v Eagles – Saturday, June 15 – Hickinbotham OvalSouth – Reynella East College IGA – Reynella East College1 Cameron Arnold1 Laddie Allan2 Cameron Barkell2 Jack Ball3 Jack Bradwell3 Giancarlo Calgaro4 Dylan Coombs4 Daniel Ferguson5 Shannon Day5 Luke Flood6 Matthew Flood6 Kaleb Fry7 Tyson Forster7 Ethan Gerrad8 Joshua Furler8 Deakin Hamilton9 Jake Gocka9 Declan Heath10 Tristan Heath10 Chelsea Kennedy<strong>11</strong> Seth Karr<strong>11</strong> Josh Lavelle12 Sam LaVelle13 Jay LaVelle12 Cooper Oshae14 Alex Marra13 Christian Persico15 Josh Niederer14 Joshua Read16 Tyson Potter15 Jayden squire17 Mitchell Scotland16 Patrick Szawerna18 Etahn Speziale17 Cameron Theron19 Ethan Stewart18 Liam Thorely20 Ryan Tassel19 Liam Williams21 Billy Taylor20 Lachlan Wilson22 Zeph Turton23 Eben Van Resburg24 Brody Venables25 Jai WhymanPort v Norwood – Saturday, June 15 – Alberton OvalPort – Port District FCIGA – Port District FC1 Hunter Carter2 Deacon Davis3 Zak Rose4 Zane Fiacchi5 Nicholas Milne6 Jack Lewis7 Jase Burgoyne8 Bailey Hahn9 Callum Gregory10 Ben Cutter<strong>11</strong> Ethan Golding12 Ky Sparre1 Naish Allen2 Cody Tape3 Cooper Clee4 Jesse Davis5 Nathan Barkla6 Ryan Green7 Jack Murphy8 Declan Playfair9 Cooper Carmody10 Jack Kretschmer<strong>11</strong> Alex ClarkeNorth v Central – Sunday, June 16 – Prospect OvalAt time of print teams were unavailable.Sturt v Glenelg – Sunday, June 16 – Envestra ParkSturt – Lobethal FCIGA – Imperial FC1 Tomas Barry2 Riley Skinner3 Aedan Magee4 Owen Magee5 Jack Stafford6 Jesse Voigt7 Mitch Jenkin8 Ryan King9 Cooper Luke10 Lachlan Elsworthy<strong>11</strong> Jack Trenordan12 Jaimen Rush13 Logan Tillbrook14 Paul Downs15 Seb Baker16 Jessie Ireland–Payne17 Zac Edwards18 James Anderson19 Zac Hill1 Perrin Asel2 Daniel Buhagiar3 Thomas Bury4 William Crane5 Kyle Dalitz6 Lachlan Daniels7 Ryan Farnham8 Perry Jurgens9 Jack Laube10 Nantan MacNeill<strong>11</strong> Lachlan Marsh12 Aiden Morrell13 Willaim O’Brien14 Dylan Schenscher15 Brayden Smith16 Joshua WebbFind the footy! Answer on page 30.SUPPORTING THE NEXTGENERATION OF SANFLSUPERSTARSPROUD SPONSOR OFTHE MINI LEAGUE

13STAT LEADERSBy PHIL HERDENPOSSESSION LEADERS Gm Poss Poss/Gm1 WA MACREADIE Ben 10 246 24.62 NA THRING George 9 237 26.33 SA CROSS Joel 9 233 25.94 Nw SUCKLING Mat 9 230 25.65 WA SCHMIDT Chris 9 225 25.0MARK LEADERS Gm Marks Mk/Gm1 PA BEARD Kory 8 78 9.82 NA GORDON Nathan 9 74 8.23 NA THRING George 9 71 7.94 NA LANGFORD Tom 9 67 7.45 WA MACREADIE Ben 10 67 6.7KICK LEADERS Gm Kicks Kick/Gm1 NA THRING George 9 180 20.02 WA MACREADIE Ben 10 167 16.73 PA SUMMERTON Steven 8 157 19.64 PA KIRKWOOD Zane 8 149 18.65 WA BRICKNELL Scott 10 147 14.7HIT OUT LEADERS Gm HO HO/Gm1 NA CRAIG James 9 301 33.42 Ea PARRY Craig 9 269 29.93 CD GUILHAUS Seb 8 261 32.64 PA MEIKLEJOHN James 8 234 29.35 SA BROOKSBY Keegan 9 234 26.0HANDBALL LEADERS Gm Poss Poss/Gm1 SA CROSS Joel 9 <strong>11</strong>7 13.02 WA SCHMIDT Chris 9 106 <strong>11</strong>.83 Nw SUCKLING Mat 9 101 <strong>11</strong>.24 Ea LEWIS Scott 9 99 <strong>11</strong>.05 NA BLEE Nathan 9 99 <strong>11</strong>.0SCORING LEADERS Gm G B1 Ea AINGER Andrew 9 27 132 SA WUNDKE Michael 9 26 123 PA JOHNCOCK Graham 6 25 84 St DULDIG Matthew 9 24 105 NA GORDON Nathan 9 19 13Save up to$23,000*with the newGovernment Grants!EnquireToday!*Terms odios Apply ABN 64 007 789 013 BLD G8890 RLA 214662DisplayLocaosfor display ope mes visit:08 8132 4500 | oakfordhomes.com.au

ON THE SIDELINES14majestichotels.com.auCENTRAL DISTRICTJames Boyd Ear, testTom Collier Knee, testJay NashHamstring, 1 weekLuke Barmby Back, 4 weeksBrock Castree Knee, 4 weeksMatthew Claughton Illness, indefiniteYves Sibenaler Knee, IndefiniteMILESTONESGLENELGMatthew Snook Sternum, testRiley Milne Foot, testKane Tenace Hamstring, testRiley McFarlane Hamstring, testTim Walsh Foot, 1-2 weeksDarcy Armfield Foot, 2 weeksCory Gregson Foot, 4-6 weeksLachlan Roach Ankle, 6 weeksAndrew Hooper Knee, 10 weeksScott Spriggs Back, indefiniteBen ReidShoulder, seasonLewis Hender Knee, seasonNORTH ADELAIDELachlan Robinson Groin, testGeorge Hannaford Ankle, testLuke Teasdale Hamstring, testLeigh Ryswyk Hamstring, testDaniel Archer Hamstring, testKym Edwards Shoulder, testRiley Hayes Ankle, 2-3 weeksLuke Ivens Knee, 4 weeksGreg Gallman Jaw, 5 weeksEljay Connors Ankle, indefiniteBrian Fenton Knee, indefiniteNORWOODTim Webber Ankle, testLuke Thomas Hip, testBryce Campbell Hamstring, testLuke Wilson Ankle, 2 weeksMichael Newton Knee, 3 weeksMichael Chippendale Elbow, 6 weeksPhillip Raymond50 gamesJesse AishHenry DavisDylan ReinbrechtFred BeytellEd O’ConnorPORT ADELAIDEHenry SlatteryAndrew HayesTrent HeffernanTom SandercockJudd RobsonRyan BlundellSOUTH ADELAIDETarak RedigoloJake VeideJordan TaylorSam RichmanPeter RolfeSTURTMichael CoadDaniel BoyleDylan MatsenKnee, 6 weeksKnee, indefiniteShoulder, seasonBack, seasonShoulder, seasonHip, 2 weekAnkle, 2 weeksFoot, 2 weeksGroin, indefiniteKnee, seasonKnee, seasonConcussion, testHip, 1 weekShin, indefiniteKnee, seasonKnee, seasonHip, testAnkle, testKnee, 1-2 weeksJames McLeay Groin, 1-2 weeksSam Smith Hamstring, 1-2weeksLuke Crane Quad, 2-3 weeksJake Atkinson Knee, 3-4 weeksJames Wundke Foot, 5-6 weeksSean Samblich Hip, indefiniteAlex Stopp Wrist, indefiniteWEST ADELAIDEAdam Hartlett Shoulder, testShannon Green Adductor, testJames Ezard Shoulder, TBADrew Gallard Ankle, 3 weeksWOODVILLE-WEST TORRENSGlenn Dawson Elbow, testSam Rowland Knee, testNathan Batley Hamstring, testTodd Culley Ankle, 1 weekAdam Grocke Achilles, 1 weekJarred Allmond Hamstring, 1 weekKarl Muller Ankle, 7 weeksDaniel Kirk Ankle, indefiniteJarrod Harding Knee, season

Q & Ajay shannon15Club: North Adelaide.DOB: 2/3/1990.Home town: Tumby Bay.Position: Midfield.Nickname: Shanno.Toughest opponent: David Rodan.Most admired sportsperson:Lebron James.AFL team: Hawthorn.Favourite food: Chicken parmy.Most romantic moment: Trip to Baliwith my girlfriend.When you’re not playing footy,how do you occupy your time?Swim, ski, fish.Best pick-up line you’ve heard:“If I followed you home would youkeep me?”If you met the younger you, whatadvice would you give them?Play every game like it’s a GrandFinal and a Grand Final like everyother game.Facebook or Twitter:Facebook.Favourite place in South Australia:Tumby Bay.If you could have any superpower,what you would choose and why:Fly, so I could go anywhere I wanted.Best way to spend a weekend: Onthe beach.If you could invite three people todinner, who would they be? BuddyFranklin, Adam Sandler, ZachGalifianakis.Best football moment? Winning apremiership for Tumby Blues.Which of your teammates is mostlikely to:a. Be late for an event– Michael Clinch.b. Date someone famous– Luke Davey.c. Get a fake tan – Luke Ivens.d. To be on a reality TV show –Lewis Johnston.40 "102cmLED LCD FULL HDshare in$250,000Store Credit #Galaxy tab 210.1” case^SHOP NOW withvia smartphoneGalaxy Tab2 10.1in16 Gb WiFiGT-P5<strong>11</strong>0TSAXSA$287PAY LESS PAY CASH40” (102cm) Full HD lED lcD 100HzSmarT TV UA40F6300AM$998PAY LESS PAY CASH®EDWARDSTOWN8292 4600GEPPS CROSS8300 2300HECTORVILLE8406 3500MILE END8354 3544NOARLUNGA8329 0000PAY LESS PAY CASH All major credit cards accepted.As part of our Pay Less Pay Cash policy, our stores frequently sell advertised products at less than the nominated ticketed price. On sale 14/06/13 to 24/06/13 or while stocks last. Personal purchases only and not available in conjunction with anyother offer. *Our 120% 30 Day Price Guarantee applies to all newly boxed currently available stock of an identical model, advertised by a local competitor. #Win a share in $250K Store Credits: Purchase any Samsung, LG, Sony, Hisense, or Panasonic TV,Home Theatre, Blu-ray or DVD player/recorder between 21/05/13-29/07/13 in one transaction from a participating The Good Guys store and go online to www.thegoodguys.com.au to enter the draw for a chance to win a share in $250,000 The Good Guys StoreCredits. Entries close 4th August 2013. Random draw will be conducted 6th August 2013 and winners will be notified by email by 12th August 2013. Limit 1 entry per customer. The Promoter is The Muir Electrical Company Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 453 945) of12 Hood Street, Airport West VIC 3042. Authorised under SA License No. T13/615. Full terms and conditions please see in store. ^Bonus Samsung Tablet Case Promotion: Applies <strong>11</strong>/06/13-01/07/13 inclusive (“Promotion Period”). To be eligible to receivea bonus Samsung Galaxy Case $69RRP (colours may vary from store to store) (‘Bonus’) customers must purchase the eligible Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1” 16GB Wifi (models: GT-P5<strong>11</strong>0TSAXSA, GT-P5<strong>11</strong>0ZWAXSA) in one transaction from a participating TheGood Guys store during the Promotion Period. Bonus will be issued at Point of Sale. Strictly 1 Bonus per customer. Full terms & conditions please see in store.Save time thegoodguys.com.auTGG035184

Tim McIntyre - STUR

macca’s cupcompetition18SA U18s defeated QLD in southportU18 AFL National ChampionshipsSA U18 22 10 (142)QLD U18 6 6 (42)Best – SA: J. Aish, L. Dunstan,. D. Hourigan, D. Wilson,J. Battersby, R. Knight.Best – QLD: J. Freeman, L. Dawson, C. Hay, L. Weller.Goals – SA: D. Hourigan 5, O. Fantasia 4, L.Reynolds 2,G. Hewett 2, A. Spina 2, L. Dunstan, D. Wilson, Z. Bates,C. Combe, J. Pitt, C. Giles, S. Durdin..Goals – QLD: C. Tickner 2, D. Trask, J. Freeman,I. Conway, M. Hammelmann.Macca’s TeamPlayer of the WeekLocal Footy - we’re lovin’ itWinner will receive a $25 sports vouchercourtesy of McDonald’sName: Jackson Hately.School / Club: Trinity SouthCollege.Age: 12.MACCA’S CUP MVP:Jack Haarsma – ROUND 10Port’s Jack Haarsma played aconsistent game against Southlast weekend. In toughconditions and under pressure,Haarsma’s foot skills wereexceptional. His competitivespirit drives the team and heshows brilliant leadership onthe field.Haarsma collected 19 kicks, <strong>11</strong>handballs, 7 marks, 3 tacklesand 8 clearances.Jack Haarsma.Photo courtesy ofPeter Argent.Position: Midfield.Program involved in: SASFA,U13 CDFC Development Squad.What does good sportsmanship mean to you?Good sportsmanship means no matter what theresult you always congratulate the other team fortheir efforts.SANFL club supported: Central District.AFL club supported: Collingwood.Which footballer do you admire and why? ScottPendulbury because he’s got good skills andshowed great leadership.Macca’s Cup – <strong>Round</strong> <strong>11</strong>Sunday, June 16SANFL McDonalds U16 State Squad v West Adelaide FCCity Mazda Stadium 9amSANFL McDonalds U18 State Team v Victoria CountryCity Mazda Stadium 12pmWho is going to win the SANFL Premiership thisyear? Central District.Who is going to win the AFL Premiership thisyear? Collingwood.What is your favourite football moment? Beingselected in the U12 SA State Team.Future football aspirations? To play at the highestlevel in the AFL.FRESH LOOK...SAMEGREATTASTEMade from Milk | www.nippys.com.au

The Name to Remember.Central DistrictBusiness Luncheon with Danny Green. Friday, July 5 from12pm to 2:30pm. Come and have lunch with four timeWorld Boxing Champion, Danny ‘The Green Machine’Green, as he talks about his life, boxing and of course,Anthony Mundine! Holden Room, Grand Central Tavern,Goodman Road, Elizabeth. $85 per head (includes twocourse lunch and 2.5hr beverage package). For bookingsphone the club on 8255 2555.‘Two of a Kind’ The story of Chris & James Gowans. ‘Two of aKind’ is a 244 page book which recalls stories and thejourney of the Gowans twins through their life and footballcareer. A must read for all SA football fans. Co-written byRobert Laidlaw and Steve Barrett. Books are $30 each andavailable from the club office. Phone 8255 2555 orpurchase through the club shop at www.cdfc.com.auNorthAnnual Gala Dinner and Auction. Saturday, June 29.Sponsored by North Park Shopping. Includes liveentertainment, comedians, silent/major auctions and threecourse meal and drinks package at the IntercontinetalHotel. $135 per person. Contact Jessamy Weckert on8344 8733 or email jessamy.weckert@nafc.com.auNorwoodNFC Gala Auction. Friday, July 12 at the Arkaba Hotel(upstairs at the Ark). $<strong>11</strong>0 per head. Contact MatthewBaynes at mbaynes@norwoodfc.com.au or call 83626278.PortGavin Wanganeen Road. Friday, June 21 at The Port ClubFunction Rooms. Starts 6:45pm. $50 per head – includestwo course meal and guest speakers.Contact events@pafc.com.au or 1300 GO PAFC.Port Adelaide v Eagles Official Match Day Luncheon.sponsored by Maughan Thiem Ford. Sunday, June 30 at12pm for 12.15pm start at The Port Club Function Rooms.club newscalendar$70 per person, includes a two course meal, beveragesand guest speakers.Contact Linda 8447 4044 or lcrabb@pafc.com.auSouth AdelaideChairman’s Dinner with guest speaker Nigel Smart.Saturday, June 20. 12pm for 12:30pm sit down in ThePeter Darley Function Room at Hickinbotham Oval.$65 per head. Contact Kristie at the club on 8186 8200.SturtSturt Directors Luncheon. Sunday, June 16. Pre-matchlunch at Barzaar, 166 Unley Road, Unley. <strong>11</strong>.45am for a12pm start. With special guests Sandy Nelson andGraham Cornes. $75 per person.Contact Carmen on 0488 224 338.Sturt Football Club Gala Auction. Friday, June 28 at 7pmfor 7.30pm start. Masquerade, black tie event in theBallroom at the Intercontinental, North Terrace. $120 perhead or $<strong>11</strong>0 per head if you book a table of 10.Contact Peta Treloar at Sturt FC on 8271 46<strong>11</strong> orreception@sturtfc.com.auWestClaret and Stout Business Lunch with Brendan Fevola.Thursday, June 20 from 12pm, at West Adelaide FootballClub. Two course meal, $60 per person.Contact Gina – gina.cimarosti@westadelaidefc.com.auChristmas in July. Saturday, July 27 from 6.30pm. Held inthe West Adelaide Football Club, “Winter Wonderland”Ballroom, $65 per person. Includes three course meal,major and silent auction, and entertainment. Contact Gina8352 4022 or gina.cimarosti@westadelaidefc.com.auEaglesChairman’s Business Lunch. Friday June 28. EaglesFunction Centre, 12pm– 3pm. Guest speakers RodneyHogg and Tony Shaw. $85 per person. Contact LauraHarriss – events@wwtfc.com.au or 8347 2444.19

south v eagles 2.10pm Saturday, June 15 @ Hickinbotham Oval, Noarlunga#southeagsBROADCAST ON:Live scores at www.<strong>sanfl</strong>.com.au20Majestic Roof Garden Hotel55 Frome Street, Adelaide• FREE WI-FI• CENTRAL LOCATION• 24 HOUR ROOM SERVICE• SA OWNED AND OPERATEDRoomsfrom$175per night includingbuffet breakfastBOOK ONLINEmajestichotels.com.auValid until 31st July 2013. Subject to availability.Records 1907-2013Pl SA Ea DrawMinor <strong>Round</strong> 58 13 45 -ALL ENCOUNTERS 59 13 46 -@ Hickinbotham Oval 19 5 14 -EncountersRecent Encounters - Eagles have won4 of last 5.@ Hickinbotham Oval - Last 4 gamessplit with 2 wins each.Recent ResultsRd 6 Sun May 5 2013 @ Maughan Thiem Hyundai OvalEAGLES 23 19 (157)South 6 7 (43)Best – Eagles: Redden, Lewis, Goldsworthy, Thompson, Rowntree, Culley, Salter, Day, Sumner.Best – South: Liddle, Hartigan, McDonald.Goals – Eagles: Redden 5, Salter 4, Goldsworthy 3, Lewis, Joyce, Allmond, Ainger, Hall,Petrenko, Jarrad, Sumner, Ronwtree.Goals – South: Daniel, Liddle, McDonald, Perrey, Eddy, Snook.2012 Rd 15 July 7 @ Maughan Thiem South 12.6.78 d Eagles 8.<strong>11</strong>.59 by 19pts2012 Rd 7 May 4 @ Hickinbotham Eagles 13.5.83 d South 8.9.57 by 26pts20<strong>11</strong> 1st SF Sept 25 @ AAMI Stadium Eagles 21.10.136 d South 10.6.66 by 70pts20<strong>11</strong> Rd 21 Aug 26 @ Hickinbotham Eagles 8.14.62 d South 8.8.56 by 6pts20<strong>11</strong> Rd 13 June 25 @ Hickinbotham South 14.10.94 d Eagles <strong>11</strong>.13.79 by 15pts20<strong>11</strong> Rd 1 April 3 @ Maughan Thiem Eagles <strong>11</strong>.12.78 d South 10.3.63 by 15pts2010 Rd 17 July 17 @ Maughan Thiem Eagles 17.14.<strong>11</strong>6 d South 9.9.63 by 53pts2010 Rd 5 April 26 @ Hickinbotham South 18.10.<strong>11</strong>8 d Eagles 15.6.96 by 22pts2009 Rd 20 Aug 15 @ Thebarton Eagles 20.10.130 d South 10.14.74 by 56pts2009 Rd 12 June 21 @ Hickinbotham Eagles 13.<strong>11</strong>.89 d South 10.8.68 by 21pts

SouthEAGLES21Coach: Ron FullerColours: Navy and WhiteMajor Sponsor: Angas Securities, Schweppes, Flinders UniversityCoach: Michael GoddenMajor Sponsor: Little Heroes FoundationColours: Gold, Green and BlueNo PLAYER AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT GAMES GOALS G B1 Thewlis Josh (C)............28.. 187.....89... <strong>11</strong>0..... 54............2 Ah Chee Roland.............22.. 184.....85..... 7........ 3.............3 Fields Tom....................20.. 192.....93..... 5........ 0.............4 Stribling Toby..............26.. 180.....80... 102..... 28............6 Crabb Bradley................26.. 192.....95.... 97....... 1.............8 Wundke Michael............24.. 191.....98.... 63..... 186...........9 Liddle Nicholas..............25.. 178.....70.... 71...... 34............10 Daniel Nathan...............23.. 185.....86.... 79...... 43............12 Hartigan Kyle...............21.. 195.....94..... 8........ 0.............14 Redigolo Tarak..............22.. 178.....83.... 76...... 13............15 Gotch Xavier..................23.. 175.....75.... 56....... 9.............18 Pfeiffer Todd................25.. 180.....78.... 50...... 28............19 Cross Joel.....................26.. 182.....82.... 51...... 23............25 Eddy Brett......................23.. 194.....96..... 9....... 12............26 Bass Daniel....................26.. 198....100... 36...... 10............27 Brooksby Keegan..........23.. 197....105... 44....... 8.............28 Giddings Joshua............21.. 192.....88..... 4........ 0.............29 Snook Shannon..............23.. 176.....80.... 29...... 31............30 Schwarz Nic.................21.. 182.....82..... 3........ 1.............34 Brown Tyson..................20.. 188.....74..... 9........ 4.............36 Murphy Nicholas...........24.. 188.....87.... 75...... 12............51 Haines Joseph...............20.. 182.....74..... 0........ 0.............63 Daniel Caleb..................16.. 168.....68..... 0........ 0.............Rushed..........................................................................................................................No PLAYER AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT GAMES GOALS G B3 Jarrad Luke..................29.. 186.....83... 158..... 62............4 Parry Craig....................29.. 194.....98... 172..... 55............6 Thompson Luke............22.. 196.....89.... 60...... <strong>11</strong>............7 Powell Luke (C)............32.. 183.....88... 201..... 45............8 Raymond Phillip............25.. 186.....82.... 49....... 9.............9 Sumner Byron...............22.. 170.....68.... 29....... 8.............10 Hall Christopher.............22.. 181.....75.... 53...... 53............12 Ainger Andrew...............25.. 197.....98.... 40...... 84............13 Borholm Marc..............24.. 191.....82.... 12....... 2.............15 Rowntree Angus...........22.. 183.....83.... 71...... 19............17 Muirhead Jack..............20.. 184.....73..... 2........ 0.............18 Carey Lachlan................25.. 184.....80.... 33...... 18............19 Salter Nick...................25.. 189.....90.... 69..... 157...........20 Day Aaron.......................24.. 190.....96.... 60...... 10............22 Staple Lee....................23.. 191.....85.... 56...... 68............25 Kane Chris.....................24.. 183.....84.... 67...... 26............29 Goldsworthy Matthew.21.. 177.....74.... 82...... 96............33 Lewis Scott....................26.. 185.....90... 101..... 43............34 Stewart Paul................25.. 188.....80.... 35....... 6.............42 Joyce Nicholas...............19.. 177.....69..... 9....... <strong>11</strong>............43 Mitchell Kane..............23.. 174.....75..... 2........ 0.............45 Giuffreda Patrick.........26.. 187.....86.... 65....... 1.............48 Heinjus Samuel.............22.. 193.....90..... 7........ 1.............52 Poole Angus..................19.. 170.....68..... 5........ 3.............59 Summerton Jake..........20.187.5....73..... 0........ 0.............Rushed..........................................................................................................................LEAGUE UmpiresA. south B. eagles C. port D. norwood E. north f. central G. sturt h. glenelgField:Toby MedlinAndrew CrosbyPatrick LallyBoundary:Adam ClearyMatthew ZacherDamian RobinsonAll figures on team sheets are official SANFL records for League games and goals.Goal:Mathew WilsonMatthew CumminsLeagueSoutheagles1st 2nd 3rd 4th PointsRESERVES: <strong>11</strong>.25am, Saturday June 15 @ Hickinbotham OvalSouthCoach: Troy JaquesEAGLESCoach: Jarrad Wright5 Seccull Brede.........39 Cailotto Alex..........54 Damin Bryce.............1 Lane Travis...............28 Fitzgerald Zac.......41 Martyn Sam............<strong>11</strong> Miller Ky................42 Shaw Mason.............55 Richter Lachlan......2 Appleton Matthew...30 Mackenzie Timothy..44 Von Bertouch Jake.13 Irra Emmanuel........46 McMAHON Jackson....56 Button Todd............16 Ellis-Yolmen Cameron31 Fitzgerald Tasman.49 Ellis Giles...............22 Brown Tarquin.........47 Makepeace Lewis....58 Kelly Ryan...............21 Batley Nathan.........32 Blesing Scott..........51 Lloyd Caleb.............23 Mcdonald John.......48 Tharaldsen Samuel60 Parr Mitchell...........23 Schwarz Thomas.....36 Dunstan Albert........56 Whittlesea Thomas33 Taylor Scott............49 Kerin Patrick...........24 Rowland Sam.........35 Sinor Joseph...........58 Huppatz Thomas......37 De Visser Cameron..52 Kirby Brent..............26 Jacquier Matthew...40 Sinor Patrick...........Reserves UmpiresField: Thomas Burke Boundary: Darren Wilson Goal: Peter ChallenMichael SchrammDylan WhanSteven RyppMathew MaidmentLachlan HennigReservesSoutheagles1st 2nd 3rd 4th Points

port v norwood 2.10pm Saturday, June 15 @ Alberton Oval, Alberton#portlegsBROADCAST ON:Live scores at www.<strong>sanfl</strong>.com.au22WINTER SERVICE SPECIAL& SAFETY INSPECTIONCHANGE ENGINE OIL AND FILTER100 POINT SAFETY CHECK AND REPORTPLUS 4 WHEEL BRAKE, TYRE, SUSPENSION &WHEEL ALIGNMENT CHECK & REPORTSynthetic oil, light truck, diesel and 4X4 vehicles – extraOnly$109svcreception@smithsholden.com.auPh: (08) 8400 7140 www.smithsholden.com.au271 Commercial Rd, Port Adelaide SA 5015Records 1907-2013Pl PA Nw DrawMinor <strong>Round</strong> 245 141 <strong>11</strong>1 3ALL ENCOUNTERS 289 160 125 4@ Alberton Oval 88 65 21 2EncountersRecent Encounters - Norwood has won last9.@ Alberton Oval - Norwood has won past 3,Port the previous 4.Recent ResultsRd 1 Thurs March 28 2013 @ Coopers StadiumNorwood 16 <strong>11</strong> (107)Port 4 10 (34)Best – Norwood: Thomas, Persinos, Grigg, Donohue, Suckling, Georgiou, Zorzi.Best – Port: Slattery, Kirkwood, Raikiwasa, McKenzie, Hoskin.Goals – Norwood: Persinos 4, Evans, GriGG, Dawe, Thomas 2, Murphy, Donohue, Wilson, Suckling.Goals – Port: Butcher 2, Gray, Nyskohus.2012 Rd 18 July 27 @ Coopers Stadium Norwood 9.19.73 d Port 5.6.36 by 37pts2012 Rd 4 April 15 @ Alberton Oval Norwood 18.<strong>11</strong>.<strong>11</strong>9 d Norwood <strong>11</strong>.12.78 by 41pts20<strong>11</strong> Rd 18 July 30 @ Coopers Stadium Norwood 14.3.87 d Port <strong>11</strong>.9.75 by 12pts20<strong>11</strong> Rd 8 May 20 @ Coopers Stadium Norwood 22.12.144 d Port 6.8.44 by 100pts20<strong>11</strong> Rd 1 April 2 @ AAMI Stadium Norwood 8.7.55 d Port 7.10.52 by 3pts2010 Rd 13 June 19 @ Alberton Oval Norwood 8.9.57 d Port 6.9.45 by 12pts2010 Rd 5 April 25 @ Coopers Stadium Norwood 17.7.109 d Port <strong>11</strong>.8.74 by 35pts2009 Rd 20 Aug 15 @ Alberton Oval Norwood 18.14.122 d Port 13.8.86 by 74pts2009 Rd 12 June 20 @ Alberton Oval Port 16.14.<strong>11</strong>0 d Norwood 12.<strong>11</strong>.83 by 27pts2009 Rd 1 March 27 @ Coopers Stadium Norwood 10.14.74 d Port 10.9.69 by 5pts2008 EF Sept 14 @ Adelaide Oval Norwood 18.<strong>11</strong>.<strong>11</strong>9 d Port 15.8.98 by 21pts

PORT ADELAIDE FOOTBALL CLUB SANFLCportPORT ADELAIDE FOOTBALL CLUB SANFLCMAGPIESPORTnorwoodCoach: Ken McGregorColours: Black and White Coach: Nathan BassettColours: Red and BlueMajor Sponsor: York Civil, Maughan Thiem Ford, Air South CharterMajor Sponsor: Fairmont HomesNo PLAYER AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT GAMES GOALS G B No PLAYER AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT GAMES GOALS G B1 Meiklejohn James (C)...28.. 198....100.. 154..... 33............ 2 Warren Benjamin..........31.. 188.....89... 193.... 400...........4 Johncock Graham.........30.. 178.....78.... 31...... 41............ 4 Panos Matthew..............22.. 191.....89.... <strong>11</strong>...... 20............5 Gray Samuel..................21.. 176.....75.... 56...... 43............5 Evans Craig....................25.. 183.....86... <strong>11</strong>7..... 57............8 Grigg Mitchell................20.. 180.....85.... 23...... 14............7 Kulikowski Daniel........21.. 180.....85.... 26...... 13............9 Zorzi Brett.....................33.. 183.....87... 156..... 30............8 Rose Matthew................21.. 181.....78.... 40...... 29............<strong>11</strong> Pfeiffer Darren.............25.. 180.....80.... 55...... 23............10 Slattery Luke...............31.. 188.....83... 103..... 59............12 Phillips Simon..............26.. 176.....74.... 86..... 120...........12 Scanlon Matthew..........24.. 184.....92.... 24....... 1.............13 McGUINNESS Kieran (C)..29.. 189.....87.... 97...... 14............15 Kirkwood Zane.............22.. 178.....82.... 73...... 37............ 14 Evans Mark....................21.. 181.....79.... 27...... 32............16 Beard Kory....................22.. 195.....93.... 56...... <strong>11</strong>............ 15 Bode Jace......................25.. 186.....89.... 89...... 13............18 Young Aaron..................20.. 188.....74.... 19...... 12............ 17 Murphy Kane................20.. 174.....76.... 21...... 15............20 Thurgood Josh.............28.. 188.....84.... 87...... 55............ 18 Baulderstone Sam......22.. 200....<strong>11</strong>3.... 3........ 0.............22 Watt James....................23.. 178.....81.... 14....... 4............. 21 Suckling Mat................24.. 184.....85.... 50...... 12............28 Brain James..................20.. 180.....76..... 9........ 0............. 28 Jefferies Ben...............22.. 188.....83.... 31....... 8.............30 Grove Corey...................23.. 195....100... 10...... 10............30 Dawe Brady....................24.. 198.....92.... 88...... 38............33 Bampton Peter..............17.. 181.....81..... 1........ 0.............33 Summerton Steven.......25.. 178.....77... 125..... 93............34 Renouf Brent................25.. 198.....93..... 5........ 4.............36 Ah Chee Brendon............19.. 188.....82..... 3........ 1.............36 Fuller Matthew.............23.. 180.....83.... 46...... <strong>11</strong>............40 Butcher Danny.............20.. 181.....75..... 7........ 1.............37 Donohue Josh...............25.. 175.....68.... 82..... 104...........50 Young Robert.................18.. 175.....60..... 3........ 1.............38 Kirwan Andrew..............23.. 185.....83.... 19....... 2.............52 Madden Nicholas...........26.. 191.....89.... 43....... 3............. 39 Georgiou Alexis............23.. 187.....93.... 68....... 0.............54 Raikiwasa Aseri.............20.. 191.....93.... 23....... 3............. 40 Stevenson Lewis..........23.. 190.....83..... 2........ 0.............57 Johansen Jake..............16.. 171.....58..... 6........ 7............. 42 Smart Edward................20.. 181.....73.... 17....... 5.............60 Newton Benjamin..........20.. 183.....84..... 7........ 1............. 44 Thomas Matthew............26.. 180.....77.... 34...... 15............Rushed................................................................................................................................ Rushed................................................................................................................................All figures on team sheets are official SANFL records for League games and goals.23LEAGUE UmpiresA. panthers B. eagles C. port D. norwood E. north f. central G. sturt h. glenelgField: Theron PhilpCorey BowenJames RalstonBoundary:Steven WilsonMatthew FallonTerence CarterGoal: Rory SmithBrodie Kenny-BellLeagueportnorwood1st 2nd 3rd 4th PointsRESERVES: <strong>11</strong>.25am, Saturday June 15 @ Alberton OvalMAGPIESCoach: Darren BeerNORWOODCoach: Andrew Loechel<strong>11</strong> McKENZIE Ryan........37 Jack Foster...............46 Hawkins Zachary.....1 Hughes Gavin..........43 Levicki Patrick.........59 Bower Chase...........19 Carr Casey...............38 Ross Jonathon..........47 Barns Alexander......6 Campbell Bryce......10 Persinos Peter........45 Luccon Aaron..........48 Roocke Kristian.......60 Peter Lachlan..........61 O’Leary Jack............24 Haren Benjamin......41 Sharrad Louis........49 Adams Tjalari...........26 Davis Liam...............49 Vidic Benjamin.........62 Giannini Anthony.....25 Heath Edward..........42 Graetz Justin...........51 Hales Nicholas.........29 Baldasso Steven.....54 Wicks Mitchell.........63 Williamson Daniel..27 Cockshell Adam....43 Sawford Ben..........59 Batty James.............32 Ialeggio Michael.....35 Thomas Luke...........55 Moyle Joshua...........56 Rander Luke...........64 Leiman Tobias..........32 Northeast William..45 Hyland Jake............41 Dematteis Tullio......58 McKay Alex...............Reserves UmpiresField: Christopher Cook Boundary: Jonathan Creasey Goal: Joon-Yip WongChristopher PetersLiam LavertyLachlan GasmierRowan HundertmarkNathan BrowneReservesportnorwood1st 2nd 3rd 4th Points

north v central 2.10pm Sunday, June 16 @ Prospect Oval, Prospect#northdogsBROADCAST ON:Live scores at www.<strong>sanfl</strong>.com.au24Looking for a past issueof the Football Budget?Boylen Bridgehead may be able to help.Call us on 8233 9433 or email admin@boylenbridgehead.com.auRecords 1907-2013Pl NA CD DrawMinor <strong>Round</strong> 127 53 72 2ALL ENCOUNTERS 132 54 76 2@ Prospect Oval 50 23 25 2EncountersRecent Encounters - North has won thelast 3.@ Prospect Oval - Central won 4 of thelast 5 encounters.Recent ResultsRd 2 Sat April 6 2013 @ Playford Alive OvalNorth 19 10 (124)Central 12 <strong>11</strong> (83)Best – North: G. ThRing, M. THRING, Ryswyk, Ivens, Gordon, Miles, Anderson, Thiele.Best – Central: O’Hara, Meulendyks, Castree, GuilhauS.Goals – North: Stewart, Ryswyk 4, Johnston 3, Gordon, Langford 2, M. ThRing, Campbell, Blee,MoorE.Goals – Central: Meulendyks 4, Hewett, Hill 2, O’Hara, Habel, Hardy, Williams.2012 1st SF Sept 23 @ AAMI Stadium North 21.12.138 d Central 7.8.50 by 88pts2012 Rd 24 Sept 8 @ Playford Alive North 14.9.93 d Central <strong>11</strong>.10.76 by 17pts2012 Rd 9 May 19 @ Prospect Oval Central 14.7.91 d North 13.7.85 by 6pts20<strong>11</strong> Rd 23 Sept 10 @ Playford Alive Central 12.17.89 d North 13.8.86 by 3pts20<strong>11</strong> Rd 17 July 23 @ Prospect Oval North 18.18.132 d Central 15.9.99 by 33pts20<strong>11</strong> Rd 9 May 28 @ Playford Alive Central 16.5.101 d North 14.10.94 by 7pts2010 Rd 13 June 19 @ Playford Alive Central 10.17.77 d North 5.3.33 by 44pts2010 Rd 6 May 2 @ Prospect Oval Central 17.<strong>11</strong>.<strong>11</strong>3 d North 5.8.38 by 75pts2009 Rd 20 Aug 15 @ Prospect Oval Central 17.9.<strong>11</strong>1 d North 8.10.58 by 53pts2009 Rd 12 June 20 @ Playford Alive Central 12.8.80 d North 6.13.49 by 31pts

Coach: Josh FrancouColours: Red and WhiteMajor Sponsor: Stellar HomesNo PLAYER AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT GAMES GOALS G B1 O’Sullivan Chad............28.. 175.....76... <strong>11</strong>4.... 154...........2 Anderson Joe...............24.. 192.....88.... 47....... 6.............3 Wright Matthew............23.. 179.....80.... 67...... 62............4 Campbell Matthew........26.. 168.....74.... 47...... 60............7 Clinch Michael..............26.. 177.....73.... 59...... 22............9 Stewart Daniel..............24.. 199.....85.... 68..... <strong>11</strong>5...........12 Hill Stuart.....................23.. 191.....85.... 26...... 14............13 Thompson Kriston.........23.. 176.....71.... 74...... 15............14 Thring George...............24.. 182.....77.... 82...... 36............15 Amato Nicholas..............18.. 176.....74.... 19...... 17............16 Langford Thomas.........20.. 190.....80.... 19...... 26............17 Dalwood Will.................24.. 197.....81.... 26....... 1.............18 Gordon Nathan.............23.. 188.....86..... 9....... 19............25 Blee Nathan...................22.. 191.....88.... 25....... 7.............28 Armstrong Dale...........21.. 180.....77.... 16....... 3.............30 Thring Max...................21.. 174.....68.... 27...... 18............31 Shannon Jay.................23.. 182.....88.... 38...... 15............32 Ryswyk Leigh.................28.. 179.....80... 139.... 127...........36 Craig James...................22.. 195.....92.... 37....... 6.............39 Miles Todd.....................28.. 191.....96.... 86...... 18............42 Thiele Cohen.................24.. 178.....75.... 76...... 52............44 Moore Andrew...............22.. 188.....81.... 16....... 9.............45 Keller Jake...................21.. 188.....78.... 41....... 3.............57 Craig Cameron...............18.. 186.....77..... 6........ 1.............Rushed................................................................................................................................Field:Boundary:All figures on team sheets are official SANFL records for League games and goals.Goal:Coach: Roy LairdColours: Red, White and BlueMajor Sponsor: HoldenNo PLAYER AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT GAMES GOALS G B1 Guilhaus Sebastion.......25.. 198....106.... 8........ 1.............3 Waldhuter Joshua........20.. 182.....84.... 17....... 5.............6 Symes Bradley................28.. 186.....83.... 86...... 20............8 Hardy Justin..................25.. 196.....97.... 67...... 74............9 Boyd James....................24.. 174.....72.... 97...... 43............10 Jenner Kyle..................27.. 182.....80... <strong>11</strong>1..... 66............<strong>11</strong> Goodrem Trent..............26.. 183.....86... <strong>11</strong>7..... 70............13 Dutschke Scott.............26.. 180.....87... 109..... 73............14 Milne Cameron..............22.. 199.....96.... 13....... 1.............15 Milne Sam.....................20.. 178.....79..... 4........ 6.............16 Thomas Paul (c)............31.. 180.....79... 220..... 58............18 Colquhoun Sam...........18.. 179.....72..... 6........ 1.............25 Habel Luke....................24.. 176.....72.... 50...... 43............26 Dunne Thomas...............23.. 182.....86.... 35...... 25............27 Templeton Jacob..........23.. 192.....93.... 33....... 6.............29 Collier Tom..................24.. 193.....91.... 23....... 1.............34 Glenn Joshua................19.. 179.....77..... 8........ 3.............35 Williams Ryan...............24.. 187.....89... <strong>11</strong>9..... 82............38 Schiller Jarrod.............21.. 172.....66.... 57...... 34............41 Reichert Corey..............24.. 189.....81.... 39....... 0.............45 Prior Matthew...............23.. 191.....91.... 10....... 0.............47 O’Hara Brayden..............25.. 181.....80.... 87...... 50............58 Dowdell Ben................24.. 202.....96..... 9........ 1.............Rushed................................................................................................................................LEAGUE UmpiresA. panthers B. eagles C. port D. norwood E. north f. central G. sturt h. glenelgMichael AvonSimon ThompsonLeigh HaussenNORTHBenjamin SiebenStephen JelfsSteven MurphyDaniel HoskinLeaguenorthcentralCENTRAL1st 2nd 3rd 4th Points25RESERVES: <strong>11</strong>.25am, Sunday June 16 @ Prospect OvalnorthCoach: Craig BrooksCENTRALCoach: Jeff Brown5 Boras Johnny...........33 Liston Jake..............50 Hannaford George..2 Edmead Caleb...........33 Hill Dallas................53 White Matthew..........8 Delvins Timothy........34 Siggins Samuel........53 Johnston Christopher4 Nason Ben...............39 Vater Joshua.............54 Haydon David...........<strong>11</strong> Nye Matthew..............35 Dinham Nicholas.......55 Makins Zac..............7 Potter Jackson........40 Baldwin Jackson......55 Hamon Darcy............21 Archer Daniel..........38 Allen Braden............59 Virgin Michael..........21 Meulendyks Tim.....42 Cummings Ben.........56 Stoll Cooper............24 Williams Ben...........40 Kangur Aleksander...62 McMahon Michael....24 White Patrick............46 McConnell Brae......57 Hanna Ben...............26 Edwards Kym..........43 Trenorden Luke.....63 Schahinger Justin..28 Schiller Travis........49 Wise Dylan................59 Brown Joseph..........27 De Leonardis Sam..46 Boles Patrick............64 Maher Sean.............32 Orval Dylan..............50 Akec Peter................Reserves UmpiresField: David Sobieraj Boundary: Andrew Roberts Goal: Thomas SharpeEleni GlouftsisChris BullLauren DartSamuel LoweChad TruscottReservesnorthcentral1st 2nd 3rd 4th Points

sturt v glenelg 2.10pm Sunday, June 16 @ Envestra Park, Unley#sturtbaysBROADCAST ON:Live scores at www.<strong>sanfl</strong>.com.au26Records 1907-2013Pl St Gl DrawMinor <strong>Round</strong> 229 127 101 1ALL ENCOUNTERS 245 135 109 1@ Envestra Park 76 52 24 -EncountersRecent Encounters - Glenelg won the last7 encounters, and 13 of the past 14.@ Envestra Park - Glenelg has won 3 ofthe previous 4.Recent ResultsRd 5 Sat April 27 2012 @ Gliderol StadiumGlenelg 17 <strong>11</strong> (<strong>11</strong>3)Sturt 12 13 (85)Best – Glenelg: A. Bradley, S. McKERNAN, J. Lyons, R. Mcinerney, T. Logan.Best – Sturt: A. Graham, M. Duldig, J. Battersby, J. Hombsch, J. Greenslade, R. Tambling.Goals – Glenelg: S. McKERNAN 5, C. Hitchcock 3, L. Button 3, J. Trembath 2, T. Allen,L. Hender, T. Logan, A. Hooper.Goals – Sturt: M. Duldig 4, T. Rischbieth 2, B. Hansen, B. Martin, J. Wundke, J. Battersby,L. Crane, T. Hurley.2012 Rd 21 Aug 18 @ Envestra Park Glenelg <strong>11</strong>.<strong>11</strong>.77 d Sturt 10.12.72 by 5pts2012 Rd 6 April 28 @ Gliderol Stadium Glenelg 17.10.<strong>11</strong>2 d Sturt 9.9.53 by 59pts20<strong>11</strong> Rd 19 Aug 13 @ Gliderol Stadium Glenelg 21.6.132 d Sturt 18.<strong>11</strong>.<strong>11</strong>9 by 13pts20<strong>11</strong> Rd 8 May 20 @ Adelaide Oval Glenelg 25.14.164 d Sturt 16.<strong>11</strong>.107 by 57pts20<strong>11</strong> Rd 1 April 2 @ Gliderol Stadium Glenelg 14.19.103 d Sturt 12.12.84 by 19pts2010 Rd 13 June 20 @ Gliderol Stadium Glenelg 14.<strong>11</strong>.95 d Sturt 13.<strong>11</strong>.89 by 6pts2010 Rd 3 April 10 @ Envestra Park Sturt 16.16.<strong>11</strong>2 d Glenelg <strong>11</strong>.7.73 by 39pts2009 PF Sept 27 @ AAMI Stadium Sturt 9.6.60 d Glenelg 7.13.55 by 5pts2009 Rd 21 Aug 23 @ Envestra Park Glenelg 9.16.70 d Sturt 7.4.46 by 24pts2009 Rd 12 June 19 @ Adelaide Oval Glenelg 14.12.96 d Sturt 8.6.54 by 42pts

Coach: Seamus MaloneyColours: Double BlueMajor Sponsor: Claridge HoldenNo PLAYER AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT GAMES GOALS G B1 Greenslade John..........21.. 177.....75.... 23....... 7............4 Mcintyre Timothy..........24.. 179.....80.... 51..... 100..........5 Duldig Matthew.............28.. 190....104.. 136.... 269..........6 Martin Brodie................24.. 181.....72.... 53...... 36...........7 Evans Fraser..................22.. 191.....95.... 33...... 14...........8 Stephens Jack..............22.. 190.....85.... 25....... 5............10 Krause Levi..................19.. 182.....85.... 19...... 14...........12 Hurley Thomas.............25.. 178.....75.... 31...... 25...........16 Calabrese Christian......21.. 185.....84..... 5........ 0............17 Kurtze Angus................27.. 199....100... 91...... 20...........18 Coad Michael (C)............29.. 192.....88.... 97...... 87...........19 Harms Thomas...............21.. 186.....83..... 5........ 4............20 Hinge John....................27.. 188.....90... 126..... 43...........21 Kane Ben.......................30.. 183.....82... 139..... 65...........23 Kelly Jack.....................21.. 172.....72..... 2........ 0............24 Montgomery Harley......19.. 178.....78..... 7........ 0............25 Page Guy........................19.. 173.....62..... 9........ 1............35 Jaensch Matthew...........23.. 183.....82.... 57...... 42...........41 Crocker Matthew..........21.. 181.....76.... 19....... 3............43 Riley Aidan....................21.. 183.....80.... 48...... 15...........50 Graham Angus...............26.. 201.....98..... 8........ 6............54 Tambling Richard..........26.. 180.....81.... 34....... 2...........56 Atkins Rory....................18.. 180.....75..... 5........ 0............Rushed...............................................................................................................................Field:Boundary:All figures on team sheets are official SANFL records for League games and goals.Goal:Coach: Kris MassieColours: Black and GoldMajor Sponsor: Gliderol Garage DoorsNo PLAYER AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT GAMES GOALS G B1 Clurey Thomas..............19.. 193.....85..... 7........ 0.............3 Snook Matthew..............21.. 178.....72.... 10....... 3.............4 Mcinerney Ryan............24.. 180.....75.... 35....... 8.............6 Agnew Bradley...............20.. 182.....70.... 38....... 6.............<strong>11</strong> Bradley Andrew............21.. 177.....80.... 48....... 9.............13 Carger Jacob................19.. 179.....80..... 9........ 4.............14 Allen Ty (C)...................28.. 178.....75... 146..... 50............15 McKERNAN Shaun..........22.. 198.....94.... 47...... 59............18 Jolly Hayden..................21.. 184.....85..... 7........ 0.............19 Proud Max....................21.. 189.....81.... 15....... 0.............20 Logan Thomas...............27.. 183.....73.... 36...... 52............23 Earl Lachlan..................21.. 182.....71..... 8........ 2.............24 Hitchcock Cameron......22.. 175.....68.... 24...... 46............25 Mcginty Warrick.............23.. 198....108... 30....... 4.............26 Kirkby Ruory (vc)..........27.. 189.....82... 146.... 236...........29 Lyons Jarryd...................20.. 184.....78.... 30...... 16............31 Pitt Craig.......................21.. 183.....73.... 25....... 2.............33 Lawton James...............22.. 197.....90..... 9....... 17............34 Mules Ben....................30.. 182.....83... 201..... 38............35 Tapp Shaun....................24.. 197.....97..... 9........ 0.............39 Underwood Sam..........18.. 184.....78..... 4........ 1.............41 Davenport Jason...........27.. 185.....82.... 58...... 59............43 Hinge James..................21.. 193.....85..... 4........ 3.............45 Nicholson Carl.............20.. 186.....76..... 5........ 2.............49 Gill Harrison..................19.. 185.....75..... 7........ 1.............Rushed................................................................................................................................LEAGUE UmpiresA. panthers B. eagles C. port D. norwood E. north f. central G. sturt h. glenelgTony DeyCurtis DeboyScott HoskingSTURTSean BurtonJason MooreSteven PaunovicMatthew NortonLeaguesturtglenelgglenelg1st 2nd 3rd 4th Points27RESERVES: <strong>11</strong>.25am, Sunday June 16 @ Envestra ParksturtCoach: Adam SilvyGLENELGCoach: Steve Symonds22 Panozzo Luke..........33 Johnson Thomas.....47 Hunter Adam..........5 Tenace Kane............30 Miller Josh.............48 Gill Ethan................27 Vitkunas Ziggy........28 Penfold Jack..........34 Pearce Nick............37 Curnow Mitchell......48 Langridge Nicholas.52 Purcell Marc..........7 Mcneil Dylan...........8 McFARLANE Riley......9 Woodall Josh..........32 Craig Stephen.........36 McCurry Boyd.........37 McINTYRE Timothy....50 Keen Sean................52 Klaosen Tim...........55 Galley Michael........29 Sutcliffe Jake........31 Gilfoy Rune.............44 Wilson Patrick.........45 Rupcic Elijah...........55 Lienert Jarrod.........59 Carlile Anthony......16 Trembath Joshua....22 Curran Christopher.27 Shaw Sam................38 Gamble Dylan..........42 Bailey Darcy............44 Button Lachlan.......56 Hutchesson Tom...57 Newton Jordan........32 Rischbieth Thomas.46 Potts Simon............61 WELLINGTON Steven..28 Milne Riley..............46 Hayes Billy...............Reserves UmpiresField: Mathew Oates Boundary: Blake Emmins Goal: Matthew OxfordMichael SboroPaul WilliamsMatthew WilliamsMitchell ScottAlexander KeysReservessturtglenelg1st 2nd 3rd 4th Points

ROUND RESULTS BEST PLAYERS AND GOALKICKERS – ROUND 1028‘be active’ LEAGUESaturday, June 8Norwood 15 7 (97)West 10 7 (67)Best – Norwood: M. Panos, M. Fuller, K. McGUINNESS, M. Grigg,M. Suckling, J. Donohue.Best – West: J. Beech, T. Tuck, B. Macreadie, M. Lobbe, C. Schmidt,L. Hill.Goals – Norwood: M. Panos 7, S. Phillips 2, M. Evans 2, M. Grigg,B. Jefferies, B. Zorzi, B. Warren.Goals – West: J. Beech 3, T. Tuck 2, M. Still 2, S. Birss, S. Bricknell,T. Silverlock.Crowd: 3184 @ City Mazda Stadium.Sunday, June 9port 19 <strong>11</strong> (125)South 9 8 (62)Best – Port: Z. Kirkwood, N. Madden, S. Gray, S. Summerton, K. Beard,G. Johncock.Best – South: J. Giddings, K. Brooksby.Goals – Port: G. Johncock 6, C. Grove 2, A. Raikiwasa 2, J. Watt 2,S. Summerton 2, J. Thurgood 2, A. Young 2, S. Gray.Goals – South: M. Wundke 3, B. Eddy 2, J. Mcdonald, T. Pfeiffer,X. Gotch, T. Brown.Crowd: 29<strong>11</strong> @ Alberton Oval.Sturt 16 7 (103)Eagles 10 7 (67)Best – Sturt: R. Tambling, A. Kurtze, T. Harms, B. Kane, M. Duldig,M. Jaensch.Best – Eagles: S. Lewis, C. Hall, P. Giuffreda, C. Kane, L. Powell,S. Heinjus.Goals – Sturt: M. Duldig 5, B. Martin 2, T. Mcintyre 2, A. Graham 2,M. Jaensch 2, F. Evans, J. Greenslade, T. Harms.Goals – Eagles: A. Ainger 2, N. Salter 2, M. Goldsworthy 2, L. Staple,C. Hall, S. Blesing, C. Kane.Crowd: 2795 @ Maughan Thiem Hyundai Oval.Monday, June 10North 18 17 (125)Glenelg 9 13 (67)Best – North: J. Shannon, M. Campbell, N. Gordon, G. Thring,J. Anderson, M. Thring.Best – Glenelg: J. Davenport, L. Earl, S. Tapp, J. Carger, A. Bradley,H. Jolly.Goals – North: N. Gordon 6, C. Thiele 3, J. Shannon 3, M. Campbell,G. Thring, T. Langford, C. O’Sullivan, D. Stewart, M. Thring.Goals – Glenelg: J. Davenport 3, W. Mcginty, J. Hinge, L. Earl,S. Underwood, A. Bradley, R. Kirkby.Crowd: 4414 @ Gliderol Stadium.RESERVESWest 10.6(66)Norwood 8.13(61)Best – West: J. Schiller, B. Eagle,A. Anderson.Best – Norwood: M. Wicks, B. Vidic,C. Evans.Goals – West: S. Dean 2,P. Elisseou 2, T. Keough 2.Goals – Norwood: L. Davis 3,L. Peter 2, P. Persinos.@ City Mazda Stadium.South 12.<strong>11</strong>(83)Port 7.10(52)Best – South: M. Shaw, E. Irra,T. Fields.Best – Port: R. McKENZIE, J. Brain,N. Hales.Goals – South: M. Shaw 4,T. Jolly 3, D. Bass 2.Goals – Port: R. McKENZIE 2,J. Ross 2, A. Barns.@ Alberton Oval.Sturt 16.20(<strong>11</strong>6)Eagles 12.7(79)Best – Sturt: H. Montgomery,J. Sutcliffe, P. Wilson.Best – Eagles: S. Martyn,M. Jacquier, J. Summerton.Goals – Sturt: T. Rischbieth 3,M. Curnow 2, Z. Vitkunas 2.Goals – Eagles: A. Dunstan 2,S. Martyn 2, Z. Fitzgerald.@ Maughan Thiem Hyundai Oval.North 22.15(147)Glenelg <strong>11</strong>.7(73)Best – North: J. Liston,S. De Leonardis, M. Virgin.Best – Glenelg: B. Agnew,J. Trembath, B. Hayes.Goals – North: J. Boras 6,M. Virgin 2, T. Delvins 2.Goals – Glenelg: J. Lawton 2,B. Agnew 2, J. Trembath 2.@ Gliderol Stadium.Macca’s CupPort 8.15(63)South 8.8(56)Best – Port: J. Haarsma, J. Cooper,C. Hollingworth-Hughes.Best – South: M. Taht, J. Kappler,B. Hogben.Goals – Port: C. Cook 2,K. Ramsey 2, C. Wilson.Goals – South: C. Szust 2,T. Button 2, D. DeBELLIS.@ Hickinbotham Oval.Sturt 20.7(127)Eagles 9.7(61)Best – Sturt: J. Rose, J. Duhne,L. Klemm.Best – Eagles: J. Hayes, J. Gaffney,J. Enright.Goals – Sturt: J. Rose 7,D. Hollitt 4, J. Hone 2.Goals – Eagles: J. Press 3,D. Minney 2, J. Hayes.@ Envestra Park.North 16.8(104)Glenelg <strong>11</strong>.13(79)Best – North: J. Ingram, L. Jacka,J. Hayes.Best – Glenelg: D. Hill,E. Chalmers, J. Harrap.Goals – North: J. Coffee 5,T. Hore 3, H. Viney 3.Goals – Glenelg: S. Kennedy 4,J. Whaley 3, T. Wheelen.@ Prospect Oval.Norwood 13.13(91)West <strong>11</strong>.<strong>11</strong>(77)Best – Norwood: R. Reavley,D. Auciello, T. Leiman.Best – West: J. Evans, H. Vick,H. Westhoff.Goals – Norwood: J. Leidig 2,L. Allen 2, J. Buttery 2.Goals – West: J. Watchman 2,H. Ahmat-Watkins 2, J. Evans 2.@ City Mazda Stadium.

2013 SEASON SCOREBOARD29‘be active’ LEAGUE (Positions at the end of <strong>Round</strong> 10)TEAM P W L D F A % Pts<strong>Round</strong> 10 Weekly Tribal WarriorNorwood 9 7 2 0 790 554 58.78 14North Adelaide 9 7 2 0 915 702 56.59 14West Adelaide 10 7 3 0 896 695 56.32 14Eagles 9 5 4 0 891 779 53.35 10Central District 8 4 4 0 735 680 51.94 8Port Adelaide 8 3 5 0 670 754 47.05 6Glenelg 9 3 6 0 736 982 42.84 6Sturt 9 2 7 0 813 962 45.80 4South Adelaide 9 2 7 0 650 988 39.68 4Get out and about at the footy and get yourphoto snapped by our official SANFLphotographer.Then log onto <strong>sanfl</strong>.com.au and view the IGAPhoto Gallery to see if your face has been circledas this week’s Tribal Warrior.As the weekly winner you will receive a $50 IGAGift Voucher, courtesy of IGA.All weekly Tribal Warriors will also be in therunning to win an iPad 2 at the end of the season.If you would like to purchase any of the greatpictures featured in the IGA Photo Gallery, pleasecontact Deb Curtis on 0437 068 043 or visit herwebsite www.debcurtisphotography.com.au forfurther information.STANLEY H. LEWIS (Positions at the end of <strong>Round</strong> 10)TEAM League Reserves U/18s TOTALNorth Adelaide 700 250 400 1350Eagles 500 300 350 <strong>11</strong>50West Adelaide 700 250 200 <strong>11</strong>50Norwood 700 200 150 1050Glenelg 300 250 300 850Sturt 200 300 250 750Port Adelaide 300 150 250 700Central District 400 150 550South Adelaide 200 150 100 450RESERVES (Positions at the end of <strong>Round</strong> 10)TEAM P W L D F A % PtsEagles 9 6 3 0 856 633 57.49 12Sturt 9 6 3 0 895 772 53.69 12West Adelaide 10 5 5 0 801 788 50.41 10North Adelaide 9 5 4 0 790 781 50.29 10Glenelg 9 5 4 0 835 867 49.06 10Norwood 9 4 5 0 686 673 50.48 8South Adelaide 9 3 6 0 710 798 47.08 6Port Adelaide 8 3 5 0 653 735 47.05 6Central District 8 3 5 0 600 779 43.51 6Macca’s CuP (Positions at the end of <strong>Round</strong> 10)TEAM P W L D F A % PtsNorth Adelaide 9 8 1 0 912 571 61.50 16Eagles 9 7 2 0 788 521 60.20 14Glenelg 9 6 3 0 802 596 57.37 12Sturt 9 5 4 0 863 817 51.37 10Port Adelaide 8 5 3 0 606 609 49.88 10West Adelaide 10 4 6 0 904 919 49.59 8Norwood 9 3 6 0 623 576 51.96 6South Adelaide 9 2 7 0 546 828 39.74 4Central District 8 0 8 0 360 967 27.13 0

2013 SANFL MATCH FIXTUREROUND 1Thursday, 28 MarchWest 16.9 (105) def Central 13.12 (90)Norwood 16.<strong>11</strong> (107) def Port 4.10 (34)Friday, 29 MarchGlenelg 17.17 (<strong>11</strong>9) def South 14.6 (90)Saturday, 30 MarchEagles 18.14 (122) def Sturt 15.6 (96)ROUND 2Friday, 5 AprilSturt 18.8 (<strong>11</strong>6) def Port 16.14 (<strong>11</strong>0)West 18.14 (122) def Eagles 7.8 (50)Saturday, 6 AprilNorth 19.10 (124) def Central 12.<strong>11</strong> (83)Norwood 18.20 (128) def Glenelg 9.9 (63)ROUND 3Friday 12 AprilWest 22.12 (144) def South 5.8 (38)Saturday 13 AprilNorth 17.16 (<strong>11</strong>8) def Sturt 14.8 (92)Port 16.10 (106) def Glenelg 15.14 (104)Norwood 9.6 (60) def Central 7.9 (51)ROUND 6Friday, 3 MayWest 18.7 (<strong>11</strong>5) def Glenelg 10.5 (65)Saturday 4 MayNorth 14.5 (89) def Norwood 9.14 (68)Sunday, 5 MayCentral 18.7 (<strong>11</strong>5) def Port <strong>11</strong>.6 (72)Eagles 23.19 (157) def South 6.7 (43)State Game <strong>11</strong> maySaturday <strong>11</strong> MayROUND 7SA 21.14 (140) def NEAFL 9.4 (58)Friday 17 MayWest ROUND v Port 7 (N)CMSaturday Friday, 1718 May MayNorth West <strong>11</strong>.<strong>11</strong> v Eagles (77) def Port 9.8 (62) PCentral Saturday, v Sturt 18 MayPASouth North 18.14 v Norwood (122) def (7.40pm) Eagles 13.6 (84) HGlenelg Central 20.12 bye (132) def Sturt 15.15 (105)Norwood 14.7 (91) def South 10.6 (66)ROUND 8Saturday ROUND 825 MaySturtSaturdayv West25 MayEPEaglesWest 12.10v Glenelg(82) def Sturt <strong>11</strong>.9 (75)MTHSouthCentralv13.17Central(95) def South 10.10 (70)HSundayEagles 25.726(157)Maydef Glenelg 9.15 (69)Port Sunday v North 26 MayANorwood Port 13.8 (86) bye def North 9.15 (69)ROUND <strong>11</strong>Saturday 15 JuneSouth v EaglesPort v NorwoodSunday 16 JuneNorth v CentralSturt v GlenelgWest byeROUND 12Saturday 22 JuneNorwood v SouthNorth v SturtCentral v PortSunday 23 JuneGlenelg v WestEagles byeROUND 13Saturday 29 JuneCentral v NorwoodSunday 30 JunePort v EaglesSouth v WestGlenelg, North, Sturt byeHAPEPCSPPAGSPAAHROUND 16Saturday 20 JulySturt v NorwoodNorth v PortEagles v CentralSouth v GlenelgWest byeROUND 17Saturday 27 JulyPort v GlenelgNorwood v WestEagles v SturtSunday 28 JulyNorth v SouthCentral byeROUND 18Friday 2 AugustNorwood v Port (N)Saturday 3 AugustGlenelg v EaglesCentral v NorthWest v SturtSouth byeEPPMTHHACSMTHPCSGSPACMROUND 21Saturday 24 AugustWest v SouthNorwood v CentralSunday 25 AugustNorth v GlenelgPort v SturtEagles byeROUND 22Saturday 31 AugustCentral v GlenelgPort v WestSturt v SouthEagles v NorwoodNorth byeROUND 23Saturday 7 SeptemberGlenelg v PortNorwood v NorthSturt v CentralWest v EaglesSouth bye30CMCSPAPAAEPMTHGSCSEPCMROUND 4Friday 19 AprilWest 8.10 (58) def North 7.15 (57)Eagles 14.6 (90) def Norwood 7.12 (54)Saturday 20 AprilSouth 18.<strong>11</strong> (<strong>11</strong>9) def Sturt 13.10 (88)Glenelg 12.12 (84) def Central 10.14 (74)ROUND 5Thursday 25 AprilNorwood 9.13 (67) def West 6.5 (41)Friday 26 AprilNorth 18.9 (<strong>11</strong>7) def South 12.7 (79)Saturday 27 AprilEagles 16.8 (104) def Port <strong>11</strong>.9 (75)Glenelg 17.<strong>11</strong> (<strong>11</strong>3) def Sturt 12.13 (85)MATCH TIMES:LEGEND:ROUND 9Friday, 31 31 May MayGlenelg South <strong>11</strong>.17 v South (83) def (N) Glenelg 8.4 (52) GSNorwood 14.15 v Sturt (99) (N) def Sturt 8.5 (53) CSSaturday, 1 June JuneCentral 14.<strong>11</strong> v Eagles (95) def Eagles 8.12 (60) PASunday, 2 June JuneNorth 14.10 v West (94) def West 13.7 (85) PPort byeROUND 10Saturday, 8 JuneWest Norwood v Norwood 15.7 (97) def West 10.7 CM(67)Sunday, 9 JunePort 19.<strong>11</strong> v South (125) def South 9.8 (62) AEagles Sturt 16.7 v (103) Sturt def Eagles 10.7 MTH (67)Monday, 10 JuneGlenelg North 18.17 v North (125) def Glenelg 9.10 GS(67)Central bye(N) - Night match Thursday Friday night matches: Gliderol Stadium - 7:20pm Coopers Stadium, City Mazda Stadium, Hickinbotham Oval & Thebarton Oval - 7:40pmSaturday Night matches: City Mazda Stadium, Playford Alive Oval, Gliderol Stadium - 6:30pm Hickinbotham Oval - 7:10pmSaturday, Sunday & Monday afternoon matches: 2:10pm *Good Friday match: Friday 6 April - 5:00pm **Anzac Day match: Wednesday 25 April - 3:10pmA - Alberton Oval CS - Coopers Stadium, Norwood CM - City Mazda Stadium, Richmond EP - Envestra Park GS - Gliderol Stadium, GlenelgH - Hickinbotham Oval, Noarlunga MTH - Maughan Thiem Hyundai Oval PA - Playford Alive Oval, Elizabeth P - Prospect Oval T - Thebarton Oval TP - The Paradebrain bendersROUND 14Friday 5 JulyNorwood v Glenelg (N)Saturday 6 JulyWest v CentralSouth v SturtSunday 7 JulyEagles v NorthPort byeROUND 15Saturday 13 JulyCentral v SouthGlenelg v NorthWest v EaglesSunday 14 JulySturt v PortNorwood bye1. Who won the 2012 Ken Farmer Medal as the leading goal kicker?2. Which team won the 2012 Macca’s Cup Grand Final?3. What was the name of the band that played in the half-time andpost-match entertainment at the 2012 Grand Final?4. In what year did Andrew Jarman, Robert Pyman and MatthewKnights debut as SANFL coaches?5. Which two teams played in the 2003 Grand Final?6. Which team won last year’s Reserves Grand Final?7. Who coached the SA team in 2005 when they took on Victoria inMelbourne?8. Can you name the top three League leading goalkickers in order asthey stand coming into <strong>Round</strong> <strong>11</strong>?9. Who coached Woodville-West Torrens in 1998 and 1999?10. What year did Glenelg call Football Park (now AAMI Stadium) home?CSCMHMTHPAGSCMEPROUND 19Saturday 10 AugustEagles v SouthSturt v NorthSunday <strong>11</strong> AugustPort v CentralGlenelg, Norwood,West byeROUND 20Saturday 17 AugustNorth v EaglesCentral v WestSunday 18 AugustSouth v PortGlenelg v NorwoodSturt byeMTHEPFind the footy!APPAHGS0FINALSWeekend 14-15 September (TBC)Elimination FinalASQualifying FinalASWeekend 21-22 September (TBC)2nd Semi FinalAS1st Semi FinalASSunday, September 29ASPreliminary FinalSunday, October 6ASGrand FinalKey: bold – home team.Answers: 1) Justin Hardy (Central). 2) The Eagles. 3) Satisfaction. 4) 2004. 5) Central District and West Adelaide. 6) Central District. 7) Darel Hart. 8) Andrew Ainger, MichaelWundke, Graham Johncock. 9) Mark Mickan. 10) 1991.

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