№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

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projectsTHE ENERGYOF WORDby Zhuldyz ZhumadilovaNational oil and gas company «KazMunayGas» and«KAZENERGY» Association summed up the third Republicancontest of journalistic mastery, The Energy of Word.his year, the organizershave decided to broadcastonline the final meeting ofthe jury. It stands to mention,it was an unprecedentedstep. Usually in such conteststhe decision makingprocess is not advertised.The more interesting wasTby Energy to hear the opinion of authoritativeexperts, that theFocusindependent panel of judgesincluded such people asUzakbai Karabalin,Namazaly Omashev, Aidos Sarym, MichaelDorofeev, Fatima Kosaeva. Talk turned outopen, and sometimes quite flattering to thecompetition. Members of the Jury unwittinglytouched on urgent problems of modernjournalism in Kazakhstan....Namazaly Omashev, a playing coacher of theKazakhstani journalism, took the floor first.As organizers intended, a recognized politicalwriter Namazaly Omashev, the Dean ofthe Department of Journalism and Politologyof the Eurasian National Gumilev University,should have assessed the entries inthe Kazakh language. “Most of the authorshappened to be familiar to me. Many of themare my students,” – started Namazaly Omashev.This is not surprising, because Professorfor many years has been working withthe students of Kazakh National Al-FarabiUniversity and the Eurasian National University.But, Omashev liked the works byan unknown author who had sent for thecontest two problematic materials, and twocorrespondences. Professor immediatelymade it clear that he considers the author isworthy of the Grand Prix. "At present time,a reader is not interested in the bulk of thearticle. To make the material readable, youneed to find a suitable form. This author hasfound the form. And yet, here is an obviousjournalistic investigation," – commented hisdecision Omashev. “In our time journalistsused the principle of the pyramid: leisurelystarted, unfolded the story in the middle ofthe article, developed it, and so on. Nowadaysthe inverted pyramid is used, becausepeople have no time. In addition, there is theInternet, TV ... So, to attract the reader, abrief article essence should be presented atthe beginning of the material. Better yet,if the title is "talking." I do not know if theauthor knows this theory of the invertedpyramid, I do not know whether he is ajournalist by training, but the theme standsright," – Professor summed up. The author,who impressed Namazaly Omashev, was thecorrespondent of the newspaper "Aykyn" inAtyrau region, Tursyn Kalimova. Professoralso said that she was able to choose a genrebased on their subject material.If among the materials in the Kazakh languagethe experts singled out the favoritesalmost immediately and unanimously, thenwith the Russian-language works the situationwas ambiguous. A journalist of thenewspaper "Panorama", the former head ofthe press service of Samruk Kazyna Fund,Fatima Kosaeva did not hide her disappointmentabout the contest works.”Oil & Gas ofKazakhstan” magazine disappointed much.I mean, judging by the name it is a specializedpublication, but in terms of the presentationof the material, all three materialsare extremely superficial, with errors." – shesays.Michael Dorofeev, the man known in themedia community of Kazakhstan, took aneven more judgmental position. "I do notknow how to judge the Kazakh press, but regardingRussian, none is worth of the GrandPrix," – he said clearly.The stumbling block was the nomination of"The best material in the national media.""With regard to the materials in Russian,98 № 5 (<strong>49</strong>), <strong>2011</strong>

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