№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

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Thus, in the course of the project, the companycompleted the expansion of the 1st stage of500 kV YuKGRES substation in 2006.In particular, the enterprise had carried outthe installation of 500 kV GL317 gas-insulatedcircuit breaker in chain of shunt reactor R-3,the installation of three 500 KV BS, installationof control and power cables, cable trays,installation of F6-4 foundations for line portal.The next step of the company's involvementin this project was the construction of the 1stand 2nd stage of 500 kV «Shu» substation inZhambyl oblast of Kazakhstan. The constructionof substation with the installation of 500kV shunt uncontrollable reactor and 500/220kV auto-transformer, as well as installation of220 kV and 500 kV cells were done.Drawing on extensive experience of construction,«Promstroy-Energo» has completed theexpansion project of 1150 kV «Ekibastuz» substationin the Pavlodar region in 2009. In thesame year the company held a reconstructionof relay protection and automatics (RPA) ofthis substation, including the supply of equipmentand cable-wire products, installing thepower switchboard cabinets of DC power andlaying fiber-optic cables.On September, 17 of that year the second KazakhstanNorth-South Transit was launchedon the 1150 kV «Ekibastuz» substation withparticipation of President Nursultan Nazarbayev.The «North Kazakhstan-Aktobe oblast»projectAnother major project with the contractingparticipation of «Promstroy-Energo» LLPwas the construction of 500 kV «North Kazakhstan-Aktobeoblast» inter-regional powertransmission line in Aktobe and Kostanai regionsworth 19.9 billion tenge.Commissioning of the interregional powertransmission line linking the North Kazakhstanwith Aktobe region, in addition to solvingthe problem of the growing shortage of electricpower in Aktobe region, made it possibleto improve the reliability of electricity supplyto consumers and reduce energy dependenceof the Aktobe region consumers on supplies ofexpensive electricity from the Russian Federation.The project customer, allowing the connectionof Aktobe energy unit with a single power gridof Kazakhstan, is «Batys Transit».«Promstroy-Energo» during project implementationhas built a 486 km long, 500 kV highvoltageline with «Ulke» and «Zhitikara» substationsincluding fiber-optic communicationline.It is noteworthy that for the first time in theCIS «Promstroy-Energo» LLP had installed onthe «Ulke» SS 220/220 kV three-phase, phaseturnable transformer of forced flow distributionwith capacity of 400 MVA, designed andconstructed specifically for this project.Also, «Promstroy-Energo» has carried out constructionof objects of external power supplyof «Varvarinskoye» joint venture in Kostanairegion, commissioned by «AREVA T & D Kazakhstan»LLP.This project laid in construction of 110/10 kV«Barbara» substation with the installation oftwo transformers of TDN-16000/110-U1 andKRUN 10 kV, along with the reconstruction ofthe 220/110/10 kV «Lisakovskaya» substation.The Company participated in the replacementof high voltage equipment and the rebuildingof AL calls on substations of «KEGOC»JSC, among them the central TEN in Karagandaregion (2004-05), Sarbaisky TENs inKostanay region (2004-05), Akmola TEN inAkmola oblast (2006 year).Construction of KoksairancounterregulatorSignificantly, that in 2009 «Promstroy-Energo»,commissioned by «Seldenkorgau Kurylys»RSCE, successfully implemented the investmentproject for the construction of flood control– Koksaray counter-regulator on the SyrDarya river.In particular, the company carried out excavationworks of 300 thousand cubic meters, theconstruction of outlet channel of 500 m long,and the construction of a 800 meters long dam.Design capacity of counter-regulator is about3 billion cubic meters of water, thereby thethreat of flooding territory of South Kazakhstanand Kyzylorda oblasts was reduced, andan irrigation water reserve for the agriculturalsector was created. Rates of construction ofthis building are unprecedented.The first test was already passed with a facility.In the flood period this year it was managedto accumulate more than 900 millioncubic meters of water and provide flood safetyof South Kazakhstan and Kyzylorda regionswith the help of Koksaray counter-regulator.Also it has been made a discharge of the accumulatedflood water through the constructionof water discharge counter-regulator into theSyr Darya river to fill the Aral Sea.These tests demonstrated the high quality ofengineering and construction works carriedout by the company as one of the main buildingcontractors of counter-regulator. In general,the «Promstroy-Energo» LLP demonstrateshigh efficiency indicators and reliability, asevidenced by large-scale projects, that characterizedby the complexity of implementation.Certainly, this is a guarantee of company’s futuresuccess in creation of effectively operatingand advanced electricity infrastructure ofKazakhstan.Since itsestablishmentin 2003, thecompany hassuccessfullyimplemented anumber of majorprojects in theelectricity sector.KAZENERGY81

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