№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy № 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

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actualGreen Energyof KazakhstanDuring the recent years, Kazakhstan has been positioning the renewable energysources (RES) as one of the energy complex vectors. This is evidenced by theincreased attention paid to the process of their implementation by the governmentand a number of business structures. However, the formation of a stablecomplex of the renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan stipulates significantfinancial and technological investments with the direct involvement of the government,without which the renewable energy remains at virtual zero.The Renewable Resources. Kazakhstanpossesses sufficiently large potential of renewableenergy resources.For example, according to several studies,the gross hydro-potential of the Republic ofKazakhstan is roughly estimated at 170 billionkWh/year, technically possible to implementis 62 billion (economic - 29 billion, ofthem in use are 7.4 billion kWh/year).To date, the share of HES in the structureof generating capacities of Kazakhstan isonly about 12.3%. This figure is significantlylagging behind the developed countries.Moreover, 68% of the hydroelectric powergenerating facilities have worked for over 30years. The implementation of several largestHES projects will bring certain progress inthe next few years: Moinak HES with the installedcapacity of 300 MW, Kerbulak HESof 49.5 MW, Bulak HES of 68.25 MW.Despite the considerable potential for thedevelopment of large HES, Kazakhstan maywell learn from the development of minihydropower stations, which were partiallytested in the Soviet period. It is indicativethat the economic potential of small hydropowerstations is estimated to reach around7.5 billion kWh/year. On the basis of studies,the potential is possible to realize of at least480 projects on small hydropower stationswith1.868 MW general introduction capacity(8510 GWh, average annual electricitygeneration capacity).68 № 5 (49), 2011

actualGreen Energyof KazakhstanDuring the recent years, Kazakhstan has been positioning the renewable energysources (RES) as one of the energy complex vectors. This is evidenced by theincreased attention paid to the process of their implementation by the governmentand a number of business structures. However, the formation of a stablecomplex of the renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan stipulates significantfinancial and technological investments with the direct involvement of the government,without which the renewable energy remains at virtual zero.The Renewable Resources. Kazakhstanpossesses sufficiently large potential of renewableenergy resources.For example, according to several studies,the gross hydro-potential of the Republic ofKazakhstan is roughly estimated at 170 billionkWh/year, technically possible to implementis 62 billion (economic - 29 billion, ofthem in use are 7.4 billion kWh/year).To date, the share of HES in the structureof generating capacities of Kazakhstan isonly about 12.3%. This figure is significantlylagging behind the developed countries.Moreover, 68% of the hydroelectric powergenerating facilities have worked for over 30years. The implementation of several largestHES projects will bring certain progress inthe next few years: Moinak HES with the installedcapacity of 300 MW, Kerbulak HESof <strong>49</strong>.5 MW, Bulak HES of 68.25 MW.Despite the considerable potential for thedevelopment of large HES, Kazakhstan maywell learn from the development of minihydropower stations, which were partiallytested in the Soviet period. It is indicativethat the economic potential of small hydropowerstations is estimated to reach around7.5 billion kWh/year. On the basis of studies,the potential is possible to realize of at least480 projects on small hydropower stationswith1.868 MW general introduction capacity(8510 GWh, average annual electricitygeneration capacity).68 № 5 (<strong>49</strong>), <strong>2011</strong>

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