№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

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The Programmeof theDevelopmentStrategy ofKazakhstan until2030 – basisfor all reforms. Itdefines the maindirections andthe sequenceof tacticalobjectives.cians, scientists, including Director Generalof IAEA Yukiya Amano.The official Astana raises different initiatives,constructive proposals and mechanismson efficient cooperation and approachesto generally acceptable ideas on a regularbasis. One of such initiatives we would liketo refer is the establishment of the Conferenceon Interaction and Confidence-BuildingMeasures in Asia (CICA), which take aspecial place in the system of foreign policyof our state representing its trademark onthe world political arena. CICA legitimatelyclaims to be the most ambitious interstateproject on the continent. Thus, CICA playsthe role of a reliable tool for the constructionof external “safety fence” of Kazakhstan andfor continentalized security and cooperationin Asia.During the years of independence, the statehoodand democracy institutes were establishedto provide reliable protection of sovereigntyand independence. Reformation wasconducted within governance system to provideinteraction of the legislative, executiveand judiciary powers, and a new legislativeand legal base was formed to meet the moderninternational standards.Stable political situation, interethnic andinterconfessional consensus, rational andplanned construction of the state are the resultsof democratic reforms in the country.This means that it is possible to continuethe effective implementation of governmentreforms. In addition, such conferences asthe Congress of World and Traditional Religions,held in Astana, contribute to themaintenance of the peace in the world. Thevery Kazakh capital played a host the firstSummit of OSCE member-states over thelast decade. Kazakhstan's chairmanship inthe Organization for Security and Cooperationin Europe has brought new waves toactivities of the European structures and"revived" it.Thus, during 20 years of independence underthe leadership of the President NursultanNazarbayev, Kazakhstan has madeimpressive progress in economy, state formationand social sphere. The Programmeof the Development Strategy of Kazakhstanuntil 2030 – basis for all reforms. It definesthe main directions and the sequence of tacticalobjectives. The Head of Nation's policyenabled the implementation of complex reforms,sustaining stability and unity of themultiethnic and multireligious society. Todaythis policy is recognized worldwide asthe Kazakh model of modernization, as Kazakhstan'sdevelopment path.Due to effective domestic and foreign policiesof the President, the Republic of Kazakhstantakes a worthy place in the worldcommunity.KAZENERGY35

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