№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

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The statehood establishment was precededby rocky years of hard and strenuous workon the formation of a new economical, politicaland social system, establishment of institutestaking into account the world’s advancedeconomies experience and nationalpeculiarities.The nation achieved ambitious aims. Thebases of the national independence havebeen confirmed by the territorial integrityand inviolability of the boarders, the economytransitioned to a free market developmentand is actively integrating to the globalmarket.The principal outcome is the world-widerecognition of Kazakhstan, consolidation ofthe its authority on the regional and internationallevels.Economical Achievements. Kazakhstanhas become a possessor of impressive indicatorsin the economical sphere in a relativelyshort period.Development of the oil and gas sector is the“locomotive” of the Kazakhstani economy.Rapid development of production and exportof raw materials allowed Kazakhstan toovercome the global economical and financialcrisis and to ensure high economical growth.The revenues from the sale of raw resources,accumulated in the National Fund, servedas “safety cushions” for the economy duringthe hardest period and allowed the governmentperforming social obligations and implementingvarious programs.Today the national economy growth is keepingtrending up ensuring dynamic developmentof the market relations and a consequentintegration into the world economicrelationships. Privatization has been conducted,effective tax, bank, pension systemswere created, as well as entrepreneurshipwas formed and is actively supported. Besides,in the years of independence a greatwork has been done on the improvement ofthe legislative system that meet the requirementsof the state with the market economy.Thanks to the energy sector serving as thelaunching platform for the national economicalgrowth, the state focuses on the developmentof own high technology production industries,reduction of import of consumablecommodities, agricultural products and foodindustry. The course is taken to the forcedindustrial and innovative development, industrialdiversification in those industriesthat are able to export products and createthe added value. The new industrial policy isaimed at these objectives, to provide for theintegrated development of the industrial,agricultural and scientific technological sectors.Social development is also positively characterizedat the current stage. The policy ofthe improving the nation welfare is being activelyimplemented. In January 1, <strong>2011</strong> theGDP amounted 9 thousand US dollars perKAZENERGY33

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