№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

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Nazarbayev set the task of reducing energyintensity to 10% in Kazakhstan by 2015.In this context, the MEP developed a Planof low carbon economic development of therepublic and industrial facilities introducedin the framework of the forced industrializationProgram undergo state ecological expertisefor compliance with environmentalrequirements.In particular, the Sixth Forum has establisheditself as a real discovery for the playersof the nuclear industry, as announcedTimur Kulibayev, stressing that the «Kazenergy»Eurasian Forum has become moreauthoritative and informative. Even againsta background of forum’s information abundancechairman of the Association createdthe plenary session devoted to the prospectsof the nuclear segment, which washeld jointly with the World Energy Council.His confidence in the brilliant future ofKazakh uranium and atom was joined byPrime Minister Karim Massimov, who saidthat the country is also taking the first stepstowards the development of nuclear energy.This June the Government approved theProgramme for the Development of AtomicEnergy which provides the construction ofthe first Kazakh nuclear company.- I believe that nuclear power of Kazakhstanhas a great future. Kazakhstan, as a reliableenergy partner, connecting East and West,plays an important role in global energy security.We continue to promote the diversificationof routes of energy transportationto final markets ", - he said. "Kazakhstan isaware of the significant role of the energysector in improving living standards and enhancingeconomic development. At present,the industry faces unprecedented challenges.But I am confident that by working in ateam, government, business and society willbe able to withstand the energy challengesof the XXI century ", - stated the Prime Ministerof the RK.Head of nuclear energy development Departmentof IAEA Thomas Koshy said the IAEAis ready to make recommendations to Kazakhstanin the case of nuclear power plantconstruction in the country. In particular, heexplained that over the next six months theIAEA will publish an annual report on theThe IAEA isready to makerecommendationsto Kazakhstanin the case ofnuclear power plantconstruction in thecountry.2010The V Eurasian KAZENERGY Forum was called"The Energy map of Eurasia: The Balance ofRisks and Opportunities", and the course of theevent reflected this difficult problem at a fullrate, allowed the participants developing bestpractices. The importance of deep and steadyintegration of Kazakhstan's energy sector intothe global structure was emphasized in thewelcome address of one of the organizersof the Forum, the future head of NationalWealth Fund Samruk Kazyna, Timur Kulibayev."We need to examine the future of a newgeneration of energy, not to be the hostage,but the participants of the changes takingplace. We must learn the lessons of the past,investigate and understand how recent globaleconomic crisis changed the world economy,what role can be played by the energy in itsrehabilitation and post-crisis development. Itis important to realize how rapidly the globalenergy market is developing. Today, the role isincreasing of both the new centers of energysupply, and new sources of energy: atom,shale gas, solar and wind energy and others,"- he said.Acknowledging the priority of sustainablegrowth of oil and gas and energy sectorof Kazakhstan in the Eurasian region,strengthening the role of Kazakhstan as theguarantor of the continental energy security,the importance of environmental safety,development of new energy sources, aswell as testifying to the unity of views on allissues, The Forum participants stated theirwillingness to solve the key tasks. In particular,the report of the Chairman of the Board, JSCNC KazMunayGas, Mr. Kabyldin provideda deeper look at the rapidly expandingprospects of cooperation. "This event isof particular importance in the context ofthe deepening of the international energydialogue and contributes to the furtherapproval of the mutually acceptable principlesof business cooperation and exchange ofexperience in the energy sector. Energy todayis one of the main topics of discussion in theworld. Especially relevant are the issues ofenergy cooperation in the Eurasian region.Also, the modern world community paysspecial attention to the issues of transit andtransport capacity, as an integral componentof the global and regional energy security," -said the Head of the National Company.Mr. Kabyldin also highlighted the special roleof Kazakhstan in the energy in-tegration."Today's fast-growing energy consumption,the amount of stocks of energy and locationKAZENERGY17

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