№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy № 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

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art kazenergyAnd, like any orderly movement, this lasting historical processat its final stage had its own leader, military leader,Attila (Edil) (434-453 BC). It was him to manage forming aquick, ruthless, skilful, and hard to win Turkic army frommultiple disparate tribal groups, which tried to conquer theRoman west. The Huns conquered the Caucasus, the lowerreaches of the rivers Dnieper, Dniester, Don, the Balkanpeninsula, Mesopotamia, attacked the walls of Constantinople,destroyed the kingdom of Burgundy (an event whichserved as the basic plot, "Song of the Nibelungs"), reachedthe banks of the Danube from there raided the EasternRoman Empire . Byzantium was paying an exorbitant annualtribute. As a Mu’tazilah theologian, Sumam b. Ashras,wrote: 'Turks do not know either flattery or deception, or hypocrisy,or peaching, or pretense, or slander, or duplicity, orarrogance with relatives, or harassment of associates, theyare not susceptible to vice heresy, do not let the whims tooverwhelm them and do not afford to borrow money for theinterpretation of the law. Their drawback and the reasonfor their suffering is the nostalgia, the desire for wandering,the passion for the raids, robberies and strong affectionof their customs." Later, Attila has created a unified statefrom the Volga to the Rhine, which besides the Hun (Altai)tribes consisted of many others, including the Germans, Alans,Slavanians, Ugroins. Priscus, who visited the capitalof Attila as an ambassador, described the Huns in his "Historyof Goths" as follows: "Crossing some rivers, we arrived alarge settlement in which, they said, there were mansions ofAttila, more prominent than in all other places, built of logsand well-planed boards and surrounded by a wooden fenceencircling them not for security, but for beauty. The mansionsof Onogesiya were seen behind the royal mansions,also surrounded by a wooden fence, but it was not decoratedwith towers, just like Attila’s. Inside the fence there weremany buildings, some of whom were from the beautiful adjustedboards, covered with carvings, and others made ofhewn scraped to the straightness of logs that are insertedinto the wooden wheels ...As the squad of theirs consists of various barbarian peoples,then the kinsmen, except for their barbaric language, learnfrom each other both the Hun and the Gothic, and Italic language.Italic comes from frequent communion with Rome.After overcoming some way with the barbarians, we, on theorders of the Scythians, adjoined to us, went to a differentpath, and meanwhile, Attila stopped in some town to marrythe daughter of Eski, though he had many wives: Scythianlaw allows polygamy.Each of those present by the Scythian courtesy rose andgave us a full cup, then embraced then the kissed a drunk,took the cup back».According to the chronicler of Jordan, the tribes which werepart of the "Hun" Union brazenly invaded both western andeastern parts of the Roman Empire and settled in Thrace,Illini, dalmatic, Pannonia, Gaul, and even the Apenninepeninsula. Later, in 455, in the battle of the river in PannoniaNedao the Huns were defeated and went into the BlackSea region: a powerful alliance fell apart. The fact that afterthe death of Attila's empire, many Turkic peoples began toemerge the scene of history under their self-names, says thatbefore, being in the union of Huns, they were "hidden" undera common name, not revealing their identity in the mass ofthe huge union of tribes. Now they are the people, includingthe Kazakhs, playing their own role in the historical action.The fate of many ancient states is cyclic: they all passed theperiod of infancy, the rapid rise and relentless fall. Few ofthem could revive and, like the Phoenix, once again showthe world their strength, beauty and power. Modern peoplesof Dasht-i-Kipchak, within Eurasia remember their cradleAltai; worship Tengri, the God of heaven, who gave theworld metal, keep the priceless centuries-old spiritual heritage.During years of bat, we, the Turks, declare the verseby Magzhan Zhumabayev, in which we ask the destiny togive all suffering that we must pass: «Слышишь, судьба,не хочу подаяний! Полною мерой отмерь мне страданий,В огненном вихре сжигая дотла. Пусть этот вихрь моетело корежит, Испепелит, до золы уничтожит. Так, чтобиз глаз моих соль потекла… Слышишь, судьба, не хочуподаяний! Полною мерой отмерь мне страданий, Жги наогне, в три погибели гни!»Despite the long years of forgetting our own history andculture, we learn and discover new page in the history ofethnic groups and nations that we worship as our ancestors,interpret the fate of the great personalities and rememberthe lessons of history. Perhaps it is no coincidence that thefirst person overcame the gravity from the ancient Land ofBaikonur and flew around the Earth in a spaceship with aunique name of "East".Roza Zhussupova,Honoured Arts Worker of RK112 № 4 (48) 2011

Mask. Plaster cast. Painting. Tashtyk culture. 3-4 centuries AD. Russia, Siberia, Khakassia.Excavations of prof. L.R. Kyzlassov, 1950Khakas national museum of local lore named after L.R. Kyzlassov, Abakan.Photographer Dolinin B.V.KAZENERGY113

art kazenergyAnd, like any orderly movement, this lasting historical processat its final stage had its own leader, military leader,Attila (Edil) (434-453 BC). It was him to manage forming aquick, ruthless, skilful, and hard to win Turkic army frommultiple disparate tribal groups, which tried to conquer theRoman west. The Huns conquered the Caucasus, the lowerreaches of the rivers Dnieper, Dniester, Don, the Balkanpeninsula, Mesopotamia, attacked the walls of Constantinople,destroyed the kingdom of Burgundy (an event whichserved as the basic plot, "Song of the Nibelungs"), reachedthe banks of the Danube from there raided the EasternRoman Empire . Byzantium was paying an exorbitant annualtribute. As a Mu’tazilah theologian, Sumam b. Ashras,wrote: 'Turks do not know either flattery or deception, or hypocrisy,or peaching, or pretense, or slander, or duplicity, orarrogance with relatives, or harassment of associates, theyare not susceptible to vice heresy, do not let the whims tooverwhelm them and do not afford to borrow money for theinterpretation of the law. Their drawback and the reasonfor their suffering is the nostalgia, the desire for wandering,the passion for the raids, robberies and strong affectionof their customs." Later, Attila has created a unified statefrom the Volga to the Rhine, which besides the Hun (Altai)tribes consisted of many others, including the Germans, Alans,Slavanians, Ugroins. Priscus, who visited the capitalof Attila as an ambassador, described the Huns in his "Historyof Goths" as follows: "Crossing some rivers, we arrived alarge settlement in which, they said, there were mansions ofAttila, more prominent than in all other places, built of logsand well-planed boards and surrounded by a wooden fenceencircling them not for security, but for beauty. The mansionsof Onogesiya were seen behind the royal mansions,also surrounded by a wooden fence, but it was not decoratedwith towers, just like Attila’s. Inside the fence there weremany buildings, some of whom were from the beautiful adjustedboards, covered with carvings, and others made ofhewn scraped to the straightness of logs that are insertedinto the wooden wheels ...As the squad of theirs consists of various barbarian peoples,then the kinsmen, except for their barbaric language, learnfrom each other both the Hun and the Gothic, and Italic language.Italic comes from frequent communion with Rome.After overcoming some way with the barbarians, we, on theorders of the Scythians, adjoined to us, went to a differentpath, and meanwhile, Attila stopped in some town to marrythe daughter of Eski, though he had many wives: Scythianlaw allows polygamy.Each of those present by the Scythian courtesy rose andgave us a full cup, then embraced then the kissed a drunk,took the cup back».According to the chronicler of Jordan, the tribes which werepart of the "Hun" Union brazenly invaded both western andeastern parts of the Roman Empire and settled in Thrace,Illini, dalmatic, Pannonia, Gaul, and even the Apenninepeninsula. Later, in 455, in the battle of the river in PannoniaNedao the Huns were defeated and went into the BlackSea region: a powerful alliance fell apart. The fact that afterthe death of Attila's empire, many Turkic peoples began toemerge the scene of history under their self-names, says thatbefore, being in the union of Huns, they were "hidden" undera common name, not revealing their identity in the mass ofthe huge union of tribes. Now they are the people, includingthe Kazakhs, playing their own role in the historical action.The fate of many ancient states is cyclic: they all passed theperiod of infancy, the rapid rise and relentless fall. Few ofthem could revive and, like the Phoenix, once again showthe world their strength, beauty and power. Modern peoplesof Dasht-i-Kipchak, within Eurasia remember their cradleAltai; worship Tengri, the God of heaven, who gave theworld metal, keep the priceless centuries-old spiritual heritage.During years of bat, we, the Turks, declare the verseby Magzhan Zhumabayev, in which we ask the destiny togive all suffering that we must pass: «Слышишь, судьба,не хочу подаяний! Полною мерой отмерь мне страданий,В огненном вихре сжигая дотла. Пусть этот вихрь моетело корежит, Испепелит, до золы уничтожит. Так, чтобиз глаз моих соль потекла… Слышишь, судьба, не хочуподаяний! Полною мерой отмерь мне страданий, Жги наогне, в три погибели гни!»Despite the long years of forgetting our own history andculture, we learn and discover new page in the history ofethnic groups and nations that we worship as our ancestors,interpret the fate of the great personalities and rememberthe lessons of history. Perhaps it is no coincidence that thefirst person overcame the gravity from the ancient Land ofBaikonur and flew around the Earth in a spaceship with aunique name of "East".Roza Zhussupova,Honoured Arts Worker of RK112 № 4 (48) <strong>2011</strong>

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