№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

№ 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy № 5 (49), 2011 - KazEnergy

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ART kazenergyBautino hasmore foreignersthan localsliving here. Theyknow the smellof money.every two weeks. The post was establishedseven years ago. Before that there was abase of Dagestan poachers who sailed fromover the sea on their high-speed "Baida", akind of scooters, which hung with a few of"Yamahas" were beyond the reach by ourborder guards. Even today, they appear inour waters now and then; three hours crossingthe Caspian Sea and they can be caughtonly on helicopters. But now our borderguards have something to response with.Regularly, they detain overseas schoonerwith unshaven "fishers of sardines".One Bayda with two motors lies on the shoreof the island Kulaly. They took her last winter.Even though the owner paid the fineslong ago, for some reason he does not hurryto take away his goods. Perhaps, there is noone to hurry? The shady life the Caspian hasa very dim outlines. But the fact that it isquite active and brutal is doubtless. Whenyou play that kind of money, life comes to itsown laws.The money is big. Even at first hands, theprice of one kilo of black caviar is 700 –1000$. When it gets the customer, somewherein Moscow or Paris, this figure growsby an order of magnitude. So the caviarcould be considered “black gold”, but it doesnot. The reason is that much bigger profitcan be obtained from the black oil.And the Blackest “Gold”Many concerned environmentalists perceivea direct relationship between the reductionof production of black caviar and an increasein production of black oil. After all, the CaspianSea is difficult water. It is known thatthe emissions of gaseous hydrocarbons in theCaspian Sea occur even without the humanintervention. Karelin’s expedition scrubbedthe oil off the oars, popped-up from the bottomon the Dead Kultuk. In December 4,1950 the fiery flashes broke from the depthsof the sea with the height of 100 meters! Afterthat an island appeared with the size ofa square kilometer.Very complex is the structure of the watercolumn itself. At the depth of more than 400meters begins the "dead zone" where there isalmost no life due to lack of oxygen, and below650 meters is a layer saturated with hydrogensulfide (as in the neighboring BlackSea), where there is no life at all. It is interestingthat from the surface of the dead waterevery night myriad of tiny copepods riseto the surface. And there, at a depth of 300meters one can see moth larvae. And theyare not simple bodies, but the base of thefood pyramid of the sea. It is clear that sucha subtle and disturbing the natural mechanismof deep-seated, so notorious cause environmentalupheaval. His is troubled much!Nowadays, Bautino has more foreignersthan locals living here. They know the smellof money. The size of investments can bemeasured by the size of huge production inthe Tyubkaragan Mountains, at the otherside of the bay. The roads there are good forthe heavy trucks driven by foreign drivers.They transfer the stone to the barges. Andthis stone is used to construct an artificialisland over the sea to produce the Kashagancrude. Interesting, how many billions of oildollars will be extracted, if the preparationtakes huge money?The author expresses his gratitude to theAkimat of Mangistau region for assistanceand cooperation.108 № 5 (49), 2011

ART kazenergyBautino hasmore foreignersthan localsliving here. Theyknow the smellof money.every two weeks. The post was establishedseven years ago. Before that there was abase of Dagestan poachers who sailed fromover the sea on their high-speed "Baida", akind of scooters, which hung with a few of"Yamahas" were beyond the reach by ourborder guards. Even today, they appear inour waters now and then; three hours crossingthe Caspian Sea and they can be caughtonly on helicopters. But now our borderguards have something to response with.Regularly, they detain overseas schoonerwith unshaven "fishers of sardines".One Bayda with two motors lies on the shoreof the island Kulaly. They took her last winter.Even though the owner paid the fineslong ago, for some reason he does not hurryto take away his goods. Perhaps, there is noone to hurry? The shady life the Caspian hasa very dim outlines. But the fact that it isquite active and brutal is doubtless. Whenyou play that kind of money, life comes to itsown laws.The money is big. Even at first hands, theprice of one kilo of black caviar is 700 –1000$. When it gets the customer, somewherein Moscow or Paris, this figure growsby an order of magnitude. So the caviarcould be considered “black gold”, but it doesnot. The reason is that much bigger profitcan be obtained from the black oil.And the Blackest “Gold”Many concerned environmentalists perceivea direct relationship between the reductionof production of black caviar and an increasein production of black oil. After all, the CaspianSea is difficult water. It is known thatthe emissions of gaseous hydrocarbons in theCaspian Sea occur even without the humanintervention. Karelin’s expedition scrubbedthe oil off the oars, popped-up from the bottomon the Dead Kultuk. In December 4,1950 the fiery flashes broke from the depthsof the sea with the height of 100 meters! Afterthat an island appeared with the size ofa square kilometer.Very complex is the structure of the watercolumn itself. At the depth of more than 400meters begins the "dead zone" where there isalmost no life due to lack of oxygen, and below650 meters is a layer saturated with hydrogensulfide (as in the neighboring BlackSea), where there is no life at all. It is interestingthat from the surface of the dead waterevery night myriad of tiny copepods riseto the surface. And there, at a depth of 300meters one can see moth larvae. And theyare not simple bodies, but the base of thefood pyramid of the sea. It is clear that sucha subtle and disturbing the natural mechanismof deep-seated, so notorious cause environmentalupheaval. His is troubled much!Nowadays, Bautino has more foreignersthan locals living here. They know the smellof money. The size of investments can bemeasured by the size of huge production inthe Tyubkaragan Mountains, at the otherside of the bay. The roads there are good forthe heavy trucks driven by foreign drivers.They transfer the stone to the barges. Andthis stone is used to construct an artificialisland over the sea to produce the Kashagancrude. Interesting, how many billions of oildollars will be extracted, if the preparationtakes huge money?The author expresses his gratitude to theAkimat of Mangistau region for assistanceand cooperation.108 № 5 (<strong>49</strong>), <strong>2011</strong>

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