A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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;;the French <strong>and</strong> Indians, i. 61captured, i. 62 ; on the attack<strong>of</strong> Deerfield, i. 69 ; his experiencesdur<strong>in</strong>g captivity, i. 71-79;his suffer<strong>in</strong>gs, i. 77 ;proves astubborn heretic, i. 78, 79bought by Vaudreuil, i. 79k<strong>in</strong>dly treated by Vaudreuil, i.81 ; sent to Chateau Richer, i.82 ; his grief at his son Samuel'sconversion to Catholicism, i. 83 ;on the methods employed by theJesuits <strong>in</strong> convert<strong>in</strong>g prisoners,i. 84 ;released from captivity,i. 88 ; on the French <strong>and</strong> Indianexpeditioni. 95.aga<strong>in</strong>st Connecticut,Williams, Rev. John, ii. 148.Williams, Mrs. John, captured bythe French <strong>and</strong> Indians, i. 72;separated from her husb<strong>and</strong>, i.72 ; killed by the Indians, i.73.Williams River, i. 74.Williams, Roger, ii. 71.Williams, Samuel, <strong>in</strong> Indian captivity,i. 75 ; at Montreal, i. 83 ;forced to turn Catholic, i. 83returns to his creed, i. 84 ; exchanged,i. 84 ; death <strong>of</strong>, i. 84.Williams, Stephen, on the attack<strong>of</strong> Deerfield, i. 70, 71,74; carriedup the Connecticut, i. 75 ;released from Indian captivity,i. 88 ; ii. 148 ; chapla<strong>in</strong> at Louisbourg,ii. 149 ;diary <strong>of</strong>, ii. 149.Williams, Stephen W., i. 57, 91.Williams, Thomas, ii. 242.Williams, Colonel William, lettersfrom Capta<strong>in</strong> Stevens to, ii. 224,225, 226, 228, 229 ; ii. 243.Williamson, list <strong>of</strong> the New Engl<strong>and</strong>navy, ii. 83.Williamson, on the Indian attackon Wells, i. 46 ; i. 222 ; on theINDEX. 415council at Georgetown, i. 228;i. 235 ; on LoveweU's expeditionsaga<strong>in</strong>st the Indians, i. 262.Williamstown, ii. 239, 242.Williamstown valley, the, ii. 240,251.Wilson, Gen. James Grant, onSamuel Vetch, i. 134.W<strong>in</strong>d River Range, the, ii. 31."W<strong>in</strong>dsor," the, i. 175.W<strong>in</strong>dsor, village <strong>of</strong>, i. 209 ; ii. 189.See also Pisiquid.W<strong>in</strong>nebagoes, the, on Fox River,i. 275 ; called to a council atGreen Bay, i. 336 ; i. 340, 350.W<strong>in</strong>nepesaukee Lake, i. 96, 259.W<strong>in</strong>nipeg, the city <strong>of</strong>, site <strong>of</strong>,ii. 14.W<strong>in</strong>nipeg Lake, ii. 4, 12, 14.W<strong>in</strong>nipeg River, the, ii. 14.Wiuooski River, the, i. 76, 77.W<strong>in</strong>sor, Just<strong>in</strong>, i. 147, 222.W<strong>in</strong>ter Harbor, Indian attack on,i. 44 ; surrenders, i. 47 ; attackedby the French <strong>and</strong> Indians, i. 99.Wiuthrop, Fitz-John, governor <strong>of</strong>Connecticut, i. 70.Wiscons<strong>in</strong>, State <strong>of</strong>, i. 91, 278.Wiscons<strong>in</strong> River, the, i. 342, 351ii. 6, 57.Wiwurna, the Norridgewock chief,at the council at Georgetown,i. 225 ; dialogue between GovernorShute <strong>and</strong>, i. 225, 226.Woburn, i. 260.Wolcott, General Roger, holdssecond rank <strong>in</strong> the expeditionaga<strong>in</strong>st Louisbourg, ii. 72, 84,94, 102, 121, 137; journal <strong>of</strong>,ii. 144.Wolfe, i. 162.Wood Creek, i. 135, 140, 141, 142,177 ; ii. 230, 237, 254.Woods, Lake <strong>of</strong> the, ii. 4 ; massacreat, ii. 12.

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