A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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;;Cadillac, i. 32 ; Vaudreuil reportsthe attack on Deerfield to,i. 68; his attitude concern<strong>in</strong>gthe <strong>in</strong>cit<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> the Indiana towar aga<strong>in</strong>st the English, i. 102letter from Subercase to, i. 116De Gout<strong>in</strong>'s reports to, i. 117Subercase's compla<strong>in</strong>ts to, i.117 ; Acadian gossip reportedto, i. 118, 119; Nicholson's expeditionreported to, i. 142Subercase's report <strong>of</strong> the siege<strong>of</strong> Port Royal to, i. 155; approves<strong>of</strong> Costebelle's scheme,i. 158; his letter to the Acadianpriests, i. 190; Iberville <strong>and</strong> hisbrothers accused to, i. 306, 307La Vente's memorial to, i. 313;ii. 318.200.Ponthieu, regiment <strong>of</strong>, ii. 158, 159.Pontoosuc, see Pittsfield.Popple, Mr., i. 137.Porpoise, Cape, Indian attack on,i. 44.Port a I'Anglois, i. 1 87.Porte Dauph<strong>in</strong>e, the, see WestGate.Portl<strong>and</strong>, city <strong>of</strong>, i. 45.Port Louis, ii. 166, 167.Port Royal, i. 107, 110; the seat<strong>of</strong> government, i. 112; MajorChurch plans an attack on, i.121 ; Governor Dudley refusesto allow an attack to be madeon, i. 121 ; Major Church at, i.123 ; Massachusetts passes a resolvefor an expedition aga<strong>in</strong>st,i. 125; failure <strong>of</strong> the expedition,INDEX. 401i. 129-131 ; New Engl<strong>and</strong> plans Protestant Reformation, the, i. 214.VOL. II. — 26another attack on, i. 145 ; theattack on, i. 151 ; surrenders toNicholson, i. 153; its namechanged to Annapolis Royal, i.154; Vetch commissioned asgovernor <strong>of</strong>, i. 154; previously<strong>in</strong> the possession <strong>of</strong> New Engl<strong>and</strong>,i. 154; its capture meansthe conquest <strong>of</strong> Acadia, i. 155;ii. 47, 49, 50 ; Ramesay advancesupon, ii. 169 ; should be restoredto <strong>France</strong>, ii. 260 ; ii. 267, 268,270, 272, 273. See also Annapolis.Port Royal Bas<strong>in</strong>, i. 127.Portsmouth, i. 5, 49, 51 ;proposedFrench <strong>and</strong> Indian attack on,i. 96, 97 ; Vetch at, i. 136 ; conferencebetween Governor Dudley<strong>and</strong> the Abenakis at, i. 220Ponchartra<strong>in</strong>, Fort, built by Cadillac,i. 28, 279. See also Detroit, ii. 65, 155, 182.Fort.Portugal, i. 145 ; ii. 167, 270.Ponchartra<strong>in</strong>, Lake, i. 302.Poskoiac River, the, ii. 14.Pontbri<strong>and</strong>, Bishop, letters <strong>of</strong>, ii. Postes de la Mer de I'Ouest, ii.14.Pottawattamies, the, i. 14; at Detroit,i. 275, 283 ; the village <strong>of</strong>,i. 279.Ponbomcoup, Marie Muis de, i.118.Poutr<strong>in</strong>court, Baron de, i. 113.Powder River Range, the, ii. 24.Preble, Capta<strong>in</strong>, ii. 197.Prentice, Rev. Mr., ii. 115.Price, attacks the French <strong>and</strong> Indians,i. 98.Priests, the, <strong>in</strong> Canada, vast possessions<strong>of</strong>, i. 25."Pr<strong>in</strong>ce d'Orange," the, ii. 159,160, 165.Pr<strong>in</strong>ce Edward's Isl<strong>and</strong>, i. 207.Pr<strong>in</strong>ce, Rev. Thomas, ii. 77.Protestantism, bound up with thenew political order, i. 192.

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