A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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;;396 INDEX.to allow the French to build afort at, ii. 52 ; the French buildthe fort at, ii. 53 ; slighted by<strong>in</strong> his camp, i. 143 ;sails forEurope, i. 146 ;commissioned tocomm<strong>and</strong> the attack aga<strong>in</strong>stPort Royal, i. 147 ;characteristics<strong>of</strong>, i. 148 ; the attack onPort Royal, i. 151 ; dem<strong>and</strong>s thesurrender <strong>of</strong> the fort, i. 1 53Subercase surrenders to, i. 1 53 ;the journal <strong>of</strong>, i. 155; makesready for the Canadian expedition,i. 164 ; his rage at thefailure <strong>of</strong> the fleet, i. 177 ;disb<strong>and</strong>shis army, i. 178; governor<strong>of</strong> Nova Scotia, i. 191 ; resolvesto keep the Acadians <strong>in</strong>the prov<strong>in</strong>ce, i. 195 ; ii. 337.Nicholson, Fort, i. 140.Niganiche, ii. 96.Niles, on the Indian attacks onthe frontier <strong>of</strong> Ma<strong>in</strong>e, i. 46.Nims, escapes from Indian captivity,i. 87.Nipigon, Lake, ii. 9.Niverville, Boucher de, sent bySa<strong>in</strong>t-Pierre to the Saskatchewan,ii. 39, 40; his suffer<strong>in</strong>gs,ii. 39, 40 ; comm<strong>and</strong>s an attack<strong>in</strong>gforce aga<strong>in</strong>st Number Four,ii. 223 ; his <strong>in</strong>terview withStevens, ii. 226 ; retires fromthe siege, ii. 227.Noble, Colonel Arthur, at Gr<strong>and</strong>Pre, ii. 182, 183; critical position<strong>of</strong>, ii. 183, 184; Ramesayplans to surprise, ii. 184; theattack, ii. 191-193; killed, ii.1 93 ; military honors renderedthe western tribes, ii. 54 ; importantposition <strong>of</strong>, ii. 57.to the rema<strong>in</strong>s <strong>of</strong>, ii. 199; ii.Niagara, Fort, ii. 57.Niagara Kiver, the, ii. 51.342, 354.Noble, Ensign, ii. 191 ; shot down,Nicholson, Colonel Francis, comm<strong>and</strong>sii. 193; military honors ren-the conquest <strong>of</strong> Canada, dered to the rema<strong>in</strong>s <strong>of</strong>, ii.i. 136, 139 ; his march to Wood 199.Creek, i. 140 ; his meet<strong>in</strong>g with Noddle's Isl<strong>and</strong>, i. 165, 166, 169.Ramesay, i. 140, 141 ;pestilence Noiville, Noiil-Alex<strong>and</strong>re, priestat Pigiquid, i. 209.Norfolk, village <strong>of</strong>, ii. 157.Norridgewock, mission village <strong>of</strong>,i. 37, 50, 217; description <strong>of</strong>, i.218; destroyed by Colonel Hilton,i. 218; Colonel Westbrookat, i. 218 ;life at, i. 218 ; FatherRale at, i. 218, 236; Dummersends a force aga<strong>in</strong>st, i. 245the attack on, i. 246-248 ; destruction<strong>of</strong>, i. 250.Norridgewock Abenakis, the, i.37 ;jo<strong>in</strong> an expedition aga<strong>in</strong>stNew Engl<strong>and</strong>, i. 96 ; on theKennebec, i. 213 ; Father SebastienRale among, i. 214 ; i. 217 ;description <strong>of</strong> their village, i.218; at the convention atPortsmouth, i. 220 ;embitteredaga<strong>in</strong>st the English, i. 223;alarmed by the <strong>in</strong>trusion <strong>of</strong>settlers, i. 224 ; attend a councilat Georgetown, i. 224urged to war by Rale, i. 231 ;the second council at Georgetown,i. 233 ; on the warpath,i. 235 ; completely broken,i. 256.<strong>North</strong>ampton, i. 50 ; Indian attackon, i. 94 ; ii. 90, 220.<strong>North</strong> Carol<strong>in</strong>a, ii. 48, 152.<strong>North</strong>east Battery, the, at Louisbourg,ii. 110.

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