A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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form a company for the settlement<strong>of</strong>, i. 299 ; Iberville <strong>of</strong>fersto plaut a colony <strong>in</strong>, i. 300 ;thefirst foundations <strong>of</strong>, i. 302 ; marriageablegirls sent from <strong>France</strong>to, i. 306, 314 ;fam<strong>in</strong>e <strong>and</strong> pestilence<strong>in</strong>, i. 306 ;farmed outto Anto<strong>in</strong>e Crozat, i. 310; theeffects <strong>of</strong> the change, i. 311,312; the people petition to LaMothe-Cadillac, i. 312 ; his reply,i. 312 ;passes over to the MississippiCompany, i. 315; becomesthe basis <strong>of</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ancial salvationfor <strong>France</strong>, i. 315; population<strong>of</strong>, i. 316; a prison, i. 316 ;the French scheme for peopl<strong>in</strong>g,i. 317 ; L'Ep<strong>in</strong>ay succeeds LaMothe-Cadillac as governor <strong>of</strong>,i. 318; Bienville reappo<strong>in</strong>tedgovernor <strong>of</strong>, i. 318 ; the totalamount <strong>of</strong> money sunk <strong>in</strong>, i.320 ; Sieur Perier succeeds Bienville,i. 320 ; Indian wars <strong>in</strong>, i.321 ; aga<strong>in</strong> passes over to theCrown, i. 322 ;Bienville aga<strong>in</strong>made governor <strong>of</strong>, i. 322 ; Bienvilleresigns, i. 323 ; at last shovrssigns <strong>of</strong> growth, i. 324 ;plans<strong>of</strong> the chiefs <strong>of</strong>, i. 324 ; ceded tothe United States, ii. 35 ; ii. 57,266.Louvigny, makes plans to attackthe Outagamies, i. 332 ; illness<strong>of</strong>, i. 332 ; sets out on his expedition,i. 332 ; attacks the fortifiedvillage <strong>of</strong> the Outagamies,i. 333; his description <strong>of</strong> thedefences, i. 334 ; the OutagamiesINDEX. 389258 ; raises a company to huntIndians, i. 259 ;his expeditions,i. 260-268 ; seriously wounded, i.262; attacked by the Pequawkets,i. 262 ; burial <strong>of</strong>, i. 267.Lovewell's Pond, i. 257, 261, 268.Lower Ashuelot, settlement <strong>of</strong>,attacked by the Indians, ii. 214." Lowest<strong>of</strong>fe," the, i. 151.Loyola, the organiz<strong>in</strong>g zeal <strong>of</strong>, i.214.Lund, Thomas, on the Indian attackon Dunstable, i. 258.Lusignan (pere), ii. 185, 190; letters<strong>of</strong>, ii. 200.Lusignan (fils), wounded, ii. 192 ;letters <strong>of</strong>, ii. 200.Lydius, Fort, i. 140.Lyman, Caleb, attacks the FrenchIndians, i. 50.Lynn, jo<strong>in</strong>s the expedition aga<strong>in</strong>stPort Royal, i. 126.Madras, ii. 256.Maillard, the priest, ii. 185, 186,187.Ma<strong>in</strong>e, State <strong>of</strong>, the whole burden<strong>of</strong> war falls upon, i. 16 ; an unbrokenforest, i. 34 ; its beasts<strong>of</strong> prey, i. 36 ; the Indian tribes<strong>of</strong>, i. 36 ; the settlements <strong>of</strong>, i.39 ; a dependency <strong>of</strong> Massachusetts,i. 40 ; characteristics <strong>of</strong>the people <strong>of</strong>, i. 40 ; the Abenakitribes <strong>of</strong>, i. 101 ; the settlementsaga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>habited, i. 221 ;ii. 260.Makisabie, war-chief <strong>of</strong> the Pottawattamies,i. 282.sue for peace, i. 334 ; returns to Malicite Indians, the, i. 220 ;jo<strong>in</strong>Quebec with hostages, i. 335. Duvivier's expedition aga<strong>in</strong>stLovelace, Lord, governor <strong>of</strong> NewYork, i. 135 ; death <strong>of</strong>, i. 137.Lovewell, Hannah, i. 257.Lovewell, Capta<strong>in</strong> John, i. 257,Annapolis, ii. 61 ; ii. 170.Mallet, the brothers, <strong>in</strong> Colorado<strong>and</strong> New Mexico, i. 367, 368.Malplaquet, battle <strong>of</strong>, ii. 9.

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