A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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;Father Rale, i. 220; preventspeace be<strong>in</strong>g made at Georgetown,i. 233, 234 ; his story <strong>of</strong>the death <strong>of</strong> Rale, i. 248 ;actsas <strong>in</strong>terpreter between the English<strong>and</strong> the Indians, i. 253 ; hisanimosity toward the English,i. 254.La Ch<strong>in</strong>e, i. 28.Lacroix, ii. 198.La Corne, Recollet missionary atMiramichi, ii. 185.La Corne. Chevalier de, a model<strong>of</strong> bodily <strong>and</strong> mental hardihood,ii. 185 ; at Gr<strong>and</strong> Pre', ii. 191,194, 195, 196, 197, 200; his report<strong>of</strong> the French victory atM<strong>in</strong>es, ii. 200.La Corne, Sa<strong>in</strong>t-Luc de, advises thefortify<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> Crown Po<strong>in</strong>t, ii. 56.Laet, De, ii. 262.La Force, Sienr, ii. 239.La Forest, at Fort St. Louis, i. 275.La Fresniere, Sieur de, i. 313, 338at Crown Po<strong>in</strong>t, ii. 56.La Galissonniere, M. de, ii. 14succeeds Beauharnois <strong>in</strong> thegovernment, ii. 36 ; befriendsLa Verendrye, ii. 36; returnsto <strong>France</strong>, ii. 37.Lagny, at Gr<strong>and</strong> Pre, ii. 191.La Harpe, Beuard de, i. 303, 315,320 ; his expedition <strong>of</strong> exploration,i. 355-359 ; i. 368.La Hontan, the romance <strong>of</strong>, i. 354.La Jemeraye, jo<strong>in</strong>s La Verendrye<strong>in</strong> his search for the Pacific, ii.12; at Fort St. Pierre, ii. 12;death <strong>of</strong>, ii. 12.La Jonquiere, Marquis de, succeedsLa Galissoniere <strong>in</strong> thegovernment, ii. 37 ; robs thebrothers La Verendrye, ii. 37,38; at Chibucto, ii. 163; makesa last effort, ii. 165; pursuedVOL. II. —25INDEX. 385by the pestilence, ii. 166; hissecond expedition, ii. 168; takenprisoner by the English, ii. 168;chief aim <strong>of</strong> his expedition, ii.169.La Jonquiere, Fort, ii. 40.Lake country, the, Indian tribes<strong>of</strong>, i. 330, 337.Lake George, the battle <strong>of</strong>, ii. 39,90, 242.Lake tribes, the, at Michilimack<strong>in</strong>ac,i. 17.Lal<strong>and</strong>e, i. 84.Lalemant, Charles, i. 139.Lalemaut, Gabriel, i. 215.La Maisonfort, Marquis de, <strong>in</strong>comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> the " Vigilant," ii.123; taken prisoner, ii. 125;his letter to the French, ii. 125 ;ii. 281, 304, 305.Lamberville, Jacques, the Jesuit,i. 1 1 ; at Onondaga, i. 138.La IMothe-CadiUac, Anto<strong>in</strong>e de, atMichiliraack<strong>in</strong>ac, i. 17; on theHuron Indians, i. 18 ; sketch <strong>of</strong>,i. 19; his aversion to the Jesuits,i. 19 ; family <strong>of</strong>, i. 19 ; earlyhistory <strong>of</strong>, i. 19 ; his quarrelswith Carheil, i. 20 ; a strongchampion for the policy <strong>of</strong> expansion,i. 21 ; his motives, i.22 ;presents a memorial toCount de Maurepas, i. 23 ; hisplans for Detroit, i. 23, 24 ; hisplan for civiliz<strong>in</strong>g the Indians,i. 24 ; his plan <strong>of</strong> a settlement atDetroit opposed by Champigny,i. 26 ; sails for <strong>France</strong>, i. 27 ; his<strong>in</strong>terview with Ponchartra<strong>in</strong>, i.27 ; his letter to La Touche, i.27 ; Ponchartra<strong>in</strong> accepts hisplan, i. 28 ; his return to Canada,i. 28; lays the foundationfor Detroit, i. 28 ; his delight <strong>in</strong>ru<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g Michilimack<strong>in</strong>ac, i. 30;

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