A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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;;380 INDEX.Guillanme le S<strong>in</strong>cbre, ii. 274.Gu<strong>in</strong>ea, i. 309, 311, 319.Habitant de Locisboukg, the,on Duvivier's attack on Annapolis,ii. 62, 63 ; on the plan to attackLouisbourg, ii. 68 ; on thegarrison at Louisbourg, ii. 95on the poor condition <strong>of</strong> thegarrison, ii. 96 ; on the capture<strong>of</strong> the Gr<strong>and</strong> Battery, ii. 100;ii. 107 ; on the attack <strong>of</strong> theEnglish, ii. 108 ; on the capture<strong>of</strong> the " Vigilant " by the English,ii. 124; on the numl)er <strong>of</strong>English at Louisbourg, ii. 1.34;on the siege, ii. 137; on the rivalrybetween Pepperrell <strong>and</strong>Warren, ii. 140, 141 ; remarkableletter <strong>of</strong>, ii. 144; describesthe siege <strong>of</strong> Louisbourg, ii. 274,287.Hadley, village <strong>of</strong>, i. 57.Hagar, displays heroism <strong>in</strong> the defence<strong>of</strong> Haverhill aga<strong>in</strong>st theFrench <strong>and</strong> Indians, i. 98.Hale, Capta<strong>in</strong>, at Louisbourg, ii.111.Hale, Colonel Robert, letter fromJohn Payne to, ii. 88, 69.Hale's Essex Regiment, ii. 148.177,178.Hampton, village <strong>of</strong>, Indian attackon, i. 48.Harcourt, Due d', i. 305.Hard<strong>in</strong>g, Stephen, attacked by Indians,i. 43.Harley, Lord Treasurer, i. 1 63.Harmon, Capta<strong>in</strong>, sent out aga<strong>in</strong>stNorridgewock, i. 245 ; the <strong>of</strong>ficialjournal <strong>of</strong>, i. 248.Harpswcll, i. 239.Harvard College, i. 40.Haskell, ii. 327.Hassall, Benjam<strong>in</strong>, deserts fromLovewell, i. 263, 265, 267, 270.Hast<strong>in</strong>gs, John, at Number Four,ii. 219.Hatfield, village <strong>of</strong>, i. 57;proposedFrench <strong>and</strong> Indian attack on,i. 95 ; ii. 232.Haverhill, French <strong>and</strong> Indian attackson, i. 49, 97 ; i. 259.Hawks, Ebenezer, killed by theIndians, ii. 50.Hawks, Sergeant John, ii. 242,243 ; sketch <strong>of</strong>, ii. 244 ;<strong>in</strong> chargeat Fort Massachusetts, ii. 243attacked by Rigaud, ii. 244,245 ; a parley, ii. 247 ; capitulation,ii. 248, 249 ;journal <strong>of</strong>, ii.248 ; becomes a lieutenant-colonel,ii. 255 ; <strong>in</strong> the French war,ii. 255.Heath, Capta<strong>in</strong>, sent aga<strong>in</strong>st thePenobscots, i. 254.Heath, Joseph, i. 218, 233.Heath, town <strong>of</strong>, ii. 231.the expedition, i. 176; his jour-Halifax, i. 110; settlement <strong>of</strong> the nal, i. 182.English at, i. 205; ii. 158, 161, Hill, Mrs., i. 181.Heathcote, Colonel, ii. 51.Hill, John, appo<strong>in</strong>ted to comm<strong>and</strong>the troops <strong>in</strong> the Canadian expedition,i. 164; poorly fittedfor his position, i. 175 ;gives upHill, Samuel, captured by theIndians,i. 44, 87, 103.Hilton, Col. W<strong>in</strong>throp, comm<strong>and</strong>san expedition aga<strong>in</strong>st PortRoyal, i. 125; destroys Norridgewock,i. 218.Ilix, Jacob, dies <strong>of</strong> starvation, i.76.Hobby, Sir Charles, <strong>in</strong> the attackon Port Royal, i. 151, 153, 154.Hochelaga, Carticr at, i 18, 279.Hocquart, i. 340 ; ii. 8 ; on the es-

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