A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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;;;240; his first meet<strong>in</strong>g withthe council, i. 241 ; his difficultieswith the Assembly, i.242 ; sends a force aga<strong>in</strong>stNorridgewock, i. 245 ; accusesVaudreuil <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>stigat<strong>in</strong>g theIndians, i. 250 ; correspondencebetween Vaudreuil <strong>and</strong>, i. 250-252.Dumont, i. 321.Dumontel, Jean, marriage <strong>of</strong>, i.90.Dunkirk, the <strong>America</strong>n, ii. 64.Dunstable, town <strong>of</strong>, i. 257 ; attackedby the Indians, i. 258i. 259.Duperrier, Capta<strong>in</strong>, ii. 161.Du Pratz, Le Page, i. 333, 355,366.Dupuy, the <strong>in</strong>tendant, sl<strong>and</strong>ersBeauharnois, i. 338 ; on thescheme to reach the PacificOcean, ii. 6 ; ii. 54.Dupuy, Paul, i. 180.Duquesne, governor <strong>of</strong> Canada,ii. 42.Duquesnel, the French militarygovernor, ii. 60 ; sketch <strong>of</strong>, ii.60 ; sends a force aga<strong>in</strong>st Canseau,ii. 60 ; his plans aga<strong>in</strong>stAnnapolis, ii. 61 ; death <strong>of</strong>, ii.96; ii. 311.Dutch, the, do little to protect theIndians, i. 11.Dutch traders <strong>of</strong> Albany, the, i.15, 16, 275, 276; ii. 212.Du Tisne', expedition <strong>of</strong>, i. 359,360.Duvivier, Capta<strong>in</strong>, i. 118; sentaga<strong>in</strong>st Canseau, ii. 60; sentaga<strong>in</strong>st Annapolis, ii. 61-63failure <strong>of</strong> bis expedition, ii. 63aga<strong>in</strong> lays siege to Annapolis, ii.126, 171; ii. 312,316.Duxbury, i 121.INDEX. 375East Bay, ii. 237.East Boston, i. 166.East Hoosac, town <strong>of</strong>, ii. 231.East Indies, the, ii. 256.East Jersey, i. 8.Eastern Indians, the, English declarewar aga<strong>in</strong>st, i. 239.Eastern missions, the, cultivatedwith diligence by the Jesuits, i.216." Edgar," the. Walker's flagship, i.171, 172; blown up <strong>in</strong> theThames, i. 181.Edward, Fort, i. 140.Eliot, John, attackedby the Indians,i. 244." Eltham," the, ii. 93.Ely, Joseph, wounded at NumberFour, ii. 228.Emerson, Ealph Waldo, ii. 79.Emery, Samuel, m<strong>in</strong>ister at Wells,i. 41.Endicott, Hon. WiUiam C, ii. 42.Engelran, Father, i. 30.Engl<strong>and</strong>, the War <strong>of</strong> the SpanishSuccession, i. 3; <strong>in</strong>sulted byLouis XIV., i. 4 ; declares waraga<strong>in</strong>st <strong>France</strong>, i. 4 ; her object<strong>in</strong> delay<strong>in</strong>g promised aid to NewEngl<strong>and</strong>, i. 156; critical questionsbetween <strong>France</strong> <strong>and</strong>, i.185; refuses to resign Acadia,i. 186; her policy <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>actiontowards her colonies, i. 1 99 ; division<strong>of</strong> the contest between<strong>France</strong> <strong>and</strong>, ii. 44 ; receives thenews <strong>of</strong> the victory at Louisbourgwith joy <strong>and</strong> astonishment,ii. 142; repays prov<strong>in</strong>cialoutlays on the Louisbourg expedition,ii. 143 ; fails to do herduty by the Acadians, ii. 203Bobe's claim that she has norightful titles to <strong>North</strong> <strong>America</strong>

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