A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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" most Obedient Servant"W Shirley."APPENDIX. 353Protestants — T would add that such an Exchange <strong>of</strong> thepresent Inhabitants <strong>of</strong> Schiegnecto for New Engl<strong>and</strong> Men,would make up to the four Colonies <strong>of</strong> New Engl<strong>and</strong> theLoss <strong>of</strong> the Families propos'd to be remov'd from thenceto Nova Scotia upon this Occasion, h<strong>in</strong>der Canada's be<strong>in</strong>gstrengthened by the Expulsion <strong>of</strong> the French from theirPossessions, & prevent the English Settlement atSchiegnect<strong>of</strong>rom be<strong>in</strong>g harrass'd by their cont<strong>in</strong>ual Attempts torecover their former L<strong>and</strong>s; And the Encouragement givento the New Engl<strong>and</strong> Men by the propos'd Distribution <strong>of</strong>the L<strong>and</strong>s among 'em would besides make the rais<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong>2000 Men for this Service much more practicable, & lessexpensive to the Crown." Upon the whole, my Lord, if the War cont<strong>in</strong>ues, unlesssome measures are very suddenly taken for the betterSecurity <strong>of</strong> Nova Scotia, there seems to be great dangerthat that Prov<strong>in</strong>ce will not long rema<strong>in</strong> his Majesty's." I am with the most dutiful regard,"My Lord Duke," Your Grace's most devoted <strong>and</strong>Shirley to Newcastle, 24 August, 1747." Mt Lord Duke," The French Declaration, <strong>of</strong> which the <strong>in</strong>clos'd is aCopy, did not come to my h<strong>and</strong>s till I had f<strong>in</strong>ished theletter, w"-^ accompanies it: And I send it your Grace, as itmay serve to shew the Views <strong>of</strong> the French with respectto Accadie, the Dependance they have upon the Dispositions<strong>of</strong> the Inhabitants, what advantage they propos'd tothemselves from the New Engl<strong>and</strong> Levies under the ComvoL.II. — 23

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