A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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328 APPENDIX.I sent an Express Boat to Louisbourg to apprize AdmiralTownsend & IVP Knowles <strong>of</strong> it, & another to AnnapolisKoyal to give M^ Mascarene Advice <strong>of</strong> it, & to let himknow that I was embark<strong>in</strong>g 300 Men for the Re<strong>in</strong>forcement<strong>of</strong> the Garrison under his Comm<strong>and</strong> (which is done& part <strong>of</strong> 'em sail'd) with a Promise <strong>of</strong> farther Succours,<strong>and</strong> to apprize him that from the publick Accounts <strong>in</strong> theEnglish Pr<strong>in</strong>ts we had reasonto depend upon the speedyArrival <strong>of</strong> Lieut'. General S* Clair with the British Troopsunder his Comm<strong>and</strong>, & a Squadron <strong>of</strong> his Majesty's Shipswith 'em at Louisbourg; And as I have reason to th<strong>in</strong>kthat an Apprehension generally prevails among the frenchInhabitants <strong>of</strong> Nova Scotia, that they shall all <strong>of</strong> 'em soonbe remov'd from their Settlements there without Dist<strong>in</strong>ction,which may have a bad Influence upon 'em <strong>in</strong> favour<strong>of</strong> the Enemy at this critical Time. I have wrote M'Mascarene a Letter (a copy <strong>of</strong> which I <strong>in</strong>close to yourGrace) which is translated <strong>in</strong>to French, & pr<strong>in</strong>ted, <strong>in</strong>order to be dispers'd among the french <strong>in</strong>habitants, if M'Mascarene (to whose Discretion I have submitted it eitherto make Use <strong>of</strong> or suppress the pr<strong>in</strong>ted Copies) shall be <strong>of</strong>Op<strong>in</strong>ion that the Publication <strong>of</strong> it among 'em may be forhis Majesty's Service." If the Fleet discover'd on the Cape Sable Coast shouldbe <strong>Part</strong> <strong>of</strong> that from Brest, doubtless their visit to NovaScotia has been encourag'd by the general Disposition <strong>of</strong>the Inhabitants, & the strength they will add to 'em forthe Reduction <strong>of</strong> that Prov<strong>in</strong>ce, & afterwards for an Attemptupon Louisbourg (if they should th<strong>in</strong>k it adviseable to makeone) as also for the defence <strong>of</strong> Canada. Should they succeed<strong>in</strong>an immediate Attempt upon Nova Scotia (which Ishould not be surpriz'd at) & General S* Clair with theSquadron expected from Engl<strong>and</strong> should arrive <strong>in</strong> time forthat purpose, I should propose attempt<strong>in</strong>g the immediate

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