A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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APPENDIX. 327Scotia) about 150 Leagues to the Eastward <strong>of</strong> Boston, <strong>and</strong>about 60 Leagues Westward <strong>of</strong> Louisbourg, & about 80 distantfrom Annapolis Royal accord<strong>in</strong>g to Champions <strong>in</strong>clos'dDeposition, which was confirm'd by another <strong>of</strong> the sameTenour made by one Thornton sent me from Piscataqua,upon which I dispatched an arm'd Brigant<strong>in</strong>e with ordersto look <strong>in</strong>to Chibucto Harbour, & if the Master should discoverany th<strong>in</strong>g to proceed directly to Louisbourg, & giveVice Admiral Townsend & Govern^ Knowles Intelligence<strong>of</strong> it, & to send me Advice <strong>of</strong> it Express by some fish<strong>in</strong>gVessel taken up at Seaj But the Brigant<strong>in</strong>e return'd <strong>in</strong> lessthan 24 hours with one Stanwood a Fisherman on board,whose Vessel fell <strong>in</strong> with the Fleet on the 9'^ day <strong>of</strong> Sept^about 10 Leagues to the Westward <strong>of</strong> Chibucto, the particulars<strong>of</strong> which are conta<strong>in</strong>'d <strong>in</strong> his <strong>in</strong>clos'd Deposition;<strong>and</strong> the day after Stanwood's fall<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> with this Fleet,Haskell another Master <strong>of</strong> a fish<strong>in</strong>g Vessel discover'd itst<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g a right course for Chibucto about 8 Leagues tothe Westw? <strong>of</strong> it, & was chas'd by one <strong>of</strong> 'em accord<strong>in</strong>g tothe <strong>in</strong>clos'd Deposition; which Series <strong>of</strong> Intelligence, asno Vessel has arriv'd here yet from this Fleet (which must<strong>in</strong> all probability have happen'd had it come from Engl<strong>and</strong>)compar'd with the Accounts <strong>in</strong> the English News Papers<strong>of</strong> the Brest Fleet's sail<strong>in</strong>g, & the Intelligence ga<strong>in</strong>'dfrom a french Prize lately taken by one <strong>of</strong> M^ Townsend'sSquadron near the Mouth <strong>of</strong> S' Lawrence, that she cameout with the Brest Squadron & sail'd <strong>in</strong> Company with iteight days; the Account we had <strong>of</strong> two large french Shipsbe<strong>in</strong>g seen to go <strong>in</strong>to Chibucto Harbour about two Monthsago; the behavior <strong>of</strong> the French <strong>in</strong> Nova Scotia, & theirdeclar'd Expectations <strong>of</strong> a large French Armament aboutthis time, seems to make it very probable that these Shipsmay be part <strong>of</strong> the Brest Squadron, & that they have animmediate design upon Nova Scotia at least. — Hereupon

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