A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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324 APPENDIX.great measure become true Protestant Subjects; <strong>and</strong> theIndians there soon Reclaim'd to an entire dependance upon& subjection to his Majesty; which might also have anhappy Influence upon some <strong>of</strong> the Tribes now <strong>in</strong> the FrenchInterest." Your Grace will be pleas'd to Excuse all" Incorrectness <strong>in</strong> this rough Sketch." I am with the most Dutifull Regard," My Lord Duke," Your Grace's most Devoted &" Most Obedient Servant" W. Shirley."" Sir,Shirley to Mascabene, Boston, Sept? 16, 1746." Hav<strong>in</strong>g been <strong>in</strong>form'd that the french Inhabitants <strong>of</strong>Nova Scotia enterta<strong>in</strong> some Jealousy <strong>of</strong> a Design <strong>in</strong> theEnglish Government to remove them with their Familiesfrom their Settlements, & transport them to <strong>France</strong> or elsewhere;I desire (if you th<strong>in</strong>k it may be for his Majesty'sService) that you would be pleas'd to signify to 'em, thatit is probable if his Majesty had declar'd such Intention Imight have heard <strong>of</strong> the same , but that I am perfectly unaqua<strong>in</strong>tedwith any such Design, <strong>and</strong> am perswaded there isno just Ground for this Jealousy ; And be pleas'd to assure'em that I shall use my best Endeavours by a proper Representation<strong>of</strong> their Case to be laid before his Majesty, toobta<strong>in</strong> the Cont<strong>in</strong>uance <strong>of</strong> his Royal Favour & Protectionto such <strong>of</strong> them, as shall behave dutifully, & refuse to holdany Correspondence with his Enemies; <strong>and</strong> I doubt notbut that all such <strong>of</strong> 'em will be protected by his Majesty<strong>in</strong> the Possession <strong>of</strong> their Estates & Settlements <strong>in</strong> NovaScotia.

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