A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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1737, 1738.] FRUITLESS INQUIRIES. 15He had <strong>in</strong>quired on all sides for the Pacific. TheAss<strong>in</strong>ibo<strong>in</strong>s could tell him noth<strong>in</strong>g. Nor could any<strong>in</strong>formation be expected from them, s<strong>in</strong>cetheir relatives<strong>and</strong> mortal enemies, the Sioux, barred their wayto the West. The Crist<strong>in</strong>eaux were equally ignorant;but they supplied the place <strong>of</strong>knowledge by <strong>in</strong>vention,<strong>and</strong> drew maps, some <strong>of</strong> which seem to havebeen made with no other <strong>in</strong>tention than that <strong>of</strong> amus<strong>in</strong>gthemselves by impos<strong>in</strong>g on the <strong>in</strong>quirer. Theyalso declared that some <strong>of</strong> their number had gonedown a river called White River, or River <strong>of</strong> theWest, where they found a plant that shed drops likeblood, <strong>and</strong> saw serpents <strong>of</strong> prodigious size. Theysaidfurther that on the lower part <strong>of</strong> this river werewalled towns, where dwelt white men who had knives,hatchets, <strong>and</strong> cloth,but no firearms. ^Both Ass<strong>in</strong>ibo<strong>in</strong>s <strong>and</strong> Crist<strong>in</strong>eaux declared thatthere was a distant tribe on the Missouri, calledMantannes (M<strong>and</strong>ans), who knew the way to theWestern Sea, <strong>and</strong> would guide him to it.Lured bythis assurance, <strong>and</strong> feel<strong>in</strong>g that he had sufficientlysecured his position to enable him to beg<strong>in</strong> his westernexploration. La Vdrendrye left Fort La Re<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong>October, 1738, with twenty men, <strong>and</strong> pushed up theriver Ass<strong>in</strong>ibo<strong>in</strong> till its rapids <strong>and</strong> shallows threatenedhis bark canoes with destruction. Then, witha b<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Ass<strong>in</strong>ibo<strong>in</strong> Lidians who had jo<strong>in</strong>ed him,he struck across the prairie for the M<strong>and</strong>ans, his^ Journal de la V&endrye jo<strong>in</strong>t a la. Lettre de M. de Beau/iarnoisdu— Octobre, 1737.

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