A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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1731.] LA VJ^RENDRYE'S ENTERPRISE. 11manned, provisioned, <strong>and</strong> stocked with goods broughtthrough two thous<strong>and</strong> miles <strong>of</strong>difficult <strong>and</strong> perilouswilderness. There were other dangers, more <strong>in</strong>sidious,<strong>and</strong> perhaps greater. The exclusive privileges grantedto La Vdrendrye would <strong>in</strong>evitably rouse the <strong>in</strong>tensestjealousy <strong>of</strong> the Canadian merchants, <strong>and</strong> they wouldspare no effort to ru<strong>in</strong> him. Intrigue <strong>and</strong> calumnywould be busy <strong>in</strong> his absence. If, as was likely, hispatron, Beauharnois, should be recalled, the newgovernor might be turned aga<strong>in</strong>st him, his privilegesmight be suddenly revoked, the forts he had builtpassed over to his rivals, <strong>and</strong> all his outlays turnedto their pr<strong>of</strong>it, as had happened to La Salle on therecall <strong>of</strong> his patron, Frontenac. On the other h<strong>and</strong>,the country was full <strong>of</strong> the choicest furs, which theIndians had hitherto carried to the English at HudsonBay, but which the proposed trad<strong>in</strong>g-posts wouldsecure to the French. La V^rendrye's enemies pretendedthat he thought <strong>of</strong> noth<strong>in</strong>g but beaver-sk<strong>in</strong>s,<strong>and</strong> slighted the discovery which he had bound himselfto undertake; but his conduct proves that hewas true to his engagements, <strong>and</strong> that ambition toga<strong>in</strong> honorable dist<strong>in</strong>ction <strong>in</strong> the service <strong>of</strong> the K<strong>in</strong>ghad a large place among the motives that impelledhim.As his own resources were <strong>of</strong>the smallest, he tooka number <strong>of</strong> associates on conditions most unfavorableto himself. Among them they raised money enoughto beg<strong>in</strong> the enterprise, <strong>and</strong> on the eighth <strong>of</strong> June,1731, La V^rendrye <strong>and</strong> three <strong>of</strong> his sons, together

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