A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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210 WAR AND POLITICS. [1745-1747.This was the farthest outpost <strong>of</strong> the colony, <strong>and</strong> theonly defence <strong>of</strong> Albany <strong>in</strong> the direction <strong>of</strong> Canada.It was occupied by a sergeant, a corporal, <strong>and</strong>ten soldiers, who testified before a court <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>quirythat it was <strong>in</strong> such condition that <strong>in</strong> ra<strong>in</strong>yweather neither they nor their ammunition couldbe kept dry. As neither the Assembly nor the merchants<strong>of</strong> Albany would make it tenable, the garrisonwas withdrawn before w<strong>in</strong>ter by order <strong>of</strong> thegovernor. 1Scarcely was this done when five hundred French<strong>and</strong> Indians, under the partisan Mar<strong>in</strong>, surprised thesettlement <strong>in</strong> the night <strong>of</strong> the twenty-eighth <strong>of</strong>November, burned fort, houses, mills, <strong>and</strong> stables,killed thirty persons, <strong>and</strong> carried <strong>of</strong>f about a hundredprisoners. 2 Albany was left uncovered, <strong>and</strong> theAssembly voted X150 <strong>in</strong> prov<strong>in</strong>cial currency torebuild the ru<strong>in</strong>ed fort. A feeble palisade work wasaccord<strong>in</strong>gly set up, but it was neglected like its predecessor.Colonel Peter Schuyler was stationed therewith his regiment <strong>in</strong> 1747, but was forced to ab<strong>and</strong>onhis post for want <strong>of</strong> supplies. Cl<strong>in</strong>ton then directedColonel Roberts, comm<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g at Albany, to exam<strong>in</strong>e1 Exam<strong>in</strong>ations at a Court <strong>of</strong> Inquiry at Albany, 11 December, 1745,<strong>in</strong> N. Y. Col. Docs., vi. 374.2 The best account <strong>of</strong> this affair is <strong>in</strong> the journal <strong>of</strong> a French<strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>in</strong> Schuyler, Colonial Neio York, ii. 115. The dates, be<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> new style, differ by eleven days from those <strong>of</strong> the Englishaccounts. The Dutch hamlet <strong>of</strong> Saratoga, surprised by Mar<strong>in</strong>,was near the mouth <strong>of</strong> the Fish Kill, on the west side <strong>of</strong> the Hudson.There was also a small fort on the east side, a little below themoutli <strong>of</strong> the Batten Kill.

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