A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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130 LOUISBOURG TAKEN. [1745.under cover <strong>of</strong> night to repair the mischief; closedthe shattered West Gate with a wall <strong>of</strong> stone <strong>and</strong>earth twenty feet thick, made an epaulement to protectwhat was left <strong>of</strong> the formidable Circular Battery,— all but three <strong>of</strong> whose sixteen guns had been dismounted,— stopped the throat <strong>of</strong> the Dauph<strong>in</strong>'sBastion wdth a barricade<strong>of</strong> stone, <strong>and</strong> built a cavalier,or raised battery, on the K<strong>in</strong>g's Bastion,— where,however, the English fire soon ru<strong>in</strong>ed it. Aga<strong>in</strong>stthat near <strong>and</strong> peculiarly dangerous neighbor, theadvanced battery, or, as they called it, the Batteriede Francceur^ they planted three heavy cannon to takeit <strong>in</strong> flank. "These," says Duchambon, "produceda marvellous effect, dismounted one <strong>of</strong> the cannon <strong>of</strong>the Bastonnais, <strong>and</strong> damaged all their embrasures, —which," concludes the governor, "did not preventthem from keep<strong>in</strong>g up a constant fire; <strong>and</strong> theyrepaired by night the mischief we did them byday."iPepperrell <strong>and</strong> Warren at length came to an underst<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>gas to a jo<strong>in</strong>t attack by l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> water. TheIsl<strong>and</strong> Battery was by this time crippled, <strong>and</strong> thetown batteries that comm<strong>and</strong>ed the <strong>in</strong>terior <strong>of</strong> theharbor were nearly destroyed. It was agreed thatWarren, whose squadron was now <strong>in</strong>creased byrecent arrivals to eleven ships, besides the prov<strong>in</strong>cialcruisers, should enter the harbor with the first fairw<strong>in</strong>d, cannonade the town <strong>and</strong> attack it <strong>in</strong> boats,while Pepperrell stormed it from the l<strong>and</strong> side.^ Duchamhon au M<strong>in</strong>istre, 2 Septemhre, 1745.

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