A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

A half-century of conflict. France and England in North America. Part ...

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^128 LOUISBOURG TAKEN. [1745.he called a council <strong>of</strong> his capta<strong>in</strong>s on board his flagship,the " Superbe," <strong>and</strong> proposed a plan for tak<strong>in</strong>gthe place without further delay. On the same dayhelaid it before Pepperrell. It was to the effect thatall the K<strong>in</strong>g's ships <strong>and</strong> prov<strong>in</strong>cial cruisers shouldenter the harbor, after tak<strong>in</strong>g on board sixteen hundred<strong>of</strong> Pepperrell's men, <strong>and</strong> attack the town fromthe water side, while what was left <strong>of</strong> the armyshould assault it by l<strong>and</strong>.^ To accept the f)roposalwould have been to pass over the comm<strong>and</strong> to Warren,only about twenty-one hundred <strong>of</strong> the New Engl<strong>and</strong>men be<strong>in</strong>g fit for service at the time, while <strong>of</strong> thesethe general <strong>in</strong>forms Warren that "six hundred aregone <strong>in</strong> quest <strong>of</strong> two bodies <strong>of</strong> French <strong>and</strong> Indians,who, we are <strong>in</strong>formed, are gather<strong>in</strong>g, one to the eastward,<strong>and</strong> the other to the westward."To this Warren replies, with some appearance <strong>of</strong>pique, " I am very sorry that no one plan <strong>of</strong> m<strong>in</strong>e,though approved by all my capta<strong>in</strong>s, has been so fortunateas to meet your approbation or have anyweight with you." And to show his title to consideration,he gives an extract from a letter writtento him by Shirley, <strong>in</strong> which that <strong>in</strong>veterateflattererh<strong>in</strong>ts his regret that, by reason <strong>of</strong> other employments,Warren could not take comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> the whole expedition,— "which I doubt not," says the governor,^ Report <strong>of</strong> a Consultation <strong>of</strong> Officers on board his Majesty's ship" Superbe," enclosed <strong>in</strong> a letter <strong>of</strong> IFan-en to Pepperrell, 24 Mai/,1745.2 Pepperrell to Warren, 28 May, 1745.

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