Rath Yatra - National Aluminium Company Ltd.

Rath Yatra - National Aluminium Company Ltd.

Rath Yatra - National Aluminium Company Ltd.

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NALCO’S 1ST QUARTER RESULTSTURNOVER Rs.1606 CRORE, UP 25%NET PROFIT Rs.525 CRORE, UP 18%Nalco has reported Profit After Tax of Rs.525.33 crore for the 1st quarter ended June 30, registering anincrease of 17.6% over Rs.446.66 crore achieved in the corresponding period of the previous fiscal.According to the results taken on record at a meeting of theBoard of Directors on July 31, the <strong>Company</strong> has also reporteda turnover of Rs.1606.41 crore, compared to Rs.1287.12 croreachieved in the corresponding quarter of the previous year,recording a jump of 24.8%.On the sales front also, Nalco has put up an impressiveperformance. The <strong>Company</strong> sold 2,21,405 MT of alumina inthe 1st quarter, which was 2,07,765 MT in the correspondingperiod a year ago. Similarly, the aluminium sale increasedfrom 75,858 MT to 84,103 MT during the comparable quarter.Meanwhile, the state-level single window clearance authorityof Orissa Govt has cleared Nalco’s Rs.16,345 crore investmentproposal to set up a 5 lakh MT Smelter and 1260 MW CaptivePower Plant at Brajarajnagar in Jharsuguda district. Theproposal now awaits approval of Apex-level Committeechaired by the Chief Minister.At the same time, the 2nd phase expansion projects of the<strong>Company</strong> are nearing completion with an investment ofabout Rs.5000 crore. The <strong>Company</strong> has also drawnambitious plans to invest around Rs.40,000 crore in variousgreenfield projects in India and abroad, including Indonesiaand Iran.At the beginning of this year, Nalco signed an MoU withthe Govt of Indonesia, to set up a 5 lakh tonne Smelter anda 1250 MW Captive Power Plant in that country. The<strong>Company</strong> plans to invest around Rs.14,000 crore in thisgreenfield project, for which Tanjung Api-Api is theprobable site, based on the preliminary site-survey andstudies.Nalco is also pushing ahead with its plan to set up a Mines& Refinery Complex in Andhra Pradesh.NALCO’S BOARD OF DIRECTORSStanding (L-R): Dr. Jyoti Mukhopadhyay, Shri P.K. Routray, Shri R.K. Sharma, Shri K.K. Mallick, Shri B.L. Bagra,Shri K.S. Raju, Maj. Gen.(Retd.) Samay Ram, Shri V.K. Thakral, Shri Joy VargheseSitting (L-R): Shri N.R. Mohanty, Dr. A. Sahay, Shri S. Vijay Kumar, Shri C.R. Pradhan, Shri S.B. Mishra, Shri S.S. SohoniPublished by : Corporate Communication Department, <strong>National</strong> <strong>Aluminium</strong> <strong>Company</strong> Limited, Nalco Bhawan, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar - 751 061Chief Editor : Harish C. Pradhan, DGM(Admn.) Editor : Anil Bhatt, Chief Manager (CC)Designed and Printed at : Perfect Print & Graphics (P) <strong>Ltd</strong>., 154, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar - 751 010, Ph: 2587834EVEN BEFORE GETTING THE PRINTED COPY, YOU CAN GO THROUGH E-PARICHAYA AT www.nalcoindia.comYou may also send your feedback to abhatt@nalcoindia.co.in

Nalco bagsState CSR AwardNalco was adjudged the Best PublicSector Enterprise for its CorporateSocial Responsibility (CSR) activities.On behalf the <strong>Company</strong>, Shri C.R.Pradhan, CMD, received the trophyfrom Shri Naveen Patnaik, ChiefMinister of Orissa, at Think OdishaLeadership Awards function,organized by The Times of India &Tefla’s at Bhubaneswar on August 14.Excerpts from the Speech delivered by Shri C.R. Pradhan, CMD, on receiving the AwardAt Nalco, when we started our activities in Orissa, 27 yearsago, there was no such nomenclature like Corporate SocialResponsibility or CSR. All that we knew was our MoralResponsibility towards the society. And we never felt thenecessity of highlighting that. But things have changed. Today,CSR has become a buzzword in the corporate world. Moreand more organizations are waking up to this belatedrealization that beyond productivity and profitability, it is thesocial accountability that determines their overall success. Somuch so that, even before the land is acquired and foundationstonelaid for a project, the <strong>Company</strong> launches its CSR activitiesin the area. Perhaps, it is presumed that on a solid CSRfoundation, a strong business empire can be built.Well, in a way, it is necessary, because in most countrieswhere rapid economic growth is taking place, it is found thateconomic disparities are also increasing at a rate that is causingalarm. There is a limit to what government programmes canachieve in addressing such disparities. Moreover, the fullbenefits of government programmes, when filtered through somany layers, hardly reaches the grass-root level. So, corporatehouses should come forward to bridge the divide. Accordingto a report, presently 72% of India’s top companies haveundertaken CSR initiatives, supported by well-defined policies.Many of them have set up charitable foundations to improvehealth, education, environment and general living conditions.But then, corporate social responsibility could be much morethan charity, I believe. As such, charity has always been a partof corporate action. Yet, it had all along remained on thefringes – something outside the main business of profiteering.When charity becomes responsibility, I think the companyshould be aiming at growth in togetherness. People should bean integral part of organizational progress.That’s why, we at Nalco, as a corporate policy, allocate 1% ofour net profit of the year for social sector activities of thesucceeding year. For example, during the 2006-07 fiscal, Nalcomade a net profit of Rs. 2381 crore. Accordingly, for 2007-08,the <strong>Company</strong> earmarked Rs. 23.81 crore for variousdevelopmental activities in the State. In the coming years,these CSR allocations of Nalco are slated to increase manifold,as the <strong>Company</strong> keeps on expanding its production capacities.Nalco has so far contributed more than Rs.100 crore on CSRactivities in Orissa. For monitoring these socio-economicdevelopment activities, committees have been constituted,involving representatives of people, district administration andthe <strong>Company</strong>. That’s the level of Nalco’s involvement withthe people around, who have, with passage of time, becomepartners in our progress. Today, in various investment plansin Orissa, the interested companies are cited Nalco’s role as aresponsible corporate citizen. And I am grateful to the opinionmakers,for accepting us as the role model.However, I feel, the social challenges in our country is soenormous that social responsibility should not be limited tolarge successful corporate houses only. Small and mediumenterprises should also chip in to do their best.Also, in the corporate houses, CSR should not be left to a fewindividuals only. Cutting across all levels, the spirit to servethe society should pervade the entire company. For this,volunteer groups need to be formed at sites and offices. Thegroups can participate in various socio-cultural activities, inwhich the company is involved.The vision gets mellowed and matured when one is involved in philanthropic and spiritual activities or gets to know moreabout the world, by stepping out of his small professional world. If more and more employees participate in CSR activities,the spin-off would be a gradual grooming of excellent human beings in the company. All forward-looking companies aredoing so. Because, when an organization makes such investment, which has more than financial bearing, it impacts otherspheres of activities in a positive way – and come what may, nothing can ever shake its roots. – C.R. Pradhan2

EEPC Star Performer Export Award for NalcoNalco has bagged the Engineering Export Promotion Council’sprestigious All India Export Award being adjudged as the ‘StarPerformer’ in large enterprise category, for its outstanding exportperformance during the year 2006-07.On behalf of the <strong>Company</strong>, the award was received by ShriK.K. Mallick, Director (Commercial), from Shri PranabMukherjee, Union Minister of External Affairs, Govt of India, ata function held in Kolkata on August 9.Nalco has played a pioneering role in the export of aluminaand aluminium from India. Since the beginning, the <strong>Company</strong>has been constantly increasing its exports and forex earnings.During the 2006-07 fiscal i.e. the period for which the awardwas received, the <strong>Company</strong> exported 7.73 lakh tonnes ofalumina and 93,122 tonnes of aluminium, earning an all-timehigh foreign exchange of Rs.2585 crore. The <strong>Company</strong> alsoearned the highest-ever sales turnover and net profit of Rs.6515crore and Rs.2381 crore respectively during the year.Nalco products are exported to more than 30 countries. The<strong>Company</strong> exports around 54% of the alumina produced, aftermeeting its captive consumption for production of aluminiumShri K.K. Mallick, Director (Commercial), received theEngineering Export Promotion Council's prestigious All India ExportAward from Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Union Minister of ExternalAffairs, Govt of India, in Kolkatametal. Presently, around 30% of metal production is exportedand remaining 70% is sold in the domestic market.Distinguished VisitorsThe Parliamentary Committee on Official Languages visited Nalco Regional Office, New Delhi, onJune 26. The Committee discussed with the <strong>Company</strong> Officials regarding the implementation ofHindi language in official activities.Smt. Suresh Raina, Director (Rajbhasa), Ministryof Mines, New Delhi, visited Southern RegionalOffice of Nalco at Chennai on June 30. Smt.Raina interacted with the Nalco Executives andreviewed the progress on Implementation ofOfficial Language Act. Shri H. Pansari, AM(Rajbhasa), Corporate Office, presented a reporton the occasion.3

Members of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Papers Laid on the Table were in Bhubaneswar fromJune 12 & 13. During the visit, the Committee interacted with the top officials of Nalco, Orissa AgroIndustries Limited and Orissa Primary Education Authority.Subsequently, the Members ofParliamentary Committee onPublic Undertakings were inBhubaneswar from June 20 to 22.Led by Shri Kanshi Ram Rana, theSix-member Committee interactedwith the top officials of Nalco.Smt. R. Sinha, Sr.EA(Admn.), Smelter Plant,Angul, retired from theservices of the <strong>Company</strong> onattaining the age ofsuperannuation on July 31.At a farewell meetingorganized at the HRDConference Hall, S&PComplex, Shri A.K. Sharma, ED(S&P), Shri S.S. Patnaik,GM(H&A), Shri D.C. Sahu, GM (Finance), Shri S.N. Das,GM(O&M), Smelter and others recounted her contributionsto the <strong>Company</strong> and handed over the Service Certificateand a memento.Shri S. Gantayat, CM(IE),Smelter Plant, on attainingthe age of superannuation,retired from the services ofthe <strong>Company</strong> and wasaccorded a warm farewellat S&P Complex on June30. Shri D.C. Sahu, GM(Finance), Shri S.S. Patnaik,GM(H&A), Shri S.S. Das, GM(O&M), Smelter, Shri S.K.Sinha, GM (Materials) and others fondly recalled theirassociation and shared their working experiences withShri Gantayat. On the occasion, Shri S.S. Patnaik,GM(H&A), handed over the Service Certificate and ShriD.C. Sahu, GM (Finance), presented him a plaque. ShriGantayat expressed his gratitude and thanked all for theircooperation & support.Shri S.K. Patra, GM (Port Facilities), is seen alongwith colleagues and friends at his farewell meeting atthe Port Facilities Conference Hall, Vizag on June 30.FAREWELL4

As in previous years, Nalconians celebrated the festival of<strong>Rath</strong> <strong>Yatra</strong> with enthusiasm in the townships of Damanjodiand Angul on July 4.At M&R Complex<strong>Rath</strong> <strong>Yatra</strong>At S&P ComplexThousands of devotees from Nalconagar, Angul and nearbyareas celebrated <strong>Rath</strong> <strong>Yatra</strong> and Gundicha (Bahuda) <strong>Yatra</strong>with religious fervour for the 15 th year in succession. ShriP.K. Mohanty, GM (Projects) and President of TempleCommittee, swept the chariot floor (Chhera Pahanra) asper the ritual. The devotees rejoiced while pulling thechariot from Srimandir to Mausima temple. The week-longcelebration was marked by many cultural programmesorganized in the temple premises. Shri S.S. Patnaik,GM(H&A), Shri S.K. Sinha, GM (Materials), Members ofAmidst the resounding clanging of cymbals and thetumultuous thundering of drums, <strong>Rath</strong> <strong>Yatra</strong> was celebratedwith enthusiasm and gaiety. The three Deities – LordJagannath, Brother Balabhadra & Sister Subhadra – weretaken to the chariot in a grand procession, called ‘PahandiBije’. Shri K.S. Sreedhara, ED(M&R) I/c, performed the ritual‘Chhera Pahanra’. Devotees from the township and nearbyvillages gathered to pull the chariot to Mausima temple.Bahuda <strong>Yatra</strong> also witnessed large gathering of devotees.Local Administration, in association with CISF and TempleCommittee successfully conducted the festival.Temple Committee, Security personnel and otherssuccessfully coordinated the function.Chandan <strong>Yatra</strong>Rang De GulalHoli, the festival of colours, was celebrated with muchenthusiasm at Nalconagar, Angul. Employees along withtheir family members greeted each other with sweets andcolours. Shri A.K. Sharma, ED(S&P) and other seniorofficials also extended their good wishes to the employeeson the occasion. On the eve of holi, a hasya kabita asarwas also organized at the community centre. State-leveleminent poets regaled the audience with their wit &humour.Chandan <strong>Yatra</strong> of Shri Lord Jagannath was organized atthe newly built Narendra Pond (at an altitude of 3100feet from sea level) in the premises of Jagannath temple,M&R Complex, Damanjodi. Shri R.C Das, GM (Projects),along with other employees were present on the occasion.5

As in previous year, Nalco joined the world in celebratingthe World Environment Day. As part of the celebration,plantation drives were undertaken at various sites and officesof the <strong>Company</strong>. Besides, competitions were organized onthe occasion to generate general awareness.At AngulWorld Environment DayWorld Environment Day, commemorated every year on 5 th June, is one of the principalconcerns through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide attention andaction for environmental issues. The United Nations General Assembly establishedWorld Environment Day in 1972. This Year, the Slogan was ‘Kick the Habit! Towardsa Low Carbon Economy’.Recognizing that climate change is becoming the defining issue of the era, it is nowessential for Countries, Companies and Communities to focus on green house gas emissions andhow to reduce them. World Environment Day – 2008 highlight resources and initiatives thatpromote low carbon economies and life-styles, such as improved energy efficiency, alternativeenergy sources, forest conservation and eco-friendly consumption.gathering on the occasion, highlighted the importance ofcelebrating World Environment Day for generatingawareness among the employees. Shri A.K. Sharma,ED(S&P), along with Shri P.R. Choudhury, GM(Smelter),Shri S.N. Das, GM(O&M), Smelter and other senior officialsparticipated in the plantation drive that was organized tomark the occasion. Similarly in CPP, Shri P.K. Patnaik,GM(O&M), along with other employees, undertook aplantation drive near the sewerage treatment plant.At DamanjodiAs in previous years, the Safety, Health & EnvironmentDepartment of S&P Complex, in association with theHorticulture Department, celebrated the day in the premisesof Scrap & Salvage Recovery Cell office building of SmelterPlant. Shri A.K. Pattnaik, DGM(SH&E), addressing theAt the Refinery, World Environment Day was observedwith much enthusiasm. To mark the Day, various activitiesincluding an interactive ‘farmers meet’ was organized atthe Training Centre. Dr. K.C.Dash, Dy. Director(Horticulture), Koraput, graced the occasion as the chiefguest. Shri K.S. Sreedhara, ED(M&R)I/c, addressed thefarmers on the occasion. Apart from distributing saplingsand fertilizers to the farmers, a presentation was also madeto create awareness among the farmers about the harmfuleffects of carbon dioxide. Among others, ShriB.N. Mohanty, GM(AR), Shri R.P. Swain, GM(H&A), ShriR.C. Das, GM(O&M) and Shri A.K. Joshi, GM(O&M)I/c,were also present on the occasion. A plantation drives wasalso taken up near the Shiva lake.7

Van MahotsavAt AngulA week-long Van Mahotsav was observed at S&P Complexfrom July 1 to 7. Among other activities, plantationprogrammes were carried out by the employees at variousplaces, including the premises of Bachelor’s Hostel,Nalconagar and near the raw water reservoir, CPP. At CPP,Shri R.P. Srivastav, GM(CPP), along with Shri P.K. Mohanty,DGM(Admn.) and Shri S.S. Sahu, SM (Horticulture), werepresent.At DamanjodiVan Mahotsav week was observed at M&R Complex fromJuly 1 to 7. Shri B.N. Mohanty, GM(AR), inaugurated theweek-long programme by planting sapling near MaaKantabausuni Temple in the presence of Shri T.K.Shivashanmugam, DGM (Civil), Shri S.K. Patnaik,DGM(E&S) and other senior officials. To develop the areasurrounding Kantabausuni Temple as a medicinal plantpark, a mass plantation exercise was also undertaken bythe employees.Similarly, another plantation drive involving LDPemployees was undertaken at Saheed Laxman Nayak Nagarand Shri R.P. Swain, GM(H&A) planted a sapling to markthe occasion. During the week-long activities, moreplantation drives were carried out at the premises of SVMSchool, Neem Park, Sec – II and at the Mines.Water Resources DayWater Resources Day was observed by the Institution ofEngineers (India), Angul Local Centre, on April 11. Thetheme chosen for the occasion was “Interlinking of Rivers:a necessity of the Nation”. Shri A.K. Sharma, ED(S&P) andformer Chairman of Angul Centre, graced the occasion asthe chief guest along with Shri G.C. Sahu, former Engineerin-Chief(WR), Govt. of Orissa, and Member of Interlinkingof Rivers Task Force, constituted by Govt. of India, as thechief speaker. Shri Sahu in his address, emphasized on themanagement of water resources by interlinking of rivers toovercome the issues of water scarcity. Shri Soumya P.Patnaik, Chairman of Angul Centre, presided over thefunction and Shri C.R. Sahoo, Honorary Secretary,welcomed the participants. Senior Executives of Nalco,Members of The Institution of Engineers (India), AngulCentre, and engineers from EIL, MECON & other nearbyindustrial establishments participated in the function.The ERP Project N’ vision was set in motion at the CorporateOffice, Bhubaneswar, on July 17. Shri C.R. Pradhan, CMD,Shri K.K. Mallick, Director (Commercial), Shri P.K. Routray,Director (Production) and Shri G. Kameswar Rao, CVO, werepresent during the ERP Project N’ vision kick-off meeting.The core team of Nalco ERP Project N’ vision and Consultantsof various SAP Modules from Wipro were also present onthe occasion.Shri C.R. Pradhan, CMD, lighting the ceremonial lampto mark the kick-off meeting of ERP Project N’ visionERP PROJECT N’ VISION8

New President of Rotary ClubShri B.L. Bagra,Director (Finance),took over as thenew President ofRotary Club ofTemplecity at itsinstallationceremony inBhubaneswar, onJuly27. Prof. HariGautam, Chancellor of KIIT University, Dr. S.K. Tamotia,the outgoing President, along with office-bearers of theClub were present on the occasion.Dr. Majhi in International ConferenceDr. P.K. Majhi, CMS, Nalco Hospital, Angul, on aninvitation from American Diabetic Association, attendedits 68 th Annual Scientific Conference held in San Francisco,USA, from June 6 to 10. Dr. Majhi interacted with themedical experts and also visited School of Medicine,University of California.Dr. Mishra AwardedDr. C.R. Mishra, DGM(R&D), Corporate Office,Bhubaneswar, has received the ‘Bigyan Jyoti Award –2008’ for his contribution to Public Understanding ofScience and Service to Scientific Community. Dr. Mishrareceived the award from Shri Devi Prasad Mishra, Ministerof Tourism and Excise, Govt. of Orissa at a functionorganized during the 3 rd Mahanadi Mahotsav at Cuttack.POSCO–India Chief at NIPM<strong>National</strong> Institute ofPersonnel Management(NIPM), Utkal Chapter,organized a talk on“POSCO HR Philosophy& POSCO-India Project”by Mr. Soung-sik Cho,CMD, POSCO-India, atthe HRD Centre ofExcellence, Bhubaneswar,on August 30. Shri Joy Varghese, Chairman, NIPM,Utkal Chapter & Director (P&A), Nalco, presided overthe meeting. In his address, Shri Varghese expressedthe need for exchanging best HR practices among theprogressive organizations. The meeting was attendedby the HR professionals, practitioners and academiciansfrom organizations/institutions like Nalco, RelianceEnergy, POSCO, NINL, OHPC, TCS, Arcelor- Mittal,ASMIT, IMIS and Utkal University.Ph.D. Degree for Shri PatiShri Manoranjan Pati of Sports Cell,DPS, Damanjodi, was awarded Ph.D.Degree by the Department of PhysicalEducation, University of Kalyani, WestBengal for his thesis: ‘Effect of Altitudeon Physical, Physiological andPsychological parameters of SecondarySchool Boys and Girls of Age Group between 12 – 14 years’.Books ReleasedRahu Grasare Janharaati, an anthology ofpoems, based on contemporary social issues,written by Shri Bijaya Jena, Chargeman,M&R Complex, was released in a functionorganized by Barsha Sahitya Sansad,Damanjodi. Shri G.K. Behera, the thenED(M&R), released the book in the presenceof distinguished dignitaries of Nalco, including GMs ShriB.N. Mohanty & Shri P.M. Prakash and Shri R.K. Sutar,President of Barsha Sahitya Sansad.A collection of short stories ‘Akashara Ranga’ written by Smt.Swati Chatterjee, Teacher, SVM, Damanjodi, was released byeminent poet Shri Rama Kanta <strong>Rath</strong> in ‘Rajdhani Book Fair’.Earlier works of Smt. Chatterjee include Swapnara Prachira(1998), Santwana (2001) and Nisanga Bihanga (2004).9

Relief for Fire VictimsNalco LDPEmployees Union,Damanjodi, M&RComplex, distributedrelief materials,including food andclothes, among thefire affected victimsof Majhiamba villageof Narayanpatna panchayat, Koraput, on May 26. ShriPurnachandra Badanaik, Vice-President and Shri BiswanathNayak, Secretary of the Union along with other memberscoordinated the relief distribution.Extending SupportSteel Furniture & Ceiling FansPeriphery wingof S&P Complex,A n g u l ,distributed 180sets of steel deskcum bench and180 ceiling fansto the peripheryschools. Onbehalf of the schools, the Headmasters and teachersreceived the furniture and ceiling fans at the TrainingCentre, S&P Complex on March 28. Among others,Shri P.K. Mohanty, DGM (Administration), Shri U.C. Sahu,DGM (HRD) Training and Shri B. Mohapatra, CM(A&PD),were present on the occasion and coordinated thedistribution.This too is NalcoReflecting true spirit of mankind, the employees of CRS department, S&P Complex, Angul, extended their helping hand andshouldered the medical expenses of two unskilled contract labourers who met with two different accidents.Case I: Resulting from a fall from a tree, Shri Patel Garnaik, an unskilled contract labourer sustained multiple fractures onhis right hip bone. Realizing his weak financial condition, the employees of CRS department, extended their support andgot him admitted to a nursing home as well as paid Rs.22000/- towards his medical expenses. Shri Garnaik has sincerecovered completely and discharging his normal duties.Case II: Similarly, Shri Dubraj Murmu, an unskilled contract labourer, working in CRS department, injured his foot in anaccident. Subsequently, due to lack of treatment, the foot developed a major infection leading to septic. The employees ofCRS department admitted Shri Murmu to Nalco Hospital and got him treated for three months. The entire medical expenseof Rs. 35000/- was arranged from the contributions of CRS employees of Smelter and CPP. The generosity shown by theemployees are indeed an indication of the extraordinary attitude possessed by them.Parichaya salutes the noble employees and appreciates their generosity.Flood ReliefRelief materials, liketarpaulin andpolythene sheets,worth Rs. 14.5 Lakhwere distributedamong 3000 familiesin and around Basta, inBalasore district. Theregion was worst hit by the recent floods in Orissa. A teamfrom Nalco led by Shri Dilip Panigrahi, SM (Administation),along with Shri A.K. Upadhyay, Shri Asit Kamila and ShriPitamber Acharya, in association with Ramakrishna Mission,Bhubaneswar, coordinated the distribution on July 15.Supply of Drinking WaterLike previous years,the periphery wing ofS&P Complex, Angul,supplied drinkingwater to 22 peripheryvillages, during thesummer season.These villages,including Kukudang,Ekgharia, Tentoi, Tentoloi, Tentulihota, Ratasingh, Rajanipal,Kainphuliasahi, Salgadia, Bhogbarenji, Srikantpur, Kusupangi,Kendupali, Panigola, Danyanidhipur and Basudevpur, weresupplied regular drinking water through tankers, engaged bySwayam Sahayak Sangha (Self Help Groups) of the respectivevillages. Shri S.S. Patnaik, GM(H&A), flagged off the watertankers on April 30. Approximately Rs.11 lakh was spent onthe scheme.Beyond <strong>Aluminium</strong>10

Nalco Employees’ Central Union (NECU) celebrated May Day at Mahanadi NivasAuditorium, Bhubaneswar. Shri C.R. Pradhan, CMD, graced the occasion as the chiefguest. Shri K.N. Misra, former Director (Personnel & Administration) and Shri JoyVarghese, Director (Personnel & Administration), were the distinguished speakers onthe occasion. Shri P.K. Routray, Director (Production), Shri B.N. Swain, ED(H&A) andShri D.B. Bhanja, GM(HRD), were the guests of honour. Shri P.K. Das, Gen. Secretarydelivered the welcome address and Shri Niranjan Das, President of the Union, presidedover the meeting. The meeting concluded with a cultural programme, followed bycommunity dinner.MAYCELEBRMay Day Celebratioremember and recogmade by the windustrial andsociety. In thclass wasperiodRevoUnIn a separate function organized at the Community Centre, Nalconagar, Bhubaneswar,Nalco Employees’ Association, Nalco Shramik Sangha and Nalco Employees’ Forumjointly celebrated May Day with much enthusiasm.During the day, various activities including a blood donation camp and a Jala seba infront of the Corporate Office were organized. Various competitions were also heldamong hearing and speech impaired students of Shriharsha Mishra Memorial SishuBidyalaya.In the evening, Smt. Pramila Mallick, Minister for Women & Child Development, Govt.of Orissa, graced the occasion as the chief guest. Shri Shri P.K. Parida, ED (Marketing),Shri B.N. Swain, ED(H&A) and Dr. H.P. Mishra, former Chairman, IPICOL, graced theoccasion as guests of honour. A souvenir Shram Sarathi was alsoreleased on the occasion.Nalco Progressive Employees Union (NPEU), Angul, celebrated theday with enthusiasm. At a function organized on the occasion, ShriB.B. Seth, delivered the welcome address. Shri R.C. Behera, Gen.Secretary, NPEU, in his address, highlighted the importance of MayDay and emphasized on the collective effort of the employees towardshigher growth and production. Among others, Shri Shakti Patnaik,Chairman, TAMDA, Shri Abhiram Rout & Shri Jaldhar Singh, WorkingPresidents, were also present on the occasion.Nalco Progressive Employees Union11

DAYATIONn is an opportune time tonize the valuable contributionsorking community for theeconomic development of thee past, exploitation of workingevident, particularly during thethat followed the Industriallution. But today, the Tradeion movement has alreadyscored itself as a major force,acknowledged bythe Industry andthe Government.Nalco Smelter Workers Union(NSWU) and Nalco Non-Executive Employees Union(NNEU), CPP, celebrated MayDay in the premises of UnionOffice. Shri Sisir Bisoi,President, NNEU, CPP,presided over the meeting andShri Priyambada Paikray,former employee of CPP,unfurled the flag on theoccasion. Members and officebearersof both the Unionswere present on the occasion. Subsequently, NNEU organized a function at KalyanMandap, Nalconagar, Angul on May 18. Shri Pyarimohan Mohapatra, Hon’ble Memberof Parliament and Shri Prafulla Chandra Ghadei, Hon’ble Minister for Finance, Govt. ofOrissa, graced the occasion as the chief guest and chief speaker respectively. Shri R.K.Singh, MLA, Angul, presided over the meeting while Shri Amar Behera, General Secretary(NNEU), presented the Union report. The annual souvenir ‘Shramik’ was also releasedon the occasion. Among others, Shri P.K. Amant, State Minister for Steel and Mines,Shri Sanjib Sahu, State Minister for Schools & Mass Education, Shri Prafulla Mallick,MLA, Shri Ravi Pani, former Member of Parliament, Shri R.P Swain, State PresidentHMS, Shri Jogindra Nath Tripathy, State Gen. Secy, HMS, Shri S.S. Patnaik, GM(H&A)and Shri P.K. Patnaik, GM(O&M)CPP, were present on the occasion.Nalco Shramik Congress Union also celebrated May Day in the Union Office premises.Shri R.C. Jena, President of the Union, along with other office-bearers and memberswere present on the occasion.Celebration by NEA, DelhiNalco Shramik Congress UnionNalco Employees Union (PF), celebrated MayDay at the Port Facilities, Visakhapatnam. ShriS.K. Patra, the then GM (Port Facilities),inaugurated the function. On the occasion,employees and contract laboures gathered inlarge numbers. Addressing the gathering,Shri P.R. Naidu, Working President and ShriD.A. Naidu, General Secretary of the Union,highlighted the importance of May Day. ShriA. Krishnarao, Joint Secretary, proposed a voteof thanks.12

<strong>Aluminium</strong> World<strong>Aluminium</strong>, copper seen best betsamong metalsIndustrial metals are still a good bet despite worries aboutglobal demand, with copper and aluminium the mostattractive.Base metals have been under pressure for the last coupleof months due to an expected Chinese demand not pickingup at a time when the US economy is slowing down.But fund managers and analysts at a commodities summitheld by Reuters sounded optimistic on the fortunes ofmetals. “There’s still money to be made in a lot of metals,”said Mr Mark Mathias, Chief Executive of Dawnay DayQuantum. “For us copper is the most attractive one,” hesaid.“You can only grow aluminium production if you have gotenough bauxite and alumina to do it.<strong>Aluminium</strong> output grew 12.5 per cent last year, but thatcan’t happen again,” Mr Sthepen Briggs, metal analyst atSociete Generale, said, pointing to a winding down instrong growth in alumina output. Mr Briggs said he expectedthe power-intensive metal to trade above $3,000 per tonnenext year. The metal is now at $2,935.Business Line, 14.06.08<strong>Aluminium</strong> makers raise premiumGlobal aluminium producers will raise the fee they chargebuyers in Japan, Asia’s biggest importer, by 4.8 per cent tothe highest in almost four years after power shortages cutproduction, according to four executives involved in thenegotiations. The premium, which may set an Asianbenchmark, will be $87 a tonne over the London MetalExchange cash price for shipments in the three months toSept. 30, up from $83 in the period ending June 30, saidthe executives.Hindalco net up 16%Business Line, 14.06.08Aditya Birla flagship firm Hindalco Industries announced anet profit of Rs.696.76 crore for the first quarter endedJune 30, 2008 – a 16% growth over the correspondingperiod a year ago. The company had a net profit ofRs.598.62 crore in the first quarter of the financial year2007-08. The total income rose to Rs.4,862.19 crore inthe June quarter, from Rs.4,809.76 crore in the same periodprevious year.“A steep depreciation of the rupee against the dollar affectedthe copper business by about Rs.151.9 crore in the Junequarter. For the corresponding quarter of the previous yearthis had an estimated favourable impact of Rs.14.3 crore,”the firm said.Business Standard, 29.07.08State team clears Rs.42,813 crorealuminium projectsThe State Level Single Window Clearance Authority(SLSWCA) of Orissa government, approved projects worthRs.42,813 crore mainly pertaining to the aluminium sector.It includes the Rs.16,345 crore investment proposal of theNalco, Rs.19,668 crore proposal of L&T-Dubal, Rs.6800crore proposal of RSB Metaltech.The SLSWCA approved aluminium major Nalco’s proposalfor setting up a 0.5 mtpa aluminium smelter and 1260 MWcaptive power plant (CPP) at Brajaraj Nagar in Jharsuguda.About 9600 direct and indirect employment opportunitieswill be created due to this project and the state exchequeris likely to benefit by about Rs.250 crore to Rs.300 crorein the form of taxes and duty. L&T-Dubal, a joint ventureof L&T of India and Dubal <strong>Aluminium</strong> of Dubai, hasproposed to set up a 3 mtpa aluminium refinery, 0.44mtpa aluminium smelter and 1080 MW captive powerplant. While the captive power plant will be located inRengali, the refinery will be located in Kusumsila inRaygada district and the smelter will be located inBadarapali in Sambalpur. The project is expected togenerate direct and indirect employment opportunities forabout 11,110 persons and is likely to contributeapproximately Rs.300 crore per annum to the stateexchequer. The committee also approved the proposal of theRSB Metaltech for setting up 0.7 mtpa alumina refinery atRaygada, 0.175 mtpa aluminium smelter and 450 MW captivepower plant at Muktapasi near Kamakshyanagar in Dhenkanaldistrict. It will also produce 0.20 mtpa special grade aluminiumand 19,000 tonne aluminium for the downstream industries.While the total employment generation is likely to be about8000, it is expected to contribute approximately Rs.140-150crore to the state exchequer.Business Standard, 29.07.0813

PARICHAYA CONGRATULATES ALL THE EXECUTIVES PROMOTED RECENTLYName Cadre Unit Promotedto GradeSP PRADHAN Chemical SMLT E01PK SWAIN Chemical AL.REF E01S DANDAPAT Metallurgy SMLT E01BK ROUT Metallurgy SMLT E01RK SAY Mech./Prodn. CPP E01NK NAIK Mech./Prodn. MINES E01CP TUDU Mech./Prodn. SMLT E01S HEMBRAM Mech./Prodn. SMLT E01TOPPO Mech./Prodn. SMLT E01BB SETHY Mech./Prodn. AL.REF E01S MURMU Mech./Prodn. SMLT E01SK MISHRA Mech./Prodn. SMLT E01CR MOHANTY Mech./Prodn. CPP E01RK SATPATHY Mech./Prodn. SMLT E01NK JENA Mech./Prodn. SMLT E01SK SAMAL Mech./Prodn. SMLT E01AK PATNAIK Mech./Prodn. CPP E01DP MOHAPATRA Mech./Prodn. AL.REF E01AK MISHRA Mech./Prodn. SMLT E01A ROY Mech./Prodn. AL.REF E01TK NAYAK Electrical MINES E01PK SAHOO Electrical SMLT E01K SENAPATI Civil,Arch & Ceramic AL.REF E01D PATNAIK Chemistry/Lab AL.REF E01BC BANERJEE Chemistry/Lab SMLT E01SC MOHANTY Chemistry/Lab CPP E01BB MISHRA Fin. & Accts. CPP E01A PADHI Fin. & Accts. MUMB E01N BISOYI Fin. & Accts. AL.REF E01AK SETHA Mat. Mangt. SMLT E01SK PATNAIK Mat. Mangt. CORP E01RC JENA Mat. Mangt. MINES E01AK LENKA HRD & Admn. AL.REF E01G. TULASI DAS HRD & Admn. AL.REF E01G PATNAIK HRD & Admn. AL.REF E01P KORKORA PR & Corp. Commn. SMLT E01PN MALLICK Secretarial & Coordn SMLT E01PT RAO Secretarial & Coordn AL.REF E01HB SAMANTRAY Secretarial & Coordn CORP E01MK DAS Raj Bhasa AL.REF E01B OJHA Chemical AL.REF E02A LAKRA Chemical AL.REF E02D.K. SAHOO Chemical AL.REF E02S TRIPATHY Chemical AL.REF E02MM SINHA Metallurgy SMLT E02S MAHAPATRA Metallurgy SMLT E02H MATOLIA Metallurgy SMLT E02A K SHARMA Metallurgy CORP E02Y PRADHAN Metallurgy SMLT E02S KUMAR Metallurgy SMLT E02S S GIRI Metallurgy SMLT E02L MOHAPATRA Metallurgy SMLT E02N SINHA Metallurgy SMLT E02A DAS Metallurgy SMLT E02P K BEHERA Metallurgy SMLT E02BC NAYAK Mech./Prodn. AL.REF E02MK PARMANIK Mech./Prodn. AL.REF E02M NAHAK Mech./Prodn. SMLT E02M GOVINDAN Mech./Prodn. AL.REF E02H.K. NAMBOOTHIRI U Mech./Prodn. SMLT E02S B PUROHIT Mech./Prodn. SMLT E02K.M.A. SIDDIQ Mech./Prodn. AL.REF E02S DEY Mech./Prodn. SMLT E02PK SETHY Mech./Prodn. CPP E02A HALDER Mech./Prodn. CPP E02Name Cadre Unit Promotedto GradeSK BHAUNT Mech./Prodn. CPP E02P RAJA Mech./Prodn. SMLT E02D K SAHOO Mech./Prodn. SMLT E02RAJIV RANJAN Mech./Prodn. SMLT E02K SURESH BABU Mech./Prodn. AL.REF E02D MISHRA Mech./Prodn. CPP E02N R PRADHAN Mech./Prodn. SMLT E02S MOHANTY Mech./Prodn. SMLT E02SK PADHY Mech./Prodn. CPP E02AS SHARMA Mech./Prodn. SMLT E02S BURMA Mech./Prodn. CPP E02SN PATIL Mech./Prodn. SMLT E02P U TIRKEY Mech./Prodn. SMLT E02B NAIK Mech./Prodn. CPP E02IA KHAN Electrical SMLT E02B EKKA Electrical AL.REF E02MAJ VARMA Electrical VZG E02D SAHOO Electrical SMLT E02DP PATNAIK Electrical CPP E02H B BANDARI Electrical SMLT E02A MANDAL Electrical SMLT E02S NAYAK Electrical SMLT E02R PATRA Electrical SMLT E02MK SINGH Electrical CPP E02ABINASH PANDA Electrical SMLT E02DEBASIS PATNAIK Electrical CPP E02AK LENKA Electrical SMLT E02L KAMSON Electrical SMLT E02N PAULRAJ Civil,Arch & Ceramic AL.REF E02R NANDY Civil,Arch & Ceramic SMLT E02C K PAL Civil,Arch & Ceramic SMLT E02RAJIB HUY Civil,Arch & Ceramic SMLT E02S K TRIPATHY Civil,Arch & Ceramic SMLT E02RAJESH SARKAR Civil,Arch & Ceramic SMLT E02R. MISHRA Civil,Arch & Ceramic SMLT E02LP SAHU Electnx,Inst & Tel.Com CPP E02B SETHY Electnx,Inst & Tel.Com CPP E02PK SAHU Electnx,Inst & Tel.Com SMLT E02J. RAGHAVA Electnx,Inst & Tel.Com CPP E02B S RAO Electnx,Inst & Tel.Com AL.REF E02VINAY KUMAR Electnx,Inst & Tel.Com SMLT E02R S THAKUR Electnx,Inst & Tel.Com SMLT E02D MISHRA Electnx,Inst & Tel.Com SMLT E02RJ SCUDDER Electnx,Inst & Tel.Com CPP E02A SINHA Electnx,Inst & Tel.Com SMLT E02M MURMU Electnx,Inst & Tel.Com SMLT E02SR TAKSANDE Electnx,Inst & Tel.Com CPP E02N. J. SWAMY Mangt. Services MINES E02ANITA PATANGIA Mangt. Services SMLT E02P. K. PATTAJOSHI Industrial Hygiene AL.REF E02PC BISWAL Finance & Accounts SMLT E02SK SAMAL Marketing CORP E02S.L. BOSE Marketing CORP E02RK SRIVASTAV HRD & Admn. SMLT E02P. C. SAHOO HRD & Admn. CPP E02DR.S MURMU Medical SMLT E02U.K. MAHARANA Horticulture CPP E02M. R. RATH Horticulture AL.REF E02AK MOHANTY Des,Exc,Tra,S&T SMLT E02L.M. PANDA Secretarial & Coordn SMLT E02C MAJHI Chemical AL.REF E03AK SINGH Metallurgy SMLT E03RK MAHATO Metallurgy SMLT E03CS KALINGIRI Metallurgy SMLT E03N PANDA Metallurgy SMLT E03Name Cadre Unit Promotedto GradePK SAHU Metallurgy SMLT E03PC SAHU Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E03PM PATI Mechanical/Prodn. SMLT E03A TIRKEY Mechanical/Prodn. SMLT E03GS PATRA Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E03MC MALLICK Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E03GP BARIK Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E03HS PRADHAN Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E03B TUDU Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E03SD SATPATHY Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E03AP MISHRA Mechanical/Prodn. MINES E03V.S. PRASAD Mechanical/Prodn. SMLT E03NK MOHAPATRA Electrical SMLT E03P. DUNGDUNG Electrical CPP E03PK SAHU Electrical CPP E03MK MISHRA Electrical AL.REF E03H BEHERA Electrical CPP E03R. MOHANTA Electrical SMLT E03J DAS Civil,Arch & Ceramic SMLT E03TR BISWAL Civil,Arch & Ceramic SMLT E03BP MOHAPATRA Civil,Arch & Ceramic CPP E03K CHANDRASEKHAR Civil,Arch & Ceramic MINES E03SIBARAMA PANDA Civil,Arch & Ceramic CPP E03BC BARAL Mining MINES E03DR BEHERA Management Services MINES E03RAJARAM MISHRA Management Services SMLT E03PK MISHRA Finance & Accounts SMLT E03R PANIGRAHI Finance & Accounts SMLT E03RK MOHANTY Finance & Accounts CORP E03B PRADHAN Finance & Accounts CPP E03SC PANIGRAHI Materials Managnt. AL.REF E03BK DHIR Materials Managnt. CPP E03S MOHANTY Marketing BLR E03UC PATNAIK HRD & Admn. AL.REF E03PN NATH HRD & Admn. SMLT E03AK RAY HRD & Admn. CPP E03DR. T NANDA Medical AL.REF E03S K YADAV Des,Exc,Tra,S&T SMLT E03NK NAYAK Secretarial & Coordn SMLT E03A S HODA Chemical CPP E04BC MALLICK Metallurgy SMLT E04SC TRIPATHY Metallurgy SMLT E04AN BEHERA Metallurgy SMLT E04N PRADHAN Metallurgy SMLT E04M SOREN Metallurgy SMLT E04SS KAWACHI Metallurgy SMLT E04SG KOSARIA Metallurgy SMLT E04AK SAHU Mechanical/Prodn. SMLT E04AK PANIGRAHI Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E04PKS VERMA Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E04BK MOHANTY Mechanical/Prodn. SMLT E04MA KHAN Mechanical/Prodn. SMLT E04P.K.SAMANTRAY Mechanical/Prodn. SMLT E04KC CHOUDHURY Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E04BK DWARI Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E04SN PANDA Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E04S UPADHYAY Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E04RASRAJ SINGH Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E04A.R. SARMA Mechanical/Prodn. VZG E04T.K. CHHOTARAY Mechanical/Prodn. SMLT E04V K SINGH Mechanical/Prodn. SMLT E04JC PANDA Electrical AL.REF E04M KUJUR Electrical AL.REF E04AK RANA Electrical CPP E04SL JAISWAL Electrical CPP E0414

Name Cadre Unit Promotedto GradeB PRADHAN Electrical AL.REF E04JA SARMA Electrical CPP E04UC NAYAK Electrical SMLT E04GS SHARMA Electrical CPP E04A BEHERA Civil,Arch & Ceramic SMLT E04AK NAYAK Electnx,Inst&Tel.Com AL.REF E04DK SAHU Electnx,Inst&Tel.Com CPP E04PKR NAIK Electnx,Inst&Tel.Com AL.REF E04E SAHOO Mining MINES E04PK SAHU Chemistry/Lab SMLT E04K ANAND Management Services SMLT E04A KHEMANI Management Services CORP E04A. K. MAHURI Management Services SMLT E04S. BEHERA Management Services Corp. E04D.SENAPATI Safety SMLT E04RK BARIK R & D SMLT E04A DAS Finance & Accounts AL.REF E04R DHINGRA Finance & Accounts AL.REF E04KC NAYAK Finance & Accounts CORP E04AK PATTNAIK Materials Management MINES E04NK PRADHAN Materials Management CPP E04A. K. SWAIN Materials Management SMLT E04B. C. PADHY Materials Management CORP E04MV PURUSOTHAMAN Marketing KOL E04RK PATNAIK Marketing CORP E04S DARBARI Marketing DELHI E04A. K. UPADHYAYA HRD & Admn. CORP E04BD SAMAL HRD & Admn. CPP E04DR.(MS) M PANDA Medical SMLT E04DR.(Ms.) S DAS Medical SMLT E04DR.SOURAV DAS Medical SMLT E04DR.D RAMAKRISHNA Medical AL.REF E04NK MOHANTY Legal CORP E04PK MISHRA Des,Exc,Tra,S&T SMLT E04A DASH Des,Exc,Tra,S&T SMLT E04SN YADAV Des,Exc,Tra,S&T SMLT E04INDRAMANI SAHOO Secretarial & Coordn CORP E04MD SAHOO Secretarial & Coordn SMLT E04PRAHALLAD RANA Secretarial & Coordn CORP E04C GHADEI Secretarial & Coordn CORP E04N.DAS Secretarial & Coordn CORP E04A SAHU Secretarial & Coordn SMLT E04KL RAO Secretarial & Coordn AL.REF E04S SARKAR Chemical AL.REF E05NK MOHAPATRA Chemical AL.REF E05NC BEHERA Chemical AL.REF E05N BEHERA Chemical SMLT E05RAJIV RANJAN Metallurgy SMLT E05ABHIJIT SINHA Metallurgy SMLT E05U MARANDI Metallurgy SMLT E05A. K. SAHU Metallurgy SMLT E05RN SAHOO Metallurgy SMLT E05K BHADURI Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E05SC HIALO Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E05PM PRADHAN Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E05AK DHAR Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E05BP NAYAK Mechanical/Prodn. CORP E05S SHANMUGANTHAN Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E05TK MISHRA Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E05P NAYAK Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E05AB PATNAIK Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E05RK PANIGRAHI Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E05RK SARANGI Mechanical/Prodn. CORP E05V. K. SINGH Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E05B.VENKATADRI Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E05S PATNAIK Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E05D BEHERA Mechanical/Prodn. MINES E05Name Cadre Unit Promotedto GradeMR PANDA Mechanical/Prodn. MINES E05A BALA Mechanical/Prodn. SMLT E05PK DAS Electrical CPP E05D SETHI Electrical SMLT E05M.R. MALLICK Electrical SMLT E05AK BISWAL Electrical CPP E05A SAMANTA Civil,Arch & Ceramic SMLT E05S.B.SAHOO Electnx,Inst&Tel.Com SMLT E05K BIJU Electnx,Inst&Tel.Com SMLT E05KC DASH Chemistry/Lab CPP E05S SAHOO Management Services CORP E05S K NATH Management Services CPP E05MS.SUCHETA RAY Management Services CPP E05SA BASU Management Services MINES E05SK PATNAIK Environmental Engg SMLT E05DR.BK PADHI R & D AL.REF E05S.K. ACHARYA Finance & Accounts AL.REF E05BK DASH Finance & Accounts SMLT E05RC JOSHI Finance & Accounts AL.REF E05MR RATH Finance & Accounts CORP E05D SAROJA Materials Management CORP E05G DAS Materials Management SMLT E05A. K. PANDEY Marketing MUMB E05P PANDA Marketing CORP E05DL BEHERA Marketing CORP E05GH MOHAPATRA Marketing CORP E05MANIE RAVI Marketing CORP E05B.C. JENA HRD & Admn. SMLT E05MOHAN SAHU HRD & Admn. SMLT E05KULAMANI NAYAK HRD & Admn. CORP E05M KU. MISHRA HRD & Admn. CORP E05RC DASH HRD & Admn. AL.REF E05DR.M.F. HASSAN Medical AL.REF E05DR.AK PANDA Medical AL.REF E05DR.(MS) J. PANDA Medical CORP E05S.K. MOHANTY PR & Corp.Commn. CORP E05S PRADHANI Horticulture MINES E05N K MOHANTY <strong>Company</strong> Secretary CORP E05S.DEHURY Legal AL.REF E05CR ACHARYA Legal CORP E05RR SAR Des,Exc,Tra,S&T SMLT E05B.C. JENA Des,Exc,Tra,S&T SMLT E05P SAMAL Secretarial & Coordn SMLT E05S TARAI Raj Bhasa SMLT E05K.L. JENA Chemical AL.REF E06S.N. JENA Chemical SMLT E06N BEHERA Metallurgy SMLT E06R.S.CHAKRAVARTHY Metallurgy CORP E06AK BEHERA Metallurgy SMLT E06J RAMAPRASAD Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E06ASN GUPTA Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E06MD.S. AHMAD Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E06SK SAHU Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E06SS MISHRA Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E06DEEPAK BISEN Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E06AK SETHI Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E06DA KUMAR Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E06YK BASKAR Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E06J MINZ Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E06MN MOORTHY Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E06CK PANDA Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E06SK MISHRA Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E06R SINHA Mechanical/Prodn. CORP E06MD.S. RAHMAN Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E06SK MISHRA Electrical CORP E06DK DAS Electrical CPP E06D MOHANTY Electrical CPP E06Name Cadre Unit Promotedto GradeL DAS Electrical CORP E06C SANKAR Electrical AL.REF E06K BEHERA Electrical CORP E06AK PANDA Electrical AL.REF E06P.K. MOHAPATRA Electrical AL.REF E06SC SAMAL Electrical AL.REF E06S MOHANTY Electrical AL.REF E06A SENAPATI Electrical AL.REF E06AK PANDA Electrical CPP E06S. K. KALYAN Electnx,Inst&Tel.Com SMLT E06P KU. DAS Electnx,Inst&Tel.Com AL.REF E06LINGARAJ JENA Electnx,Inst&Tel.Com SMLT E06P.K. VERMA Electnx,Inst&Tel.Com SMLT E06PK PATI Management Services CPP E06SANJIVA KUMAR Environmental Engg CPP E06PK PATNAIK Materials Management SMLT E06K. K. BANERJEE Materials Management KOL E06K.K.RAJAN Materials Management CORP E06A.C. BARIK Materials Management CPP E06S.C. MOHANTY Materials Management AL.REF E06JP DAS Marketing CORP E06S.C. MISHRA HRD & Admn. SMLT E06SS SAHOO Horticulture SMLT E06HK PRATAP Secretarial & Coordn CORP E06S. SAHA Chemical KOL E07S. CHOUDHURY Chemical AL.REF E07R. BRAHMA Chemical AL.REF E07S.N. DAS Metallurgy SMLT E07S.R. NAYAK Mechanical/Prodn. MINES E07R.K. MERKAP Mechanical/Prodn. SMLT E07MK MOHAPATRA Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E07L.M. SAHOO Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E07U.C. SWAIN Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E07A.K. PATNAIK Mechanical/Prodn. CORP E07T.B. SINGH Mechanical/Prodn. CPP E07S. ACHARYA Mechanical/Prodn. AL.REF E07RK MISHRA Mechanical/Prodn. CORP E07R. RAMDAS Electrical CPP E07SP NANDA Electrical AL.REF E07SK PAL Electrical CPP E07SK PATEL Electrical SMLT E07CR SWAIN Electrical SMLT E07K.K. KASHYAP Civil,Arch & Ceramic CPP E07M.K. MOHAPATRA Civil,Arch & Ceramic SMLT E07S.K.SATAPATHY Electnx,Inst&Tel.Com SMLT E07D.K. MOHANTY Mining MINES E07DR.BK SATAPATHY Chemistry/Lab CORP E07H.K. MOHANTY Management Services SMLT E07BB DAS Safety CPP E07SMR PRUSTY Finance & Accounts CORP E07S.K. DAS Finance & Accounts SMLT E07DR.RK MAJHI Materials Management CORP E07RN MOHAPATRA Marketing VZG E07A.K. MURTY Marketing CHEN E07RAJIB KU. MISHRA HRD & Admn. CORP E07G.S. MOHAPATRA HRD & Admn. CPP E07S.K. NANDA Finance & Accounts CORP E08KN RAVINDRA <strong>Company</strong> Secretary CORP E08S.C. SAHU Engg & Allied Servic CPP E08D.K. CHOUDHURY Engg & Allied Servic SMLT E08G CHAND Engg & Allied Servic CORP E08S. GHATAK Engg & Allied Servic CPP E08V. SINGH Mining & Geology MINES E08AK BISARYA Comm.Management AL.REF E08S.C. DAS Finance & Accounts CORP E09P.K. MOHANTY Engg & Allied Servic SMLT E09P.K. MOHAPATRA Comm.Management CORP E0915

Infusing New BloodNalco has been further invigorated by the induction of 20 thbatch of GETs and 5th batch of MTs, comprising 56 GETsand 13 MTs in two batches from premier institutions of thecountry. On conclusion of the induction programmes, twoseparate thanks-giving ceremonies, named Samanwaya &aarohan, were organized by the GETs and MTs at theMahanadi Nivas Auditorium, Bhubaneswar.Group photo (Batch 1)Astaprahari NamYagna andSankirtan wereorganized at thetemporary township,Angul on April 12 &13. Devotees in largenumber gatheredand participated inthe prasad sevan.Bhagbat Parayan was organized in the temple premises of Nalconagar,Angul from April 7 to 13. Spiritual discourses were delivered everyevening to a large gathering of devotees.KaleidoscopeGroup photo (Batch 2)New Display-cum-Conference HallBasanti Durga Pujawas celebrated at thetemporary township,Angul from April 12to 15. Devotees fromNalconagar andnearby areas visitedthe puja mandapand offered theirprayers.Two more brides in our familyShri Rashmi RanjanMoharana, Operator,(HEMM), of Miningdepartment, M&RComplex, Damanjodi,married to Sagarika ofJagatsinghpur on May 12.Catering to the needs of various TPM activities a TPMCentral Display-cum-Conference Hall was inaugurated atM&R Complex, Damanjodi, by Shri G.K. Behera, the thenED(M&R), in the presence of Shri B.N. Mohanty, GM(AR),and other senior officials on April 30. The Hall is equippedwith modern audio & video facilities and also houses alibrary.Shri Rankanidhi Nayak,Technician, MobileEquipment Shop,Smelter Plant, Angul,married to Sukantiof Bhubaneswar onMay 12.Parichaya welcomes the brides to Nalco family andwishes the couple a happy married life.16

SUGGESTION SCHEMESarjana AwardsNalco promotes employees’ participation in enhancing production, productivity and saving on cost,through various means. The Suggestion Scheme Sarjana is one such endeavour, which has beeneliciting good response over the years. This year too, on the occasion of Republic Day Celebrations, cashawards and certificates were handed over to the employees who made valuable suggestions. Here wepresent the list of winners from Mines & Refinery Complex, Damanjodi and Smelter & Power Complex,Angul, along with their suggestions. Congratulations from Parichaya.M&R ComplexSuggested, identified, repaired &installed single acting actuator at04 Caustization settlers to avoidfrequent failure and eliminate thenew imported valve.AwardeesP.D. ChavanAsst. Mgr (C&I)A. Raju S.K. ParidaAM (Mech). ChargemanSuggested, designed & modified thewaterline routing through Solenoidvalve position in Crusher House,reduces maintenance work andincreases availability of (DE) Fan-IAwardeeB.K. PratapJr. Mgr (Mech)Suggested, designed & relocated thepressure switch of greasing air panelin mills, reduces the shutdownrequirement and improve the coalmill availability.AwardeesP.R. BiswalChargemanSuggested, designed & installed thecontrol relays through additionalsensor at SGA Plant, reduces theSaggar and car damage andimprove the plant alumina loading.AwardeesD.R. PandaJr. ManagerK.C. P. RaoTechnicianSuggested, designed, fabricated andinstalled the lifting device in lappingsection to avoid damage of seal facewhile lifting.AwardeesM.K. BeheraChargemanH.C. Bal P. GoudaChargeman Sr. SSWSuggested and modified the damagedengine of Escort Hydra crane,retrofitted to Forklift truck for regularuse and increased availability.AwardeesH.K. TripathyAsstt. ManagerD.K. KarForemanP.N. RoutSr. TechnicianP.K. SethyTechnicianN. Maharana B. MajhiGET TechnicianS.K. NayakChargemanSuggested & modified the squareskid mounting of Beetle charger atwagon tippler area, resulted toreduction of cam switch adjustmentand easy maintenance.AwardeesP.M. RanaChargemanS.N. BagTechnicianSuggested, designed & modified thedouble coil Solenoid valve in suctiongate of ADPH, eliminates the burstingof discharge line and improve theavailability of stream pumps.AwardeesSuggested, designed & relocatedthe no rotation transmitters in coalmill feeder, resulted to increasemill availability for powergeneration and easy maintenance.AwardeesS. SahadevanDy. ManagerB.C. SamalChargemanM.R. KuldipSr. SSWL. Katkaria D. NaikSr. SSWUSWG. MandalManager (Mech)H.K. TripathyAsstt. ManagerS. SahadevanDy. ManagerT.N. MohantyChargemanP.K. BalChargemanSuggested, designed & modified theSodic-Condensate pipeline in new 04area, eliminate the flash line chokingand increases the system availability.AwardeesN. Majhi J. DamiChargeman Sr. SSWA.K. MoharanaSr. ForemanC.R. BiswalTechnicianS.K. TripathyChargemanP.K. SwainTechnicianB. Dash T. PatraOperator Technician17

Suggested & fabricated a ring gearfor compressor through metal buildup and machined at workshopresulted to eliminate the newprocurement.AwardeesAwardeesB.C. BiswalChargemanCaptive Power PlantModification of Plough feeders inCHP-II.AwardeesC.K. PandaSM (Mech.)G.S. MishraCM (Mech.)B.C. MahantaMgr(E)Modification of work of APH sootblower motors for unit # 1 to 8.AwardeesS. Munda M. PradhanSr. FM(E) ChargemanS.C. SahuChargemanT.C. BurmanChargemanP.K.S. VermaDM (Mech.)B. SethyJM (C&I)L. Munda P.K. SethyChargeman ChargemanReprocessing of contaminated DMwaterAwardeesA.K. DasChargemanK.C. BeheraChargemanA.K. GiriChargemanB.H. BiswalChargemanN. MoharanaChargemanD. MaliSr. SSWSuggested, designed & modified theKirlosker lathe machine table toincorporate the Dial reader for longtravel table movement jobs.AwardeesS.C. SahuChargemanS.K. SahuChargemanSuggested & modified the refillingsystem of Grease drum withdeflector plate is attached with thecam in 06 area, increase the greasepump operation and easy refilling.AwardeesB. Das B. HembremChargeman ChargemanConstructed a Ring Road over unevenBauxite surface at mines, whichprovides smooth movement of allHEMM equipments, improvesdumper productivity and betternavigation of Mine.AwardeeK.J. MathewChargemanRevived 03 nos. of rejected and nonserviceablewater in line valves at06/07 areas to usable condition.AwardeeS.K. <strong>Rath</strong>ChargemanSuggested, modified and installedauto priming system of fire fightingsystem of the fire tender whicheliminates manual priming system.AwardeesM.A. BaigAM (Mech.)P.C. MohantySr. FM(M)R.K. BiswalAM (Mech.)T. JamdaliaChargemanS. Das A.K. MallikMgr. (Mech.) DM (Mech.)MotivatorA.K. LenkaDGM(E&S)Re-routing of compressors commonACW return line connection to CTmake-up line No.-2AwardeesP. Shanmugam S.DasCM (Mech.) Mgr. (Mech.)MotivatorG.S. SharmaDM(Ele.)Online flushing of the bearing coolingACW line of PA Fans.AwardeesD.K. NandaMgr (Mech.)N.K. RoutCM (M)L. Kujur R.K. NaikChargeman Sr. FM(M)B.N. DasChargemanMotivatorR.S.DasCM (Mech.)P.K. MishraTechnicianG.C. DasChargemanK.N. PatroSr. TechnicianA.K. MallikAM(Mech.)D. RoutSr. FMProvision of alternate supply toRAPCON control of # 7 & 8.AwardeesP. Panigrahi T. BadnaikChargeman SSWSuggested, designed & repaired theagitator shaft at site by fabricationof new fixture, resulted to increasethe availability of the seed tank 740in 06 area & avoid newprocurement.M.K. PanigrahiChargemanK.L. GoudaSr. SSWN. HembramTechnicianJ. JaniSr. SSWM.S. RaoChargemanK.C. SwainChargemanT. Jamdalla P. BeheraChargeman Sr. Techn.MotivatorS.N. MishraCM(Mech.)C.R. DasCM(E)A.N. MishraCM(E)S. Das B. SharmaSr. FMTechn.18

MotivatorP.K. PatroCM(E)System of power supply with requiredcontrol and indication of RV feedersin first two fields of unit # 7.AwardeesP.K. PatroCE (E)A.N. MishraCM (E)S. DasSr. FMB. Sharam C.R. DasTechn.CM(E)MotivatorB.B. NayakDGM (E)Modification on cable terminationarrangementAwardeesS. Munda M. PradhanSr. FM(E) ChargemanB.K. GarnaikChargemanMotivatorB.B. SubudhiMgr.(E)P.C. TripathyChargemanDevelopment of rotor supportingdevice for safe removal of generatorbearing & decoupling of generator &exciter.AwardeesC.R. DasCM(E)A.N. Mishra R.R. NairCM (E) ChargemanMotivatorP.K. PatroCM(Ele.)Modification of plug & socket inClinker grinder & Scrapper conveyorat botom Ash system.AwardeesD.B. PalChargemanM.S. NathChargemanS. Behera B.MohapatraChargeman Sr.SSWMotivatorM.C. GhadeiCM(Ele.)Modification of Rv feeders control cableby using a joint box and by passing themain control panel CMACP.AwardeesS. SahuDM(E)D.B. Pal M.S. NathChargeman ChargemanS. Behera B.MohapatraChargeman Sr.SSWMotivatorR. TalwarSM(Ele.)Emargency start scheme for DG-5 & DG-6.AwardeesP.K. PatroCM(E)A.N. Mishra S. DasCM(E)Sr.FMB. Sharma C.R. DasTechnician CM(E)MotivatorB.B. NayakDGM (E)Copper vertical bus bar tyhrough inCTMCC - A & B.AwardeesR. TalwarSM(Ele.)K.K. SahooMgr. (Ele.)M.D. LenkaSr.FMPendant operation of 25/5 ton Garlickmake overhead crane in CWPH.AwardeesR. TalwarSM(Ele.)PAK Ekka M.D. LenkaDM.(Ele.) Sr.FMA.K. Jena B.D. SamalChargeman TechnicianMotivatorM.C. GhadeiCM(Ele.)Modification of bottom manholecover sealing of turbo Gen (120MW)AwardeesR.R. Nair D. NayakChargeman ChargemanN.K. Behera J. KerkettaChargeman ChargemanK. Kumar B.K. DasSM(E)CM(E)MotivatorB.B. NayakDGM (E)Modification of Elect. actuator wiringdiagram.AwardeesM.M. Dhal N.C. MahantaSr. FM ChargemanD. Nayak L. MajhiChargeman TechnicianR.P. Bagh K. KumarSr. SSWSM(E)MotivatorB.K. DasCM(Ele.)Vibrating screen - 1 inlet chute & bodymodification.AwardeesD. SwainSr. FMR.C. SethiChargemanK. MajhiChargemanCCRD gear box system modificationin S/R-IIAwardeesD. Kisku R.C. BeheraChargeman ChargemanM.S. AhmedSM(Mech.)MotivatorS. BhumijCM(Mech.)N. SangalkarDM(Mech.)S/R-II siew pinion bearing greasingsystem modification.AwardeesM.S. AhmedSM (Mech.)R.C. Behera N. SangalkarChargeman DM (Mech.)S. Gope S. BiswasChargeman ChargemanR.C. SethiChargemanP.M. PradhanMgr.(Mech.)MotivatorS. BhumijCM(Mech.)Re-routing of Ash disposal headers infront of spillway.AwardeesC.R. PatiS.M. (Mech.)J.K. SahuDM (Mech.)D. Biswal R. JoyAM(Civ.) ChargemanMotivatorS.R. PattnaikCM(Mech.)Bleaching powder dosing in drinkingwater.AwardeesJ.K. SahuDM(Mech.)RBP JaiswalCM(Chem.)D. BiswalAM(Civil)S. SahuDM(E)A.K. Jena B.D. SamalChargeman TechnicianMotivatorM.C. GhadeiCM(Ele.)P.M. PradhanMgr. (Mech.)MotivatorC. SudhakarCM(Ele.)S. BhumijCM(Mech.)K.C. SialSr. FM(E)MotivatorS.R. PattnaikCM(Mech.)A. BeheraChargeman19

Construction of drain wall againsthydrostatic pressure on Ash Ponddyke.AwardeesD. BiswalAM(Civ.)R. Joy G.AmantChargeman ChargemanC. Bhoi K.C. SahooSr. SSW Sr. SSWMotivatorH.K. PattnaikMgr(Civ.)Repair of Ash leakage from the coreof the dyke.AwardeesD. Biswal R. JoyAM(Civ.) ChargemanG. Amant C. BhoiChargeman Sr. SSWK.C. SahooSr. SSWMotivatorS.R. PattnaikCM(Mech.)H.K. PattnaikMgr(Civ)Cooling water circuit modification forthrust bearing of CEP.AwardeesSmelter PlantDesign, development, fabrication andinstallation of test bench of testing ofdifferent types/sizes of valves.AwardeesH.K. NambothiriJM(Mech)T. Samal S.S. DasSr. Foreman ChargemanP.K. Behera J. BiswalChargeman Sr. SSWMotivatorG.C. MohapatraCM(Mech.)Modification of hopper trolley brakecirciuit of PTM.AwardeesK.C. Jena B.K. SamalDM (Elect.) ChargemanP.K. Nayak G.N. SahooTechnician Sr. SSWMotivatorG.S. EkkaCM(Elect.)Modification of discharge line of Ballmill in GAP-IIAwardeesV. Kumar N.K. MishraJM(E&I) Sr.ForemanD.Mishra B.B. JenkaJM(E&I) TechnicianMotivatorS. MishraCM(E&I)Prevention of bending in billets duringhomogenizing.AwardeesA.K. SahuMgr(S)R. Ranjan B.V.S BabuMgr(Met) AM (Met)MotivatorP.S. PatraCM(Met)Inclusion in wire rod because of fallof metal in small tundish from higheraltituteAwardeesA.K. SahuMgr(S)P. Hembram B. BhoiSM (Met) ChargemanMotivatorM. DashCM(Met)Instant preparation of emulsion forwire rod.AwardeesM. Bhoi P. HembramChargeman SM (Met)MotivatorM. DashCM(Met)Modification of gulper wear bend ofFTAs (ECL and Alesa make) of BakeOven-I.AwardeesAwardeesS. ChoudhuryAM (Mech)S. Bhutia S.K. DehuryChargeman TechnicianMotivatorN.S. SubramaniamSM (Mech.)Modification of 6 Ton hoist of FTA-3of Bake Oven - IAwardeesM.N. Biswal L.R. SahuMgr (Mech) ChargemanK.C. BeheraChargemanMotivatorD. MohapatraCM(Mech)S.DashTechnicianRepair and modification of ERAZ-5KW DC cross belt type magneticseparator of GAP-II unit No.B-40.AwardeesU.C. Nayak K. SorenDM(Elect) ChargemanS.K. NagDM(Mech.)M. TantiCM(Mech.)MotivatorB.K. DasCM(Mech.)A. KhunitaSr. FMModification of scrappeer conveyorbase wheel unit # 1 to 6AwardeesS.C. SinghChargemanM.C. KunarChargemanMotivatorG.C. DasSM(Mech.)S. MajhiChargemanModification of annunciationsystemof electric driven aircompressors No. 1 to 5.AwardeesM.S. Debata M.C. DehuryAM(E&I) ChargemanA. Singhsamant J.K.SahuChargeman TechnicianMotivatorS.K. SatpathyCM(E&I)Furnace Pit cleaningAwardeesA. BalaMgr(Mech)A.K. Muduli P.C. MallickDy. Mgr(S) AE (Elect)MotivatorM. DashCM(Met)Positioning of more nos. of bus barmoulds in casting table of BCF.AwardeesR. RanjanMgr(Met)A.K.Sahu S.K. NayakMgr(S) AM (Met)MotivatorP.S. PatraCM(Met)M.N. BiswalMgr(Mech)S.K. SarkarChargemanP.N. BeheraChargemanM.S. TuduChargemanMotivatorN.S. SubramanianSM(Mech)Easy maint of drive sprocket flangebearing of Roller conveyor of RoddingShop.-IAwardeesU.K. PandaChargemanMotivatorM.C. KisanMgr(Mech)G.B. DashChargemanUse of Bake Oven-I old SETARAMheating ramp 1PF 2G2 pump in placeof 1PF 2G3 pump in heating rampsof Bake Oven-II.C.C. NayakChargemanG.B. ParidaChargemanS.C. Behera D. BeheraTechnician Sr. TechnicianMotivatorA.K. PattnaikDGM(Elct)Auto clamping of anode stem onplano bed.AwardeesS.R.HembramChargemanP.C.SahuSSWD.Behera A. PradhanSr. Tech. ChargemanMotivatorS.N. MajhiDM(Mech)20

Our ChildrenParichaya has received the results from Delhi Public Schools and Saraswati Vidya Mandirs, located at Angul and Damanjodi,conducted by CBSE/CHSE/BSE during 2008.THE TOPPERS OF DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOLS (DPS)CLASS-XM. PrajaktaDamanjodiBiplobAngulCLASS-XIISohini (Sc.)DamanjodiK. Biraja (Com.)DamanjodiAtreyee (Sc.)AngulDeepika (Com.)AngulTHE TOPPERS OF SARASWATI VIDYA MANDIRS (SVM)CLASS-XPragyanDamanjodiSandhyaraniAngulClass X DPS, Angul DPS, DamanjodiAppeared 147 131Passed 147 1311 st Division 140 121ToppersDPS, Damanjodi: M. Prajakta, daughter of Shri Laxman Majhi,Chargeman, M&R Complex, (97.4%)DPS, Angul: Biplob Rana, son of Shri Anil Kanta Rana, Dy.Manager (Operation), CPP, (95.8%)Class X SVM, Angul SVM, DamanjodiAppeared 276 81Passed 250 771 st Division 133 29ToppersSVM, Angul: Sandhyarani Panda, daughter of Shri UpendraPanda, Chargeman, Smelter, (93%)SVM, Damanjodi: Pragyan Paramita Sahu, daughter of ShriNrusingh <strong>Rath</strong>, Damanjodi, (87%)Prajakta, a talentedyoungster of Nalcofamily, achieved thehighest marks bysecuring 97.4% inaggregate in Class XCBSE Exam. Prajakta isthe daughter of Smt.Bishnupriya and Shri L.K. Majhi,Chargeman, M&R Complex and a studentof DPS, Damanjodi. Apart from being thetopper from her school, she has achievedthe 4th position among the best 10students of CBSE in the State. Prajaktaaims to be an Engineer and attributes hersuccess to her teachers and parents.CLASS-XIIPriyasmita (Sc.)DamanjodiSwagatika (Arts)DamanjodiTHE HIGHLIGHTSClass XII (Sc.) DPS, Angul DPS, DamanjodiAppeared 47 32Passed 46 321 st Division 38 29ToppersDPS, Damanjodi: Sohini Bandyopadhyay, daughter of ShriSudarshan Bandyopadhyay, CM(Civil), M&RComplex, (94.2%)DPS, Angul:Atreyee Bhaduri, daughter of Shri Kausik Bhaduri,Manager (Operation), CPP, (89.4%)Class XII (Sc.) SVM, Angul SVM, DamanjodiAppeared 99 38Passed 80 301 st Division 16 10ToppersSVM, Angul: Abhilash Routray, son ofShri Purushottam Routray, (81%)SVM, Damanjodi: Priyasmita Sahu, daughter of Shri PrabhuSahu, Contractor, Damanjodi, (75.33%)Parichaya congratulates all the Toppers and their Parents.Prajakta: The AchieverAbhilash (Sc.)AngulLaxmipriya (Arts)AngulClass XII (Com.) DPS, Angul DPS, DamanjodiAppeared 28 18Passed 28 141 st Division 24 10ToppersDPS, Damanjodi: K. Biraja Kumari Patra, daughter of Shri K.Panchanan Patra, (84.6%)DPS, Angul:Deepika Paul, daughter of Shri Dilip Paul, Asst.Manager (Lab.), Smelter (91.6%)Class XII (Arts) SVM, Angul SVM, DamanjodiAppeared 76 27Passed 61 261 st Division 02 02ToppersSVM, Angul: Laxmipriya Bishoyi, daughter of Shri AntarjyamiBishoyi, Sr. Foreman, CHP, CPP, (62%)SVM, Damanjodi: Swagatika Mahapatra, daughter of ShriHimansu Sekhar Mahapatra, Sr.Asst, SVM, Damanjodi, (63%)Shri K.S. Sreedhara, ED(M&R), I/c, along with others congratulating Prajakta on her successHeartiest congratulations from Parichaya to Prajakta and her family !21

Are you allergic tocertain food items?CausesHealthFood allergy is an exaggerated immune responsethat may be triggered by eggs, peanuts, milk orany other specific food substanceThe cause of food allergies is not fully understood. Foodallergies are less common while many people have foodintolerance. In a true food allergy, the immune systemproduces antibodies and histamine in response to thespecific food. Normally, our body immune system defendsagainst potentially harmful substances, such as bacteria,viruses, and toxins but incase of food allergy, theimmune response getstriggered by a specificfood substance that isgenerally harmless.If you develop symptoms shortly after eating a specificfood, you may have a food allergy. Keysymptoms include hoarse voice, itching,Angioedema (swelling, especially of theeyelids, face, lips, and tongue),abdominal pain, diarrhea, difficulty inIn children, the mostcommon food allergiesare:Eggs, Milk, Peanuts,Shellfish (shrimp, crab,lobster) etc.A food allergy normallystarts in childhood, but itcan begin at any age.Fortunately, manychildren outgrow theirallergy to milk, egg,wheat, and soya by thetime they are 5 years oldbut allergies to peanuts,tree nuts and shellfish may tend to be lifelong.In older children and adults, the most common foodallergies are:Fish, Peanuts and Shellfish. It is still controversial whetherfood additives — such as dyes, thickeners, and preservatives— are likely to cause allergic reaction.SymptomsSymptoms usually begin immediately, seldom more than 2hours after eating. Rarely, the symptoms may begin hoursafter eating the offending food.swallowing, itching of the mouth / throat / eyes / skin,nasal congestion, nausea, runny nose, shortness of breath,stomach cramps, vomiting etc.TreatmentThe only proven treatment for a food allergy is to avoid thefood that triggers the allergy. Antihistamines may relievethe discomfort. Soothing skin creams may provide somerelief. The symptoms will likely go away in a brief time butit is best to consult your doctor if you think you have anallergic reaction to certain food substance.22

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