SSA/SWE Workplan 2013 - emits - ESA

SSA/SWE Workplan 2013 - emits - ESA SSA/SWE Workplan 2013 - emits - ESA
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Intended Procurements in theSpace Weather (SWE) Segment→SSA Industry Day11 June 2013, ESOCJuha-Pekka LuntamaSSA Space Weather Segment ManagerESA Unclassified – Releasable to the Public

Intended Procurements in theSpace Weather (<strong>SWE</strong>) Segment→<strong>SSA</strong> Industry Day11 June <strong>2013</strong>, ESOCJuha-Pekka Luntama<strong>SSA</strong> Space Weather Segment Manager<strong>ESA</strong> Unclassified – Releasable to the Public

<strong>SSA</strong>/<strong>SWE</strong> Precursor Service System in <strong>2013</strong><strong>SSA</strong>-<strong>SWE</strong> Users<strong>SSA</strong>-<strong>SWE</strong>Service<strong>SWE</strong> Data CentreRedu, Belgium<strong>SWE</strong> ServiceCoordination Centre,Space Pole, Belgium<strong>SWE</strong> Expert Service CentresSolarWeatherIonosphericWeatherSpaceRadiationGeomagneticConditionsHeliosphericWeatherROB, Belgium(coord.)Uni. Graz, AustriaDLR, Germany(coord.)NMA, NorwayNOA, GreeceCLS, FranceBIRA, Belgium(coord.)AIT, AustriaUOA, GreeceTGO, Norway(coord.)FMI, FinlandTBDEuropean Space Agency

<strong>SWE</strong> Segment objectives in <strong>SSA</strong> Period 21. Networking of available national and European <strong>SWE</strong> assets(sensors, data centres, service centres, service coordination, usersupport)2. Continuation of the preparation of <strong>SWE</strong> additional services3. Continuation of the Proba-2 operations and exploitation4. Implementation of the first flight opportunities for hosted payload<strong>SWE</strong> instruments and planning for the future HP missions5. Exploitation of <strong>SWE</strong> instruments, as well as data and Europeancentres of expertise6. Study (phase A) of a mission to ensure availability of solar wind, IMFand coronagraph data from L17. Studies of mission concepts for enhanced <strong>SWE</strong> monitoring andforecasting with sensors away from the Sun-Earth line8. <strong>SSA</strong>-<strong>SWE</strong> technologies developmentEuropean Space Agency

<strong>SSA</strong>/<strong>SWE</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>:Activities for ITTsP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-101<strong>SWE</strong> ESC Concept and Data Policy DefinitionP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-103Space Weather Service Developments (multi-ESC, cross domains)P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-104Solar Weather ESC DevelopmentP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-105Radiation Environment ESC DevelopmentP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-106Ionospheric Weather ESC Operations and DevelopmentP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-107Geomagnetic Conditions ESC DevelopmentP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-108Heliospheric Weather ESC DevelopmentP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-201<strong>SWE</strong> Data Centre Operations and MaintenanceP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-204Testing of <strong>SSA</strong> <strong>SWE</strong> services during rocket launch campaignsP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-208SSCC Operations and MaintenanceP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-301Phase C/D development of a magnetometer for solar wind monitoring missionsP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-302Procurement of recurring NGRM instrumentsP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-303Procurement of recurring plasma instruments for hosted payload missionsP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-307<strong>SWE</strong> data agreementsP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-402 Enhanced Space Weather Monitoring System (L1, L5, L4)P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-403Implementation of the EDRS hosted payload missionP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-404Implementation of HP instruments mission for Galileo spacecraftP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-601<strong>SWE</strong> Segment technical supportP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-602<strong>SWE</strong> Segment architecture consolidationEuropean Space Agency

<strong>SSA</strong>/<strong>SWE</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>SWE</strong> contract: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-IP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-I: ESC Definition and Development• Included activities: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-101, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 307• Definitions of ESC profiles, roles in support of service providers, <strong>SWE</strong> datapolicy, data and product formats, validation and verification, ESC networkapproach• Provision of baseline service content for each thematic domain• Identification of critical data items, expansion of the network, new serviceproducts, workshops, updates of the roadmaps, service quality• Definition of agreements to guarantee availability of critical data• Selected domain specific developments and priorities• Contract value: ~4600 k€• Contract duration: 18 months• Foreseen ITT: Q2/Q3 <strong>2013</strong>European Space Agency

<strong>SSA</strong>/<strong>SWE</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>SWE</strong> contract: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-ISome key themes for ESC activities:• Development‣ Additional partners broader range of data and products‣ Development of new services: evolution of mature products anddata towards presentation as full <strong>SWE</strong> services‣ Targeted test campaigns with user involvement‣ Service performance metrics• ESC Establishment and Coordination‣ Definition of ESC role as thematic centres of expertise‣ Specialist response to technical support requests received by<strong>SWE</strong> Helpdesk‣ Coordinated network response to major events: <strong>SWE</strong> alertingand forecastEuropean Space Agency

<strong>SSA</strong>/<strong>SWE</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>SWE</strong> contract: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-I• Some domain specific developments and priorities:‣ Solar Weather: data and domain specific alerting, enhancing thenowcast/forecast products including max use of Proba2 data‣ Radiation environment: data, environment analysis tools, services fors/c operators and aviation service development‣ Ionospheric Weather: cross-validation of TEC and scintillation productsfrom European sources‣ Geomagnetic Conditions: expansion of geographic coverage anddedicated effort on services for power grid operators‣ Heliospheric Weather: establishing the ESC to include data, modellingand elaboration of some new services for scientific missions to otherplanetsEuropean Space Agency

<strong>SSA</strong>/<strong>SWE</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>SWE</strong> contract: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-IIP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-II: Space Weather Service Developments• Included activities: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-103• Development of new, cross-domain services based on <strong>SWE</strong> CRD and <strong>SWE</strong>service development roadmaps• Focus on new services based on existing building blocks• Complementary to service developments within the ESCs• Contract value: 600 k€• Contract duration: 12 months• Foreseen ITT: Q4 <strong>2013</strong>European Space Agency

<strong>SSA</strong>/<strong>SWE</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>SWE</strong> contract: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-IIIP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-III: <strong>SSA</strong>/<strong>SWE</strong> Data Centre Operations and Maintenance• Included activities: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-201• Standard operations and maintenance of the <strong>SWE</strong> Data Centre in Redu• Evolutive maintenance for applications and software in the Data Centre• Contract value: ~350 k€• Contract duration: 24 months• Foreseen ITT: Q3 <strong>2013</strong>European Space Agency

<strong>SSA</strong>/<strong>SWE</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>SWE</strong> contract: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-VP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-V: Testing of <strong>SWE</strong> services during rocket launch campaigns• Included activities: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-204• Testing and validation of <strong>SWE</strong> services for launch operators• Baseline testing carried out during sounding rocket launch campaigns (e.g.ICI-4 and ICI-5)• Services to be provided during the campaigns include‣ Estimates of space radiation environment‣ Estimates of ionospheric conditions‣ Risk estimates of micro-particle impacts• Contract value: ~150 k€• Contract duration: 18 months• Foreseen ITT: Q3 <strong>2013</strong>European Space Agency

<strong>SSA</strong>/<strong>SWE</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>SWE</strong> contract: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-VIP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-VI: SSCC Operations and Enhancements• Included activities: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-208• Monitoring of the quality and availability of the <strong>SWE</strong> applications andfederated services• Provision of the end user helpdesk and first level user support• Strengthened and pro-active interaction with the end users• Collection of user feedback for service roadmap updates in coordination withthe ESCs• Definition of requirements for SSCC development towards a forecastingcentre• Contract value: ~400 k€• Contract duration: 18 months• Foreseen ITT: Q3 <strong>2013</strong>European Space Agency

<strong>SSA</strong>/<strong>SWE</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>SWE</strong> contract: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-VIIP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-VII: Magnetometer for solar monitoring missions• Included activities: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-301• Phase C/D of a new magnetometer specifically for hosted payload missions• Objective is to achieve accurate magnetic field measurements foroperational <strong>SWE</strong> services in a magnetically noisy environment.• Prototyping of a suitable instrument has been done e.g. in the SOSMAGGSTP activity• Contract value: ~400 k€• Contract duration: 18 months• Foreseen ITT: Q2/Q3 <strong>2013</strong>European Space Agency

<strong>SSA</strong>/<strong>SWE</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>SWE</strong> contract: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-IXP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-IX: Galileo HP mission implementation• Included activities: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-303, P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-404• Subject to an agreement with the Galileo Programme!• Objective is to have <strong>SWE</strong> instruments in selected second batch Galileospacecraft• Options include• Procurement of additional, recurring EMUs• Designing of a new instrument matching EMU interface• Contract value: 2500 k€• Contract duration: 24 months• Foreseen ITT: Q4 <strong>2013</strong>European Space Agency

<strong>SSA</strong>/<strong>SWE</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>SWE</strong> contract: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-XP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-X: Enhanced Space Weather Monitoring System• Included activities: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-402• First study on the combined L1, L5, L4 monitoring system• Two focus areas:• Phase A of the L1 mission for solar imaging and solar wind monitoring• Phase 0 of the combined <strong>SWE</strong> monitoring system with observationsaway from the Sun-Earth line (e.g. L5 or L4)• Cost/benefit analysis of the combined <strong>SWE</strong> monitoring system is part ofthe activity• Contract value: ~400 k€• Contract duration: 18 months• Foreseen ITT: Q2/Q3 <strong>2013</strong>European Space Agency

<strong>SSA</strong>/<strong>SWE</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>SWE</strong> contract: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-XIIP2-<strong>SWE</strong>-XII: Tailoring <strong>SWE</strong> services for the Arctic region• Included activities: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-109• Indentification of the service tailoring needs for the users in the Arctic region• Analysis of the gaps and missing assets for the needed services• Production of a roadmap for the implementation of the services taking intoaccount the identified <strong>SWE</strong> ESCs and the services provided by them• Contract value: ~95 k€• Contract duration: 6 months• Foreseen ITT: Q2/Q3 <strong>2013</strong>European Space Agency

<strong>SWE</strong> Activities in 2014 - 2016• The activities to maintain and develop the <strong>SWE</strong> Segment willcontinue in the work plans 2014 and onwards• Foreseen activities in 2014-2016 will include‣ Addition of new space weather services‣ Further enhancement of the <strong>SWE</strong> ground segment‣ Maintenance and enhancement of the SSCC‣ Phase C/D development of selected new <strong>SWE</strong> sensors withidentified hosted payload flight opportunities‣ Phase B1 of the enhanced space weather monitoring systemstudy‣ Continuation of the hosted payload flight opportunityassessments for new missions and new instrumentsEuropean Space Agency

<strong>SSA</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>SSA</strong> contract: P2-COM-IIIP2-COM-III: <strong>SSA</strong> technical support• Included activities: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-601, P2-NEO-601, P2-SST-801• Technical support for preparation and monitoring of the <strong>SWE</strong>, NEO and SSTindustrial activities in <strong>SSA</strong> Period 2 including ground segment activities• Required techical skills:‣ <strong>SWE</strong>: system engineering, spaceflight instumentation, space missionplanning, <strong>SWE</strong> data processing and product generation‣ NEO: optical engineering‣ SST: system engineering, SST data processing and product generation‣ For all segments support for s/w development is included• Contract value: 2500 k€• Contract duration: 24 months• Foreseen ITTs: Q2-Q4 <strong>2013</strong>European Space Agency

<strong>SSA</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong> <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>SSA</strong> contract: P2-COM-IVP2-COM-IV: <strong>SSA</strong> architectural consolidation• Included activities: P2-<strong>SWE</strong>-602, P2-NEO-602, P2-SST-802• Activity to support <strong>ESA</strong> in the consolidation of the architectures for all threesegments and the execution of cost versus performances and requirementstrade-offs• Contract value: 400 k€• Contract duration: 12 months• Foreseen ITT: Q4 <strong>2013</strong>European Space Agency

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