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2technology for a cleaner environment

Vikoma is the world leader in the design and manufacture ofoil spill response equipment which has been helping to protectour environment for over 40 years.Our ethos is one ofinnovationqualityreliabilityVikoma designs and manufactures the bestknown and best performing oil containmentbooms, skimmers, tanks, powerpacks and vesselsfor oil pollution control. Our equipment hasbeen proven in the most extreme conditionsand major spill situations. It is not unusual forVikoma equipment to be in service twenty yearsafter original purchase. Vikoma is trusted by thebiggest names in the oil industry to protecttheir operations and the natural environment.Vikoma International has a long pedigree in theoil spill response sector. Originally set up by BPin 1967, we have been innovating ever since.We are proud of our reputation for quality andbelieve we are the only designer andmanufacturer to hold ISO 9001:2000 for ourentire range of operations including design,manufacture, sales and installation processes.Vikoma is part of the Energy EnvironmentalGroup, (EEL Group). The EEL Group specialisesin providing a range of environmental servicesto the oil industry. We have ambitious plans forgrowth including new products and services;ensuring we maintain our place at the forefrontof environmental technologies.We make sure our equipment is effective, effi cient and reliable, so youcan be confi dent it will do the job it needs to do, when you need it to.3

quality equipment for every scenariocontainmentrecoverystorageVikoma offers quality equipment for eachstage of an oil spill operation, includingbooms, skimmers, tanks, powerpacks, pumpsand a range of ancillary equipment, makingyour job quicker, easier and more effective.Combine this with our range of oil spillresponse vessels, full commissioning serviceand accredited training, you can be sure youhave the right equipment and expertise forany situation.Vikoma has a wealth of experience in theoil spill response industry and understandsthe requirements of the most diffi cultenvironments. Our in-house engineering teamspecialises in the design and development ofhigh quality, durable and reliable equipmentwhich will perform in the most challengingand hostile situations.4

challenging offshore applicationsVikoma boom and skimmers have been used in a wide variety of offshorescenarios. Our single point infl ation HI Sprint boom greatly reducesdeployment time in what can be very challenging circumstances and offersthe best wave following in the market. Vikoma Komara skimmers are known fortheir reliability worldwide, while our unique Weir Boom, a combined boom andskimmer has the capacity to handle up to 210 m 3 per hour.ports and harboursComplete containerised systems provide an immediate response and securestorage solution in ports, harbours and terminals, while permanent and semipermanent booms can provide protection in high risk areas. Vikoma’s range ofoil spill response vessels and workboats provide fast response and fl exibility forgeneral duties.shoreline and intertidal zonesVikoma’s world renowned Shoreguardian is designed to give an excellentseal on beaches and marshes for protection and containment. Our shorelineequipment is designed to be two man portable and easy to manage indiffi cult inaccessible terrain.fast flowing riversFast deployment and strong, fl exible booms are needed in river clean upoperations and when used in combination with our Fasfl o or Mini Fasfl oprovide an excellent solution for fast fl owing rivers.water intakes and outletsTo protect water intakes and outfl ows from pollution and save valuable manhours, Vikoma designs and installs custom made protection reducing costlysystem downtime.ice conditionsTough equipment is needed in ice conditions, neoprene Hd and HI Sprintboom offer excellent containment in the toughest conditions and speciallydesigned skimmers give excellent oil recovery.industrial applicationsVikoma T-Disc technology combined with resistant stainless steel constructionprovides round the clock skimming capability for industrial and petrochemicalapplications . T-Disc skimming reduces waste and increases profi tability,typically achieving a return on investment in less than a year.Our experienced technical team will help designthe ideal solution for your exact requirements5

containment boomsVikoma is renowned the world over for high quality, highperformance Neoprene and Polyurethane booms.Our ethos of quality design and ease of use saves you moneyby reducing downtime, manpower and maintenance.With the longest life expectancy in the industry, Vikoma’sHI Sprint boom offers the lowest lifetime cost in the market.Vikoma booms are designed to be:quick and safe to deploy with minimal manpowerdurable and long lastingeffective in minimising oil loss through the best wave following characteristics in the industryoperational in extremes of temperatureeasy to maintain6

Vikoma use only the highest quality materialsfor boom manufacture. Our neoprene materialsand unique vulcanisation process provides anexceptionally durable, long lasting boom.While our top grade PU boom with RF weldedseams offers a lower initial cost option whilststill giving excellent durability and working life.7

HI SprintThe world renowned HI Sprint can be quicklyand safely deployed with just two people.HI Sprint is available in a range of sizes foroffshore and coastal applications.HI Sprint’s trademark features are:• Single point infl ation - makes HI Sprint fast,easy and safe to deploy.• Bulkhead design - ensures integrity and oilcontainment ability.• Smooth fl exible boom with low infl ationpressure gives excellent wave following tominimise oil loss.• Durable neoprene construction - forstrength, resistance, long life and minimummaintenance.SentinelIs a high performance and versatile boomin neoprene or PU. It is designed for use inoffshore and coastal situations, rivers, portsand terminals.• Simple and quick to deploy.• Smooth profi le and excellent wave followingcharacteristics.• A range of sizes for different applications.ShoreguardianThe Vikoma Shoreguardian is specifi callydesigned to provide an effective seal betweenland and water. The triple tube design withair fi lled upper tube and water ballasted lowertubes results in a stable and consistent oilbarrier.• For beaches, marshes and intertidal zones, itcan also be used to create a dam in shallowrivers and streams.• It can be connected to other fl oating boomsto provide a continuous barrier out intodeeper water.• Neoprene or high quality PU construction fordurability and long life span.• Neoprene version offers exceptional resistanceto abrasion from stones and rocks.Weir BoomThe unique Vikoma Weir Boom, providescontainment and skimming all in one. WeirBoom offers high capacity oil skimming indiffi cult offshore conditions.• Exceptional recovery capacity up to 210 m 3per hour.• Fast collection over a wide area, up to 200mmouth span depending on currents.• Operational in heavy seas.Vikoma Weir Boom is classifi ed as anadvancing skimming system which providescontinuous recovery of oil back to thestorage vessel.Flexi BoomFlexi Boom is a cost effective fence boom,foam fi lled for buoyancy and available in arange of sizes.• Ideal for use in more sheltered waters such asports, harbours, terminals, rivers and lakes.• Light durable construction it is quick and veryeasy to deploy without specialist training.Pod BoomVikoma’s Pod boom is a strong and durableboom, ideal for permanent deployment inrivers, lakes and water intakes, as well as portsand harbours.A stable boom with fl oating pods attached to• a strong fence element.A cost effective and reliable boom.•Hd BoomHI Sprint boom is available in a Hd “Heavyduty” version, which offers a double thicknessneoprene skin for even greater strength anddurability.8

containment booms9

oil skimmersKomara has become the byword for skimming technologyand is the name associated with the most effi cient and mostreliable skimmers in the world.Vikoma takes pride in designing and manufacturing skimmingequipment that will perform to the highest standards.We undertake independent testing through the Lloyds Registeron many of our products to guarantee their capabilities.We rate our skimmer systems on their actual oil recovery rateas witnessed by Lloyds and not on the nameplate pump rating.10

oil skimmers:marine applicationsKomara disc systems are available in a range ofsizes and capacities from 7 to 70 m 3 per hourto handle recovery in open seas right through tomore restricted diffi cult to access situations inrivers or lakes, ponds or harbours.Our design team have developed two manportable systems which can be carried intodiffi cult to access terrain, with pumps andpower packs which break down into portablecomponent parts. At the other extreme our highcapacity skimmers have on board pumps and aredesigned for maximum recovery in open waters.Komara Plain Disc RangeThe internationally acclaimed Komara rangeof disc skimmers are the best known and mostwidely used skimmers in the world.• Highly effi cient - 98% oil to water recovery rate• Effectively eliminates the need for secondaryprocessing and the need to dispose of largequantities of contaminated water, with theobvious cost saving benefi ts.• Reduces excess storage and transportrequirements needed with less effi cientskimmers.• Komara disc skimmers can cope with a widevariety of oils, from very light products such asaircraft fuel to high viscosity crudes.• The Komara Duplex also offers aninterchangeable disc and brush cassette option.Komara skimmer heads combined with Vikoma’spowerful pumps and powerpacks maintaincollection rates over long periods withminimal supervision.11

oil skimmers:marine applicationsKomara Star RangeThe Komara Star range uses toothed discs torecover viscous oil with a capacity of up to 70m 3 per hour with less than 2% water content.• Will handle the most viscous of oils with ease,up to 1,000,000 cSt.• The unique tooth disc design actively draws oiltowards the skimmer.• Special pivot action of the disc bank preventsdamage to discs and obstruction by debris,preventing stoppage and downtime.• Shallow draft allows use in shallow watersWeir SkimmersVikoma manufactures a range of high qualityweir skimmers for use across a wide variety oflight to medium viscosity oils. They are idealin applications as diverse as in-tank skimming,very shallow waters, ponds and lakes and forhigh capacity offshore use.Our weir skimmers are designed to handlecapacities from 5m 3 up to 120m 3 per hour.Weir BoomContainment boom and high capacitycontinuous skimming system in one.FasfloFor fast fl owing waters Vikoma’s Fasfl o andMini Fasfl o skimmers make light work ofcollecting oil in rivers, streams, estuaries. Fasfl oskimmers can also be used as a side sweepskimming system in open water, collecting up70 m 3 per hour.12

oil skimmers:industrial applicationsIndustrial SkimmersVikoma has led the way in industrial skimmingsystems, developing a range of models whichprovide excellent long term service, whilstquickly generating a return on investment.Komara T-Disc Skimmers are specifi callydesigned for continuous use in highlyaggressive industrial applications.• Oil recovered from overfl ows and pits can bere-processed and sold becoming an incomestream rather than a cost.• The T-Disc can offer a return on investment in6 - 12 months.• Continuous skimming prevents odour build upand potential environmental damage.The T-Disc design gives an exceptional pick upratio with less than 2% water content across awide range of pollutants. Available in a rangeof capacities and either fl oating or fi xed theycan operate with minimal downtime.ATEXKomara T-Disc systems can be supplied tomeet ATEX requirements for Zone 1 areas.13

Vikoma takes pride in building reliable, high quality innovative equipment.To maintain maximum performance levels you need high qualitypowerpacks and pumps to drive your boom and skimmer systems.powerpacksVikoma manufactures a comprehensive rangeof hydraulic powerpacks designed to providereliable, continuous smooth power in remoteand challenging conditions. We can supplypowerpacks which deliver outputs from 7hp,and have produced units which deliver upto 180hp.Innovative design ensures that VikomaPowerpacks suit the purpose. For example, theGP7 can be split into two component parts tomake it portable by just two people enablingaccess to diffi cult to reach areas, whilst theextremely powerful GP70 can drive severalpieces of equipment at the same time, and canalso be used to provide hydraulic power forother applications.Powerpacks are designed and built in ourUK manufacturing facility to ISO 9001:2000standards utilising the highest qualitycomponents. We refuse to compromise onquality to ensure that you can rely on ourperformance for many years. Powerpacks canbe supplied with additional safety featuressuch as spark arresters and auto shut downvalves for use in high risk areas.pumpsThe quality and capacity of the pump affectsthe capacity of skimming equipment. Ourpositive displacement pumps are designed andmatched to equipment, with spare capacitybuilt in to ensure the skimmer head itself canrecover oil to the maximum rated capacity.• High quality, high performance pumps give along life cycle and low maintenance to reducelife costs• Lobe pumps can run dry without damage- reducing wear and tear and minimisingmanpower and supervision - saving youmoneyWe incorporate the highest qualitycomponents and assemble them in our ownmanufacturing facility under stringent ISOstandards so you can be confi dent of qualityand innovation.Vikoma powerpacks are well known for theirease of use and low noise. They have beensuccessfully used in diverse situations fromremote desert, inaccessible deltas, to on boardships.Vikoma’s equipment is designed and manufactured to meet the highestperformance requirements, with ease of use and reliability as a top priority.14

shoreline cleaningThe logistics of shoreline clean up are oftendiffi cult. You need equipment which can beeasily transported into often remote and ruggedterrain. Vikoma shore cleaning equipment isdesigned to be portable while maintaining classleading performance.MiniVacVikoma’s MiniVac offers unrivalled beachcleaning capability, using suction to recover oiland polluted debris.The lightweight aluminium construction makesit an easily portable design so it can be carriedinto remote, diffi cult to access areas.The high velocity air fl ow and effi cient designsystem makes light work of collecting light andviscous oils from rocks, sands and manmadestructures, at a rate of 24m 3 per hour.The MiniVac can be supplied with a transferpump to allow continuous cleaning whilecollected oil is pumped away from thecontamination site to transport tankers withoutthe need for temporary storage tanks or drums.16

ancillary equipmentVikoma provides a full range of ancillaryequipment including dispersants and sorbents.The range includes Vikoma’s TC3 high capacitydispersant spraying system, carried andcontrolled by helicopter, and the VikoSpray spraysystem which can be fi tted to oil responsevessels, tugs and even small workboats. Smallerspray systems, back pack sprays and pressurewashers are also available.Vikoma can also supply diesel driven generators,mobile high powered skylights and incineratorsto assist in emergency response and clean upoperations.commissioning & trainingVikoma understands the importance ofcommissioning equipment correctly to get thebest use from your oil spill response equipment.It is essential that personnel are trained to theright level of expertise to undertake tasks safelyand effi ciently.Vikoma offers a full design, commissioning andinstallation service to make sure you have thebest solution for the application. We can alsoprovide on site product training to make sure youget the most out of your Vikoma equipment.As an IMO accredited training organisationVikoma can also offer the Level 1 Beachmastertraining course to qualify personnel to manageand undertake a spill and clean up operation inharbour and coastal situations.17

oil spill response vessels and work boatsVikoma offer a range of work boats and oil spill response vessels for tasks bothclose to shore and in open water. The range includes small, light, towable vesselswhich can be quickly transported to site and easily launched, through to large tugsand our newest addition to the Vikoma family the VikoSprint.VikoSprintThe VikoSprint is a fast, fl exible and extremelyagile aluminium trimaran, which combinesspeed and fuel effi ciency. It also boasts thelargest workspace for length of boat in themarket.The VikoSprint rapid deployment trimaranis available as an oil spill recovery vesselcomplete with on-board recovery system andrigid booms or as a standard work boat. TheTrimaran design combined with the forwardwheelhouse gives an exceptionally large deckspace and it’s stabilityand sea handling offer a safe, stable workingplatform for oil spill response and generalwork boat tasks.The VikoSprint range is available in 12m, 16m,21m and 30m options to cope with a wholerange of scenarios, the shallow draft means itcan be used close to shore and the larger sizescope admirably in heavy offshore conditions.Delta ResponderThe Delta Responder has been designed tobe a very versatile commercial craft, for use inoil spill and general harbour duties. The crafthas a fully welded aluminium structure withlarge internal deck area and a bow loadingramp. The hull form is an easy driven shallowvee design, giving a comfortable and stableride. The large bow ramp and power tiltdrive system allows for shallow beachoperations, loading and unloading of booms,skimmers etc.The Delta Responder can be supplied in waterjet or stern drive variations and offers fastresponse capabilities in coastal and harboursituations.Vikoma also offers a range of vessels torecover oil and debris in harbours, riversand other marine applications.18

technology for a cleaner environment19

innovationqualityreliabilityFor worldwide coveragecontact our UK headquartersTel: +44 (0)1983 200560www.vikoma.comemail: sales@ vikoma.com

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