Don't Move Gypsy Moth - Your guide to stress-free moving and ...

Don't Move Gypsy Moth - Your guide to stress-free moving and ...

Don't Move Gypsy Moth - Your guide to stress-free moving and ...


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Yard <strong>and</strong> Garden ItemsAnimal houses(doghouses, rabbithutches, etc.)Barbecue grillsBirdbathsBird feedersBird housesBug lightsCartsColdframesDriftwoodFencingFertilizer spreadersFlagpolesGarden tillersGarden <strong>to</strong>olsLawnmowersMailboxesPicnic tablesPorch or patiofurnitureSigns <strong>and</strong> postsSnowblowersS<strong>to</strong>rage shedsSwimming poolsTrac<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>and</strong>trailersTrees <strong>and</strong> shrubsTrellisesWheelbarrowsYard decorationsUnited States Department of AgricultureAnimal <strong>and</strong> Plant Health Inspection ServiceProgram Aid No.1329Don’t <strong>Move</strong><strong>Gypsy</strong> <strong>Moth</strong>Children’s PlaythingsBicycles, tricyclesPlayhousesS<strong>and</strong>boxesSleds, <strong>to</strong>boggansSwingsetsOther ItemsCars or trucksCar partsCar rampsFarm implementsTire swingsWagonsOther outside <strong>to</strong>ys liketrucks or s<strong>and</strong> moldsPlantsS<strong>to</strong>red tires(snow tires)Please inspect anything that was s<strong>to</strong>red outside!Signature:[If the inspection was done by a commercial inspection company,provide the name of the firm <strong>and</strong> its phone number.]16

Don’t <strong>Move</strong> a Serious Pest <strong>to</strong> aNew NeighborhoodThe U.S. Department of the Interior’sNational Park Service (NPS) supports anationwide integrated pest managementapproach <strong>to</strong>ward managing the gypsymoth <strong>and</strong> other exotic pests. Education<strong>and</strong> awareness are key in spreading theword about gypsy moth. We gratefullyacknowledge NPS’ cooperation in distributingthis leaflet <strong>to</strong> park visi<strong>to</strong>rs. Inspectingrecreational vehicles <strong>and</strong> campingequipment for gypsy moth eggs beforeleaving home can significantly reduce thelikelihood of spreading this pest <strong>to</strong> currentlyuninfested areas. We appreciateNPS’ help in distributing this brochure <strong>to</strong>visi<strong>to</strong>rs traveling through National Parksites.Planning <strong>to</strong> move from a State infested with gypsy moth <strong>to</strong>one that is not infested? Moving your camper or recreationalvehicle across State lines? You need <strong>to</strong> knowabout a regulation intended <strong>to</strong> prevent the interstatespread of this pest.Studies show that most new, isolated infestations ofthe gypsy moth were started from egg masses transportedon outdoor household articles—garbage cans, lawn furniture,children’s <strong>to</strong>ys—any item accessible <strong>to</strong> the femalemoth at egg-laying time. As a result, the U.S. Departmen<strong>to</strong>f Agriculture (USDA) enforces gypsy moth quarantineregulations requiring that such articles be inspected for allgypsy moth life stages prior <strong>to</strong> movement outside of thegenerally infested area. As shown in figure 1, this includesmost of the northeastern part of the United States.The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discriminationin all its programs <strong>and</strong> activities on the basisof race, color, national origin, age, disability, <strong>and</strong> whereapplicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parentalstatus, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information,political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of anindividual’s income is derived from any public assistanceprogram. (Not all prohibited bases apply <strong>to</strong> all programs.)Persons with disabilities who require alternative means forcommunication of program information (Braille, large print,audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Centerat (202) 720–2600 (voice <strong>and</strong> TDD). To file a complain<strong>to</strong>f discrimination, write <strong>to</strong> USDA, Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Office of CivilRights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washing<strong>to</strong>n,D.C. 20250–9410, or call (800) 795–3272 (voice) or (202)720–6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider<strong>and</strong> employer.Cover pho<strong>to</strong>: Inspect your outdoor household articles likedecorative containers for gypsy moth egg masses. Use astiff brush for re<strong>moving</strong> them. To destroy the egg masses,place them in a container of hot, soapy water.Pho<strong>to</strong> credits: The cover pho<strong>to</strong> <strong>and</strong> images in figures 4, 8(<strong>to</strong>p), 10, <strong>and</strong> 11 were taken by APHIS pho<strong>to</strong>grapher AnnCzapiewski. Images in figures 2, 3, <strong>and</strong> 7 were taken byLinda J. Card, Maryl<strong>and</strong> Department of Agriculture, <strong>and</strong> arereproduced by permission. Pho<strong>to</strong>graphs in figures 6 <strong>and</strong>8 (bot<strong>to</strong>m) were taken by USDA pho<strong>to</strong>grapher Perry Rech.Images in figures 5 <strong>and</strong> 9 come from the APHIS pho<strong>to</strong>collection.The area infested with gypsy moth changes each year. You canfind a map of the current regulated area at.Figure 1—The gypsy moth is widely distributed in theNortheast. This map illustrates the parts of the UnitedStates regulated for gypsy moth as of August 2007.Issued in this format December 1994Slightly revised Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 20072 3

In 1999, following a successful pilot project, USDA’sForest Service in cooperation with the Animal <strong>and</strong> PlantHealth Inspection Service (APHIS) launched the Slow theSpread (STS) campaign, a program created <strong>to</strong> reducethe rate of gypsy moth movement in<strong>to</strong> noninfested areas.STS uses education, detection, <strong>and</strong> control strategies <strong>to</strong>slow the spread of this pest across the 1,200-mile gypsymoth frontier from Wisconsin <strong>to</strong> North Carolina. Theprogram area is located ahead of the advancing front ofthe gypsy moth population. The program focuses on earlydetection <strong>and</strong> suppression of the low-level populationsdetected along this advancing front, disrupting the normalcycle of population buildup <strong>and</strong> spread.If you live where the gypsy moth is prevalent, youknow the damage the larval stage of this insect can cause.Those leaf-eating caterpillars devour the leaves of manyhardwood trees <strong>and</strong> shrubs, giving summer scenes abarren, wintry look. <strong>Gypsy</strong> moth larvae have been known<strong>to</strong> defoliate up <strong>to</strong> 13 million acres of trees in 1 season,damaging local ecosystems <strong>and</strong> killing trees outright. Thelarvae also crawl on homes, litter lawn furniture <strong>and</strong> pools,<strong>and</strong> make outdoor activities hard <strong>to</strong> enjoy.People glad <strong>to</strong> be leaving the annoyance of livingwith the gypsy moth <strong>to</strong>ok egg masses along unintentionally—<strong>to</strong>hatch <strong>and</strong> spread far from their old neighborhood.Millions of Federal <strong>and</strong> State tax dollars are spent everyyear <strong>to</strong> limit the movement of these pests <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> eradicatethe isolated infestations that have been established inpreviously uninfested areas. We need everyone’s help indetecting gypsy moth populations <strong>and</strong> keeping this insectfrom spreading <strong>to</strong> new neighborhoods.Failure <strong>to</strong> inspect household articles for gypsy mothlife stages prior <strong>to</strong> movement from a regulated area is aviolation of USDA quarantine regulations <strong>and</strong> may result insignificant civil penalties. Inspecting your personal propertyfor gypsy moths goes beyond being a good neighbor:it is required by law. Don’t be responsible for <strong>moving</strong> anold pest <strong>to</strong> a new neighborhood.Figure 2—At first glance, this appears <strong>to</strong> be a beautifulforest, but nearly half the trees in the background havebeen defoliated by the gypsy moth. Defoliation altershabitat, adversely affecting canopy <strong>and</strong> unders<strong>to</strong>ryecosystems.Figure 3—A severe infestation can leave trees barren inthe middle of the summer. Then, in an attempt <strong>to</strong> releaf,trees use up s<strong>to</strong>red energy <strong>and</strong> become <strong>stress</strong>ed.4 5

Inspecting for <strong>Gypsy</strong> <strong>Moth</strong>You are responsible for making sure that your outdoorhousehold articles don’t move the gypsy moth. How youdo this is your decision. The quarantine regulations allowfor self-inspection of household goods, <strong>and</strong> this pamphletwas developed <strong>to</strong> assist you should you choose <strong>to</strong>self-inspect. Alternatively, you may pay a USDA-trainedcertified pesticide applica<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> inspect the articles youplan <strong>to</strong> move.APHIS officials work cooperatively with the States inmoni<strong>to</strong>ring anyone who moves outdoor household articlesout of the regulated area. These officials check <strong>to</strong> see ifpeople who are <strong>moving</strong> have a document certifying thattheir outdoor household articles have been properly inspected<strong>and</strong> found <strong>to</strong> be <strong>free</strong> of gypsy moth. Without sucha certificate, movement of the outdoor household articlesconstitutes a violation of the quarantine. Appropriate action,including the assessment of civil penalties, may betaken against the owner of the infested household goods.Self-InspectionIf you decide <strong>to</strong> do the inspection yourself, includeanything accessible <strong>to</strong> a gypsy moth. Inspect any articleleft outdoors, s<strong>to</strong>red in areas open <strong>to</strong> the outside, or s<strong>to</strong>redindoors but used outdoors.The checklist at the end of this brochure lists manycommon outdoor household articles that could carry gypsymoth life stages. Carefully examine each article, removeany life stages found, destroy them, <strong>and</strong> check the itemoff the list. Be sure <strong>to</strong> enter the date <strong>and</strong> place inspected<strong>and</strong> sign at the bot<strong>to</strong>m. This will be your official certificateof self-inspection. Include this list with the paperworkaccompanying your move, <strong>and</strong> give it <strong>to</strong> the driver of the<strong>moving</strong> van. If you are <strong>moving</strong> yourself, be sure <strong>to</strong> keepthe paperwork with you in case it is requested at any pointduring your trip.Professional InspectionParticipating State-licensed pesticide applica<strong>to</strong>rs aretrained <strong>to</strong> inspect your household items <strong>and</strong> treat heavilyinfested articles or inaccessible spaces with registeredpesticides if necessary. These persons are also authorized<strong>to</strong> issue you a certificate stating that your outdoorhousehold items are <strong>free</strong> of gypsy moth.A certificate must always accompany outdoorhousehold items in transit. This certificate will satisfy therequirements of all uninfested States <strong>and</strong> will relieve youof liability should your items be reinspected by a State officialin the destination State <strong>and</strong> be found <strong>to</strong> harbor gypsymoth. From late spring <strong>to</strong> the end of summer (generallymid-May through August), a certificate may be issued up<strong>to</strong> 5 days before departure, when gypsy moth larvae areactive <strong>and</strong> adult females are laying eggs. In the fall, winter,<strong>and</strong> early spring months (generally September throughmid-May), a certificate may be issued as much as 2 weeksbefore departure.You may find pesticide applica<strong>to</strong>rs who are participatingin the program through local advertising.Figure 4—If you inspect for gypsy moths on your own, make sure<strong>to</strong> thoroughly check all outdoor household articles for egg masses<strong>and</strong> remove <strong>and</strong> destroy them.6 7

Recognizing <strong>Gypsy</strong> <strong>Moth</strong> Life StagesIf you choose <strong>to</strong> inspect your outdoor household articles,you need <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> identify gypsy moth life stages.Most important is the egg mass. This publication containspho<strong>to</strong>graphs <strong>to</strong> help you.Figure 5—The gypsy moth egg mass is covered with buffor yellowish “hairs,” giving it a velvety appearance.The gypsy moth goes through four stages of development—egg,larva (caterpillar), pupa (cocoon), <strong>and</strong> adult(moth). It has one generation a year. During the summermonths, female moths attach egg masses <strong>to</strong> trees, s<strong>to</strong>nes,walls, logs, <strong>and</strong> other outdoor objects, including outdoorhousehold articles. Each egg mass contains up <strong>to</strong> 1,000eggs <strong>and</strong> is covered with buff or yellowish “hairs” from theabdomen of the female. The velvety egg masses vary insize but on average are usually about an inch <strong>and</strong> a halflong <strong>and</strong> three-quarters of an inch wide (a little bigger thana quarter).In southernmost infested States, eggs begin hatchingin late March. Hatching starts around early May in thenorthernmost infested States. The grayish, hairy caterpillarsare tiny at first but easy <strong>to</strong> identify when about halfgrownbecause they have pairs of red <strong>and</strong> blue dots ontheir back. Mature caterpillars are from 1.5 <strong>to</strong> 2.5 incheslong. These caterpillars are voracious feeders <strong>and</strong>, in outbreaksituations, can devour all the leaves from the trees<strong>and</strong> plants in entire neighborhoods <strong>and</strong> forests.Figure 7—<strong>Gypsy</strong> moth caterpillars survive in highnumbers in North America because here, unlike Europe,they don’t have many natural enemies.Figure 6—Identifying gypsy moth larvae is easy becausethey have several pairs of blue <strong>and</strong> red dots on their back.8 9

Caterpillars s<strong>to</strong>p feeding when they enter the pupalor “cocoon” stage, ranging from May in southernmost infestedStates <strong>to</strong> early July in northernmost infested States,varying with weather <strong>and</strong> climate. Adult moths emergefrom the dark-brown pupal cases 10 <strong>to</strong> 14 days later.Males have light tan <strong>to</strong> brown wings marked with dark,wavy b<strong>and</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> a 1.5-inch wingspread. Female mothsare larger than males <strong>and</strong> generally white, with a wingspreadof about 2.5 inches. Despite having larger wings,the female moths cannot fly.Neither sex feeds in the moth stage; adults mate <strong>and</strong>lay eggs only. The eggs are the dormant stage of the lifecycle, allowing the pest <strong>to</strong> survive winter weather. In thespring the eggs hatch, starting the life cycle over again.Figure 8—Adultgypsy mothsemerge in thesummer from darkbrownpupal casesthat can remainon trees <strong>and</strong> othersurfaces after themoths are gone.Figure 9—The adult female gypsy moth is about twicethe size of the male <strong>and</strong> white in color.Population Growth <strong>and</strong> DeclineA number of fac<strong>to</strong>rs, such as available food sources,preda<strong>to</strong>rs, parasites, <strong>and</strong> disease, affect the size of thegypsy moth population each year. Depending on thepest’s population cycle, homeowners may experiencesevere gypsy moth infestations for a year or two <strong>and</strong> thengo several years without noticing any obvious signs ofinfestation. Just because the gypsy moth appears <strong>to</strong> havedisappeared, however, does not mean it’s gone. It maybe present in small numbers 1 year, but before long, thepopulation cycle will resurge. In the absence of moni<strong>to</strong>ring<strong>and</strong> appropriate suppression, the gypsy moth will againdestroy trees <strong>and</strong> shrubs in infested areas.10 11

What To Do If You Find <strong>Gypsy</strong> <strong>Moth</strong> LifeStagesAn effective way <strong>to</strong> dispose of gypsy moth life stages is<strong>to</strong> remove them by h<strong>and</strong>. Scrape egg masses from theirlocations with a putty knife, stiff brush, or similar h<strong>and</strong><strong>to</strong>ol.Dispose of egg masses <strong>and</strong> other life stages in a containerof hot, soapy water, or place them in a plastic bag, seal it,<strong>and</strong> set it in the sun. You may elect <strong>to</strong> ab<strong>and</strong>on articles ifthey are heavily infested <strong>and</strong> of little value <strong>to</strong> you.Some people are allergic <strong>to</strong> gypsy moth hairs, whichare attached <strong>to</strong> all life stages. Allergic reactions includeskin rashes <strong>and</strong> respira<strong>to</strong>ry disturbances. If necessary,wear gloves, protective clothing, <strong>and</strong> a dust mask.Depending on the time of year, you may have <strong>to</strong> protectyour articles from reinfestation by caterpillars or mothsafter inspection. The best way <strong>to</strong> do this is <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>re thearticles inside. Do not conduct the inspection more than 5days prior <strong>to</strong> your departure.Remember, you are the key <strong>to</strong> preventing the interstatemovement of gypsy moths on outdoor householdarticles, including recreational vehicles. Do your part <strong>to</strong>prevent the spread of this pest.Figure 11—Make sure <strong>to</strong> turn over farm implements<strong>and</strong> other equipment that can conceal egg masses fromview <strong>and</strong> provide protection against preda<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>and</strong> harshwinter weather.Figure 10—Yard <strong>to</strong>ols left outside during the spring <strong>and</strong>summer months are a favorite spot for female gypsymoths <strong>to</strong> deposit egg masses.12 13

Additional InformationSelf-Inspection ChecklistIf you need additional information about the Federal regulationson <strong>moving</strong> outdoor household articles, contact oneof the following:• <strong>Your</strong> State’s regula<strong>to</strong>ry officials, usually listed underdepartment of agriculture, plant protection orregula<strong>to</strong>ry division, in the State government section ofyour telephone direc<strong>to</strong>ry.• A Federal regula<strong>to</strong>ry official, listed in the FederalGovernment section of your telephone direc<strong>to</strong>ry underUSDA, APHIS, Plant Protection <strong>and</strong> Quarantine.• <strong>Your</strong> county’s agriculture extension agent, listed in theFederal Government section of your telephonedirec<strong>to</strong>ry under USDA, Cooperative State Research,Education, & Extension Service.• A local commercial <strong>moving</strong> company. <strong>Move</strong>rs havebeen cooperating with USDA <strong>to</strong> be sure that theFederal regulations about gypsy moth are followed.For more information about gypsy moth <strong>and</strong> APHIScoopera<strong>to</strong>rs in the fight <strong>to</strong> control this pest, log on<strong>to</strong> thefollowing Web sites:APHIS’ <strong>Gypsy</strong> <strong>Moth</strong> program• http://www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/plant_pest_info/gypsy_moth/index.shtml.Species profile of the gypsy moth• http://www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/animals/eurogypsymoth.shtmlBiology <strong>and</strong> distribution of the gypsy moth• http://www.ceris.purdue.edu/napis/pests/egm/index.htmlList of quarantined counties• http://www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/plant_pest_info/gypsy_moth/downloads/quarantine.pdfImportant: Make sure this checklist goes withyour household goods when you move!Checklist <strong>and</strong> Record of <strong>Your</strong> Self-InspectionDate:Property address: _______________________________Recreational or Camping ItemsBackpacksBasketball backboardsBicyclesBoatsBoat trailersCampersIce chestsMo<strong>to</strong>rcyclesMo<strong>to</strong>r homesHousehold ItemsAir conditionersBarrelsCardboard <strong>and</strong>wooden boxesClothesline polesClothespin bagsEmpty plantcontainersFirewoodHouse plants takenoutside during thesummerLaddersOutdoor doormatsOutdoor thermometersBuilding MaterialsBricksCinder blocksCement mixing tubsLumberRoofing materialsSewer pipesRecreational vehiclesSnowmobilesSports equipmentTarpsTentsWaders or bootsRefrigera<strong>to</strong>rsSheets of plasticShuttersS<strong>to</strong>rage shedsS<strong>to</strong>rm/screen doors <strong>and</strong>windowsTanks for propane<strong>and</strong> oilTelevision antennasTrash cansWashing machinesWater hosesWeather vanesWindow awningsTools <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong>olboxesWater pipesWelding equipmentWorkbenches14 15

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