Annual Report 2010-2011 - International Nut and Dried Fruit Council

Annual Report 2010-2011 - International Nut and Dried Fruit Council Annual Report 2010-2011 - International Nut and Dried Fruit Council


16 Annual Report 2010-11StakeholdersMeetingsFirst Golden Cashew Nut FestivalThe INC travelled to Vietnam to attend the First Golden Cashew NutFestival, held in Binh Phuoc, March 20-23, 2010. The INC presented itsprojects and activities, as well as up-to-date information about the currentstate of the nut and dried fruit industry as regards regulatory issues.IUFOST Global Trends, Technologies and InnovationThe International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFOST) is aglobal scientific organization supporting programs to increase the safetyand security of the world food supply. Nearly 2,000 delegates, rangingfrom senior food industry managers to professors and government officialsfrom 79 countries convened in Cape Town in August 2010.The tree nut industry was represented in a session focused on the growingrole of tree nuts from the standpoint of health and food safety. The sessionoverviewed tree nut production and consumption patterns globally basedon 2010 INC trade statistics, ending with the conference “PreventionMeasures for Control of Natural and Microbial Contaminants“.ACA ConferenceThe INC participated in the 5th African Cashew Alliance Conference fromthe 14th to the 16th of September 2010 in Maputo, Mozambique. The INCparticipated in the Welcome Address session and presented the WorkingGroup “Growing the Global Cashew Market”, focused in regulatory issues.The conference showcased how strategic alliances between farmers,processors, government, and development agencies can promote theAfrican cashew sector. The establishment of a Global Cashew Task Force,under the umbrella of the INC, was also discussed.International Dried Grape ConferenceThe 2010 International Seedless Dried Grape Producing CountriesConference was held in Izmir, Turkey, 11-13 October 2010, following theconclusion of the northern hemisphere harvest. The INC participated in theConference and presented an analysis of worldwide production estimates.First International Congress of Ukrainian Nut GrowersThe First International Congress of Ukrainian Nut Growers was held inCherkasskaya, Uman, in the National Dendrologic Park of Sofijevka, 14-15 October 2010, and organized by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, theUkrainian Nut Association, the National Dendrologic Park of Sofijevka,and the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The meeting gathered 178participants, among producers, processors, exporters, scientists, andinspection specialists, from neighbouring countries, UK and USA.Conference topics included the theory and practice of nut culture andgrowing in different climatic zones of Ukraine, advanced technologiesand the economic ground for creating and developing nut business. TheCongress highlighted the important quality and quantity advances thatUkraine has experienced over the last two years in the nut business.25th European Dried Fruit MeetingThe INC participated in the 25th European Dried Fruit Meeting, held on12 November 2010, in Hamburg, Germany. The meeting welcomed

Annual Report 2010-1117representatives of FRUCOM, the Syndicat National des Fruits Secs,Waren-Verein der Hamburger Börse e.V., Fruitimprese, NZV, Almendrave,the Aegean Exporters’ Association, Black Sea Exporter Unions,Istanbul Exporter Unions, Turkish Consulate General Hamburg, TurkishUndersecretariat of Foreign Trade, CENTA, the Almond Board of California,USDA and the US Mission to the EU.DFA Annual MeetingThe INC participated and sponsored the American Council for Food Safety& Quality - Specialty Crop Trade Council Annual Meeting and Conferencein Monterey, California. About 300 US dried fruit and tree nut companiesinvolved in processing, sales and exporting met in Monterey Plaza Hotel,from 16 to 17 February 2011.INC Brazil SeminarThe INC and the Brazilian Macadamias Association organized a seminarin São Paulo, Brazil, on 14 February 2011, on “Worldwide Promotionand Development Strategies for Nuts and Dried Fruits”. The session wasattended by 94 operators, entrepreneurs and traders from Brazil, Bolivia,Colombia and South Africa, and was chaired by the Industrial Federationof the State of Sao Paulo.Kaju IndiaThe INC participated in the Kaju India 2011 meeting, held in Kollam, Kerala,from the 17th to the 19th of February 2011, and organized by the CashewExport Promotion Council of India, with the support of the Ministry ofCommerce and Industries of India. This international buyer-seller meetingprovided a platform for long lasting relationships between processors andinternational cashew traders, and provided up-to-date information aboutthe situation of the Indian Cashew industry, highlighting its commercial andmarketing forces. The INC delivered a speech about “Opportunities forpromotion of Cashews: Health & Wellness”, on the 18th of February 2011.Australian Nut Conference “Better with Nuts”The 2011 Australian Nut Industry Council (ANIC) Conference “Better withNuts” was held on 16-17 March 2011 in Sydney, Australia. The INC wasthe Silver Sponsor of this conference aimed at highlighting key areasaffecting Australia’s tree nut industry. A comprehensive 1 1/2 day programfocused on the prospects for Australian nut crops in 2011, internationalnut trade developments, and the status of health research and marketing.

16 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong>-11StakeholdersMeetingsFirst Golden Cashew <strong>Nut</strong> FestivalThe INC travelled to Vietnam to attend the First Golden Cashew <strong>Nut</strong>Festival, held in Binh Phuoc, March 20-23, <strong>2010</strong>. The INC presented itsprojects <strong>and</strong> activities, as well as up-to-date information about the currentstate of the nut <strong>and</strong> dried fruit industry as regards regulatory issues.IUFOST Global Trends, Technologies <strong>and</strong> InnovationThe <strong>International</strong> Union of Food Science <strong>and</strong> Technology (IUFOST) is aglobal scientific organization supporting programs to increase the safety<strong>and</strong> security of the world food supply. Nearly 2,000 delegates, rangingfrom senior food industry managers to professors <strong>and</strong> government officialsfrom 79 countries convened in Cape Town in August <strong>2010</strong>.The tree nut industry was represented in a session focused on the growingrole of tree nuts from the st<strong>and</strong>point of health <strong>and</strong> food safety. The sessionoverviewed tree nut production <strong>and</strong> consumption patterns globally basedon <strong>2010</strong> INC trade statistics, ending with the conference “PreventionMeasures for Control of Natural <strong>and</strong> Microbial Contaminants“.ACA ConferenceThe INC participated in the 5th African Cashew Alliance Conference fromthe 14th to the 16th of September <strong>2010</strong> in Maputo, Mozambique. The INCparticipated in the Welcome Address session <strong>and</strong> presented the WorkingGroup “Growing the Global Cashew Market”, focused in regulatory issues.The conference showcased how strategic alliances between farmers,processors, government, <strong>and</strong> development agencies can promote theAfrican cashew sector. The establishment of a Global Cashew Task Force,under the umbrella of the INC, was also discussed.<strong>International</strong> <strong>Dried</strong> Grape ConferenceThe <strong>2010</strong> <strong>International</strong> Seedless <strong>Dried</strong> Grape Producing CountriesConference was held in Izmir, Turkey, 11-13 October <strong>2010</strong>, following theconclusion of the northern hemisphere harvest. The INC participated in theConference <strong>and</strong> presented an analysis of worldwide production estimates.First <strong>International</strong> Congress of Ukrainian <strong>Nut</strong> GrowersThe First <strong>International</strong> Congress of Ukrainian <strong>Nut</strong> Growers was held inCherkasskaya, Uman, in the National Dendrologic Park of Sofijevka, 14-15 October <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>and</strong> organized by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, theUkrainian <strong>Nut</strong> Association, the National Dendrologic Park of Sofijevka,<strong>and</strong> the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The meeting gathered 178participants, among producers, processors, exporters, scientists, <strong>and</strong>inspection specialists, from neighbouring countries, UK <strong>and</strong> USA.Conference topics included the theory <strong>and</strong> practice of nut culture <strong>and</strong>growing in different climatic zones of Ukraine, advanced technologies<strong>and</strong> the economic ground for creating <strong>and</strong> developing nut business. TheCongress highlighted the important quality <strong>and</strong> quantity advances thatUkraine has experienced over the last two years in the nut business.25th European <strong>Dried</strong> <strong>Fruit</strong> MeetingThe INC participated in the 25th European <strong>Dried</strong> <strong>Fruit</strong> Meeting, held on12 November <strong>2010</strong>, in Hamburg, Germany. The meeting welcomed

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