Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf


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Function of <strong>Food</strong> 93diets may be an important factor in the prevention of certain diseaseswhich appear to be much more prevalent in people consuming the lowfibrediets common in industrialized countries. Because it facilitates therapid passage of materials through the intestine, fibre may be a factor inthe control of diverticulitis, appendicitis, haemorrhoids <strong>and</strong> also possiblyarteriosclerosis, which leads to coronary heart disease <strong>and</strong> some cancers.Frequent consumption of any sticky fermentable carbohydrates, eitherstarch or sugar, can contribute to dental caries, particularly when coupledwith poor oral hygiene. Adequate intake of fluoride <strong>and</strong>/or a topicalapplication is the best protection against caries .FatsIn many developing countries dietary fats make up a smaller part oftotal energy intake (often only 8 or 10 per cent) than carbohydrates. Inmost industrialized countries the proportion of fat intake is much higher.In the United States, for example, an average of 36 per cent of total energyis derived from fat.Fats, like carbohydrates, contain carbon, hydrogen <strong>and</strong> oxygen. Theyare insoluble in water but soluble in such chemical solvents as ether,chloroform <strong>and</strong> benzene. The term "fat" is used here to include all fats<strong>and</strong> oils that are edible <strong>and</strong> occur in human diets, ranging from those thatare solid at cool room temperatures, such as butter, to those that are liquidat similar temperatures, such as groundnut or cottonseed oils. (In someterminologies the word "oil" is used to refer to those materials that areliquid at room temperature, while those that are solid are called fats.)Fats (also referred to as lipids) in the body are divided into twogroups: storage fat <strong>and</strong> structural fat. Storage fat provides a reservestorehouse of fuel for the body, while the structural fats are part of theessential structure of the cells, occurring in cell membranes, mitochondria<strong>and</strong> intracellular organelles.Cholesterol is a lipid present in all cell membranes. It has an importantrole in fat transport <strong>and</strong> is the precursor from which bile salts <strong>and</strong> adrenal<strong>and</strong> sex hormones are made.Dietary fats consist mainly of triglycerides, which can be split intoglycerol <strong>and</strong> chains of carbon, hydrogen <strong>and</strong> oxygen called fatty acids.This action, the digestion or breakdown of fats, is achieved in the humanintestine by enzymes known as lipases, which are present primarily inthe pancreatic <strong>and</strong> intestinal secretions. Bile salts from the liver emulsifythe fatty acids to make them more soluble in water <strong>and</strong> hence more easilyabsorbed.The many fatty acids in human diets are divided into two maingroups: saturated <strong>and</strong> unsaturated. The latter group includes both

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