Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf

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Nutrients 71reasons have habitually had a low intake of iodine, <strong>and</strong> -those who aresensitive to iodine.The maximum tolerable level of iodine appears to range from 200mcg per day to 1000 mcg per day. These levels of intake are possible fromdiets that include milk, iodized salt, seaweed <strong>and</strong> products containingthe red food coloring erythrosine which has high levels of iodine.Generally, iodine intakes by the majority of the population in the USAis considered safe <strong>and</strong> adequate.IronIron is a constituent of hemoglobin. Body-iron content is regulatedby the amount absorbed. The absorption is influenced by body stores <strong>and</strong>by the amount <strong>and</strong> type of iron in ingested foods. The RDA for adults is15 milligrams.It is a vital component of many enzymes, it can promote resistance todisease <strong>and</strong> prevent fatigue. A trend toward reduced risk of melanomawas observed by Stryker et al when iron intake was increased (notincluding supplements). [Styker, W.S., Stampfer, M.J., Stein, E.A, Kaplan,L., Louis, T.A, Sobre, A, <strong>and</strong> Willet, W.e.: Diet, plasma levels of betacarotene<strong>and</strong> alphatocopherol, <strong>and</strong> risk of malignant melanoma. AmericanJournal of Epidemiology, Vol. 131,:612 1990]A deficiency can cause anemia, resulting in impaired concentration,reduced physical performance <strong>and</strong> work capacity, <strong>and</strong> decrease immunefunction. Ascorbic acid is necessary for the proper assimilation of iron.The best natural sources of iron are sea vegetables, clams, cockles,mussels, oysters, yeast, molasses, beans, nuts, seeds <strong>and</strong> cereals.Tea, coffee, bran <strong>and</strong> phytates decrease iron absorption.There are no reported cases of toxicity from foods but iron poisoningmay occur from ingesting large amounts of medicinal iron supplements.MagnesiumMagnesium is known as the antistress mineral. The RDA for adultsis 350 milligrams.Many biochemical <strong>and</strong> physiological processes require magnesium.It is necessary for vitamin C <strong>and</strong> calcium metabolism. It keeps teethhealthy, brings relief from indigestion <strong>and</strong> can aid in fighting depression.More than 300 enzymes are known to be activated by magnesium. Itcontrols cellular metabolism <strong>and</strong> maintains electrical potentials of nerve<strong>and</strong> muscle membranes for the transmission of impulses across junctions ..The best natural sources are whole seeds, nuts, legumes, unmilledgrains, green vegetables <strong>and</strong> bananas. , ' ,Phytate or, fi,bre m~y reduce magnesium absorption. Alcohol acts as

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