Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf

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70 Nutrientsof 10 men who got less than half the suggested copper intake for 6 weeks,four of them responded with a significant increase in cholesterol. [JournalAmerican Dietetic Association, July 1990. Pg 96. response to low-copperdiet ... according to researchers with USDA's Agricultural ResearchService]The best natural sources are shell fish, sea vegetables, nuts, seeds,beans <strong>and</strong> peas. It is found abundantly in tap water because ofcontamination from copper pipes.Toxicity from dietary sources is extremely rare, but supplementationshould be avoided as an excess can lower zinc levels, produce insomnia,hair loss <strong>and</strong> depression.IodineApproximately 1 meg per kilogram of body weight is required. TheRDA for adults is 150 micrograms.Iodine is an essential component of the thyroid hormones thyroxine<strong>and</strong> triiodothyronine. It is almost entirely used by the thyroid gl<strong>and</strong>. Thethyroid gl<strong>and</strong> controls metabolism, proper growth, helps bum up excessfat <strong>and</strong> gives you more energy.Deficiency of dietary iodine may result in decreased synthesis of theiodine-containing thyroid hormones. This can lead to cretinism <strong>and</strong> mentalretardation. Iodine intake consistently lower than 50 mcg per day usuallyleads to thyroid hypertrophy (ie. endemic goiter). In addition,epidemiological <strong>and</strong> experimental studies suggest that endemic goiterpredisposes to cancer of the thyroid.The best natural sources are seafoods <strong>and</strong> sea vegetables (kelp, arame<strong>and</strong> kombu). Iodized salt is a regu.lar source, providing about 75 meg pergram.Individuals who are sensitive to iodine may react to excessiveexposure with iododerma, fever, salivary gl<strong>and</strong> enlargement, visualproblems <strong>and</strong>/or other symptoms. Death from severe forms of iododermahas been reported. Acute responses to the ingestion or injection of largedoses of an iodine-containing solution include cardiovascular collapse,convulsions, <strong>and</strong> asthma attacks.Adverse effects of iodine have also been reported from dietarysupplements, including seaweed extracts, vitamin <strong>and</strong> mineralpreparations. Goiter caused by high iodine intakes has been registered inJapanThe response to excess iodine is variable. Some individuals toleratelarge intakes without side effects, whereas others may respond adverselyto levels close to recommended intakes. Those who are most likely torespond adversely are those living in endemic goiter areas or for other

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