Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf


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66 Nutrientssoya beans, nuts, apples, apricots <strong>and</strong> green vegetables. Vitamin Edeficiency may cause anemia, as a result of red blood cell destruction <strong>and</strong>neurological dysfunction, myopathies, <strong>and</strong> diminished erythrocyte lifespan. New clinical evidence from heavy drinkers suggests that alcoholmay increase oxidation of Alpha-Tocopherol. Increased dem<strong>and</strong> has alsobeen observed in premature infants <strong>and</strong> patients with malabsorption.It is generally non toxic but some evidence suggests that large intakesmay cause increased levels of blood cholesterol <strong>and</strong> lipids. It can oxidizewithin a few months of being manufactured, so supplements should notbe stored for more than a few months. It is destroyed by heat, freezing,food processing, chlorine <strong>and</strong> iron.Vitamin K (Menadione)Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin usually formed in the body byintestinal bacteria but also available from some plant <strong>and</strong> animal sources.The RDA for adult males is 80 micrograms.Its primary function is to control the rate of blood clotting <strong>and</strong> preventinternal bleeding.The best natural sources are all leafy green vegetables, cauliflower,brussel sprouts, broccoli, soybean oil, kelp, cereal grain products, fruits<strong>and</strong> yoghurt.Vitamin K deficiency has been reported in patients treated withantibiotics <strong>and</strong> placed on poor diets after surgery. A deficiency can causebleeding disorders. Doctors sometimes give women vitamin K beforechildbirth to prevent bleeding in the newborn baby. Babies do not haveenough intestinal bacteria to produce adequate amounts of the vitaminuntil they are about 2 weeks old.No toxicity symptoms have been recorded from natural forms butsupplementation of synthetic vitamin K exceeding 500 mcg is notrecommended as it can cause anemia <strong>and</strong> kernicterus, a conditioncharacterized by jaundice.BiotinBiotin is a member of the B complex family <strong>and</strong> is water soluble. TheRDA for adults is 100 micrograms.It is essential for the metabolism of fats <strong>and</strong> the synthesis of ascorbicacid. It maintains a healthy skin <strong>and</strong> helps prevent baldness <strong>and</strong> hair fromturning grey.The best natural sources are soya beans, brown rice, nuts, fruit,brewer's yeast <strong>and</strong> milk. It can be synthesized by intestinal bacteria.It is not toxic. Avidin, a substance found in egg white prevents biotinabsorption. Sulfur drugs, food processing <strong>and</strong> alcohol destroy biotin.

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