Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf


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Nutrients 63Vitamin 8 5(Pantothenic Acid)Vitamin Bs is known in other forms - Calcium Pantothenate <strong>and</strong>PanthenoL The RDA for adults is 7 milligrams.It is necessary for the utilization of other nutrients <strong>and</strong> maintainingnormal growth <strong>and</strong> development of the nervous system, as well as forthe metabolism of fat <strong>and</strong> sugars.The best natural sources are fish, whole grains, wheat germ, greenvegetables <strong>and</strong> brewers yeast.There are few known toxic effects, but very large doses have beenknown to produce lack of co-ordination in movement <strong>and</strong> impairment ofsensation. It is destroyed by heat, caffeine <strong>and</strong> alcohoLVitamin 8 6(Pyridoxine)B6 has three metabolic forms pyridoxine, pyridoxal <strong>and</strong>pyridoxamine. The RDA for adults is 2.0 milligrams.It is essential in amino acid metabolism, is required for the absorptionof B12 <strong>and</strong> for the production of antibodies <strong>and</strong> red blood cells.The best natural sources are bananas, brewer's yeast, wheat germ,green <strong>and</strong> red peppers, nuts, molasses <strong>and</strong> eggs.Intake should be increased with diets high in protein. Daily doses ofover 500 mg should be avoided. Doses over 2 g can lead to neurologicaldisorders. <strong>Food</strong> processing techniques, canning <strong>and</strong> alcohol can depletevitamin B 6•Vitamin 8 '2(Cyancobalimin, Cobalamin)B12 contains mineral elements - cobalt. The RDA for adults is 2.0micrograms.Cobalamins are necessary for protein <strong>and</strong> fatty acid metabolism <strong>and</strong>the production of red blood cells. It maintains a healthy nervous system<strong>and</strong> improves concentration <strong>and</strong> memory.The best natural sources are clams, oysters, beef, eggs <strong>and</strong> dairyproducts.It is not found in many plant products except certain soya products,tempeh <strong>and</strong> sea vegetables. If you are a strict vegetarian you will need totake B12 supplements. Although, people who have diets high in proteinneed more B 12. A deficiency can cause pernicious anemia.B12 is not easily absorbed <strong>and</strong> needs to be combined with calcium forproper absorption. It is destroyed by sunlight, alcohc.l <strong>and</strong> sleeping pills.There have been no reports of B12 toxicity.Vitamin 8 '5(Pangamic Acid, Pangamate, Calcium Pangamate)Pangamic acid has not had much research done on it in the USA, but.I

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