Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf


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Diet <strong>and</strong> Health 23However many studies have shown that a high sodium intake is associatedwith high blood pressure. Eating foods high in potassium helps to counterthe effects of high sodium consumption on blood pressure.Using less salt <strong>and</strong> sodium than is normally used will benefit thosepeople whose blood pressure goes up with salt intake. Hereditary factorsas well as excessive drinking have also been shown to be related to highblood pressure. Adults are encouraged to get their blood pressure checked<strong>and</strong>, if it is high, to consult a physician about diet.It is easy to reduce sodium intake by using less salt in cooking <strong>and</strong>on the table, but when eating processed foods it is important to look onthe label for sodium substances, as these are used excessively in manytypes of sauces <strong>and</strong> condiments.If You Drink Alcoholic Beverages, Do So in Moderation:Alcohol has no net benefit to health <strong>and</strong> is not an essential nutrientin any way. If you can not avoid drinking, do so in moderation. One ortwo drinks per day are not usually associated with health risks.Inflammation of the pancreas <strong>and</strong> damage to the heart <strong>and</strong> brain aresome of the complications of drinking. Studies have shown that alcoholis linked to risks of heart attacks, hypertension, haemorrhagic stroke,cirrhosis of the liver, inflammation of the pancreas, violence, suicide, birthdefects <strong>and</strong> overall mortality.Table. A Comparison of Recent Government DietaryRecommendations for Some NutrientsSurgeon General's Report onNutrition <strong>and</strong> Health.Fat <strong>and</strong> cholesterolReduce consumption of fat(especially saturated fat)<strong>and</strong> cholesterol.Energy <strong>and</strong> weight controlAchieve <strong>and</strong> maintain adesirable body weight. To doso, choose a diet in whichcaloric intake is consistent withenergy expenditure.Complex carbohydrate <strong>and</strong> fibreIncrease consumption ofwhole grain foods <strong>and</strong>National Research Council's Diet<strong>and</strong> Health.Reduce total fat intake to 30% or less.Reduce saturated fatty acid intake toless than 10% of total calories, <strong>and</strong>intake of cholesterol to less than300mg daily.Balance food intake <strong>and</strong> physicalactivity to maintain appropriate bodyweight.Everyday eat five or more servings ofa combination of vegetables <strong>and</strong> fruits,

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