Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf


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250 Chutneys, Pickles, Salted Vegetables <strong>and</strong> SaucesSmall Scale Peeler for FruitsCanning is not suitable for small scale processing for the followingreasons: the time <strong>and</strong> temperature of canning are critically important <strong>and</strong>must be carefully controlled. If the cans are under-processed, there is arisk of serious food poisoning <strong>and</strong> even death from a type of microorganismnamed Clostridium botulinum. If cans are over-processed, thevegetables lose much of their texture, colour, vitamins <strong>and</strong> flavour <strong>and</strong>are not saleable. The establishment of correct heating conditions dependson the type of food, the size <strong>and</strong> shape of the can <strong>and</strong> the initial level ofcontamination of the vegetables. This requires the skills of a qualified foodtechnologist or microbiologist.When foods are heated in sealed cans during the canning process,the temperature of sterilization is above 100°C <strong>and</strong> the pressure outsidethe can must equal that inside, to prevent the cans from exploding. Thisis achieved using high pressure steam <strong>and</strong> a strong vessel named a'retort'.Both steam boiler <strong>and</strong> retort are expensive <strong>and</strong> likely to be beyond themeans of a small scale processor. Additionally, compressed air is neededto maintain the pressure while cans are being cooled, which together withthe necessary controllers, adds to the capital cost of equipment.Even if cans are available in a particular country, they are usuallymore expensive than other forms of packaging. Different types of productalso require a particular internal lacquer to prevent the metal fromcorroding when it is in contact with the fruits or vegetables <strong>and</strong> suchlacquers may not always be available. In addition a 'seamer' is needed toseal the lid onto the can <strong>and</strong> regular checks <strong>and</strong> maintenance are necessaryto ensure that the seam is properly forined. Failures in seams are one ofthe main causes of spoiled or dangerous canned foods.It is therefore necessary to ensure that seamer operators are fullytrained <strong>and</strong> experienced in adjusting the machines <strong>and</strong> a 'seammicrometer' is another necessary capital expense to be able to do this. In

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