Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf


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Chapter 8Dietary GuidelinesWhether you need to lose or maintain weight, you should makehealthy food choices. These guidelines will improve your health, help youmeet your nutrient requirements, <strong>and</strong> reduce your risk of chronic disease.The Dietary Guidelines recommend that you get the most <strong>nutrition</strong>out of the calories you eat. You need nutrients to perform well, maintainwellness, <strong>and</strong> fight disease. But it is important to get those nutrientswithout consuming more calories than you need. To do this, you can't eattoo many high-calorie items (defined as foods with more than 400 caloriesper serving).You should also eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods each day. TheDietary Guidelines recommend that you:Use Plant <strong>Food</strong>s as the Foundation of Meals(Fruits, Vegetables, <strong>and</strong> Whole Grains)Most of the calories in your diet should come from a variety of wholegrain products, vegetables, <strong>and</strong> fruits. Plant foods provide a variety ofvitamins <strong>and</strong> minerals essential for health <strong>and</strong> most are naturally low infat.You might want to pay particular attention to the antioxidantnutrients found in plant foods (e.g., vitamin C, carotenoids, vitamin E,<strong>and</strong> certain minerals) for their potentially beneficial role in reducing therisk for cancer <strong>and</strong> certain other chronic diseases.Plant foods, such as whole-grain breads <strong>and</strong> cereals, vegetables, <strong>and</strong>fruits provide fibre, which is important for proper bowel function <strong>and</strong>may lower the risk for heart disease <strong>and</strong> some cancers. Because there aredifferent types of fibre in foods, choose a variety of foods daily.Get Enough Calcium-rich <strong>Food</strong>sConsume three cups of low-fat or fat-free milk or an equivalentamount of calcium each day through other calcium rich foods or a dietarysupplement.Keep saturated <strong>and</strong> trans fats low (<strong>and</strong> keep total fat intake moderate)

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