Food and nutrition.pdf

Food and nutrition.pdf

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Nutrition Disorder Related to <strong>Food</strong> 155inflammation in <strong>and</strong> around the wound. Moreover, it should be notedtha t the skin is the body's first defence against infection bymicroorganisms. Damage to the skin can predispose the burn victim toboth infection at the site of the wound as well as internally.First degree thermal burns can be treated with local skin care such asAloe Vera. Many topical antibiotics <strong>and</strong> antiseptics are available in thedrug store for minor burns.All second <strong>and</strong> third degree thermal burns <strong>and</strong> the complicatedlocations listed above need immediate physician evaluation. Special topicalantiseptic creams are used for more serious burns, including silversulfdiazine, silver nitrate, <strong>and</strong> mafenide acetate creams.PABA (Para-aminobenzoic Acid) helps in the assimilation of protein<strong>and</strong> pantothenic acid. It is important for normal skin <strong>and</strong> hair growth. Itcan protect you against sunburn, prevent wrinkles, reduce the pain ofburns <strong>and</strong> restore grey hair to its natural colour.Proper <strong>nutrition</strong> may seem far from the minds of a critically injuredburn patient or his or her doctor. But delivering the wrong mix of nutrients<strong>and</strong> minerals into the bloodstream can do more harm than good. NIGMSfundedresearch by Dr. David Herndon of the University of Texas MedicalBranch at Galveston contributed to this conclusion by showing thatmaking the intestinal tract "work" (by feeding the patient by mouth,instead of intravenously) keeps bacteria that normally live in the stomachfrom seeping into the bloodstream <strong>and</strong> causing body-wide infections thatoften lead to deadly septic shock.The following nutrient combinations are those recommended for thetreatment of burns:Vitamins: A, C, E (internally & topically)Minerals: Zinc, PostassiumAmino Acids: L-Arginine, L-Ornithine<strong>Food</strong> Supplements : Protein, ChlorophyllHerbs : Aloe VeraCholesterolCholesteryl esters are composed of a single fatty acid esterfied tocholesterol, in which the polar component is an alcohol.Cholesterol is normally found in the body in cell walls <strong>and</strong>membranes, vitamin D, hormones, <strong>and</strong> fat-digesting enzyme. Excesscholesterol can get deposited in the walls of blood vessels, leading toatherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis leads to heartattack <strong>and</strong> stroke. Cholesterol is divided into LDL ("bad" cholesterol),which carries cholesterol in the blood <strong>and</strong> can get deposited onto the wallsof blood vessels, causing atherosclerotic plaques. HDL ("good" cholesterol)

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