Ohev newsletter jan 04 - Congregation Ohev Shalom

Ohev newsletter jan 04 - Congregation Ohev Shalom Ohev newsletter jan 04 - Congregation Ohev Shalom


News and Ideas fromCongregation Ohev ShalomchcavHASHVEEVSPARKTheJanuary 2004Tevet-Shevat 5764Vol. 8 No. 5Community with a Purpose: Torah, T'Fillah, Gimilut Hasadim (Torah, Prayer, and Acts of Lovingkindness)SHABBAT SERVICE SCHEDULEFriday, January 26:00 PM: Kabbalat ShabbatSaturday, January 39:00 AM: ServiceVayigash (Genesis 44:18-47:27)Friday, January 97:30 PM: Kabbalat ShabbatOneg Discussion Series on the Future of Peace in theMiddle EastUNLOCK THE SECRETSOF YOUR PERSONALITY ATOHEV SHALOM’SFAMILY LIVING BRUNCHSUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 200411:00 AM TO 1:00 PMSee page 2 for details!Saturday, January 109:00 AM: ServiceVayechi (Gen. 47:28-50:26)Friday, January 166:00 PM: Kabbalat ShabbatSaturday, January 179:00 AM: ServiceShemot (Exodus 1:1-6:1)KIDDUSH LUNCH NASH ‘N DRASH ON THESPEECHES OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.Friday, January 236:00 PM: Kabbalat ShabbatSaturday, January 24Rosh Chodesh9:00 AM: ServiceVaera (Exodus 6:2-9:35)Friday, January 306:00 PM: Kabbalat ShabbatSaturday, January 319:00 AM: ServiceBo (Exodus 10:1-13:16)FREE BABYSITTINGEVERY SATURDAY:9:30 - 11:00 amTot Shabbat (age 3 -Kindergarten)10:00 - 11:00 amThank you to Rick Hellmanfor his outstanding D’varTorah on December 13h.DELAWARE COUNTYJEWISH COMMUNITYKALLAHSATURDAY, JAN. 31, 6:30 P.M.LEARNING AND FUNFOR THE WHOLE FAMILYSee page 4 for details!THANK YOU TO OURNOVEMBER TORAH READERSYasher koach to November Torah readers: DawnCapone, Wendy Dignazio, Lise Fishman, AmyGraham, Gary Kaplan, Rabbi Louis Kaplan, MichaelPonn, Rabbi Mark Robbins, Mitchell Ross, RiseSkobeloff, Louis Stesis, Frances Stier, Colette Szabo-Long, Dr. Daniel Weiner and Orna Wiseman and toHaftarah readers Zachary Cohen, Amy Graham,Rabbi Louis Kaplan, Mark Paikoff and Colette Szabo-Long.

News and Ideas from<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>chcavHASHVEEVSPARKTheJanuary 20<strong>04</strong>Tevet-Shevat 5764Vol. 8 No. 5Community with a Purpose: Torah, T'Fillah, Gimilut Hasadim (Torah, Prayer, and Acts of Lovingkindness)SHABBAT SERVICE SCHEDULEFriday, January 26:00 PM: Kabbalat ShabbatSaturday, January 39:00 AM: ServiceVayigash (Genesis 44:18-47:27)Friday, January 97:30 PM: Kabbalat ShabbatOneg Discussion Series on the Future of Peace in theMiddle EastUNLOCK THE SECRETSOF YOUR PERSONALITY ATOHEV SHALOM’SFAMILY LIVING BRUNCHSUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 20<strong>04</strong>11:00 AM TO 1:00 PMSee page 2 for details!Saturday, January 109:00 AM: ServiceVayechi (Gen. 47:28-50:26)Friday, January 166:00 PM: Kabbalat ShabbatSaturday, January 179:00 AM: ServiceShemot (Exodus 1:1-6:1)KIDDUSH LUNCH NASH ‘N DRASH ON THESPEECHES OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.Friday, January 236:00 PM: Kabbalat ShabbatSaturday, January 24Rosh Chodesh9:00 AM: ServiceVaera (Exodus 6:2-9:35)Friday, January 306:00 PM: Kabbalat ShabbatSaturday, January 319:00 AM: ServiceBo (Exodus 10:1-13:16)FREE BABYSITTINGEVERY SATURDAY:9:30 - 11:00 amTot Shabbat (age 3 -Kindergarten)10:00 - 11:00 amThank you to Rick Hellmanfor his outstanding D’varTorah on December 13h.DELAWARE COUNTYJEWISH COMMUNITYKALLAHSATURDAY, JAN. 31, 6:30 P.M.LEARNING AND FUNFOR THE WHOLE FAMILYSee page 4 for details!THANK YOU TO OURNOVEMBER TORAH READERSYasher koach to November Torah readers: DawnCapone, Wendy Dignazio, Lise Fishman, AmyGraham, Gary Kaplan, Rabbi Louis Kaplan, MichaelPonn, Rabbi Mark Robbins, Mitchell Ross, RiseSkobeloff, Louis Stesis, Frances Stier, Colette Szabo-Long, Dr. Daniel Weiner and Orna Wiseman and toHaftarah readers Zachary Cohen, Amy Graham,Rabbi Louis Kaplan, Mark Paikoff and Colette Szabo-Long.

TABLE OF CONTENTSTHE RABBI’S CORNER 3SISTERHOOD SCOOP 4PERSONALS 5MISPALLELIM SCHOOL NEWS 6ACTS OF LOVINGKINDNESS 8MEN’S CLUB NEWS 9IN THE LIBRARY 11CALENDAR 12BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES 14DONATIONS 16-18ADVERTISEMENTS 19-23chcavHASHVEETheSPARKThe Spark is published monthly September-June by <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>.2 Chester Road, Wallingford, PA 19086610-874-1465FAX: 610-874-1466www.ohev.netexec@ohev.netAmy Pollack, Editor and DesignerMark M. Robbins, RabbiLouis Kaplan, Rabbi EmeritusJerome Rosset, PresidentMichael Muderick, Executive DirectorMaterial is due in the synagogue office bythe seventh of the month.Affiliated with the United Synagogue ofConservative JudaismINTERFAITHMARRIAGE GROUPMy name is TammyFinsterbusch. My husband Martyand I have been asked to chair theinterfaith marriage group here at<strong>Ohev</strong>. We are excited as well as a bitnervous. We have some ideas as towhat the group should be about,but we want your input. We wantthis to be a fun, educational, socialand supportive endeavor. Please callor e-mail us with your opinions.Thanks,Tammy and Marty Finsterbusch610-6<strong>04</strong>-0287finstertm@netscape.netUNLOCK THE SECRETSOF YOUR PERSONALITY ATOHEV SHALOM’SFAMILY LIVING BRUNCHSUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 20<strong>04</strong>11:00 AM TO 1:00 PMDo you ever wonder why some experiences and situations seem to“fit like a glove” and others feel like you’re “swimming upstream”? Whysome relationships are easy and others are hard? Why some careers andactivities are satisfying and some are not?Being in the “right” place is personally fulfilling because it nourishesthe most important aspects of your personality. It suits the way you liketo do things and reflects who you are. It lets you use your skills andstrengths in ways that seem easy and natural. The more you learn aboutyour personality, the easier it is to choose the right experiences and copeeffectively with people and situations that reflect your differences.DISCOVERING YOUR PERSONALITY TYPEEach one of us has a distinct personality, like an internal blueprintthat stays with us for life. We are born with a personality type and we gothrough life with that type. The concept of “personality type” is not new.People have always been aware of the similarities and differences betweenindividuals, and over the centuries, many systems and models for understandingthem have been developed.Attend the Family Living Brunch and discover your own personalitytype using exercises based on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator®, arespected assessment tool created by two American women, KatherineBriggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers, and based on the work ofSwiss psychologist Carl Jung.This interactive program will be led by congregant Lesley MallowWendell, an organizational consultant and executive coach who uses theMyers Briggs Type Indicator in her work with groups and individuals.Cost: $5.00RSVP by January 4 to Lesley Mallow Wendell610-892-8035lmwendell@comcast.net2

THE RABBI’S CORNEROUR ROLE IN HEALING – Mishe Berach and Bikkur CholimMee-sheh bay-rach a-vo-tay-nu Avraham Yitzchakv’Yaacov, Sarah, Rivka, Rachel v’Leah, hoo yi-va-rech v’yira-payet ha-cho-lim (name of those who are ill). Ha-kadoshba-ruch hoo yi-ma-leh ra-cha-mim a-lay-hem lihach-zee-kamoo-li-ra-po-tam, va-yish-lach la-hem mihay-rari-fu-a she-ley-ma meen ha-sha-ma-yim, ri-fu-atha-ne-fesh oo-ri-fu-at ha-goof bi-toch shi-ar cho-lay yisroel,Shabbat hee mee-li-zok, oo-ri-fua kro-va la-vo, hashtaba’aga-la oo-vee-zman ka-reev, v’no-mar amen.“May God who blessed our ancestors, Abraham,Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah,bring blessing and healing to the ill ones (names).May the Holy One, blessed be God, be wholly mercifulto them in order to strengthen and heal them, andsend them speedily complete health —- health of thesoul and health of the spirit — amongst the other illones of Israel — a very speedy recovery, both nowand in the near future. And let us say ‘amen.’”The more I minister and pastorto members of our congregation —in health and sickness, in times ofjoy and sadness — the more I valueour Mishe Berach prayer.Professionally and psychologically, Icouldn’t exist without it, and I don’tbelieve that we as human beings andJews can exist without it.Perhaps more than anything inlife, we take health for granted.Except perhaps for the physicians andhealthcare professionals amongst us,we think little of the miraculous,smooth-functioning of our bodies —until they malfunction. Unless besetwith long-term chronic illness, invariablywe are shocked when our bodiesbreak down with age, illness and infirmity.Moreover, ill health breaks oursouls and spirits as it does our bodies.I thank God that we have physicians,nurses, other healthcare professionals,and the gifts of contemporarymedicine to address better thanever before our physical maladies.Healthcare professionals dosacred work. In fact, Jewish traditionviews them as the agents of God inbringing physical healing to the sick.The famous Oath of Maimonides(www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/rambam-oath.html), an alternative tothe Hippocratic Oath, remindsphysicians of their agency for God.“The eternal providence hasappointed me to watch over the lifeand health of your creatures. Maythe love for my art actuate me at alltime; may neither avarice nor miserliness,nor thirst for glory or for agreat reputation engage my mind;for the enemies of truth and philanthropycould easily deceive me andmake me forgetful of my lofty aim ofdoing good to your children....”Healthcare professionals arecharged with the healing of body.Every person in a community isresponsible for healing the spiritsand souls of those who are ill, soulsand spirits vital to recovery fromand perseverance in illness. In thisspirit, bikkur cholim (visiting thesick) is an unconditional obligationof Jewish tradition, not reservedsolely for close friends, family andthe rabbi. It is the ultimate act ofimitatio dei — to be holy as God isholy, according to the Talmud. Thetractate Sota concludes that “[walking]after God” (Deuteronomy 13:5)means modelling God’s attributes,including visiting the sick, as God,according to the midrash, did toAbraham as he recovered from hiscircumcision. Another rabbinicstatement argues that each sick visit(symbolically) heals 1/60th of a person’sillness.Our visits and support help thecholim (sick ones) and help ourselves.Maimonides’ oath continueswith a stunning line which mustmotivate not just healthcare professionalsbut everybody. “May I neversee in the patient anything but a fellowcreature in pain.” We may notbe in bed ill at that moment, but wecertainly feel pain in other aspects ofour lives. Even more significant, oneday we mayl be the sick people ingreat pain.We must show our sympathy forthe pain, discomfort, and emotionaldevastation of illness, disease, andinjury, and beckon God’s help in theprocess of healing. Along with carryingout the mitzvah of bikkur cholim, aJewish community says the MisheBerach prayer whenever the Torah isread. Through this prayer, we hope toraise our consciousness of those whoare ill, to include rather than excludethem from our community’s consciousness,to remind us of our obligationsto the sick and injured, to askfor God’s strength in supporting thesick, and to ask for God’s direct careand healing for the sick. By doing so,we accept that we as humans cannotfully control the process of bodily andspiritual healing.Healthcare professionals, supportedby each member of our religiouscommunity, are duty-bound totry to bring physical healing to thesick and injured amongst us. Eachindividual Jew has his/her duty aswell, and we are duty-bound toinvoke God’s presence in theprocess. The Mishe Berach prayer,said publicly in the heart and soul ofour prayer services — (the Torahreading) — motivates our involvementin one of life’s most importantresponsibilities – bikkur cholim – thesupport and visiting of the sick.Rifua Shelema — wishes of completehealing — to all those in ourcommunity who are ill.Rabbi Mark Robbins3

4Adult EducationOpportunitiesADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIESMONTHLY LUNCH ‘N LEARN, THURSDAY., JANUARY 15, 12:15-1:15“Jewish Attitudes Toward Others.” This month we will be meeting on thethird Thursday, but will go back to our regular first Thursday in February.ONEG SHABBAT DISCUSSION SERIES, JANUARY 9, 7:30 PM.“Eyewitness to Israel: The Situation on the Gound.” Services will begin at7:30 pm, with discussion and an oneg following services.MLK SHABBAT KIDDUSH NASH ‘N DRASH, JANUARY 17.“Martin Luther King, His Speeches, and His Prophecy.” Continuing ourtradition begun last year on MLK weekend, we will read together excerptsfrom Dr. King’s speeches and writings and discuss how they harmonizewith Jewish tradition.COMING IN FEBRUARY!! A RETURN OF THE EARLYSHABBAT PROGRAM (ESP), AN INFORMAL FRIDAYNIGHT FAMILY SERVICE IN OUR SOCIAL HALL.SISTERHOOD SCOOPThanks to Sisterhood, lots of fun and excitement happened inDecember and January promises to be the same. We had a very successfulHanukkah Happening with Israeli dancing, singing, crafts, oil making andmuch more. Can't forget those great potato latkes and donuts provided bythe Men's Club. Also in December we attempted to have a theatre nite buteither the timing or the choice of the play was wrong. Look for this to beproposed again in the future. We hope you joined us at the dinner on Dec.24th for a Hanukkah evening out with your <strong>Ohev</strong> family.On January 11th we will offer the Family Living Brunch. When youreceive your invitation please respond quickly to help us prepare for a veryinteresting program. There's lots more to come with Purim, hamentashenbaking, college connection, and the Donor Affair. So please get involved.I am pleased to say that out of 5 new member families who were calledupon to help with the Hanukkah Happening, 4 did so. What a great way toget to know the synagogue as well as the lovely ladies in our Sisterhood.Any suggestions about programs, donor, etc. please don't hesitate to calleither Amy or me. We love to get together and chat so please attend a meetingor a program. YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED.Karen Ernest and Amy GrahamSisterhood Co-PresidentsDELAWARECOUNTY JEWISHCOMMUNITYKALLAHThe Delaware County JCCWithout Walls will be sponsoringits very own Jewish Family andCommunity Kallah this year basedon the theme: Life Cycle of JewishLiving, featuring a special workshopfor families and school-agechildren and 12 diverse minicourses.Come and enjoy anevening of study and nosh withour local clergy and educators.Your participation will help tomake this year’s KaIlah a great success.Saturday, January 31, 20<strong>04</strong>.Registration begins at 6:30 pm.<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>, 2Chester Road, Wallingford. $10 forFamily workshop in advance, $12per person in advance Call 610-578-9000 for further information.IS SOMETHINGMISSING FROMTHIS EDITION OF“THE SPARK”?If you know what it is, then youhave been reading about our desireto form new and exciting havurot at<strong>Ohev</strong>. Heidi Diamond Shaffer is incharge of forming new havurot andsoon they should be up and running.So don't lose faith, the newand improved havurot will definitelybe forming in time for some of themore fun holidays and for the summermonths when you can enjoyeach other's company by the pool(anybody got one?) As always, youcan contact me, especially if wedon't contact you. You'll be hearingfrom us.Karen ErnestMembership Participation

DID YOU KNOW...Insurance premiums for <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>’s synagoguebuilding have increased from $8300 in the year 2000,to $14,000 this year?Interest income generated by our Foundationinvestments yielded $29,000 in the year 2000 andwill generate less than $6000 this year?The Kehillah Early Learning Center is our largest tenantand will generate nearly $40,000 in rental income thisyear?Of our 375 congregant families, 154 pay annual duesof less than $500?The Mispallelim class of 20<strong>04</strong> will Bar/Bar Mitzvah10 children. The class of 2009 will Bar/Bat Mitzvah15 children.A LOOK BACK AT...1963In 1963 <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> was still located in Chester. TheBuilding Committee, pictured below, was hard at work making plans tobuild a new building and move the congregation to suburban Wallingford.PERSONALSMAY GOD COMFORT:David Weiss, on the death of hisfather, Meyer WeissBetty Ethridge, on the death of hersister, Bertha LevinSanford Barth, on the death of hismother, Hilda BarthMAZAL TOV TO:Jannis Swerman and Dr. DonRubinstein on their marriage and toJack Swerman, father of the brideAnn and Michael Muderick, on thebirth of their first grandchild, SaraEmanuelleTODAH RABBAH (Thank You)Don and Ruth Levinstein,would like to thank all those whomade donations, and expressedsympathies on the loss of Don’sbrother, Sid.TREE OF LIFE✡ A leaf has been dedicated inhonor of Herb and MarleneOzer’s 50th wedding anniversarywith love from CecilleSteinbach, Ben and RoselynOzer, Ted and Harriet Ozer,Larry and Pat Ozer, Larry andGreta Wallis, George and LoriOzer, Gloria Ozer Piroschak,Steven Ozer, Ronnie andDurinda Ozer.✡ A leaf has been dedicated inmemory of Sidney Levinsteinwith love from the Kahn family.Top row, l to r: Dr. Jerry Smith, Albert Knopf, Alan Swimmer, HarryShooster, Murray Eckell; Middle row, l to r: Pop Brown, Maurice Swimmer,Joe Ivins, Lou Schwartz, Mel Rudman, Sam Tollen, Albert Berman; Bottomrow, l to r: Florence Long, Lou Dallett, Al Brown, Bill Wolf, Ben Balin, RayLaub, Sally BalinSICK OR IN THEHOSPITAL?PLEASE LET OHEV KNOW ASSOON AS POSSIBLE, SO THERABBI CAN VISIT AND THECOMMUNITY CAN SUPPORTYOU OR YOUR LOVED ONE.5

MISPALLELIM RELIGIOUS SCHOOLNEWSDecember, although a short month at Hebrew School, was packedwith so many wonderful events. Our 5th graders had the opportunity onDecember 3rd to make their own wine! And even though it did look a bitlike the infamous “I Love Lucy” episode, the “wine” tasted great andeveryone really enjoyed the day. Kudos to Mark Paikoff, Leslie Beck, andDebbie Consoli for working in the vineyard. The Hanukkah Happeningon December 7th was a great success and the children really enjoyedIsraeli dancing, oil pressing, latkes, Krispy Kremes and all the activities ofthe day. Thanks to Karen Ernest, Amy Graham, Sisterhood, Men's Cluband all of our parent and student volunteers for making the day such asuccess.On December 14th, our 5th, 6th, and 7th graders planned to celebrateHanukkah along with some residents at Martin's Run Life Carefacility. Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate and this event hadto be cancelled. Thank you to Elayne DeSimone, Phyllis Bookspan andall of our chaperones (and some of their pets too!) for offering their helpwith this program.. January is a month that will seem a bit quiet comparedwith December, yet we are working hard planning for the busymonths ahead.Please take note of one calendar change- school is not in session forstudents on January 4th.Please contact the school office if you have any questions or if youare willing to volunteer with any of our school events. I will be happy tofind a small yet valuable job for you to do at your convenience! Asalways, thank you for your continued support and commitment to ourHebrew school.Doris EloferOHEV WAS HAPPENING ON DEC. 7THI want to thank everyone who was involvedwith the Hanukkah Happening on Dec. 7th..Without your support and help, we could nothave had such a great morning. From all of thefeedback that I have received, a fun time washad by not only the Hebrew school kids but the“shadow” helpers, aides and moms and dadswho gave their time.I want to particularly thank the aides andthe returning Hey class of 2002-2003 as well asthe Hey class of 2003-20<strong>04</strong> who shadowed thelittle kids for us. It's a great mitzvah that the 8thgraders returned to a program for the Hebrew school and helped out. I(We)really were thrilled to see them back at the school.. Be ready to be called onto help with future programs, especially the Purim Carnival. Again thanksto all.Karen ErnestBASKETBALLTOURNAMENTFOR ISRAELLooking for volunteers to helporganize and run an event that supportsvictims of terrorism in Israel.This will be the 4th in a series of 3on 3 basketball tournaments thathave combined to raise close to$60K and we hope to make this thebiggest one yet. Volunteers neededto help plan the day's events, recruitteams and raise sponsorship dollars.Event is tentatively scheduled forMarch '<strong>04</strong> and planning is beginningnow, so please call 610-578-9000 as soon as possible if interestedin assisting in any way.TZEDAKAHI’m sure you have noticed ourbeautiful Heritage Cabinet in themain hall. But have you noticed theTzedakah Box built into the front ofthe cabinet? Loose change (or bills)in your pocket when you walk intothe building? Lighten your pocketsor purse by dropping a few coinsinto the Heritage Cabinet TzedakahBox. Located in the center of theHeritage Cabinet, the money raisedwill be donated to a series of rotatingcharities, as noted by the signon top of the box. December’s fundsbenefited the Swerman BuildingFund. Beginning in January, donationswill benefit the JewishFederation.Other organizations to benefitfrom your donations will include anIsrael-based charity and a localcommunity-based charity. The totalamount of funds raised will be publishedin future issues of “TheSpark.” A dime or a dollar, every littlebit counts.6

PROGRAMMINGFOR TEENSMLK DAY OFSERVICECOMMUNITYCARING CARNIVALSunday, Jan 18, Grades 6-12,1:30 - 5:00 pm$5 registration feeJoin hundreds of area Jewishteens running this Carnival forVariety Club children with disabilities.Our annual event has volunteersescorting children through thecarnival or running booths such asface painting, games, prize tables,craft projects and more. Co-sponsoredby the JCCs and the JewishCommunity High School of GratzCollege. Hosted by The HaverfordSchool, 450 Lancaster Ave.,Haverford. Information: 215-446-3030.PRESIDENT'S DAYSKI TRIPWhat better way to spend President'sDay than skiing the Pocono mountains’finest slopes? Join your friends,bring your skis and don't forget yourgloves!!(1) Lift ticket & transportation: $60(2) Lift, lesson, rental & transportation:$70(3) Transportation and snow tubing:$45*Add $8 to 1 & 2 for snow tubing*$5 off for JCC membersASKABOUT $100SCHOLARSHIPSFOR NEWCAMPERSPANIM: THE INSTITUTE FOR JEWISHLEADERSHIP AND VALUES – A GREATLARNING EXPERIENCE IN WASH., D.C.Panim is a 4-day seminar in Washington DC. that offers 10 -12 grade studentsthe opportunity to examine Jewish values, community, and each individual’srole in affecting tikkun olam: repair of the world. Teens participate ina face-to-face look at the inner workings of the nation’s capitol, sit in onCongressional sessions, meet House Representatives, and visit the HolocaustMuseum. This program includes seminars relating to Jewish heritage.Program Dates: March 24-27, 2003. Cost: $510 includes hotel accommodations,Kosher meals, and transportation (50% scholarship available for participantsliving in Delaware County) RSVP to Lannie at 610-896-7770 x123by Jan.14. Limited space available.PHANTOMS GAMEAttention everyone who enjoys watching men in sweaters and onskates...The 3rd annual Men's Club excursion to the Phantom of theWachovia Spectrum will be on SUNDAY, MARCH, 21st, 20<strong>04</strong> @ 5P.M.The plot is a hockey game between our Philadelphia Phantoms andGrand Rapids. All children are invited and if they so desire, parents areurged to accompany them. An exhiliarating time will be had by all whoattend. Please call Brad Ernest at 610-328-6290 or e-mail kbhorsinaround@b-2000.netfor ticket reservations or any questions. Let's makethis a well attended social gathering for the <strong>Ohev</strong> family.YOGA AT OHEVEnjoy transformative and deeply meditative TriYoga®, a complete hatha yogamethod, in which breath and focus are united with flowing and sustainedpostures in systematized sequences. A Basics class will be offered the firstThursday of every month. No previous experience is necessary.Schedule: Thursdays through Jan. 8 (No class Jan. 1) - 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.4 classes…..$20.00Wear loose, comfortable clothing, no shoes or socks.Bring a sticky mat. It is preferable not to eat for two hours before class.For more information on this class call: Phyllis Bookspan: 610-543-8131Phyllis.bookspan@law.widener.eduCONSIDER A SUMMER AT CAMP RAMAH!ENROLL NOW!Looking for a new way to experience Jewish life? Camp Ramah is theplace for you! Camp Ramah is the official camping arm of the Conservativemovement. We create the ultimate summer camping experience for childrenages 4-13 at our day camp and grades 3-10 at our overnight camp.Camp Ramah is committed to providing active, creative, fun-filled educational,recreational and positive Jewish experiences. Activities include:outdoor adventure, swimming, sports, arts, music, drama, dance and fun,informal learning experiences. To learn more call 215-885-8556.7

ACTS OF LOVINGKINDNESS(“G’MILUT HASADIM”)ohsxv ,ukhndEach month, The Spark would like to feature new opportunities for us to do mitzvot, good deeds to aid in Tikkun Olam, repairingthe world. Do you have a cause that you would like mentioned? If so, email it to Amy Pollack at amypoldes@aol.com by the seventhof the month.AT OHEV SHALOM:TIKKUN OLAM (REPAIRING THE WORLD), A BIT AT A TIMETHANKSGIVING DINNER DRIVE:From Bryan Pless: I would liketo thank everyone who donatedthanksgiving turkeys and fixings formy Bar Mitzvah project. It was agreat success, and thanks to yourhelp, many unfortunate familieshad a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner!Thank you again for all yoursupport.From Fran: I wanted to thankBryan, his Mom Susan, and his sisterJacqueline, for all their hardwork, and the <strong>Ohev</strong> families whodonated 40 turkeys in all, alongwith vegetables, stuffing mix andpies. We drove them down toChester Eastside Ministries (formerly3rd Presbyterian Church), twomiles south of <strong>Ohev</strong>, and a worldapart.Route 320 turns south fromProvidence Road, crosses I95, andgoes through 5-6 shabby blocks,full of boarded up homes andvacant lots, with children playing inthe street and parents talking on thesidewalks. Bryan and Susan andJacqueline unloaded the donationsinto wheeled bins, and pushedthem into what had once been theChurch sanctuary. The church wasfull of light, and a team of volunteers,led by Rev. Bernice Warren,was sorting donations and makingup packages.Rev. Warren was full of praisefor Bryan - those 40 turkeys wouldfeed 200 people. She wanted toknow more about what a BarMitzvah was, and how to wishsomeone well on the occasion. Sheshowed Bryan and his familyaround the church - once a large,thriving congregation, but now inneed of repair. The building housesa food pantry, clothing distributioncenter, enrichment programs forneighborhood children, and theEast Side's only library.It was a lovely way to givethanks.LIFECENTER DINNER,SUNDAY JANUARY 4TH:We need volunteers to shop forand serve the next LifeCenter dinner,on Sunday, January 4th.(Servers meet about 5:30, and aredone by about 7:45.The Centerdoes the cleanup). Servers need tobe at least 12. It's a wonderful wayfor parents and teens to do a mitzvahtogether. If you're interested,call Sherry Zigon, (610) 891-9166.MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY,MONDAY, JANUARY 19TH:We also need parents and teensfor Martin Luther King Day, onMonday, January 19th. Again, we'llgo to Wesley House, read with childrenthere, and bring them andtheir moms back for cookie bakingand lunch at <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>.Volunteers need to be 12 or over,and we need an adult for every 2-3teens to drive and supervise.This year, we' asking volunteersto each bring one (or more) coloringbooks or activity books, or readingbooks suitable for elementarygrades. We'll get details on the childrenwe'll be working with as thetime gets closer.Check out last year's pictures on<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>'s web sitehttp://www.ohev.net/photos/mlk2003/index.html, and call Fran Stier 610543-0815 or email franstier@comcast.netif interested.NAIL DOWN THE DATE:SUNDAY, MAY 16, 20<strong>04</strong>.Watch for more information.8

THOUGHTS FROM THE JEWISH HOMELANDBy Jack Zigon, JCRC Director,Jewish Federation of Delaware(Jack spent 10 days in Israel thispast Nov. 10-20 on a FederationMission, as part of his new position asDirector of JCRC and Planning for theJewish Federation in Wilmington.Two other <strong>Ohev</strong> members, Lou andKaren Stesis were in Israel Nov. 16-23. All three have been asked to sharetheir experiences with <strong>Ohev</strong> at anupcoming Shabbat service.)It's the night before my last dayin Israel, and I'm beginning toreflect on the experience. This is mysecond trip to Eretz Yisroel and Ihave experienced a wide range ofemotions and insights.I still got goosebumps and criedwhen I prayed at the Kotel. Wearrived at 11:00 PM, after a longday of traveling, but the fatigue waswiped away by the power of theexperience. There is no place onearth like the Western Wall.Before I left, many people askedme, “Why are you going to Israelnow?”, when they really meant tosay, "Aren't you scared of beingkilled by a terrorist?”Unfortunately, the blood andgore coverage of Israel on CNN hasmisinformed my well-meaningfriends. Israel isn't any more dangerousthan being in a big city inAmerica. While the local newsshows air footage of car accidents,muggings, shootings, and murderseach evening, most of us don'tthink twice about traveling downtownfor dinner or a show.Same with Israel. Yes, terroristsattack innocent civilians. But youhave a better chance of being killedat home in a car accident on theway to work, than you do of beingkilled in a terrorist attack in Israel.And you don't think twice aboutdriving to work, do you? That'swhy I wasn't afraid to come toIsrael.To my surprise, I felt safer inIsrael than the USA. Half of our tripwas spent in Arad, a town in thenorthern Negev Desert where parentsallow their teenage children towalk alone at night or stay late atthe local mall, free of fear that theywill be hurt. I can't say that aboutmy teenage daughter being out latein my hometown.One big difference I noticedfrom my last trip was the attitude ofthe ordinary Israelis. Twelve yearsago they were optimistic about theOslo Peace Process. After its failure,and the last three years of pooreconomy and attacks, they are discouraged.Our visit, along with4,000+ other North Americanshelped pump $15 million into theeconomy and put a smile on theJerusalem shopkeepers' faces. Justour being there made them feel lessalone. But there will need to bemore visits like this one to makethat smile permanent again.This was my first GeneralAssembly and I wasn't disappointed.Being briefed by Israeli politicalleaders, hearing from experts inIsrael Hasbara on best practices,and marching with thousands ofpeople along the streets ofJerusalem were all well worth thevisit. But the contacts I made withother professionals in Jewish communitiesaround the world will beeven more valuable over the longhaul.We broadcast three times on twoWilmington talk radio stations,WILM and WDEL, from our trip.The last time was live on the noonWILM news from BenYehuda Streetwhen one of the Mission Co-Chairs,Toni Young, described how the dayhad been one of the most exciting ofher life. While I hope you heard heron the radio, you only experiencedIsrael with one of your senses.Experience Israel in person.Join our brothers and sisters inIsrael on an upcoming mission. Youwon’t be disappointed!MEN’S CLUB NEWSAn Evening of Art, a Treat for the Senses!Mark your calendars now for the highlight of this winter’s social scene. On February 21st, 20<strong>04</strong>, theMen’s Club of <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>, in association with Ross Galleries, will present a very special evening of finemusic, foods and wines highlighted by an art auction to raise funds for the synagogue. This year’s auctionwill feature sculpture, serigraphs and giclee, as well as lithographs, photography and watercolor. Tickets are$10 per person and can be purchased from Charley Elofer (610-874-4244). We’ll have more details on theoriginal artworks, door prizes and live music in the upcoming issues of The Spark!9

cvt runaTHE OHEV OBSERVERThis month’s Observer is Andy Szabo. His column is a d’var Torah which he deliveredat <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> during the past year. If you would like to be next month’s Observer,please email your observations to Amy Pollack at amypoldes@aol.com.SOME HISTORY OF THE TERM,‘YASHER KOACH’“Yasher Koach” translates as “straight strength.” May you havestrength, or may your strength be increased. It’s how we congratulatesomeone for performing a mitzvah or other good deed. You are wishingthis person the strength to continue doing this good thing, and you arealso recognizing the effort that the person put into doing this goodthing.The origins of this practice are linked to “Hazak Hazak Venit-hazek”what we stand and say as a congregation at the conclusion of each of thefive books of the Torah. The meaning of that Hebrew phrase is analogousto that of “Yasher Koach”: “Strong, strong, and let us be strengthened!”According to the ancient procedure, the aliyah was given to theTorah reader who had to read the Torah while holding it upright so thatits text was visible to the congregation. The reader therefore had to physicallysupport the Torah by taking hold of its Etz Chayim. “HazakHazak” was said upon the conclusion of the `aliyah.It is therefore understandable that by-standers would do their best toencourage the reader to maintain the requisite vigor.Though we now lay the Torah flat, the reader “supports” it symbolicallyby grasping the Etz Chayim, and we wish him or her a YasherKoach.The fear of inadvertently dropping the Torah was not the only fearthat troubled participants in the synagogue services. Midrashic traditionspeaks of the grave perils that were felt to threaten a person—whetherfrom a hostile Satan or from the person’s own carelessness—when heaccepted the momentous responsibility of praying on behalf of the congregation.According to a midrashic interpretation quoted by Rashi in his verylast comment to the end of the Book of Deuteronomy, when God (inDeut. 10:2) spoke to Moses about “the first tablets which [Hebrew:asher] you broke,” the Rabbis read this as if God were saying to Moses“Yasher Koach for breaking the tablets” in reaction to the people’s worshipof the Golden Calf.Instead of congratulating Moses for holding up or supporting theTorah, in this midrashic exposition, God reassures Moses saying: “Youhave done the right thing in showing the strength and courage to hurlthe Torah before a people that has proven itself unworthy of it. “ In thiscase Moses broke the Torah.HIGH HOLIDAYPLEDGE NOTICEIn an effort to acknowledge andthank those members who havemade High Holy Day pledges thisyear, we will be publishing a list ofthose donors, in the FebruarySpark. Then a thank-you page of all2003-<strong>04</strong> pledges will be presentedat next year’s High Holiday pledgedrive. If you haven’t made yourpledge, please send it today to thesynagogue. As is our policy with alldonations, if you wish not to haveyour donation acknowledged,please email Michael Muderick atexec@ohev.net or call him at thesynagogue office.JEWISH WOMEN’SSPIRITUALITYGROUPInterested in joining The JewishWomen’s Spirituality Group?Contact Amy Pollack at 610-543-5431. (amypoldes@aol.com) formore information.PRAYER BOOKDEDICATIONA Siddur Sim <strong>Shalom</strong> prayerbook has been dedicated in memoryof Sid Levinstein by Rosalyn & BenOzer.OHEV E-MAILIf you are not getting regularsynagogue e-mails, please e-mailMichael Muderick at exec@ohev.netwith your e-mail address and youwill be added to our list.10

“BASIFRIYAH”...IN THE LIBRARYI have a whole shelf full of cookbooksin my kitchen. I love to cook,WHAT’S COOKING?but I also love to browse throughcookbooks. Did you realize that the synagogue library also has a number ofcookbooks to check out? Here are a few for your entertainment/perusal:Tempting Kosher Dishes, published by the B. Manischewitz Co. in1930. This is a fun book to look through.Of course every dish is made witha Manischewitz product – usually matzo meal or cake meal. You can evensee what the matzah boxes looked like back then. Most of the recipes areshort and easy to make – great for the ‘modern’ family. But the best thingabout this cookbook is that it is all the recipes also appear in Yiddish. Youcan see how chocolate cake is spelled in Yiddish!Cooking for a crowd? The World of Jewish Entertaining by Gil Marksis the book to try. This is a cookbook with a terrific extra – many of therecipes have ingredient lists for serving 80 or 120 people.This is great ifyou are home-catering a big event or cooking for a synagogue event. Restassured, if you’re not that ambitious, all of these terrific recipes include‘normal’ proportions as well.Looking for a taste of Israel? Renowned author Joan Nathan offers TheFoods of Israel Today which reflects the varied backgrounds of Israel’s currentpopulation. The recipes are very accessible and most ingredients areavailable in the supermarket.Longing for a little New York deli food? Sharon Lebewohl and RenaBulkin have written The 2nd Ave. Deli Cookbook. It includes over 150 ofAbe Lebewohl’s recipes from his restaurant as well as some from thecelebrities who ate there.The cookbook section begins at 641.5 in our non-fiction collection.Take one home and try something new. Just try not to spill on the pages!We are delighted to dedicate our first birthday book this month: ComeLet Us Be Joyful by Fran Manushkin has been dedicated in honor of KateRoss’ December birthday.New materials added to the collection this month:Amy Graham, Library Committee ChairwomanADULT NON-FICTION BOOKS:Kugel, James: The God of OldTelushkin, Joseph: The Ten Commandments of CharacterADULT FICTION BOOKS:Stollman, Areyh Lev: The Illuminated SoulYOUNG ADULT:I Never Saw Another ButterflyBuchignami, Walter: Tell No OneWho You AreDVD:Heritage, Civilization & the Jews(PBS series)Trembling Before GodvhrpxcBOOK REVIEW OFTHE MONTHIf you would like to review abook for The Spark, please email it toAmy Pollack at amypoldes@aol.comby the seventh of the month.THE GIFT GALLERYAT OHEV SHALOMHours:Sunday - 9:00 am to 12 noon.Wednesday - 4:00 -6:00 p.m.By appointmentMEN'SBASKETBALLLEAGUESign up to play basketball inthis Sunday morning league withyour fellow hoopsters from aroundthe area. Space is limited, registrationon a first-come basis.Begins Sunday, January 49:15 - 11:15 amMedia Providence FriendsSchool125 West 3rd Street, Media$65 a person (14 weeks, lastsession April 4)Call 610-578-9000 to register11

NEW!! KIDDUSH LUNCHEONS!!LOOKING FOR A WAY TO CELEBRATE THAT SPECIAL SIMCHA?<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> is pleased to help you arrange a beautiful kiddush luncheonin honor of a loved one or a special event.Why not sponsor a kiddushto celebrate a birthday, an anniversary, or a special friendship?It's easy, it's affordable, and your fellow congregantswill love you all the more for it!The following dates are available for you to arrange your kiddush luncheon:December 6, December 27, January 3, January 24, February 14, March 6, April 3May 29, June 12, June 26To place your order or to learn more about the variety of packages we have to offer,from cookie and fruit trays to bagels or deli sandwiches, please call Judy Stall at 610-520-9560.<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> is ready to make the kiddush you sponsor memorable and delicious!KIDDUSH LUNCHEON MENUSPrices are based on 40 persons. Please note that on a typical Shabbat, there are approximately 40 congregants inattendance. Be sure to add your number of expected guests and order accordingly. Package prices include papergoods, linens, coffee and tea. Other beverages are available uponrequest at an additional charge. Orders must be received two weeksin advance.PACKAGE #1 ($120.00)Fruit TrayFancy Pastry Tray (assorted cookies, danish, etc.)PACKAGE #2 ($160.00)Mini Bagels with Cream CheeseMini Bagels with Cream Cheese and LoxFruit TrayFancy Pastry Tray (assorted cookies, danish, etc.)PACKAGE #3 ($200.00)Mini BagelsWhitefish Salad, Tuna Salad, Egg SaladCream Cheese, ButterLettuce, Tomato, Onion, CucumberAmerican and Swiss CheesesALSO AVAILABLE A LA CARTECookie Tray: $30.00Fancy Pastry Tray: $45.00Fruit Tray: $50.00Vegetable Crudite: $50.00PACKAGE #4 ($240.00)Deli Finger Sandwiches (Turkey, Corned Beef, Roast Beef)Mustard, Mayonnaise, Russian Dressing, PicklesChoice of 2: Cole Slaw/Potato Salad/Macaroni SaladTO PLACE YOUR ORDER CALLJUDY STALL AT 610-520-956013

JANUARY BIRTHDAYSJune Wapner 1/1Yigal Tzvi Yaron 1/2 19th birthdayKaren Zweben 1/3Gregory Lusty 1/4 16th birthdayErica Rosset 1/4 16th birthdayBernie Shlamowitz 1/5Eli Yaron 1/5Philip Economou 1/6Ricardo Gelman 1/6Edith Gerber 1/6Maxwell Handen 1/6 2nd birthdayRhona Rennett 1/7Ethan Graham 1/8 11th birthdayJoseph Rosenberg 1/8Marion Taxin 1/8Mitchell Allen 1/9Karen Ernest 1/9Joshua Manny 1/10 15th birthdayAbigail Marcus 1/10 8th birthdayClifford Cohen 1/11Gillian Prince 1/11 20th birthdayStephen Stempler 1/12Cynthia Seiden 1/15Alanna Shaffer 1/15 14th birthdayJulie Silverstein 1/15Rebecca Godick 1/16 19th birthdayLauren Skalina 1/16 20th birthdayVivian Rosenblatt 1/17Zachary Stall 1/17 14th birthdayLarry Edelstein 1/18Emily Finsterbusch 1/18 8th birthdayLaurie Krouse 1/18Ann Grumet Littman 1/18Pamela Rootenberg 1/18Rebecca Marcus 1/19 12th birthdayAlbert Mendel 1/19Stephen Seidman 1/19Madlyn Wendell 1/19 14th birthdayAndrew Katz 1/20 15th birthdayAlison Isaacs 1/21 12th birthdaySarah Barron 1/22Marion Brody 1/22Bruce Godick 1/22Shirlee Shapero 1/22Emily Fishman 1/23 16th birthdayMerrill Mirman 1/24David Weiss 1/24Jacqueline Whelpley 1/25 7th birthdayLarry Wiseman 1/25Alexander Abramowitz 1/26 11th birthdayStephen Dignazio 1/26 16th birthdayBetty Ethridge 1/26Richard Gordin 1/26Zelda Cherner 1/27Jonathan Elon Kadoch 1/27 4th birthdayZoe Kovacs 1/27 8th birthdayMichael Dignazio 1/28JANUARY ANNIVERSARIESMr. & Mrs. Gary Kaplan, 1/132nd anniversaryDrs. Roy & Riva Marcus, 1/519th anniversaryMr. & Mrs. Jack Barnett, 1/736th anniversaryMr. & Mrs. Herbert Ozer, 1/950th anniversaryMr. & Mrs. Benito Grauman, 1/1051st anniversaryMr. & Mrs. George Smith, 1/1156th anniversaryMr. & Mrs. Marvin Shapero, 1/1554th anniversaryDr. & Mrs. Keith Wapner, 1/1622nd anniversaryMr. & Mrs. Bernie Shlamowitz, 1/234th anniversaryMr. & Mrs. Stanley Seidman, 1/2450th anniversaryOFFICEVOLUNTEERSNEEDEDVolunteers are always needed inthe synagogue office. Work in afriendly atmosphere and help byanswering the telephone, takingdonations, assisting with mailings,and a variety of other tasks. ContactMichael Muderick in the office if youare interested.SCRIP ASSESS-MENT PROGRAMRemember to participatein thescrip assessment programby purchasing scrip throughour website (www.ohev.net)or through thesynagogue office.14

CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM FUNDSARCHIVES FUND: To maintain items of historicalimportance to the synagogueBALIN CHAPEL FUND: Maintain and beautifyour chapelEVELYN MUCH EPSTEIN BERNSTEINFUND: Interest from this fund is used toadvance Jewish educationBOWMAN-FINKELSTEIN RABBIENDOWMENT FUND: Support rabbi’s salarypackageALEXANDER H. BROWN FEED THEHUNGRY FUND: Help feed the hungry of ourcommunity with particular emphasis on Jewishindividuals and families in Delaware County.JUDY BROWN MEMORIAL FUND: In memoryof a congregant’s child; proceeds are used todefray synagogue operating expenses.JACK SWERMAN BUILDING/ARCHITECTURAL FUND: Named in honor of<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>’s architect, for beautification andmaintenance of our buildingJOSEPH ZOMMICK CEMETERY FUND:Named in honor of Cemetery CommitteeChairman, money is used to help maintain thecemeteryPHILIP AND SHIRLEY DALEYENDOWMENT: Interest is used for educationalprograms and scholarships/grants to studentsfor further Jewish educationBEATRICE DE BELLIS FUND: Interest usedtoward tuition for Hebrew School studentsunable to payFLORAL FUND: To supply flowers for thebimah and other occasionsJOSEPH B. GODICK JEWISH HISTORYLECTURE FUND: Named in memory of longtime<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> member; proceeds are usedto sponsor annual or bi-annual communitywide lectures and/or programs on any and allaspects of Jewish historyHELPING THOSE IN NEED: 100% ofcontributions are used for dinners at theLifeCenter (a homeless shelter), BabyManna (toGreater Philadelphia Food Bank to purchasebaby formula at discount for food banks), otherprojects for the community around us.DONALD AND RUTH LEVINSTEINEDUCATIONAL FUND: Interest from thisfund is used to defer the cost of an EducationalDirector for the Mispallelim Religious SchoolROSE ISAACSON LIBRARY FUND:To purchase books and videos for the DoblitzLibraryLIFE MEMBER: DONATIONS made by LifeMembers are for synagogue use.JUDGE LOUIS BLOOM MORNING MINYANFUND: To supply refreshments after dailymorning servicesROBERT NICHOLS ADULT EDUCATIONFUND: Interest from this fund is used for adulteducation and related projectsRABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Used bythe rabbi for donations to worthy charities andcausesRABBI LOUIS AND MINDELL KAPLANCULTURAL FUND: Interest from this fund isused to provide special speakers, artists, musiciansor scholars for <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> programsFRANK M. RECH PRAYER BOOK FUND:Funding to purchase new prayer books on anongoing basis for the synagogue.JANET STERN ROSSET FUND: Interest fromthis fund is used for youth activities, youthdirector’s salary or special events for youthsMELVIN RUDMAN MEMORIALSCHOLARSHIP FUND: The Melvin RudmanMemorial Scholarship Fund provides scholarshipmoney to college/graduate students withpreference to accounting/business majors.DR. FRANK AND SOPHIE SAVITSMEMORIAL FUND FOR JEWISHEDUCATION: The interest from this fund isused for educational programs at the synagogue’sreligious school.DEBBY SILVER CAMP FUND: Interest fromthis fund is used to award scholarships to childrenattending Jewish summer overnight campSISTERHOOD KITCHEN AND SPECIALPROJECTS FUND: To provide for the maintenance,renovation,and or improvements to thesynagogue kitchen, and any other synaogoguespecial projects.DOROTHY SPARKLERSCHOOL/SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Providetuition scholarships for Mispallelim grades 4,5,and 6, and to provide funding for religiousschool programs and projectsHARRIET P. STARER FUND FOR THE ARTS:The purpose of this fund is to perpetuate theJewish arts in the Mispallelim Religious School.This programming will be in the form of art,and/or music and/or danceSYNAGOGUE GENERAL FUND: To supportcongregational activitiesSIMON LEVIN TORAH RESTORATIONFUND: Interest is used to repair/replace TorahsSAMUEL WARWICK FUND: Interest is usedto provide money to teenagers going to IsraelWOLF AUDITORIUM FUND: Money is usedto maintain auditorium and its furnishingsYAHRTZEIT FUND: In memory of loved oneson their yahrtzeitYIZKOR FUND: In memory of deceasedTo make a donation to <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>, just fill out this form andsend it along with your check payable to <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> to 2 S.Chester Road, Wallingford, PA 19086.I/We would like to make a donation to the following fund(s):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________in honor of_________________________________________________________in memory of_________________________________________________________other_________________________________________________________Amount enclosed ($10.00 minimum donation for inclusion in “The Spark”/$18.00 suggested.)___________________________________________My/Our name_______________________________________________Please send acknowledgement(s) toName ____________________________________________________Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________15

THANK YOU FOR THE FOLLOWING DONATIONS($10.00 minimum donation for inclusion in “The Spark”/$18.00 suggested.)If you'd like to make any donations to the synagogue, you can use the synagogue email address bookkeeper@ohev.netor visit our web site http://ohev.net/donation.html16NOVEMBER 2003 DONATIONSALEXANDER H. BROWN FOR FEEDINGTHE HUNGRY FUNDTo Pearl Beck in honor of the engagement ofyour grandson by Frieda TabakWishing Dr Ben Ozer a speedy recovery fromrecent surgery by Henry & Thelma BrownTo Susan Shaub in memory of father DavidColbert by Frieda TabakIn memory of Bessie Smith by Bebe LaxIn memory of Morrie Lax by Bebe LaxARCHIVES FUNDTo Helen Levinstein & family in memory ofSid Levinstein by Bernard & Sandra ZalmanWishing a speedy and complete recovery toAunt Fran Schwartz by Bernard & SandraZalmanBALIN CHAPEL FUNDTo Rich Kaplan in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Brad & KarenErnest & familyTo Bonnie Breit in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Brad & KarenErnest & familyDEBBY SILVER CAMP FUNDTo Susan Shaub in memory of father DavidColbert by Harvey & Naomi Spector; Joel &Joanne Krackow; Daniel & Audrey Parlin;Ben-Zion & Jane Friedman; Arthur & KayTuchDONALD AND RUTH LEVINSTEINEDUCATIONAL FUNDTo Richard Kaplan in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Suzy Millerand Howard ShlaroffTo Steve Levinstein & Don Levinstein inmemory of Sid Levinstein by Brad & KarenErnestTo Don Levinstein & family in memory ofSid Levinstein by Alan & Phyllis SchapireTo Richard Kaplan in memory of your auntby Suzy Miller and Howard ShlaroffTo Donald Levinstein in memory of SidLevinstein by Murray & Marie BersteinTo Steve Levinstein in memory of SidLevinstein by Murray & Marie BersteinTo Susan Shaub in memory of your fatherDavid Colbert by Murray & Marie BersteinTo Irv & Marcy Beerson in honor of theengagement of Michael to Meaghan Tessarioby Donald & Ruth LevinsteinEVELYN MUCH EPSTEIN BERNSTEINFUNDIn memory of Evelyn Bernstein by BarryBernsteinFLORAL FUNDTo Helen Levinstein in memory of SidLevinstein by Gloria Ozer PiroschakFRANK M. RECH PRAYER BOOK FUNDTo Sally Kellman in memory of Bill Kellmanby John & Sydney Brunschwig; JeanGinsburg; Geraldine Cassaro; Stuart &Esther Gross; Marcia (Zoslaw) & Ira Siegal;Ben-Zion & Jane Friedman; Frieda Tabak;Bill & Lorraine Gross; Eli & Sissy Lax;Gloria Kasper; Irma KohnTo Carol Rubin in memory of Bill Kellmanby John & Eleanor Alberti; Thomas & CarolDe Marinis; Susan & Neil NewmanTo Jack Swerman in honor of Jannis’ marriageto Don Rubenstein. A Siddur Sim<strong>Shalom</strong> for weekdays has been dedicated byMichael and Wendy DignazioTo Stanley & Mollie Seidman in honor ofStanley’s 75th birthday & Stanley & Mollie’s50th wedding anniversary. A Sim <strong>Shalom</strong>prayer book to be dedicated by Ted & GloriaBlockTo Norman & Carol Rubin in memory of BillKellman by Barry & Myra GrossTo Helen Levinstein in memory of SidLevinstein. A Siddur Sim <strong>Shalom</strong> for weekdayshas been dedicated by Benson &Roselyn OzerTo Sally Kellman & family in memory ofbeloved husband, father & grandfather BillKellman by Sondra RechHARRIET P. STARER FUND FOR THEARTSGet well wishes to Sid Levinstein by LarryStarerHappy 80th birthday wishes to Abe Seidmanby Larry StarerGet well wishes to Harry Urian by LarryStarerTo Alan Schapire in honor of receiving theMan of the Year award by Larry StarerTo Rich Kaplan in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Larry StarerTo Bonnie Breit in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Larry StarerTo Helen Levinstein & family in memory ofSid Levinstein by Larry StarerTo Don Levinstein in memory of brother SidLevinstein by Larry StarerTo Dr Donald Silverman in memory of fatherSanford Silverman by Larry StarerTo Doris Elofer in honor of receiving theWoman of the Year award by Larry StarerTo Steve Levinstein in memory of father SidLevinstein by Larry StarerTo Irma Sitkoff in memory of son RobBriskin by Larry StarerHELPING THE COMMUNITY FUNDRichard & Margaret Gordin made a donationto the Helping the Community FundJACK SWERMANBUILDING/ARCHITECTURAL FUNDTo Rich Kaplan in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Jack Swerman;Douglas & Myra Gildenberg; Richard &Margaret GordinTo Sally Kellman in memory of Bill Kellmanby Jack SwermanTo Doris Elofer in honor of receiving theWoman of the Year award by Steven & MerleFischer; Richard & Margaret Gordin; JackSwermanTo Donald Levinstein, now 85 and stillworking for <strong>Ohev</strong> by Jack SwermanTo Ruth Kaplan in memory of Lester Kaplanby Jack SwermanTo Peggy De Prophetis, a first time grandmotherby Jack SwermanIn honor of Rich Kaplan by Bernard & SylviaKaplanTo Bonnie Breit in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Jack Swerman;Richard & Margaret GordinTo Alan Schapire in honor of receiving theMan of the Year award by Jack Swerman;Richard & Margaret GordinTo Daniel Weiner & Aviva Katz in honor ofadding the new twins to the <strong>Ohev</strong> family byJack SwermanTo Jack Swerman in honor of the marriage ofJannis Swerman to Don Rubenstein byEugene & Enid MarkThank you for being given an honor on YomKippur by Carolyn RosenTo Alan Swimmer in memory of EvelynSwimmer by Jack SwermanWith thanks to Lauren & Steve Katz byRichard & Bonnie KaplanJOSEPH B. GODICK JEWISH HISTORYLECTURE FUNDTo Mrs. Sharla Hearne in memory of husbandCris by Edith GodickTo Doris Elofer in honor of receiving theWoman of the Year award by Bruce & JudyGodickBest wishes for a speedy recovery for IreneDavidson, mother of Roanne Estrin by Bruce& Judy Godick

To Bonnie Breit in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Bruce & JudyGodickTo Irv & Marcy Beerson in honor ofMichael’s engagement to Meaghan by Barry& Roanne Estrin; Bruce & Judy GodickTo Susan Shaub in memory of father DavidColbert by Barry & Roanne Estrin; Bruce &Judy Godick; Steven & Merle Fischer; Steve& Lynne SecundaTo Rich Kaplan in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Bruce & JudyGodickTo Steve Levinstein in memory of SidLevinstein by Steve & Lynne Secunda; Bruce& Judy GodickTo Helen Levinstein in memory of SidLevinstein by Bruce & Judy GodickTo Mrs. Julia King in honor of 80th birthdayby Bruce & Judy GodickTo Mr. & Mrs. Bert Model in memory ofmother Mildred Model by Steve & LynneSecundaTo Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Kestner in memoryof father Joseph Kestner by Steve & LynneSecundaTo Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Kestner in honor ofHeather’s engagement by Steve & LynneSecundaTo Alan Schapire in honor of receiving theMan of the Year award by Bruce & JudyGodickTo Don & Ruth Levinstein in memory of SidLevinstein by Edith GodickJOSEPH ZOMMICK CEMETERY FUNDTo Don Levinstein in memory of brother SidLevinstein by Joe & Lyna ZommickTo Helen Levinstein in memory of husbandSid Levinstein by Joe & Lyna ZommickMEL RUDMAN MEMORIALSCHOLARSHIP FUNDA speedy recovery to Harry Urian by RitaRudmanTo Marty & Karen Rudman in memory ofDavid Louis Rudman by Rita RudmanTo Don Levinstein in memory of brother SidLevinstein by Rita RudmanTo Helen Levinstein & family in memory ofSid Levinstein by Rita RudmanIn memory of Lillian Martel by Rita RudmanGet well & best wishes for a speedy recoveryto Mr. George Gold by Rita Rudman & LarryStarerMINYAN FUNDTo Helen Levinstein in memory of SidLevinstein by Bernice Fishman; Michael andWendy Dignazio; Wanda & Harold Talbot;Irv & Ruth Savits; Randi Rentz; Larry Lax;Florence Cabakoff & family; Henry &Thelma Brown; Joseph & MichaelLevinstein; Bernard & Rochelle Missan;Harriet Ivins; Freda Mazer; Alvin & BerniceHittner; Florence Long; Jean Luttrell &Helen White; Myra Levinstein & MildredBaylin; Harvey & Sondra Burman; VioletMansky; Sidney & Isabel UlanTo Alan Schapire in honor of receiving theMan of the Year award by Daniel Weiner &Aviva KatzBest wishes for a full & speedy recovery toBen Ozer by Freda MazerTo Steve Levinstein in memory of father SidLevinstein by Richard & Bonnie Kaplan;Adrienne Fox-MinimanTo Levinstein family in memory of SidLevinstein by Edith WolmanTo Don Levinstein in memory of brother SidLevinstein by Bernard & Rochelle Missan;Richard & Bonnie Kaplan; Michael andWendy Dignazio; Bob & Nili Fox; Harvey &Sondra BurmanTo Helen Levinstein & family in memory ofSid Levinstein by Nancy Rubenstein; Cliff &Donna Cohen; Irma Kohn; Bebe Lax; RuthKaplan; Janice & Marshall Gordon; RoccoNigro & family; Edith Waldman; Pete &Estelle Citrenbaum; Alan & Phyllis Schapire;Scott & Alicia Leshner; David & GeraldineLeshner & Beth LeshnerTo Helen & Terry Levinstein & family inmemory of Sid Levinstein by Terry’s AcxiomFriendsGet well wishes to Sid Levinstein by Eli &Sissy LaxTo Terry Levinstein in memory of SidLevinstein by Eric & Marlene AddressTo Rich Kaplan in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Daniel Weiner& Aviva Katz & familyTo Bonnie Breit in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Daniel Weiner& Aviva Katz & familyIn memory of sister Francine Allen by FredaMazerTo Doris Elofer in honor of receiving theWoman of the Year award by Daniel Weiner& Aviva Katz & familyRABBI LOUIS AND MINDELL KAPLANCULTURAL FUNDTo Susan Shaub in memory of father DavidColbert by Judith Eber; Stuart & EstherGrossIn memory of husband Herbert Kaplan byBetty KaplanTo Jo Rita Knopf in memory of motherPauline Knopf by Meyer & Marion ShapiroIn honor of Rabbi Louis Kaplan’s birthday byLeah & Len SamuelsTo Sally Kellman in memory of Bill Kellmanby Meyer & Marion ShapiroIn memory of Mindell Kaplan by Leah & LenSamuelsTo Ruth Kaplan in memory of Lester Kaplanby Steve SmithRABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUNDTo Helen Levinstein in memory of SidLevinstein by Marvin & Carol FreedIn honor of Lauren Katz by Emil & RiseSkobeloffTo Joel Fein, thank you for all your help byEmil & Rise SkobeloffTo Alan Swimmer in memory of EvelynSwimmer by Anne SchwartzTo Ruth Kaplan in memory of Lester Kaplanby Anne SchwartzROBERT NICHOLS ADULT EDUCATIONMEMORIAL FUNDTo Susan Shaub in memory of father DavidColbert by Freema NicholsTo Helen Levinstein & family in memory ofSid Levinstein by Abe & Marilyn SeidmanROSE ISAACSON LIBRARY FUNDTo Richard Kellman in memory of BillKellman by Samuel & Dorothy Golden;Norman & Hannah Weinberg; Burton &Carolyn Freiman; Sandra & David BrownTo Rich & Carol Rubin in memory ofWilliam Kellman by Ann & Morty FischerTo Sally Kellman in memory of Bill Kellmanby Norman & Hannah WeinbergTo Jo Rita Knopf in memory of PaulineKnopf by Benson & Roselyn OzerTo Rich Kaplan in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Ruth KaplanTo Bonnie Breit in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Ruth KaplanTo Alan Schapire in honor of receiving theMan of the Year award by Ruth KaplanTo Doris Elofer in honor of receiving theWoman of the Year award by Ruth KaplanTo Jackie & Bob Tillman in honor of Shira’sarrival by Richard & Bonnie KaplanIn memory of Paul H Ferry by Anne FerryIn memory of Uncle Max Peckman by AnneFerryTo Irma Sitkoff in memory of son RobBriskin by Barry & Roanne EstrinSAMUEL WARWICK FUNDTo Doris Elofer in honor of receiving theWoman of the Year award by Lou & KarenStesisTo Hana Ernest in honor of her Bat Mitzvahby Lorna AdelmanTo Ruth Kaplan in memory of Lester Kaplanby Terri Freed, Anne & Norm Margulies &Bob LipsonTo Bonnie Breit in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Lou & KarenStesisTo Rich Kaplan in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Lou & KarenStesisTo Alan Schapire in honor of receiving theMan of the Year award by Lou & Karen Stesis17

SIMON LEVIN TORAH RESTORATIONFUNDTo Rich Kaplan in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Larry & OrnaWiseman; Brad & Karen Ernest & familyTo Alan Schapire in honor of receiving theMan of the Year award by Larry & OrnaWisemanTo Steve Levinstein in memory of father SidLevinstein by Russ & Judy Young; Larry &Orna WisemanTo Don Levinstein in memory of brother SidLevinstein by Larry & Orna WisemanTo Sheri Whelpley & family in memory ofmother Vivian Sefret by Brad & Karen Ernest& familyA speedy and full recovery to Brad Ernest byRuss & Judy YoungTo Irma Sitkoff in memory of son RobBriskin by Joe & Lyna ZommickTo Doris Elofer in honor of receiving theWoman of the Year award by Larry & OrnaWisemanTo Bonnie Breit in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Larry & OrnaWisemanSYNAGOGUE GENERAL FUNDTo Irma Sitkoff in memory of son RobBriskin by William & Zelda ChernerTo Rich Kaplan in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Eli & Sissy LaxTo Bonnie Breit in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Eli & SissyLax; Steven & Merle Fischer; Jeffery &Constance Handen & familyTo Rich Kaplan in honor of receiving theMeritorious Service award by Jeffery &Constance Handen & familyTo Alan Schapire in honor of receiving theMan of the Year award by Jeffery &Constance Handen & familyGet well wishes to Sid Levinstein by Bill &Lorraine GrossThank you for the wonderful kindnessshown the Grundfast family over YomKippur by Rabbi and Judy GrundfastTo Doris Elofer in honor of receiving theWoman of the Year award by Jeffery &Constance Handen & familyTo Marlene & Herb Ozer in honor of their50th anniversary by Marcia Deaktor & familyTo Irma Sitkoff in memory of your son RobBriskin by Rochelle & Nelson WolfWOLF AUDITORIUM FUNDTo Reesa Oppenheim in memory of AlbertOppenheim by Raymond & BettyOppenheimYAHRTZEIT/YIZKOR FUNDTo Nancy Rubenstein & family in memory ofBen Rubenstein by Eli & Sissy LaxIn memory of Mary Goffman by Alan &Evelyn GoffmanIn memory of Herman Rogol by Samuel &Sylvia HaradIn memory of Sophie Swimmer by HarrySwimmerIn memory of Gertrude Kauffman by AlexKauffmanIn memory of Norman’s mother HattieSilverstein, Miriam’s father Herman Rogoland dear friends Alton & Mickey Friedmanby Norman & Miriam SilversteinIn memory of Gertrude Kauffman by BronaCohenIn memory of Elizabeth & BenjaminGoldberg by Sylvia Goldberg18

ClassifiedsPlease patronize our advertisersClassified Advertising RatesBusiness card ads: $185.00 for ten issues (September-June) or $25.00 per month. Double size ads: $290.00 for ten issues(September-June) or $35.00 per month. <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> members receive a 10% discount on these rates. Make checkspayable to <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>. Deadline is the 9th of the month prior to publication.Appearance of an ad in THE SPARK does not necessarily constitute an endorsement or acceptance of theKashrut of the advertiser by <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>.A R C H I T E C T S & P L A N N E R SThe Breckstone GroupJay N. Cooperson2417 Lancaster Avenue Wilmington, Delaware 19805302-428-0743RIDLEY PARK FLORISTINC.17 East Hinckley AvenueRidley Park, PA 19078www.ridleyparkflorist.com(610) 521-3366(610) 521-1778 FAX• We specialize in Bar/Bat Mitzvah decorationsBima designs for any occasion, Gourmet Fruit and Gift basketsPups for PeaceSuicide bomb sniffersPups for PeaceBox 9541122 E. Pike St.Seattle, WA 98122800.669.8930A 501(c)3corporation, soyour donation istax-deductibleGIAN FRANCO57 S. SPROUL ROAD • BROOMALL, PA(610) 356-811619

Please thank our patrons by supporting themSZABO& A S S O C I A T E SAndrew J. Szabo, LUTCFHealth Benefits Specialist18 Locust Road, Morton, PA 19070LifeMedicalDisabilityLong Term CareTel: 610-543-8992Fax: 610-543-5224WERTHEIMERMONUMENTSBronze and Granite MemorialsShow Room6720 Bustleton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19149ISRAEL RESNICK215-333-1222 • Fax: 215-332-0188when it has to be specialit has to be yangmingAmerica’s Top TablesGourmet MagazineBest of Philly Chinese FoodPhiladelphia MagazineAward of ExcellenceWine Spectator MagazineBest Restaurant on the Main LineMain Line Today MagazineOnly the finest in Chinese & Continental cuisine served with style andelegance. With beautiful, private dining facilities from 10 to 250,Yangming is your perfect choice.Haverford and Conestoga Roads • Bryn Mawr610-527-32006410 N. Broad StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19126(215) 927-5800Albert MendelFuneral DirectorBennett GoldsteinSupervisor20

Please thank our patrons by supporting themMABDiamondsPerfectlyCutCERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST APPRAISER • MASTER GOLDSMITHSOLDE SPROUL VILLAGE 610-544-4656SPRINGFIELD, PA 19064 FAX 610-544-9<strong>04</strong>8Gift Baskets Party Trays CateringGourmet Coffee • LunchTheCheese Court1 Park Avenue Hours: Mon-Sat 7 am - 5 pmSwarthmore, PA 19081 610-328-4140Dale KernsThe Sally BalinMedical Centerfor Dermatologyand Cosmetic SurgerySKIN CAREFOR LIFEARTHUR K. BALIN, MD, PhD, F.A.C.P.Skin Cancer SpecialistLORETTA A. PRATT, MDSpecialist in Women’s Skin ProblemsTHOMAS D. GRIFFIN, MDHair Transplant SpecialistJANE D. MASON, MSN, CRNPLaser Hair Removal SpecialistGENERAL DERMATOLOGY◗ Total Skin Care◗ Complexion Evaluation◗ Acne Treatment◗ Psoriasis TreatmentsSKIN CANCER TREATMENT◗ Mohs Micrographic Surgery…to cure the cancer and saveyour skinCOSMETIC SURGERY◗ Laser for Wrinkles◗ Collagen for Wrinkles◗ Spider Vein Treatment◗ Liposuction for Fat Removal◗ Hair Transplantation for Balding,Thinning Hair◗ Laser Hair RemovalConveniently located just minutes from downtown Philadelphia— I-95 to 476, Exit 2 — 110 Chesley Dr., Media, PA.For Healthier, Younger Looking SkinCALL 610-565-3300A state-of-the-art, Medicare approved, state licensed, ambulatory surgical facility21

Please thank our patrons by supporting themCan’t Get to the Store?No Time to Stand in Line?SHOPPING BY CHERYLGroceries, Errands, Etc.Cheryl Tollen Pfeiffer610-358-3733Cheerful, Courteous ServiceExperienced Shopper Who Knows Quality and ValueSEEKING JEWISH FOSTER PARENTSHelp make sure that no Jewish child is turned away.When the emergency call comes in that a Jewish child needsfoster-care placement, we need to have a Jewish home available.Help provide a loving home for a Jewish child in need.And make a differenceCall Jewish Family and Children’s Service at(215) 698-2533 or 698-9950.We provide reimbursement for the child’s basic care expenses.HADASSAH“NEW TO YOU” THRIFT SHOPNEEDS:• HOUSEHOLD ITEMS • FURNITURE• APPLIANCES THAT WORK• AND YOU TO VOLUNTEERSONDRA CALL NAOMI215-545-5780 610-566-7165WindowConceptsA family business specializing incustom window treatments and upholsteryFREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICECHARLEY ELOFER610-325-2094Fax 610-325-10563610 Chapel RoadNewtown Square, PA 1907320% OFF Any Service - 1st time only.shearPLEASUREhair & nails616 Baltimore Pike Hours: Tues.-Sat.Springfield, PA 19064 610-543-0868STARER-RIZZO-RUFFINI OPHTHALMIC ASSOCIATES, P.C.Medial and Surgical OphthalmologyLARRY J. STARER, M.D., F.A.C.S.JOHN S. RIZZO, M.D., F.A.C.S.JOHN J. RUFFINI, M.D., F.A.C.S.Taylor Hospital Medical Bldg.(610) 521-2111 8 Morton Ave., Suite 101(610) 521-3<strong>04</strong>8 Fax Ridley Park, PA 1907822

Please thank our patrons by supporting themB. GROSSM E N S W E A RBILL GROSSCORNER OF STATE AND JACKSON STREETSMEDIA, PA 19063 610-566-7990610-583-99322106 E. MacDade Blvd.Holmes, PA 19<strong>04</strong>3Fax: 610-583-9768SS7134@aol.comsirspeedy.com/holmesOne to Full-Color Commercial PrintingGraphic Design (Mac & PC)Digital Color OutputLarge Format ColorFull Mailing ServicesCanon Color CopiesHigh Speed B&W CopiesELI SHAPIROCarol Sherman, Ph.D., L.C.S.W.Counseling and Psychotherapy1601 Concord Pike, Suite 92-100 280 N. Providence RoadWilmington, DE 19803 Media, PA 19063(302) 723-9361 (610) 892-2916CARING IS WHAT WE DO BEST.• 24-hour skilled nursing care• Activities programs• Rehabilitation services• Kosher meals• Religious services• Medicare/Medicaid certifiedThe Milton & Hattie Kutz Home, Inc.7<strong>04</strong> River Road, Wilmington, DE 19809302-764-7000 • www.kutzhome.orgDelaware’s Jewish Nursing FacilityMERLE L. FISCHERE-Mail: MerleFischer@excite.comPresident’s CircleFox & Roach REALTORS ®Media Home Marketing Center601 E. Baltimore Pike, Media, PA 19063Bus 610 566-3000 Direct: 610 627-4917Cell 610 247-1777 Fax 610 566-8664An independently owned and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc.23

HAVDALAH SPICEFLOWER CRAFTPROJECTLearn how to create beautifulspice-filled roses that can be usedfor Havdalah and table decorations.Help make flowers that will be usedat the community Kallah and onesthat you may also take home withyou. All supplies providedThursday, January 29, 20<strong>04</strong>1:00 - 2:30 pm$3, Free for residents ofMartins RunMartins Run Art Room11 Martins Run, MediaIT'S NEVER TOO EARLYTO START THINKING ABOUT...PURIM!This coming year, Purim falls on Saturday night, March 6th andSunday, March 7th. The children will enjoy the Megillah reading onSunday morning, so we have decided to hold a special Megillahreading/cafe on Saturday night. Our plan is to read the Megillah, have aPurim schpiel, and follow with dessert and music. We need help planningthis event. We need people who would like to flex their creative musclesto put together a 'schpiel' - a Purim play. As is customary on Purim, wemake fun of our lives and ourselves. If you are interested or would like tohelp plan the evening, please contact Amy Graham. If you are interestedin learning how to read the Megillah, contact Rabbi Robbins. Software isavailable in the library.NURSING HOME RESIDENTSAs our population ages, we find some of our members live in nursinghomes. We don’t always know this, because mail is still being sent to the primaryresidence. If you know of someone who lives in a nursing home, orhave a loved one in a nursing home, let us know. We want to make sure thatwe stay in touch with them in every way possible.<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>2 Chester RoadWallingford, PA 19086TIME VALUENon-profit Org.U.S. Postage PaidWallingford, PAPermit No. 225

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