Sunday, December 26, 2010 - Visitation Parish

Sunday, December 26, 2010 - Visitation Parish

Sunday, December 26, 2010 - Visitation Parish


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Christmas <strong>2010</strong>Christmas Blessings to Allfrom the Priests, Deacons, Sistersand Staff of <strong>Visitation</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>VISITATION CATHOLIC CHURCH779 S. YORK ROAD • ELMHURST, ILLINOISSUNDAY, DECEMBER <strong>26</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY OFJESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH

VISITATION, ELMHURST, IL DECEMBER 25, <strong>2010</strong>Welcome and Merry Christmas!We warmly welcome all who have come today to celebrate this glorious feast of Christ’s Birth.We welcome our faithful parishioners, loyal and true; may the Lord bless you for all that you do!We welcome the stranger, the traveler and guest!We welcome our students home from college for a good winter’s rest!We welcome parishioners who have moved far away, but join us today as old friends and guests!We welcome all who have not been active of late in their Catholic faith and hope they will findnew hope and inspiration to come back again and again!Welcome to all! May our gathering this day gladden our hearts and deepen our bonds.We are, after all, one People of God~Redeemed by the Light.May we walk by the Light and live by the Light~together in love.May the Peace and Joy of Christ be yours this Christmas Season and throughout the Year!Blessing of Christmas DinnerGod of great gentleness, in love you give us thisChristmas feast to be our joy and delight. Bless thisfood we are about to share. Hold us close to eachother in our faith and love. Unite us in spirit withthose who have died and with those who are distant.Gather all your children in Bethlehem, wherewe will join with Mary and Joseph, with the angelsand with all the stars of heaven in singing yourpraise: Glory to God in the highest and peace onearth, now and forever. Amen.Adapted from Welcome Yule, Liturgy Training Publications, Chicago, IL.Blessing of a Nativity SceneThe family gathers at the nativity scene.Let us pray. Gracious God, we have prepared anativity scene and placed it at the heart and centerof our home. Bless us and bless all who look uponthis scene throughout the shining days ofChristmas. Give us a share of the faith of Mary andJoseph. Teach us the awe and wonder of the shepherds.Fill us with the gentleness of the ox and lambthat Jesus may be the center of our lives throughoutthe coming year of grace. With the angels we proclaimyour praise: Glory to God in the highest andpeace on earth, now and forever. Amen.Excerpt from Yuletide, Liturgy Training Publications, Chicago, IL.“God’s sign is simplicity. God’ssign is the baby. God’s sign isthat he makes himself small forus. This is how he reigns. Hedoes not come with power andoutward splendor. He comes as ababy—defenseless and in needof our help. He wants nothingother from us than our love.”—Pope Benedict XVI, Christmas, 2006Blessing for the FamilyHoly Family <strong>Sunday</strong>—<strong>December</strong> <strong>26</strong>This blessing prayer can be offeredas part of the meal prayer.We bless your name, O Lord,for sending your own incarnate Sonto become part of a family, so that as he lived its life,He would experience its worries and joys.Shower your blessings upon our family,as we gather in your name.Enable us who are joined by one love to support oneanother by the fervor of our spirit and devotion to prayer.Make us responsive to the needs of one anotherand witnesses to the faith in all that we say and do.We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.Adapted from the Catholic Books of BlessingsPage 3

VISITATION, ELMHURST, IL DECEMBER 25, <strong>2010</strong>LECTOR, EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THEEUCHARIST, MUSIC MINISTER ANDALTAR SERVER ASSIGNMENTS FORJANUARY 1–2FridayDec. 317:00 P.M.SaturdayJan. 15:15 P.M.<strong>Sunday</strong>Jan. 27:00 A.M.<strong>Sunday</strong>Jan. 28:30 A.M.<strong>Sunday</strong>Jan. 210:00 A.M.<strong>Sunday</strong>Jan. 211:30 A.M.<strong>Sunday</strong>Jan. 25:15 P.M.Lectors &MusicMinisters*Laura KernAngie PagelJohn KwitJim BorisCharlesMuellerDanutaRozyckaBrendanMoriartyExtraordinaryMinisters ofthe EucharistMary OhmM. E. SchneiderDorothy KujawaBill PaleschMonica SpataforeMary WalshDan FogartyMichael O’RyanLilia ZamarMaria ZamarVelma DuRocherSue MaloneyRita McGrealF. QuebbemannBill BurkeMarie FrancNancy HamiltonJohn NobersCathy O’NeillJeanne ReganMary Ellen GrisimTerry GrisimCatherine MaherMarie MatulisCarol AldridgeRuth CwikRay HillMarcia OlsonLynn RoegesRex RoegesCarm TostoLois TostoAltar ServersClare RyanJack SebastianNicholas SlowinskiDanielle SikaMatthew SikaKristen SmagaJohn SpevacekAlyssa SpingolaAdam StallmanRayanna StevensonDavid SvehlaPatrick TiberiEddie ThomasNick ThomasLauren VorelGretchen VitekRobert VitekSamantha WilsonJeremy WinkielWhitney WoodIsabella ZanoniThe <strong>Sunday</strong> offering last weekendamounted to $25,465.01.171 parishioners contributed throughE–GIVING.Thank you for your kindness andgenerosity to our parish.Please remember <strong>Visitation</strong> <strong>Parish</strong>in your will and estate planning.Please call the Rectory at 630-834-6700for more information. Thank you.Daily Altar Server AssignmentsMonday, <strong>December</strong> 276:15 A.M. Maggie O’Brien, Erin O’Malley8:15 A.M. Brian O’Neill, Richard OrtizTuesday, <strong>December</strong> 286:15 A.M. Michael Parille, Jack Pastuovic8:15 A.M. Kristie Paus, Colleen PeacheyWednesday, <strong>December</strong> 296:15 A.M. Anne Perez, Michael Perrone8:15 A.M. Tess Reardon, Olivia PossleyThursday, <strong>December</strong> 306:15 A.M. Michael Prabhu, Matthew Prinske8:15 A.M. Brendan Rauen, Liam RauenFriday, <strong>December</strong> 316:15 A.M. Matthew Pierce, Kevin Regan8:15 A.M. Nora Reidy, Alexa Renfto7:00 P.M. Clare Ryan, Jack Sebastian,Nicholas SlowinskiSaturday, January 1, 20118:15 A.M. Bob Shehan, Kevin ShehanBrenna Katherine, daughter ofMartin and Meredith (Henning) WisniewskiAngelia Rae, daughter ofJoseph Ciancanelli and Julie DoyleJackson James Anthony, son ofKevin and Christine (Corcoran) HorwitzIII. Elizabeth Platt and Patrick HeywoodGeraldine Dhamer John FugazyJoseph LamarPage 4

VISITATION, ELMHURST, IL DECEMBER 25, <strong>2010</strong>Our Former Pastor Elected Diocesan AdministratorJoliet, Illinois (<strong>December</strong> 3, <strong>2010</strong>)Bishop Joseph M. Siegel, the fourth pastor of <strong>Visitation</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> in Elmhurst and currently the AuxiliaryBishop of the Diocese of Joliet, has been named Administrator of the Diocese of Joliet–in–Illinois. He waselected by the College of Consultors on Friday afternoon, <strong>December</strong> 3, <strong>2010</strong>.Church law requires that the group of priests appointed to the College of Consultors meet withineight days after a diocese becomes vacant through the death, resignation or transfer of the diocesanbishop to appoint a diocesan administrator. On September 16, <strong>2010</strong>, Bishop J. Peter Sartain, who headedthe Joliet diocese for more than four years, was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to be the new shepherdof the Archdiocese of Seattle. He was installed as archbishop on <strong>December</strong> 1, <strong>2010</strong> at Saint JamesCathedral in Seattle.As Diocesan Administrator, Bishop Siegel has many of the powers and obligations of the diocesan bishop, but is more of a caretakerand cannot implement programs that would hamper the next bishop. As stated in the Code of Canon Law: “When the see isvacant, nothing is to be innovated” (canon 428). Bishop Siegel is responsible for the day–to–day operations of the diocese, and formaintaining the normal ministries and activities of the diocese until a new diocesan bishop is appointed and installed.Bishop Siegel commented:“I am honored and humbled that the College of Consultors has entrusted to me the responsibilities of Diocesan Administrator.The appointment of Bishop Sartain as Archbishop of Seattle was a great loss to our diocese. I am grateful that I had the opportunityto learn from him as we worked closely together over the last ten months. It is my prayer and hope that with the collaboration ofour priests, deacons, religious and lay faithful, the Church of Joliet will continue to carry out the Lord’s work in our parishes,schools and institutions as we await the appointment of a new Bishop.”<strong>2010</strong><strong>Visitation</strong> Goal:$106,421Total donors:540Total Pledged:$107,833Total Paid:$102,842Goal percentage:101%Thank you to all our parishioners for your generousresponse to this year’s Annual Appeal. May God bless you all.Readings for the Week of <strong>December</strong> <strong>26</strong>, <strong>2010</strong><strong>Sunday</strong>: Is 7:10-14/Rom 1:1-7/Mt 1:18-24Monday: Is 7:10-14/Lk 1:<strong>26</strong>-38Tuesday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep3:14-18a/Lk 1:39-45Wednesday: 1 Sm 1:24-28/Lk 1:46-56Thursday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Lk 1:57-66Friday:Morning: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Lk 1:67-79Saturday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5/Acts 13:16-17, 22-25/Mt1:1-25 or 1:18-25Midnight: Is 9:1-6/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14Dawn: Is 62:11-12/Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20Day: Is 52:7-10/Heb 1:1-6/Jn1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14Next <strong>Sunday</strong>: Sir 3:2-7, 12-14/Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Mt2:13-15, 19-23Inactive in the Church?Perhaps you left the Church, felt that the Church left you,or you just slipped away, have questions or doubts, or feeldisconnected. We miss you, and we invite you to takeanother look and join our parish family around theEucharistic banquet of the Mass.In the Catholic Church, you will…*Find hope in hard times. *Listen to the Word of God.*Rediscover the Lord Jesus. *Experience God’s love andmercy. *Celebrate the sacraments and receive HolyCommunion. *Find out how to pray and rest in God’speace. *Learn to forgive and give your life to God. *Teachyour child the Catholic faith.During this Christmas Season, let us, together as aparish family, accompany the shepherds to Bethlehem inour daily lives to the place where God comes among us.Come, let us adore him, He who visits us in his body,blood, soul and divinity on Christmas Day and at everyMass in the Holy Eucharist.If you wish to talk to someone, you can contact thepriests and deacons at the <strong>Visitation</strong> Rectory at 630-834-6700 or Mrs. Bobbie Boris at 630-408-6127. Helpful informationis also available on these websites:www.CatholicsComeHomeJoliet.org and www.visitationparish.org.Page 5

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VISITATION, ELMHURST, IL DECEMBER 25, <strong>2010</strong>O Come Let Us ADORE Him!Would You Like to Be Honored by God?The mystery of the Eucharist gives us the joy of havingChristmas everyday. Jesus, the Living Bread, chose to be bornin Bethlehem, the “house of bread.” When the shepherds andMagi came to ADORE Him, they brought Him so much joywith their humble visit to Bethlehem that their visit has beenpraised and retold down through the centuries. God has neverstopped honoring them for ADORING His Son in Bethlehem.We are as privileged in being called to ADORE Him todayas were Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and Magi then, becauseJesus continues His Incarnation on earth. He is truly presentat every Mass and in our Adoration Chapel.Your humble visit to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament bringsHim so much joy that it will be retold for all eternity andbring the world closer to His promise of peace on earth.(adapted from Rosary Meditations from Mother Teresa)Merry Christmas from the Perpetual AdorationCommittee.To schedule your own holy hour, please call Owen andGail at 630-573-0033.Choir and Friends Midwinter PartySaturday January 15, 2011 • 6:30 P.M.FeaturingJack Miuccio and his BandBuy a chance to sing with Jack!Homemade Appetizers and DesseretsSilent Auction • RafflesKnights of Columbus Hall$15 DonationProceeds to furnish new Choir RoomTickets available fromany adult choir memberContact Lynn Trombettaat 630-832-5845Please Join Us To Pray For Our PriestsJoin us on Monday evenings in the Church at 7:00 P.M.during this year dedicated to the Holy Eucharist, “the source andsummit of our faith.”We pray the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet followedby special prayers for priests, Benediction and a blessing withthe St. Peregrine relic.Your servant,Deacon Jim EakerRosebud Program IntentionsIn our calling to respect the dignity and worth of all life,the Elizabeth Ministry requests that you please remember inyour prayers the following intentions placed at the statue ofthe <strong>Visitation</strong> this past week:3 intentions for those who are pregnant and theirunborn babies.2 intentions for those families celebrating birthsand/or adoptions.1 intention for those grieving a miscarriage, stillbirth, abortion or infant or child death.4 intentions remembering those wanting toconceive or adopt.Great Adventure Bible Study for Winter 2011In the Footsteps of GodThe Great Adventure Bible Study Group has selected, astheir winter study program, the DVD series, In the Footstepsof God. This series was written and produced by Steve Ray,Catholic convert, best selling author and popular Bibleteacher. Each DVD focus on one person’s critical role inSalvation History such as Moses, Jesus, Peter, etc. Each DVDhas been filmed on the actual sites of the events of the lifeof person being presented in the DVD. Therefore, each of theseven study sessions is a fast–paced biography, travel documentary,Bible study, apologetics course and Church historystudy all rolled into one remarkable adventure. Study guidesare included with each session providing the basis for individualBible study and group discussion.In the Footsteps of God study program will begin onWednesday, January 5, in Podesta Hall. The sessions willcover seven weeks of study. Starting at 12:30 P.M., studysessions will end at 2:30 P.M. There is no cost for this studyprogram. This study program, as with all other GreatAdventure programs, is open to everyone.For more information, please call Renee Regole at 630-832-7903 or Pauline Scharres at 630-257-<strong>26</strong>93.Page 7

VISITATION, ELMHURST, IL DECEMBER 25, <strong>2010</strong>A Christmas BlessingTo All Our Wonderful<strong>Visitation</strong> Teens and Their FamiliesIt’s that time of year, when we prepare our homes for the‘CHRISTmas’ holiday. We are busy, sometimes frantic. Weshop, we bake, we wrap, and we wish—it all comes at us insuch a rush. We wish we could just stop— and that is exactlywhat Advent is designed to do. Advent is that time of yearwhere we are called to deliberately stop so we may preparenot only our homes but also our hearts. Mary and Joseph didnot have to worry themselves with the hanging of glitterydecorations, or baking fancy cookies. They did not fightcrowds to ‘buy’ gifts but instead fought crowds for a placeto stay and a place for the birth of their precious baby, theChrist child. They knew the strain of the parent’s heart.BUT, they reminded themselves that God knew all thesethings and God was with them.In truth, on that first Christmas, God DID ALL the work!He provided everything they needed. He hung all the‘lights’ in the night sky above and a glorious, magnificentSTAR which had never been seen before, nor since. He sentHis Angels to proclaim and sing heavenly music. He preparedthe hearts of His children, Mary and Joseph, and Heprovided the place for this miraculous birth to take place. Hetook care of all the ‘invitations’ and made sure ALL wereinvited from the lowliest shepherds to regents and kings.God has given each of us gifts beyond measure and Hecontinues to give to us every day. Take time today to stopand to consider the gifts God has given you and all the waysthat He is at work in your life.Lord, this is my prayer:That my love may increase ever more and morein knowledge and every kind of perception,to discern what is of true and lasting value.Let us thank God for His most wonderful gift of His onlyBegotten Son and the gift of being in God’s family and maywe remember that Christmas is ‘God With Us’ inJesus—Our Immanuel.WISHING YOU THE PEACE OF THE CHRISTCHILD and a MOST BLESSED CHRISTMAS.Written and Published by: Colleen M. Bushie’-CaseWhat is Manna?Manna is a discounted gift certificate program establishedto offer participating families a way to earn tuition credit. Thegoal of the Manna Program is to help families who believe inthe Catholic education of their children. This is not afundraiser, but a way to help reduce your tuition costs.How does it work?When you purchase $100 of Manna certificates, you get$100 of purchasing power. The Manna program purchases$100 in certificates at a discount, so the difference betweenwhat Manna pays for the certificates and what you payManna becomes a credit on your account. For example, thediscount rate on Jewel certificates is 4%. For every $100 ofJewel certificates you buy, Manna pays $96 and you get the$4 difference in tuition credit. Discounts range from 2% to<strong>26</strong>%. When you shop at participating stores, you use the certificatesthe same as you would use cash. Simply hand thecertificates to the sales clerk.Who can participate?Families who have children in <strong>Visitation</strong> School and the<strong>Visitation</strong> Religious Education Program. People who have childrentoo young to attend school can begin earning credit for theyear the child enters <strong>Visitation</strong>. Also, friends and other familymembers like grandparents, or aunts and uncles can purchasecertificates in your family’s name, which would increase yourtuition credit.How do I start?Simply bring your checkbook to one of our Walk–in serviceson Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 P.M. or Fridayafternoons from 3:00 to 4:00 P.M. We will help you fill out theform. The program runs year round. You can join at any time;however, the sooner you begin the greater your earned credit.How do I get the credit?Credit is accumulated during the year and noted on eachorder form. In April/May, your tuition statement will reflectyour earned credit deduction.What if I earn more credit than my tuition?After the credit is applied to your account, the overpaymentwill be refunded to you at the Walk–in Service in earlysummer.Fenwick High SchoolEntrance Exam for 8 th GradersSaturday, January 8, 20118:00 A.M.–Noon$25 Test Fee, No Calculators, Bring PencilsQuestions, please call 708-386-0127, ext. 115Page 8

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VISITATION, ELMHURST, IL DECEMBER 25, <strong>2010</strong>Let Us Follow JesusThe Feast of the Baptism of the Lord,January 9, 2011, marks the beginning ofJesus’ public ministry. This date alsomarks the beginning of National VocationAwareness Week. Let us become renewedin the Spirit and ask ourselves whether weare using the gifts Our Lord gave us andfollowing His Will with our vocation as ahusband or wife, a parent, a single personor in a Church vocation whether lay, consecrated, or ordained.As part of the Body of Christ, we must develop a new attitudeto develop a positive, nurturing, supportive environment toespecially foster religious vocations for our men to becomepriests, brothers, and deacons and for our women to enter religiousorders in furtherance of our directions from Jesus toevangelize and spread His Word.Join your friends in Christ to pray for each other so that allof us may serve Our Lord and others in the gift of the vocationwe were individually given by God. Our Lord is looking forwardto your visit with Him at the next Holy Hour. Listen toHim speak to your heart.<strong>Visitation</strong> ChurchSaturday, January 8, 20117:00–8:00 P.M.E–givingIs It Time For You To Sign Up?Simply go to www.visitationparish.org and click onE–giving. You will be linked to the E–giving site. The websitewill walk you through sign-up.Important things to know when you sign up:1. You can make changes to your E-giving account atany time and those changes will be effective with yournext cycle of contributions.2. Please indicate your envelope number.3. When you E–give for special collections, you mustselect the one–time button at the bottom of the screen.You CANNOT combine one-time contributions with regularlyscheduled <strong>Sunday</strong> contributions. Recurring <strong>Sunday</strong>contributions must be entered separately.4. Anyone who donates by E–giving still receives collectionenvelopes to drop in the collection basket duringMass. A small box is printed on the envelope to indicateelectronic donations. If you do not wish to receiveenvelopes you may call the Rectory office to arrange todiscontinue them.Please call the Rectory at 630-834-6700 if you have anyquestions or need additional information.The Classified SectionMany of our parishioners are affected by unemployment. <strong>Visitation</strong>’s “Classified Section” is a response to aid in networkingwithin the parish community. This section lists people who need jobs by advertising only information pertinent to work.Those who need work may contact Deacon Tony at the Rectory and send him their resumes. We will keep them confidential andpublicize the skill sets anonymously. Our hope is that potential employers or friends of potential employers within this parish maybe able to help. If an employer contacts the parish office, Deacon Tony or Fr. Matt will act as the liaison for them.A more extensive list and more information and resources are now available via our website.Vis 106Vis 107Vis 108Vis 109Vis 110Vis 111Strong accounting and finance with experience as controller/office manager.IT Director, Productivity Specialist, Project Manager. Extensive professional experience in building productiveteams and managing high–impact projects. Proven ability to generate large–scale improvements in overall technical service.Proven successful Senior Manager with extensive experience in retail/distribution Fortune 500 companiesand with entrepreneurial start–ups. Leader with broad management, strategy/planning and operations experience.Visionary with strategic analytical skills.Recent college graduate, majored in Communication Studies. Outstanding interpersonal skills, energetic andpositive, talented public speaker and team player. Skilled in working with diverse cultures. NumerousProduction Assistant and Promotions Internships.Experienced Building Type 4 Stationary Engineer. Strong background in all types of building systems.Executive and Marketing Leader with award–winning record of accomplishment of increasing sales, reducingcosts and streamlining operations. Proven ability to quickly elevate revenue, cultivating vital relationshipswith clients. Hands on executive, capable of managing all levels of budget and logistics. Proficient insolving problems and implementing solutions under tight deadlines.Page 10

VISITATION, ELMHURST, IL DECEMBER 25, <strong>2010</strong>Christmas Flower OfferingsDonated by:Dan OrumMr. and Mrs. Stanley SloanMr. and Mrs. Ernest FerrancoMr. and Mrs. Steven FaskMrs. Carmella GaettoMr. and Mrs. Robert TomaskaMs. Carol KayMrs. Marie SchmidtMr. Henry VandekerkhoffMr. and Mrs. Richard WedeMr. and Mrs. Daniel ButlerMrs. Gloria CarniveleMrs. Alvina GansterMrs. Mary Lou JankowskiMr. and Mrs. Thomas BurnyDr. and Mrs. Don HoffmanMr. and Mrs. Francis HeibergerMr. and Mrs. James HewittMr. and Mrs. George KruegerMr. and Mrs. John KentMr. and Mrs. Bill MalinowksiMrs. Joseph QuebbemannMrs. Jacoba StaffordCourtney VollmerMr. and Mrs. Raymond F. JordanMr. and Mrs. Edward BrazouskiNorene MyszkowskiMr. and Mrs. Mark D. BoozellMr. and Mrs. John SackstederMr. and Mrs. Michael MajewskiMr. and Mrs. Robert ValdesMr. and Mrs. Michael McNeillMr. and Mrs. Robert CampagnoloMs. Lori KolodziejskiMrs. Fema KramerMr.and Mrs. Robert DinningMr. and Mrs. Ernest J. HauserMrs. J. Beverly BarnesMrs. Dorothy SherwinDaniel GregoryMr. and Mrs. Marlan J. SchreinerMr. and Mrs. William IgoeMrs. Kathleen PulliaMr.and Mrs. D. Kevin CarrollMr. Jeffrey KennedyMr.and Mrs. Pat A. D’AllessandroMr.and Mrs. James BauernfiendMr.and Mrs. Peter HopeMrs. Madeline SpradlinMr. and Mrs. Robert KelleyMr.and Mrs. Brian DesbiensMr. and Mrs. Michael CurtinMr.and Mrs. Marc HangerMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey HarrisonMrs. Mary AhernMr. and Mrs. John ZerdinMr.and Mrs. Carl VerdoneMr. and Mrs. Norbert WalentMr.and Mrs. Glen HaeflingerMr. and Mrs. Michael KasperMrs. Jane MikuckiMr. and Mrs. Edward LavinMr. and Mrs. Richard GaudioMr. and Mrs. William PooleMr. and Mrs. Richard RuhlMr. and Mrs. David BullockMr. and Mrs. Michael McMahonMr. and Mrs. Richard KamkaMr. and Mrs. Lavere SchollMr. and Mrs. John DruffelMr. and Mrs. Harold OstlingMr. and Mrs. Fred R. LuscombeMr. and Mrs. Brian BartlerMr. Antonio DelFiaccoMr. and Mrs. Dario DelFiaccoDr. and Mrs. Lawrence BarrMr. and Mrs. Peter RohrichMr. and Mrs. Ricardo ZamarMr. and Mrs. Peter PezzaMr. and Mrs. Brian DyraMr. and Mrs. Daniel OrumMr. and Mrs. Hannibal FerreraMr. and Mrs. William WisvaderMr. and Mrs. Joseph ZabloudilMr. and Mrs. Robert BombenMr. and Mrs. Stephen Ruff Jr.Mrs. Florence CosentinoMr. and Mrs. RichardCiaramtaro-KuensterMr. Casimir.J. PieniazekMr. and Mrs. John NobersMr. and Mrs. Christopher CareyMr. Richard HernerMs. Rose and Mary SalvatoreMary KuchenbeckerMr. and Mrs. Robert LegereMr. and Mrs. Robert KomperdaMrs. Dolores BattagliaMr. and Mrs. Michael CalcagnoMrs. Esther DutkiewiczMr. and Mrs. Mark RizzoMr. and Mrs. Kenneth WoitasMs. Gertrude SczygielMr. and Mrs. Phil PekronMrs. Pauline PadalikMr. and Mrs. Steven MoreauPage 11Mr. and Mrs. Edward AndrleMr. and Mrs. Gregory SaccomannoMr. and Mrs. Ruben BautistaMr. and Mrs. Timothy SarkisawMr. and Mrs. Steven OrlandinoMr. and Mrs. James StanfaMr. and Mrs. Michael LarsonDr. and Mrs. Paul LambertiMr. and Mrs. Joseph HajekMr. and Mrs. Francis HigginsMs. Carolyn SuarezDeacon and Mrs. Anthony SpataforeMr. and Mrs. Bernie CleryMr. and Mrs. James RyanMr. and Mrs. William J. GleasonMr. and Mrs. Paul BielatMr. and Mrs. Robert CorazzaMr. and Mrs. Graydon MeganMrs. Lucille DominguezMr. and Mrs. James ConwayMr. and Mrs. Natale RuffoloMr. and Mrs. Richard MallaneyMrs. Richard PayneMrs. Nancy SternikMr. Michael NicoliDr. and Mrs. Timothy BresnahanMr. and Mrs. Gary OsgoodMr. Phillip NalepaMr. and Mrs. Joseph NelsonMr. and Mrs. James VandykeDr. Richard BlassMr. and Mrs. William PranskyMs. Noreen MusicaMr. Kevin SaboMr. and Mrs. Larry KonopaczMr. and Mrs. Daniel HornMr. and Mrs. J. Terrence GrismMr. and Mrs. Anthony CuzzoneMr. and Mrs. Kevin CalkinsMrs. Irene HuebnerMr. and Mrs. Richard CassanoMr. and Mrs. Robert J. BennettMr. and Mrs. James KInsellaMr. and Mrs. Craig HeissMr. and Mrs. Russel JosephusMr. and Mrs. Martin MoranMr. and Mrs. Anthony CasaccioMrs. Richard ReynoldsMr. and Mrs. Vernon SchweisthalMr. Les P. TaylorMr. and Mrs. Frank AttentoMr. and Mrs. James HerrmannMrs. Dolores BaileyMr. and Mrs. Roy Hillen

VISITATION, ELMHURST, IL DECEMBER 25, <strong>2010</strong>Christmas Flower Offerings (continued)Mrs. Frances VanDykeMr. and Mrs. D. Van HooseMrs. Mary Ann McellinMr. and Mrs. Rich RegoleMr. and Mrs. Rufo LacsamanaMr. and Mrs. Thomas BinghamDr. and Mrs. Gerald AranhaMrs. Marilyn SchumacherMr. and Mrs. Gregory SikaMr. and Mrs. Richard AspanMr. and Mrs. Terry HitzlerMr. and Mrs. Salvatore LiottaMr. and Mrs. Boguslaw LyczewskiMiss Rosalie CampagnoloMs. Jean O’BrienMr. and Mrs. Clement HiltonMr. Jeff BrongeMr. and Mrs. Thomas RyanMr. and Mrs. James CervoneMr. and Mrs. Thomas EhmannMr. and Mrs. Mark MontgomeryMr. and Mrs. David ParisiMr. and Mrs. Glenn BrookerMr. and Mrs. Ben DefilippisMr. and Mrs. Craig OstlingMs. Jo Ellen KennyMr. and Mrs. Anthony LeopoldMr. and Mrs. Dennis DoyleRuth CwikMr. and Mrs. Michael BrennanMr. and Mrs. Richard BrongeMr. and Mrs. Clarence StezowskiMr. and Mrs. John ReganMr. and Mrs. Thomas MoriartyMr. and Mrs. Kevin AhernDr. and Mrs. Michael ColandreaMrs. Donna RileyMrs. Dennis GawronMr. and Mrs. Daniel WasyleanMr. and Mrs. George GruegerMr. and Mrs. Joseph PierceMrs. Edward KramerMrs. Louise LamantiaMr. and Mrs. Michael BestMr. Richard ConnellyMs. Margaret SchniederMr. and Mrs. Paul MorrisDr. Janet Lee DewsMrs. Julia GranatoMr. and Mrs. James SchutenMr. and Mrs. Thaddeus AugelliMr. and Mrs. Domenico CimmarrustiDennis CurtinMr. and Mrs. Richard BayersGwen NegretteMs. Lilia and Maria ZamarMr. and Mrs. Michael DeardurffMrs. Barbara CrowellMr. Jerome ConwayMargaret BaaschMr. and Mrs. Arthur AumanGary GleasonMrs. Mae J. RichardsonMrs. Bernadette SiamisMrs. Esther QuirogaMr. James ParrilliShirley MichelsMr. and Mrs. Kevin MohalleyMr. and Mrs. Dwayne DeckertMr. and Mrs. Paul KlenckMr. and Mrs. Michael OhmMr. and Mrs. Joseph LechMr. and Mrs. John A. MuehlisMr. and Mrs. Richard PagnusatMs. Marianne SnellMr. and Mrs. Jack MccoyMr. and Mrs. John SprouseEvelyn MikoMr. and Mrs. Albert RybaMrs. Therese SmrstikMr. and Mrs. C. DePodestaMrs. Margaret HeldtMr. and Mrs. David CostabileMrs. Virginia WaldenDr. Joseph ChristianMr. and Mrs. James PowersMr. Aaron Jackson and Ms. AngelaManciniMs. Grace RossiMr. and Mrs. Alexander BenderMr. Terrance WaldenMr. and Mrs. James HalkaMr. and Mrs. William Joseph PankauMr. and Mrs. Jerry DolanMr. James CushingMr. and Mrs. David RuppertRosalie PulliaMr. and Mrs. Christopher MoranMr. and Mrs. Craig StannyMr. and Mrs. Robert MurphyMs. Arlene LoftusMr. and Mrs. James PagniMr. Allen HlavacekMr. and Mrs. Robert HanniganMr. and Mrs. Arthur RenierMr. Peter Eget Sr.Page 12Mr. and Mrs. Brendan KeatingMr. and Mrs. Raymond HillMr. and Mrs. Peter PasijMr. and Mrs. Arthur BorsaMr. and Mrs. David ClinkMr. Kenneth SurdellMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey DuboseMr. and Mrs. Edward NovakMr. and Mrs. Brendan MoriartyMr. and Mrs. John McNultyMrs. Rosemary SawickiMrs. Anna Mae EspositoMrs. Rachel WorthDr. and Mrs. Ivan PacoldMr. and Mrs. James McPhillipsMr. and Mrs. Richard WalendaMr. Robert SmrstikMr. and Mrs. Leo CarrMrs. Maria SimboliMr. and Mrs. Vito FavuzziMr. Donald MicksMs. Gloria NelsonMr. Steven DamolarisMr. Lawrence ThillMr. and Mrs. John PansinoMr. and Mrs. Ronald AielloMr. and Mrs. Francis GuistoliseMr. and Mrs. Keith WardMr. and Mrs. Thomas WenholzMr. and Mrs. John GearenMrs. Roberta FrenzIn Honor ofRoom 107 1 st Communion ClassIn Memory of:Rose PansinoMyszkowski FamilyTommy OliviMilly WhitneyPete MajewskiEugene HermanAnn CampagnoloJohn KorpanJohn Jr. KorpanJohn Kramer and ChildrenMarion and Stella LauerRobert Dinning Sr.P.DeBenedictisF.DeBenedictisFred GaettoEdward WanatWilliam CherwinRobert SchmidtArline Fiala

VISITATION, ELMHURST, IL DECEMBER 25, <strong>2010</strong>Christmas Flower Offerings (continued)Bernard CaniveleDeFilippis FamilyMarkett FamilyLucille ParrilliMark WaldenJune BrennanJack ReganBill and Bobbie PrendergastDaniel RileyRichard, Raymond and Tim MitacekEugene and Margaret DoyleNenita LacsamanaAngelo and Louise CampagnoloDennis GawronProzok, Sovokoty, and WasyleanFamiliesRon SantoAngela SikaWilliam F. KonopaczDonald McEllinMargaret FossierJames CaulfieldCecilia TaylorJudith HaggertyJulia CalcagnoDeceased members of the Ehmannand Lowery FamiliesStanley YudysJim MontgomeryMaury DeprestAugustina StrohmMichael LaMantiaPaul E. Morris Sr.Judith Flynn HaggertyNegretts and George FamilyLorettaNicolas and Adela ZamarAl BaaschAnn ZielinskiSchneider FamilyJoseph SchumacherFrank BanserEastham and Deckert FamiliesBarbara HonanThe Coston FamilyBelle EgetAlbert HlavacekAll the Faithfully DepartedLew SiamisLorraine and Debbie RieglerElizabeth ObersonJack MikoDr. and Mrs. BautistaHalka, Storm and Deckert FamiliesLech and Mazzoline FamiliesRyba and Cwiklik FamiliesMy HusbandTom LoftusMarie MenconiThe Keating and DiGiovanni FamiliesEd W. MachnikowskiMcPhillips, Finan, O'Mara, and TurnerFamiliesFrances CushingMr. and Mrs. Nick PulliaMcGlynn and Novak FamiliesStefano FavuzziThe Bastone FamilyRita RiceKramer and Carnivele FamiliesA.KolbashWalte PasijE.Frosia A. PasijSeymoor Simon PasijMary Elizabeth ClinkJeanne ClinkDonald NegaWilmer ClinkOrjada FamilySawick FamilyRichard NelsonWalter WaldenAl Bender Sr.Dorothy MohalleyLoraine MaziarekCardea and Worth FamiliesCarr and Gerleve FamiliesMario Simboli and Aobechio FamilyThe UnbornSalvatore StangaroneJeanne WenholzLou WenholzLouis WenholzOur ParentsJanicki and Lyczewski FamiliesCharles Van DykeHelen and Joe GallagherFamilyJoe SchumacherRegina JesckyEllen BinghamCatherine KelleyPietro Assunta RedaPaul Joseph HerrmannMae RichterSandra MoranThomas NesserDick ReynoldsPage 13Joey KuchMr. and Mrs. N. SchweisthalMr. and Mrs. G. HoeslMr. R. SchweisthalMr. L. HoeslMr. G. HoeslMiss A. HoeslMr. and Mrs. A. PetrowskyDeacon Dominic CuzzoneRose CuzzoneHerb and Antoinette KlotterJames Kinsella FamilyRich MusicaMariannGrandma VanHoosePhillip and Bernice NalepaKevin OsgoodKatherine OsgoodRobert OsgoodAnne PudloFrank AutczakDick PayneStephanie BielatHavanna SuarezMary and Joseph ZunichMatthew SarkisawSpatafore and Tobinski FamiliesIrving L. LarsonBrett StanfaFrancis PadalikJeff WoitasTony RizzoGene BlumbergDorothy RacichUncle PaulAborted BabiesArchere, Gallauzzi, and BattagliaFamiliesMary KapinskiTheodore DutkiewiczDad, Mike, Francis, Peter, Grandparents,Aunts, Uncles and FriendsC. PieniazekDeceased familyOrlow and Barr FamiliesOlaes FamilyEnzo PagnucciJames F. WaldenParentsAlexis Marie BullockMcMahon and Bollfrass FamiliesGino DeBoniBlanche ReburnOstling and Deak Families

VISITATION, ELMHURST, IL DECEMBER 25, <strong>2010</strong>Christmas Flower Offerings (continued)Worth and Cardea FamiliesRalph AlfiniJanina JanesiZia TeresaKay BeniacsAhern and Curtin FamiliesRalph and Kathleen KurtzStella and Bruno WalentEdw. SherwinBob and Bobby PulliaOlin and Helen KennedyEdith and Irv JacksonZar and Edsel SpradlinFlorence and ThomasMcNultyEmil and Bud GregoryPeter IgoeSherman and EvelynHoffmanHeiberger FamilyJohn and Irene KruegerJoseph QuebbemannBrazouski FamilyLottie FefferChristine RoccoDale PetersenLucille MarzanoRuth StokrRoberts and EngelkingFamiliesFenwick Father's Club invites you toTexas Hold ‘Em FundraiserSaturday, January 8, 20116:30 P.M.–1:00 A.M.Elmhurst Knights of Columbus537 S. York Road, ElmhurstAll are welcome!<strong>Parish</strong> Activity Calendar — <strong>December</strong> 27, <strong>2010</strong>–January 2, 2011Mon., Dec. 27Tues., Dec. 28Wed., Dec. 29Thur., Dec. 30Rectory Office ClosedPrayer for Priests 7:00 P.M. CPrayer Group 8:00 P.M. CNo Religious Ed. ClassesMANNA 7:30 P.M. SRectory Office closedNo Religious Ed. ClassesFri., Dec. 31Sat., Jan. 1Sun., Jan. 2Rectory Office closedMANNA 2:50 P.M. SSolemnity of Blessed Virgin Mary,Mother of God Vigil Mass 7:00 P.M. CSolemnity of Blessed Virgin Mary,Mother of God—not a holy day of obligationEpiphany of the LordLittle Samaritans 8:30 & 10 A.M. SC=ChurchCC=Convent Mtg. Rm.G=GYML=School LibraryMR=Music RoomPH=Podesta HallS=SchoolVC=Valentino CenterTL=Teacher’s LoungePG=<strong>Parish</strong> GroundsMC=Messiah Luth. ChurchPage 14

VISITATION, ELMHURST, IL DECEMBER 25, <strong>2010</strong>Pastoral StaffPastor:Rev. Scott HugginsParochial Vicar:Rev. Matthew PratscherDeacons:Jay Janousek, Anthony Spatafore, James EakerSchool Principal:Sr. Thomas Leo MonahanFacilities Mgr./Pastoral Associate: Deacon Anthony SpataforeReligious Education:Mr. Carl ScheelerMusic Director:Mrs. Barbara MastersChurch E-mail: visparish @aol.comYouth Minister:Mrs. Colleen CaseChurch Website: http://main.visitationparish.orgBusiness Manager:Mrs. Debbie JohnsonSchool Website: www.visitationelmhurst.orgMass Schedule<strong>Sunday</strong> Masses: Saturday 5:15 P.M<strong>Sunday</strong>7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M.and 5:15 P.M.Daily Masses: Mon-Fri 6:15, 8:15 A.M.; Saturday, 8:15 A.M.Confession: Saturday 4:00-5:00 P.M. or by appt.Phone NumbersRectory 834-6700 School 834-4931 Music Office 834-8190Rectory Fax 834-6711 School Fax 834-4936 Youth Ministry 279-7058Convent 279-4027 Religious Ed 279-7058 Counseling Service 834-6700, ext. 202<strong>Parish</strong> DirectoryAdoration Chapel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Owen & Gail Hilding . . . . . . . . .573-0033Marty Moran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941-8956Altar Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fr. Matt Pratscher . . . . . . . . . . . .834-6700Deacon Jim Eaker . . . . . . . . . . . 530-7596Art and Environment Committee . . . . .Tracy Carey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .993-0817Bereavement Ministers . . . . . . . . . . . . .Patti Riggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .832-7798Council of Catholic Women . . . . . . . . .Gail Vitek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .834-7538Couples Bowling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Joe & Pat Zanghi . . . . . . . . . . . .279-6742Ray & Laverne Stella. . . . . . . . 832-8155Deacons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jay Janousek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .834-2863Tony Spatafore. . . . . . . . . . . . . 833-2145Email. . . . .aspatafore1@comcast.netJim Eaker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530-7596Elizabeth Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Joan Herrmann.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .941-7854Extraordinary Ministers of Communion/Lectors:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Paul & Jane Klenck . . . . . . . . . .833-5867Fathers’ Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brian Reardon.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .941-7335Finance Committee Chairperson. . . . . .Terese Feeney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .832-1778Knights of Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Andy Packhem . . . . . . . . . . .847-878-9645Ladies’ Bowling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sharon Bresnahan . . . . . . . . . . . .530-1053Ladies’ & Couples Bridge . . . . . . . . . .Peg Majewski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .941-9170Ladies’ Golf League . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lynn DeFilippis . . . . . . . . . . . . .834-5290Little Samaritans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Donna Monaghan. . . . . . . . . . . ..834-5385MANNA Tuition Assistance . . . . . . . .David James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..834-0967Men’s Bowling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sev Delabar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .833-7766Men’s Small Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jim Herrmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .941-7854Ministry of Praise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bob & Marilynn Hillary . . . . . . .833-6628Music Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Barbara Masters . . . . . . . . . . . . .834-8190PADS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bob & Tricia Havlir . . . . . . . . . .530-5<strong>26</strong>8<strong>Parish</strong> Pastoral Council . . . . . . . . . . . .Jean Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .832-0575Prayer Groups—Blue Army . . . . . . . . .Mary Parpan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .941-7910Project Gabriel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Laura Murphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .993-1603Religious Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Carl Scheeler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279-7058Religious Education Board . . . . . . . . .Mary Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .941-9173Right To Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kathy Esposito. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .530-4647RCIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fr. Matthew Pratscher . . . . . . . . .834-6700Sacristans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ruth Cwik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .595-4506Liz Beltrame. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 941-1743School Board Chairman. . . . . . . . . . . Julie Gihl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530-8496Scouting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Colleen Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279-7058Jay Reidy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .834-8769Alan Yasdick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501-1063Social Service Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . .Deacon Tony Spatafore . . . . . . . .834-6700. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .aspatafore1@comcast.netSPRED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Carl Scheeler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279-7058. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Melanie Schneider . . . . . . . . . . .782-0868Student Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Colleen Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279-7058Ushers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .George Klein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .954-1511Valentino Activity Center . . . . . . . . . . .Linda Roberts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .941-7785“Viz” Seniors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mary Ann Kramer . . . . . . . . . . . .833-2167Vocation Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sue Pastouvic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .832-9352Wedding Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Patti Riggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..832-7798Women’s Volleyball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Darlene Pollack . . . . . . . . . . . . ..832-4156Bulletin Deadline Friday 4:30 P.M. . . .Helen Pachay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .834-6700Page 15

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