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A R K A N S A S G A Z E T T E I N D E XAn<strong>Arkansas</strong> IndexBYShannon J. HendersonCopyright 1984<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>Library</strong>Russellville, <strong>Arkansas</strong>


to secure fundlnq for the project never laqqed untll the flnlshed productwas In hand.Appreciation Is also expressed to Wllm Lahahn, <strong>Tech</strong>nlcalServices Librarian, who assured me that the m~cmcornputer would be a realasset to the project, then sat down at the keyhoard to prove It. Onlya true frlend and a real pmfrosf0n41 wobld n d t~h pot ~ loqce tn tcachme as Mrs Lahahn dld.Shannon J. HendersonAssociate Llbrarlan<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> Un l ve rs l ty

HOW TO USE THE ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEXThe <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette Index conslsts of brief summarizlnq statementsof the news of <strong>Arkansas</strong> as It was publ lshed In the flnal edltlon of the<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette. Only those artlcles deal lnq wl th <strong>Arkansas</strong> people. placesand events are consldered for Inclusion. Material not consldcretl uqefulfor future reference Is omltted. Routlne artlcles reportlnq on sports,soclal events and buslness actlvl tles are om1 ttad.HEADINGS: Suhiect headlnqs (entrles) are the maln type of entry andare used whenever posslblc. Names of prominent persons anti of f I rms andorclan 1 zat Ions arc usctl a3 entrles, I)ut m)s t name\ arr c.n,:=,-rcfercncrcl tosubjects.Arrangement of Entrles: A1 l subject headlnqs (entrles) are arrancredalphabetical ly, word-by-word. (Old Washlnqton comes before Oldham Inthis arranqemnt). Abbreviated entrles are alphabetized as If they werewords, and are not flled at the beglnnlnq of the letter. (PCBs 1s flledafter Payne and before Pea Rl dqe) .TNTRITS: Most nrtlclns arc ;rs~l~nctl only one \~rI)[cct heatllncl, wlthcmss references used to lead from related srh lerts lncl utletf. Summar lesor descriptive phrases are kept as short as posslble, and are not Intendedto indlcate that the only material In the artlcle is that described In thesummary. Length of the summary should not be taken as an lndlcatlon ofthe length of the artlcle. A1 l entrles under headlnqs and subheadlnqsappear in chronologlcal order.LOCATION SYMBOLS: Each summary is followed by the date, sectlon,page and column number where the article appeared In the final edltlon ofthe <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette. (09/20/80/02/3 Indicates that the artlcle waspublished on September 20, 1880, page 2, In column 3).CROSS-REFERENCES: A1 l cross- references are arranged In alphabet lcalorder and are l lsted before the summrles.A cross reference from a person's name to a subject does not IndicateIf the named person is directly involved or Is merely commentlnq on thetoplc. In all cases, the artlcle should be read for clarlflcatlon of thlspoint.

ARIGVTSAS GAZCTTE IIJDEX 1880ABNEOI TIID CI I IUP?~lsee - ChildrenABrnrni!! J LServes as Denocratic electorABLESOI! AError in registering at Little Pock hotel creates s~lndalACCIDE2TS SPJ'EIYsee also - Factoriessee also - ShipsLittle Rock child criti~lly burnedBurned child dies at Little Fack\lorim kcily burned while sleeping near alplireTlorxin an6 child drain near ClarksvilleR L kahan fmily mrrowly escapes drowningYouth killed by shot fired ccciciental1.yTurkey hunter shot to death:kin seriously wou?nded in hunting accidentMan drams near r:ewprt'Ibo bys drown in <strong>Arkansas</strong> River ncar Van BurenAccount of dramins of two bys at Van Burcnflan dies after fall fror;. hotel window in Littlc Rockllan drowns near EatesvillcCoy drowns at Little PockYouth drowns at ArkzdelyhiaLittle Pack youth burned to &zthTho workmr, die in well in Littlc PockKittle claim he shot his wife accidentallyI'a killed ir. fall from bicycle!lan seriously injured by runaway horsesIan survives fall from bridcje over <strong>Arkansas</strong> Riverf!r Cagle killed at [lorrilton cotton pressTwo men seriously injured in coal mine accident2runken mn severely burned at Fort Snith!Jorl:er kille? on railroad bridqe ncar Little RockYouth shot in Union CountyYoung by loses hand in planer accidentPCCOPS N?D ACTPBSCSsee also - Templeton FayADAIS DrNIsee also - I:ev.qlapcrsrmx F Rsee also - Faulkner County:mi's JOHIl DMilding fine house in Little PockE:lected president of Littlc Rock Cotton 2:clmxyOfficer in IIom \;atcrxorks Corn;un;lmi ism a YPLZS I,Cl-,(;rc,cc' witl, tk,cft mc' zssault at CG~LL--~G~zettc co;;ii.~r:t~ on escapades oL Adar?sonTC2ICljLTuIbFkrr,.ers 1;r5ed tc ;jlzr:t corn?rockctior; OF corn coclc ci2 ixi3rction kc ;.T~:ZI;L~)LJ '7 ?'rczcvzr,t urges diversif ieC fee i;?~I'irst siiipxnt cf ?.rk y~rairic k.xy shi,;;x_:l il~rt'r,02/0~/80 OF; 502/08/00 08 202/1.3/f!O OC 3.03/11/00 C 203/1.G/80 08 404/20/80 OE 204/23/80 05 304/23/80 02 305/13/80 05 105/14/80 01 G05/1G/80 05 105/21/10 01 3OG/22/GO 01 4OG/22/10 OC 207/18/CO 01 308/17/00 08 2C~~/21/flO 0C 2oc/n/ro oen03/1G/3C OC 310/13/80 OZ 510/17/GO 04 311/13/00 C4 2ll/X/cO 04 411/27/20 04 212/05/80 @E. 2l2/0?/80 04 612/14/10 01 6

Visitors surprised by large size of farmFirst bale of cotton of sezson shippd!lost higrats to <strong>Arkansas</strong> are farmers<strong>Arkansas</strong> cotton wins top awards at St LocisURIGPT DOCM)RChild dies at Little RockI\LcOIIOLIC CFM=RI\GESsee also - Ark - Governorsee also - Christian Temperance Unionsee also - Fiurders - r3rm:ersee also - Ii'omns Christian Tenprance UnionAtty Gen Eenderson says saloons to remain open until election 01/04/80 0& 3Christian Tenperance Union meets in Little Rock 01/33/80 03 3Proceedings of Christian Ternprance Union 01/30/80 OC 4Leton Helms send to prison fron Sharp County for distilling 02/28/80 02 3Leton Helm sentenced for illicit distilling 04/21/F0 08 3Centenniel Brotherhood vas band of moonshiners led by I;: Jones 04/25/00 05 ?,Elbert Jones surrenders on moonshine charge in Sharp County 04/25/80 05 2Aaron A Ryan surrenders to officials on South Carolina charge 05/02/80 05 2Moonshine raid made in Pop County 07/31/80 08 GGeorge Pay arrested in Johnson County on noonshine charge 08/11/80 03 4tlethodist Church Conf resolution favors prohibition n8/21/~0 05 3Gazette pledses to continue to work for ternpranceO~I/O?/~IO ~4 2Gabriel Scott fined for illicit distillinq lO/OC/80 02 4Temperance cjroup favors prohibition 10/30/20 02 3Luther Cerson tanprance lectures 12/23/80 04 3ALErnrnEP, CIIARLCSImpsin: funeral services held 10/13/80 04 2Tribute of resr~cct frorn lodge 10/2fi/~0 04 6Tribute of respect fron Pythias Lodqe 11/07/00 04 6ALErnDCR GmEC DErief sketch of life of <strong>Arkansas</strong> pioneer 12/05/80 02 2ALrnDCR IWCErnsee also - f?urders - SnileyAL1m;T: S R :cLssee 'also - P~msCorg~l irncntary notice cf Little Pock peturn STmsee dso - I:urdcrs - ilelvilleTiLL IGATOTSsee - !i'ilCLifeL'n YLsee also - Pdce Indq:er&~ltseE zlso - S csll~xBusinesses describedm17, Il~EP~,~l3TFirst issuc pllishc2LYLXIIIJLC JCI:Zkrries Clam Ililzhcii, in Pine ?''>luLiXSiTEOI: JLLIAser also - :lurdcrz - I'Jscbrook;U' ERIQ';: ;:1z12 xcInL)r :; 11 L'rrilcr i:, cic~.i,t Tor Society in I',rl:anxr;

ARKAhlSAS WFITE INDEX 1880Council formed at HopelO/Ol/80 08 3ANDERSON E C Gsee also - Kurders - Andersonrn,III1ALSsee also - WildlifeAF'PARIT IONSFenton family at Little Rock reports appearance of dead mn 06/01/80 08 2ARCHEOrnY mm rnrnP0IXX;Ysee also - IndiansARCHER JN.E MComplimentary notice of state legislatorARxm'Asee also - FactoriesTown thrown into pic when lions escape from circusTown has no police protectionIncorporation into Little Rock urgedGazette says its concern is for law enforcementAPXRDELPBIAsee also Gaptist Churchsee also - PicnicsNews of area surr~~rized 10/08/80 08 5ARIWJSASAdvocates of pronunciation change are castigated 02/13/80 04 4Controversy continues over proper pronunciation of name 02/17/80 08 4Letter explains naming of state 02/17/80 08 5Humorous couplets illustrate proper pronunciation of name 02/18/80 08 4Old document shaws spelling as Arkansa 02/22/00 08 5Fayetteville Demcrat angrily suggests Arkinsass 02/24/80 04 4Humorous illustration of wrong use of name of <strong>Arkansas</strong> 02/25/80 04 4Letter urges use of textbooks using Arkansaw 02/25/80 04 4Correspondence on proper name of state 02/27/00 08 4Book wblished in 1784 called area Arkansaw 03/05/80 05 3study- of pronunciation being madeSmithsonian official suggests proper pronunciationCokttee report supports Arkansaw as proper pronunciationHenry Wadsworth Longfellow supports <strong>Arkansas</strong> pronunciationLetter says Sinithsonian official wrote ignorant letterNew York Tirrrs says Arkansaw is correct pronunciationAPJ'WISAS - ATIIOREY GEIIERALsee also - Eenderson ItJilliam FFhj Charles E Yoore suggested as Democratic nocineeT B Ibrtin suggested for Democratic noninatior,Charles B Noore gainin3 ground in quest for Dem nominationCharles B [bore seeks Democratic nominationEditorial comnt on Charles I3 KooreS l? Cockrill seeks Democratic nominationT E Flartin seeks Democratic nominationZ P E Farr seeks Democratic nominationCharles E IIoore has Ibshington County supprtJudge C Thrm~er seekinc; Democratic nominationComplimentary notice of Charles B LlooreFI !I Hutton to be promoted for Democratic nominationCharles G !-bore is nominated by Derocratic State Convc~tior!Georse Sibley is Crcenhck cmdickteDATEPFG C

MTEPIG CAFXAlJSA.5 - AUDITORJohn G Ilolland may seek Democratic nominationJames H Shoppach suggested for Democratic nominationJohn G Holland announces for nominationJams K Shoppach is candidate for Demcratic nominationAsa R Bragg suprts John I.! Stayton for Dem nominationJohn Crawford to seek reelection as AuditorLetter enumerates claims of J 11 Shopch for nominationJ IJ Shoppach has strong support in Dallas CountyZ P Farr endorsed by Fort *ithpaperSoutheast Ark papers promote A P; Files for officeJohn Crawford nominated by Democratic State ConventionC E Cunningham is Greenback candidateARKANSAS - CAPITOLFine gate pk up in front of CapitolWindows blown out by explosion at factoryFountain painted a mhogany colorInterior repairs being madeChambers calcomined and frescoedAFwu1SAS - ClIAEIrnY mumJudge D W Carroll asks for reelectionDW Carroll is Democratic nominee for judgeD rJ Carroll had no oppositionARKANSAS - CIRCUIT CWM'Table shws no of cases affirmed & reversed for each judgeList of judges and prosecuting attorneysRPKAp.?SAS - CIRCUIT CDUFU' DISTRICT 09E C Ilitchell nominated for prosecutor on 176th ballotWJSAS - CIRCUIT CTX7F!T DISTRICT 10J C Barron is Dem candidate for Prosecuting AttorneyAW&'SAS - CO~1STITUTIONsee also - Ark - FinancesFRKAKSAS - DESCRIPTIOTI AID U-PRESS IONSTrip along railroad describedm1sAS - ELECTIONSsee also - Ark - Attorney Generalsee also - Ark - Auditorsee also - Ark - Chancery Courtsee also - Ark - Circuit Courtsee also - Ark - Governorsee also - Ark - Legislaturesee also - Ark - Politicssee also - Ark - Secretary of Statesee also - Ark - Supreme Courtsee also - Ark - Trasurersee also - Congress - Ilouse District 1see also - Congress - IIouse District 2see also - Concjress - IIouse District 3see also - Demcratic Partysee also - Grecrhck Partysee dso - Loel Electionssee also - Presidential Electionsee also - Republican PartyDemcrats urged to organize for election battle

NII'\N?SAS - FIF1YQXES ME BUDGETSDebt repudiation amdt of Fishback discussed by J M %ithee 01/OG/80 04 2William t? Fishback defends repudiation of certain govt bonds 01/11/P0 05 2J 11 Smithee discusses Fishback Resolution on public debt 01/30/80 05 1William fl Fishback arques merits of repudiation of debt 02/08/80 04 3Text of propsed amdt to Constitution barring paying Ilolford 02/11/80 03 1llilliam M Fishback disputes J N Smithee on bonds 02/25/30 05 2J FJ Smithee enters race for Gov as antirepudiation Democrat 03/11/80 04 4Killiam M Fishback compares Ark situation to that of Georgia 03/12/80 04 4Article opposes payment of Ilolford bonds 03/25/80 05 3BJillian PI Fishback discusses state deby & the Holford bonds 03/28/80 04 4J N ,%thee discusses Ilolford boncls & the state debt 03/30/80 05 1Letter shws J N Smithec once favorcd repudiation 03/31/80 04 3J 1.1 ,%thee still supprts final settlement of debt 04/01/80 04 4Fishback Wilt would mean no pymnt ever on bonds 04/04/80 04 2A M Plilson favors repudiation of Holforl bonds 04/07/80 06 1J I! Snuthee hatuners at bonds thane in political speeches 04/21/80 05 1Senator A H S Carland oppses acbption of Fishback hndnent 04/25/80 04 3E'ishback says A H Garland stated neither law nor fact 04/30/80 04 4IIawes I1 Colemn opposes adoption of Fishhck FdnenZncnt 05/OG/80 05 313ew York Herald urges heed of advice of Senator Garland 05/14/ZO 04 4Democrats urqed not to discuss Fishback Pnclt at St~tc Conv 05/13/C0 04 3Attorney Gen \lilliai F IIcnderson oppses Fishback I"lr;lenih,icnt 05/20/80 08 3Ilawes h' Coleman explains his oppsition to Finlihcl; I"lr,rnchclit 05/27/130 04 2EXitorial discusses problem wit11 Fishback AmenhentLetter discusses Fishback propsal[lass meeting in lkunelle Townshil~ endorses Fishback ArrdtSer, A I1 Grlmd 2enies any self interest in oppsing rudtPublic sentiment swinging from repudiationPlea mde that repdiation of state debt not bc mdeJonesboro Times oppses Fishback RmiitE'ishhck Ar~~ndment called unfairDefeat of Fishback Amendment urqedSimn P Ilughes gives objections to Fishback AmendmentEditoril says Aolford bonds should not be repudiate2 yetDemocrats agree part of Iiolford bonds are validGazette appeals for defeat of Fishkcl; ArnenLtrnentTexarkana Dcmcrat wants study of bonds before repudiationGazette says Fishhck Mt not worth anythinglbth Rer~ublican & Greenback platform endorse repdiationSumnary of renarks by Sen A t1 Garland at Fort SmithCartoon against Fishback PmmhentTexarkana Demcrat oppses Fishback L ~ ~ n ~ e n tSeveral opponents & proponcnts list&Gazette warns young men they my regret vote for MtEditorial says repuc~iation would ruin Ark credit ratingEfforts of Sen Garland in !I[? Ark against Arrdt are effectivelbtes or! Amenchent calpicjr!Oppsition to Fishtack Amendnent grows in 111 ArkansanFriends of Fishback Ardt vant protection from future leqisCdzette arswers charges by supprccrs of Fishback Tmn&,entS~iary of coments on propsed Fishback Aii-endrentU i: Pose states his viem in oppsition to repuZistionErro~leous reprt sys Iloliord bonds have been pi2

ARKAb?SAS G?iZE!ITE INDEX 1880MTEPAL; CA H Garland & William F1 Fishback debte proposed Anendnent 08/06/80 08 5Annunt owed on Holford bonds is $70,000 08/07/80 04 2People of state do not favor repudiation but some misledBatesville merchants opose repudiation08/07/8008/07/80040434Gazette assures C E Tobey it believes Holford clair, honestGarland and Fishback debate repudiation08/08/80OS/ll/8004 301 3Republican State Central Com oppses repudiation 08/13/80 04 2Gazette once thouyl~t state wed nothing on IIolford bonds 08/14/80 04 1Democrats did not favor repudiation two years agoTVilliarr~ i.1 Fishback chided for remark on bwes Colm08/14/80 04 208/15/80 06 1comments on Fishback Anendnent campaign 08/18/80 04 3Alfred II T:'ilson & J D Walker discuss Arienc3mer.t at Rally Hill 08/18/80 04 4Finance Bd reprt supprts claims of repudiation opponents 08/19/80 04 2Comments on state debt 08/20/80 04 2Drew County paper opposes Fishback Amendment 08/20/80 04 3PJ Vi TaJilshire states oppsition to Fishback Amendment 08/21/80 02 1John Bryan oyqses repudiation 08/21/80 04 4Mitorial urges payment of EJolford bonds 08/22/80 04 2Fishback continues canvass despite accident by Garland 08/22/80 04 2Finance Bd names were not forged on rept on Holford bonds 08/22/80 04 31.1 I1 Fishback & J N Smithee debate at Hot SpringsIJ PI Fishback accused of urging dishonesty08/24/8008/25/8001 408 3H B Stuart chastizes A H Garland for opposing Amendment 08/26/80Account of debate between Fishback and Smithce at Hot Springs 08/26/00040844??oodruff County Vidette accused of falsehoods on state debt . 08/28/80 04 3Comment on Fishhack AmendmentVoters urged to reject repudiation08/29/8008/31/80040825Text of speech of A 11 Garland against repudiation08/31/80 03 1Finance Ed statement on Holford bonds08/31/80 11 2Statement of U PI Rose in oppsition to Fishback Amendment 08/31/80 12 1Oppnents of fishback Amdt contend rept had forged names 09/02/80 04 2Supprt for Fishkck Amendment fading09/03/80 04 2Gazette urges defeat of repdiation09/05/80 04 1Fishback Amdt appears headed for defeat in early returns 09/07/ao 01 5Outcome of vote not known09/08/00 01 5Amendment appezrs headed for defezt03/09/80 01 5Election returns coming in09/10/80 01 5Election returns indicate Fishback Anendnent is defeated 09/11/80 01 5Gazette says Fishback t2nendmnt defeatedO3/ll/GO 04 2Repudiation rejection cormended by Tennessee paper09/11/30 04 2National press praises voters for defeat of Fishback Amdt 09/12/80 04 2Philadelphia paper praises Ark for defeat of repuziation 09/12/80 04 2Washington Post says <strong>Arkansas</strong> had done nobly09/12/80 04 4National press cormnds <strong>Arkansas</strong> voters09/14/80 04 3Rewblicans accused of seeking passage of Fishback Am?? 09/17/80 04 2Globe Democrat says votes my be kctored to alter outcome 09/23/80 04 2Gazette mintains Fishback Mt has been defeatcvl09/3O/CO 04 1Fishback Pdt fails to receive majority of all votes cast 10/05/P,O Or: 3Trew York pper comments on vote against repudiationio/o5/no or. 3Votes listed by county10/C5/80 OC 5Gazette denies 'hat fraud used to defeat k~en&~entlO/OG/CO 04 2h~eriJrr,ent fails althougli a majority favored piissage10/26/80 04 3@zette cornrends plan of A 11 Carland on state debt11/23/80 02 1Carlmd plan ells for cor:rnissioz to stuc^~ public debt 11/23/80 02 3

ARKANSAS GAZ EITE INDEX 1880MTEPAG C,w*'SAS - CXXrEPJ\Y)F'.see also - Pliller William RJ T Furlow Jr suggested for candidate 01/03/80 02 3IJilliam R lliller receives support for another term 01/03/80 04 3Alfred I1 Llilson boosted for Democratic nomination 01/04/80 04 3Samuel L Griffith supprted for nomineeThomas J Churchill to have strong support for Den nomination01/04/8001/15/80040433blame of J T W Tillar suggested for consideration by Dems 01/17/80 04 3Clarksville Herald favors Thomas J Churchill 01/21/80 04 3Writer hopes william R Killer will honor two term custom 01/28/80 04 4Gov Ililler says he plans to seek reelection 02/10/80 04 4Gov Ililler expresses intent to run, but refuses interview 02/11/80 01 3Paper raises issue of duel involving Thomas J Churchill 02/12/00 04 2William 1: Fishback denies saying he opposes Gov PJ l? lliller 02/18/80 04 4I1 I1 IXlffie suggested for Denocratic non' inee 02/22/80 04 2Conway paper says Thomas J Churchill is leadins candidate 02/24/80 04 4Thorns J Churchill refuses interview 02/24/00 08 4\!isdom of third term for Eilliam E! IIiller questioned 02/25/flO 05 3Abilities of J T \J Tillar extolled 02/20/80 04 4Hot Springs ed fears Churchill nomination would help Garland 03/03/80 04 4Thorns J Churchill denies he carried duel challenge 03/03/80 04 4Editor says IJ P Grace was never member of Republican conv 03/06/80 04 1J 1.J Smithee to run as anitrepudiation candidate 03/11/80 04 4Smithee candidacy surprises ray 03/11/80 03 4J N Sricithee opens campaign in Little Pack 03/12/80 01 3Alf Wilson speaks at Little Rock public n-ieetinq 03/12/80 06 4Surrnnary of speeches of Alf rJilson, Gen Churchill & Gov Killer 03/13/80 04 2c em arks of &v lliller at Little Rock political rallyHumorous article in I!eyro dialectCJilliam 1.1 Fishback urged to seek nominationLengthy biographical sketch of J M SmitheeWilliam 11 Fishback seeks Democratic nominationT J Churchill warmly praised by Fort Smith InderpndentJ 12 Srxithee goes to Ilashinqton to promote svmp land billEditorials comment on cnadidacy of J i.1 SnitheeSummry of speech of W I4 Fishback at Little RockJ 11 Sr~ithee discusses debt and I!olford bonds in Little PackJ fl Smithee discusses several issues in speechJ 11 %ithee propsed repudiation of state debt as one tirncJ 11 Smithee stands by letter on settlenent of state debtPespnse of kJ li Fishback to address of Gov IIillerGov 11 R Killer rakes political speech at Little RockText of speech by T J Churchill at DoverT J Churchill boost& by Pope County admirerReports fron m~pignA I: Llilson favors repudiatior, of Holford bondsDesha County instructs for T J ChurckillNiller, Fishback ar,d Snithee speak at Clarendor.J 1.1 Snithee hmLlers at bond theme in \%lnut Ridqe specct-1Ouachita Co voters said to o;:pse 3rd terv for Gov 17illcrCivil Vhr record of Fl II Fishback introduced by @v EillerCD~ respndence shows Fishback was Union man concerned for Fxk 04/25/80 05 2T J Churchill has stror15 suppr'c in Hanpstecd Cow,ty 04/28/80 04 3Jaiies P Dgle declines to seek noninatior~ 05/02/10 C( 3

WTEPAG CList of counties instructing for each candidate 05/13/80 05 1Nominating convention expected to be lively 05/13/80 08 3Counties instructing for favorites at convention 05/16/80 01 2County Democratic conventions instruct delegates 05/18/80 01 4Counties continue to instruct delegates to convention 05/21/80 01 2T J Churchill leak I>! I? Iiiller in instructed delegates 05/21/80 C8 3Counties mke choice knm for Democratic nmination 05/22/80 01 3I,?ore counties make choices for Democratic nomination 05/22/80 02 1Several counties select delqates, make preferences knwn 05/23/00 01 2Churchill delqates increase as counties hold conventions 05/25/10 01 2Churchill totals clirib as mre Dem county conventions reprt 05/26/80 01 2Pbre county conventions reprt choices 05/27/80 01 2County conventions report choices for nomination 05/28/80 01 4Churchill gains mre delegates 05/28/80 05 2Delegates for Churchill increase as more counties report 05/30/00 01 2T J Churchill lea& on sixth ballot at Dem State Convention 06/03/80 08 5Democratic State Conv ballots 33 times without decision 06/04/80 08 3T J Churchill nominated as Dem candidate on 39th bllot 06/05/80 08 2Editors cormnt on Democratic nomination 06/08/80 04 1Newspapers comnt on Churchill nomination 06/09/80 04 1mi tor ials comment on Ckiurchill ncxninat ion 06/14/80 04 3Northwest Ark expected to support Gen Chuchiill 06/14/80 04 3Press comnts on Democratic ticket OG/17/80 04 4P Parks is Greenhck candidate 06/18/80 08 2Rufus Garland declined to become Greenback candidate 06/19/80 04 3William I4 Fishback & LiT P Parks tour IGorthwest <strong>Arkansas</strong> 07/28/80 04 3Democratic stani against Fishback Axdt nay hurt T J Churchill 08/03/80 04 2T J Churchill injured in bucjcjy accident at Ozark OE/lO/C.O 01 4Churchill endorsed by Clinton Banner 08/13/80 04 2T J Churchill opponents accuse him of excessive drinking 08/13/80 04 2Temperance resolution of Keth Conf my be aiced at Churchill 08/21/80 04 2<strong>Arkansas</strong> Christian Union does not blacklist mndidates 08/21/80 04 4Editor refutes charge that Legis forgave deby of Churchill 08/22/00 04 3Cor;ment on Dev Winfield statement on Churchill habits 08/24/80 04 2Rev A R Winfield says he cannot supprt Churchill, who drinks 08/25/80 04 4T J Churchill spcaks at Lonoke 08/29/80 01 4Helena Yoenan critical of A R Plinfield stand 09/01/80 04 4Temperance Eanner endorsement of LJ P Parks brings criticism 09/02/80 04 3.Gazette warns Democrats to be aware of election tricks 09/04/80 04 2Letter urges election of T J Churchill and other Dcnocrats 09/04/80 04 3Democrats hold prade at Hot Springs 09/05/80 01 6Gazette comments on carnpaign tactics 09/05/80 04 1Hypocrisy of Rev 11 R \!ithers cited in political letter 09/05/80 04 3Gazette mkes final appeal for supprt of Denocratic ticket 09/05/8C 08 4Election returns coming in 09/07/00 01 5T J Churchill elected CS/Ot?/l20 01 5Returns cheer Churck,ill supprters 09/02/30 01 5Election reprts frm several counties received 09/10/80 01 5Denocratic mjority holds 09/11/80 01 5Republiczns claim Derrs planned fraud in Republimn courkies 09/12/20 04 1IXitorial on drunkenness charges circulated against Churchill 09/21/80 04 2Churchill defeats Parks by 52,445 to 31,530 09/21/00 OC 3AR17&;SAS - IiISmRYsee also - Indians

WTCPAG CEdward Cross recalls work of Clerks in surveyor officeBiographical sketch of Henri DeTonty, <strong>Arkansas</strong> Post founderDeTonty joins LaSalle to explore Mississippi PdverAttack b] Illinois Indians almost kill& DetontyHenri DeTonty & Robert Cavalier de LaSalle reach <strong>Arkansas</strong>Settlement made at Post of <strong>Arkansas</strong> by DeTonty partyDeTonty crosses <strong>Arkansas</strong> in search of remains of LaSalleOld times on Crowleys Ridge recalledState will celebrate second centenniel of its settlementNUcnr\?SAS - L?QD Uj!%!ISSIOBERP~port of D 1.1 LearJohn B Eaxter seeks Denmcratic nominationD !;' Lear is candidate for renomination by DemcratsGazette says D 1i Lear has served state wllJohn LJ Stayton is announced candidate for nominationPapers endorse J B bxter, D !I Lear and J Pr StaytonJ P Fancher seeks Democratic nominationJohn B bxtcr endorsed by IIot Springs TclqraphJohn 3 Eaxter highly critical of circular of D W. LearD 17 Lear denies role in end to publishing delinquent landsD PI.Lear no~inated by Denocratic State ConventionD W Lear defeats 1-Yilshire RileyN'JVQISAS - LEGISLATUREsee - LegislatureP,R'm?SAS - POLITICS AND CCREPJPE3Fsee also - Crooks Baxter Warcee also - Greenback Partysee also - llegroessee also - Presidential ElectionDardmelle ed angry if candidates from Little Pack suggestedRufus K Garland and Rev J E Lmdennilk debate J K JonesMitorial on anti Little Rock sentimentFfitorial opposes anti Little Pack sentimentGazette says radical rule put state in debt for 50 yearsLetter complains that mjor candidates mlie from Central ArkAFJ7\AiWS - POPULATIOlICensus returns for 20 cour,tiesEstimted population is 736,000Six more counties resrtedState lzas 810,147 inhabitantsEditorial discusses growth of state pwlationComplete census reurns by countyPTYNISAS - FUBLIC Il?~T\UCT IOli SUPERIIFE2DEI n'James L Denton to seek reelectionDenton warmly endorsed by Ccntonville AclvanceJames L Genton noninated by imocrats by acclmutionMitorial conp1ir;ents J L DentonPeter 9rugmm is Greenback andidzteJ L Ccnton bad no olgjositionP.ii(A!;SI;S - SCCi'JT'AiiY OF STtTCTl~onas Fletcher of Linccln boosted for Dmocratic noniaationSupprt urged for Thor~zs Fletcher of LincolnThoii-as Fletcher ~orr~plinented Lqr Xr~rxlle IrI~~ugran'iY'kio~Xis Fletcher wamly praised

Judge Tiloinas Fletcher dies at Little RockJacob Frolich nminated 2s Dem mndidate by acclarmtionCharles E Tobey is Greenback mndidateARIWLSAS - SUP!iELE CTXIFTJustice Elbert H English praised by Jesse TurnerSumrumrmrj of decisions handed doomSurimlary of decisions rendered by CourtSumry of decisions rendered.Surruary of decisions handed dokmSummary of decisions rendered by Supra-.e CourtJesse Turner sucjgested for Chief JusticeDecisions smrizedSummary of 6ecisions renderedSmry of recent decisions handed downSmmry of decisionsSmry of decisions renderedSurmry of recent decisions handed downSumnary of decisions renderedSunr;uries of decisions handed downSmry of recent decisionsElbert H bglish is Democratic nominee for Chief JusticeSurrmry of decisions handed &wnCole Davis is Greenbcick candidate for Chief JusticeDecisions rendered by courtSmry of recent decisions handed downSmry of recent decisions handed dovmSmary of decisions renderedSeveral imprtant decisions handed downElbert tl Ehglish elected Chief JusticeAbstract of opinions handed downSmry of decisions handed himSurimry of decisions rendered by Suprcnc CourtAbstracts of decisions renderedSummary of decisionsAbstracts of recent decisionsmJS& - TTmmJohn C Peay is choice of \7ittsburg ChronicleJohn C Peay will not be candickteJohn C Peay is candidate for Democratic nominationIJilliam E Woodruff Jr nominated by Dens by acclamationI! A \?atson is Greenback candidateILr)Xhl\'SAS - VISI?'OPSSome 500 excursionists from Southeast states visit <strong>Arkansas</strong>NII(AP?SAS AND ~IISSOUI"\I RAILJDIIDCorpany formed to build line from Eureka Springs to Centon Co 09/23/00 OC~ ~ T S AID A S IX)~IP: : Pm,rnm2Incorpration ppers filed 12/1G/80 04 2N?KNISAS !nFTIdTChanges to weekly publication 05/28/80 04 4ATJ'JL'!SAS PAIT IST =ATECOT 7EI\TIO;.Jsee - Paptist Churcht'PPJ5AS CITYsee also - TelegraphyShms signs of becomincj a metroplir, C8/3O/RO 96 1

mYJJ:Sr.S COLLIE EComencene~t exercises heldProgran and @,iloso:ky of collqe descr ikdRev D:Jelch invited to become preside~t of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Collescf2P:;rJ lSPS CnuI 33'Deriocrzts hold caiventior,t\"JG'4t!SAS FCI'ALZ 03LLM;CCszy read at comricer~entFee schedule releasedAI?JGV!STS GV ElTCsee - Laborsee - IkwspqprsVisited by Darrbnclle editorITmorous article about contempt fine against @pie RedSold to Dcm "'i&~sFeud wit11 Hot Sprinqs Telcqrqh c,rcwsThomas C Peel; resicjns f ~orn staffUtilizes full tclecjraphic rc-9rls fcr fullcr covcrqe! kekly cdi t ior. expmclcl!'lev: stylc praisedCorr;t;lirr,entecl by Dardancllc IxlpcrPapr Genies it hss always lxcn aqainst i1tqror.sSbitches to larger fcrmtrU":w:sAs mrnrmu, SOCI~TProcecdinc,~ ~f annual r~cting sur.;,urizedProcee?ings of second &:I of conventionFditor ial cormenls work of historical cjroupIidlress. of I! :.: renjaiiin on first scttlcnent in P-rkansasrmm:sI\s IDEICULnJPm SOCIETProceddings of society ncetinqN,ZX!SAS IIEUSTRIAI, K1IVEK ITYCollection of <strong>Arkansas</strong> ciinerds to be mdeIlew furniture purchasedConfers honorary doctorate upn Rcv Charles r EmnsConfers hozorary doctorate upn Gov ::ill isr,, I: i lillcrGraduation held, graduates listedfYLur:ni meting heldZqtist State Convection wmts a Zaptist on facultyrJ?J'SL::SI'& I;TDljS;TTIIAI, UIIIVCPSI'II' DPJU la! iKlPJ;'L CQL1,M;CCdlege for 1:ec;rocs to IX built at Pinc CluLfTrustees purc!lase 20 acres for collccjc at ?int: T'luL-:rmn: ;STS IIW.T~?ITL UKFIEESI~ : ZPIGV, ~zmrz :E Tsce also - %z,Z CoCiczC~m.cnccr,cnt proqra?; inc1udc.s Cav !;ill iai, I? :'ill crComcnccr-cnt ecercisc-s heldYditorizl rcvici::: succc-ss of schcolParents urged tc sc-r.6 r;ox kc PJU fcr i~i,ic~leSccztionl'ccuced of frauch1ei;t ~ 1 3 i i . i of i-~kk~r;: iiL, iil C G I ~ P ~C. ?L;I?3:,;1&1r, cvcl-ks th; t leg LC fr~cr zcc~sation<strong>University</strong> Cd mxcrs ci~~r~c.; cL ~'.rl:,-zas ;:ccicel I.ont:J;fr2r,ei1i~< excrcix; ;,el6CGV :: i: "iller m2 2 l 3qlizk. r,j~J: zt ccrc:,~onyI'urcii~ser: ixw c\ui,x cr.trnrr r ~ ~ r rd ~ uLI -3 ! Z:?W ... CTJX C 0301/25/30 04 302/18/3C Or, 3or,/~/no or, 107/27/80 04 3OC/Ol/r,O Or. 1O~/Ol/CO or, 3oyo4/eo oc 205/05/r,o 08 ?c9/1-0/30 04 300/10/CC 01: 210/17/30 02 2

MTEPK Csee - FactoriesAl?m:szLS iEDIcAL I DPrnILYI& journal begins publication in Little PackZitor Jo~than J Jones chasfize2 for lanyuaqe usedDr Jones defends hicself frm Gazette chargesControversy continuesMU iiedical De$ answers chargesPPY7UlSAS IEDICAL S0CITiProceedings of fifth annual sessionBall at convention is enjoyable affairAWlSAS I1IDU.I TI PI?ILWI\DLondon hnker Jarr,es Gmble arrives to consider extensionAF'CNTSAS POSTsee also - Ark - I!istoryN'JfVQ?SAS PWSS ASS0C IATIOI!llecting in ZatesvilleConvention in Eatesville was enjoyableFdi tors on excwsionIIenorial resolutions for menhers who have diedPres I!ayes greets excursionists at !hitc JlouseN,J'JUXAS PEPUBLICAP1see - lu'ewsppers1.7 J Rlackburn is editor of ncw pperNality of publicstion praised by <strong>Arkansas</strong> GazcttcQzette com~nts on Plackburn threat to spill blooclfV\KTJISAS PmERsee also - Ships!.? F Slercons seeks funds for work at Pine CluffFort Siaith residents prornotc navigationIIPJGVISIS PXW!'!? VALLEYsee also - Irmigration and Dl!igration"WKNISAS SCIiCCL FOR THC I3LITDEditorial commer,ds school for wrkReprt describes worl: at schoolSession optsAnnual meetin? of ?~ard heldSupprters seek state fundsT21CnrTSAS SCIiOOL JOUP! TLregins publication in Little F.ockAPKJV SAY .TAT: PRISOII?Seven imates escarE frorc railroad worl: siteInrates work on building of fact~ry in AryentzThrec cowicts escap fron work &tail in r\.rgcntilCli !:orris killed during esca? attemptIncycst held over body of P1i liorrisFivc co~victs escclpc from vork crn; at ArqentaFive convicts c-scap fron ~ crk site ak Arqenta?C!'(JU'SAS TSp.CI:ELS I?SSKII?TIOI7I:eetinc, ir! IIeler,cl hczrs nmcrcus spxl;crr;Surc~ry of speches I-;& ct ztate convcntim j.11 I!clcnc

FfiVUSAS YfTxVELL?see also - Conway DemocratAFXOFOL IS SI'ATIOI?17me chased to krkznsas City Station~ ~ S ~ SPIU'LGS I X ;Reprt on mZiel valueIW .Y tlAVY HOSPITALFacility estcblished at I!ot Sprinss by US govtiPJ;C)LD BILLsee also - I;ur&rs - ArnoldEulSOI Jsee also - FiresrmGrad exhibitior. to open at Litilc XockExhibition owns in Littlc RockPortrait or' Kirkwood fsrnily nerdxrs is one oT oldcst oL' tylxPortraits of pro;,~inent <strong>Arkansas</strong> residents on display&scription of rdics on dis;;lay at Little %ckThcresz JZGICS is accorn:~l ishe? crt istmrsIP:: L.mL CCJsee - rktcr1'U?f!x: L : 4.Letter on coal si~ortzc,~wxJr!Y :: G&scribes a1lec;cd hfpcrisy of Rcv Ii R :!ithcrssee also -see also -see also -sec also -see ctlso -see als~-see dso -see dso -see also -sec dso -J D Jor&nxm:: T ;ILLIX isee 21~0-:~Tl'L!XICS NCsee as0 r;cc dso -see dso -~.TI:I: T

P.ccour;t of drcwnins near I Txpo3AILJ3' :::ILLLz':Zlectc4 pres of Ilelena & Iror. Ilour,tain railroadmCER SIlll.K)l!Dies at Little rackrniICrnr'T a'mmE!.'ife of E kncroft dies at TexarkanamT5 NJD i3NXIIGsee also - Corinercial Banksee also - :;erchants lktioilal TankForgeries result i_n funds loss for t\;o Little Rock bnlcs ll/20/80 04 3Parker and I?orthec corrects article on forgeries 11/21/80 01 1:;line forgerers used moot11 operation 11/28/50 04 2CAT"KS Q ~ ~ ~ 5Dies at Little Rock 10/26/80 04 2C~"LIIST ClIURCI3see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> 3aptistsee also - Calvary Zaptist Church of Little RockCaptist Stzte Convention to met at Russellvillc 10/?3/CO O? 1Proceedings of 3aptist State Convention in Russellville 11/06/00 04 3Paptist State Co~vcntion discusses need for Baptist press 11/07/CO 04 4&;kist State Convention mnts Paptist on faculty of A111 11/07/10 04 4Proceedinqs of State Convention in Russellville metincj 11/07/fIO 04 4State Convention discusses education ir, 3qk schools ll/@3/fI0 04 4Proceedinp of &;kist State Convention meet in Pussellville 11/09/80 04 4Captist Conv affim it has no authority to discipline church 11/10/n0 04 4Proceedinp of Baptist State Conventio~ in Rucsellville ll/l0/90 04 41:or-i~ 1:ission Eoard r,~eets in Littlc Rock 1/14/0 C 2I3PPI'IST Q~Ur\CI! - FJ'IWCLI41IAFine new brici: building planned 02/27/CO 05 2PAPTIST Q!UI:CI! - LIT;ZE rQCi:Two churches t~ rterge 03/15/20 OC 2Czlvxy is nane of church forrxcl by rrlcr~er 09/25/Q3 03 2Glviiry settles probler,~~ over merger 12/03/CO 01 1EWZ,E? S!ILLIN:see - liuriers - E~rnes&'iJJYlli J Csee LLso - Ark - Circuit Court District 10VSiCALL,I!op def c ~ts Tcxark~i~cUiSKIIIS I TLLICYOU~I< diild dies ~;t Littlc RockiYiTFsvILLEscc also - Fires3r.ucil ::ILr,Ir;: cDies of injuries sbffercd in fslll at Little R~ckIYxI'E,7 JOII;: ilsee =also - Ark - Larid Cor.a,ussioneriXi4.R ELsee dso - ;;uric-rs - ;;cGceEr;72L! SAILInfiint dies at Littlc [cock3;2'23C- Ja1:; TScC dx - COIICJCSL - ;:CCLC I)i~Lrict 2

Letter on ecor.oric conditions of Southeast <strong>Arkansas</strong>BZ?\'i?I Il'iVID SDies in PhiladelphiaBmm EDDies at Little F.ockGEEEsee also - PicnicsTam shows activity a d growthCELL li FIlewspqer cditor diesCmDEI? EVA :k=,yCaucjhter of \]alter G knder dies at Little ,'iocI:CEIW2I LUCYsee dso Vance JmesCiTLJAi~I!~ Ii \;Address on first settlement in ArkawasP.EIJ~rn *WSIIsee also - I;urrlers - JamisonECLSCIJ J Frhrries I'iss R P Robinson at Little RockCEISOI JJA03CDies at Little Mckmmm FTGi=Supt of i:at ional Cemetery dies suLdenlyC2m:' mmsee also - Resorts mi Y j ~ sLetter reports news of arc2Im~iqration growingDJCrnINILLi:Early history of tamArticle mentions ezrly buildings 2.n6 naxs sever2.1 resiclmtr,EAQTI'oINILLE N?D FU-3' SI;ITTI PAILMA?Incorpration pprs filedRI?3LE SXXITICSsee also - Anerican "ible Societysee also - Central Auxilliary ?,ible Society5IPn:F rILLIN7see also - 7lurders - Ed,~zrds?,IPc!! CIrnLGsee - tlurders - BurchC IPmsee - TTildlifeSISIiOl? T ' : TSsee also - Little Cock Ri!~lic <strong>Library</strong>CLACYEUTJ : a", ;1us TJ ,LFL:!erorial tribute iron FathcrXALnCXUX' ',I JPSPFPsec also - TArl:;incc7s 2cpuLlicansee also - Pcpublicm PartyPublishes letter fror- P.olxrt C I~~c;crsoll,note(; FreettiinkerLetter e::l)resses unccrtzi~:ty zbct Future life::c~orial tribute to son"LTL:!2:='1! m:ri CLlID;:Fie: in Little Zoc!:

C W K JPaYsee also - I-iurders - CradeberyBrnI JPCOEsee also - JaqsPeprts on conditions in Little Rock schoolsP&bi leaving Little RockFarewell sernon deliveredFarwell cerenonies heldBLOCK J EList of wedding gifts sent to Pkxhael and J E BlockEImPACF~see also - Elock J ESLUTTT T.JILLIZVI SOld resident of Little Pack diesFQATS ATD EOTiTII\Gsee also - ShipsmL&D CDUN'III;see also - 1,:urders - blandmLE TI10:.Tssee also - Congress - IJouse District 3rmma ED!.Joundec! in accidental shootingWLT JCPII?see also - >:urders - J?osersrn?Z 03Ur.mArticle notes proqress in econonic devcloimcntLetter discusses plitics 2nd otiller subjectsLctter on plitical ziffairsrorm JAI -msee also - Ihrders - GorenMKTD1r:OT r: CC1cc;uent Indian visits Little PackLectures in Little RockGCXTLIIJ JOIII!see also - 1:~rders - %land?XI LI?GAlley built in Little Rock for private clubc!Q'i%E rnCEXr ADrowns at ArkaclelpkiaraYD Z I Z Asee also - Olsen Peter3PIDLEY JOIII? I;see &so - Congress - Ilcuse District 2REWGC ?&ASu~~r'is John L: Stayton :or Stcte AuditorCF&C CSmIC&rhfe of Richcrcl. Zreycj Gier; st Lit'ilc J?.ocl:nmx 1 DP: T. csruYouq &u@~tcr 0: Zra52 dies 0: r;claric;&,itu; r7 ILarc,c crowd z'itends furieral st rcsidcncczp$d,-fi: m IS F~,''I~~i:lizc Crman xcusc-s her husLcnd of brxtzl i+-1 C~nn-7sru TI; ;X3ZYL COLLXC

MTEPAG Csee - Arkailsas Industrial Universitj Granch 1:oml CollecjcEra ~03m.y E:O[ msee also - riurders - ZrandekryCrnDIS : DRrFISDies at Little PackDeath c-use3 by tuijerculosisC,W\DOT! 03PJ:IEsee &so - Yeakle RobertCPlQKKCII 1.7 JLmoke resident diesBR!XErn! L 0Letter on plitical candidatesBPCSLER J \!see zlso - Sex Crimesr,ram A CServes as Demcratic elector OG/05/80 04 1Resigns as Mocratic elector because eligibility questione? 10/17/80 04 5Brewer says falsehood use to induce him to resign 11/30/80 02 3J IJ Smithec verifies Clra*ler account of resicpation 12/01/GO 02 1CPa 7w\ JPiI ES !:Little Rock resident dies 01/211/Nl 05 4BREIIER L Lsee also - Iiurders - Crarerrmysm:~. A LPlanled to advisory council of Pmrican Public !!ccdth Assn 12/14/80 02 1BRIDGEsee also - Palarn Creeksee slso - Petit Jean Rivcrsee also - Red RivcrERI>rn,EYsee also - FactoriesCRII,TZ WTI:Cofiway County rim struck by lightnincjCFOPD IAY JOI II :see also - ;:urders - EroahayEmYs W Y . ~:?r*Incident recalledGFCDI'S IDA JOEInfant dies at Little P.xk"URCOE-'S JOSCP!!IP!Esee also - IIurt IIorton31V ,TfT ADDAsee - Sallec J !!zm 2: EULTFJI:1:ev 3r0ixl LGS ;!ehodir,t rissionzry durinc; Territcrisl era 05/11/80 05 2DXCI: C, 1.'see also - 1:ei:spprszruc YX ~ 7 - msce also - rxk - ?ublic Ir,structior, !%:firvisor

DATEPAG CDies in LittleBUCI'JVXIIIJ ELLA IDies at LittleBUTJCH BRADLEYServes as presiding officer at Democratic State ConventionBUFCH QINlLESsee also - Eurders - 3urchDUEIS ~~~IDies in Little RockBUFUSsee - AccidentsBURRU 1 GmX-Esee also - Robinson JosephBUPrn.? 1.vmLEOb? BProminent Arkansan dies13emorial tribure from Crawford County ParBIJlUOb1 EEILsee also - flurders - LoganBUSH IRADies at Little RockBVIZER aIAT\LE%Narries Jennie Eutler in fashionable cerernony in Little PackEmm E J PFSLittle Rock resident dies at Eureka SpringsFuneral services setCause of death listed as cancerLarge crowd attends funeralTribure of respect from Shakespare Club of Little RockBmm J DIhmrial tribure from mgrarhical UnionBUIZER JEIJIIIEsee also - Eutler CharlesBUIZm SUSIEsee also - Lawrence I.?illie RErnPS J Psee also - Congress - I-;ousc District 3CAEIII QEEKJohnson Cour,tly tam is thrivinsCADAVWSsee - Dead ZodiesWEDCIIIA CLUB OF LITTLE E I ;Sponsors successful dance and partyCN DEIJsee also - St Louis Iron Iiountain and Southern Pailroadsee also - Street PailmysCAIP lEETIIXSsee - ilethodist ChurchCAI lmELL JOIfl; JIhrries Lila 1: %ith of Lit'ile PackC'G iPDJEU \.TDEKilled in cq~losion in Sczrcy CountyW,DY JOHi 1Zztesville ran takes his cam lire05/26/80 08 210/26/80 04 206/03/80 08 3

MTEPAG Csee also Ilurders - iilsebrooksee also - Ilurders - Golandsee also - Ibrders Broadwaysee also lhrders Cassidysee also Ihrders - E6wardssee also - Ilurders - IImardsee also - Kurders - 11cFaddensee also - Sex CrinesCAPPER TDIi1:rs Capper reports beating by her husknd, Ton CapperFined $25 for whipping his wifeChRPFI13AGGERSsee - Presidential Election of 1880CmEOLL D TIArk - Chancery CourtCAF!!LL DAVID 17Son of signer of Declaration of Independence lives in Ark 01/18/80 08 3m r l SPolitical cartoor. 06/02/80 08 2Fishback antidebt hlsanFishback Amendment08/11/80 0809/25/80 0833CARUTII GmxC I.1Serves as Democratic Presidential elector 06/05/00 04 1lhkes political speech at Carden09/05/80 01 GWSIDY rSOCsee - liurders - CassidyCATEP!ILLNISsee also - TreesCAnIARIPn ErnJ FA'IILYThree men in family suspected of killing mile ChimsChines writes from DardanelleCATIEY IJ TSee also - ilurders - CatheyCATIIOLIC Q~UFtCHsee -see also - Conway Countysee also - St Joseph AmdeqCross mde of Hot Springs crystal sent to Pop by Dr Lawrence 04/02/00 04 3CATHOLIC QIURCIi - LITTLE KKKSt Andrws Cathedral construction resumed 02/22/80 06 2CXTiOLIC QIURQi - hJ3I CJECO1NRev P Gomn has led church 35 years 02/05/~0 0c 4U,TlIOLIC QIURG! - IJFPJm.l STAT1011Iloly Heart of Kary Church to be dedicated 05/23/80 OC 2CTLTTLEFine Jersey her2 developedat Fort Smith 10/21/80 04 2CEIrnCPJESOakland at Little Pock has ken cleaned 04/01/80 08 3Oakland at Little Pock refuses burial of puwr child 10/09/80 08 3Old cemetery in IIot Sprinc;~ to be mved 11/13/00 02 3Two coffins durqked in Oakland at Little Pock rumin unburied 12/09/80 01 2CmTI=;?IJIAL, mlDsee - Alcoholic BeveragesCDET!! AUX1LLIAP.Y ZII3LE SOCILZ'Y

APJWSAS WFITE INDEX 1880WTEPAG CIleeting held in Little RockCHPJICERY ~~see - Ark - Chancery CourtQJSzPLIIJE J 6See also - [.;onroe CountyCIVZiViI J Q JZLESEUrnJED m Dm.;CHEZ?eWJ JOIliiDies at Little RockCIIEAliY PRICE 0see also - Sex CrimesCHEEK JIlli.IIE I.:Infant son of James 17 Cheek diesCIIEIIFS D.:ILEFoul play suspected in Zisappearance of CheimesCheimes writes from DarGanelleCRILDJXI? AT\D W Isee also - Sex CrimesBaby show held at Little PackAbandoned M y found in hay barn in Pulaski CountyBaby abandoned at hone of Dr L7ac~ner in Little RockCHPJSTINJ Ti3 IPCWVa UI:IOXState meting held in Little RockProceedings of state conventionBcs not blacklist candidates for plitical officeA R Winfield discusses stand on mdidztesCHRISTI IMClxistmas Eve celebration in Little PackCIIRISTOPHER JFIIESSee also - riurzers - ChristopherQIURUIEsee - Religion and ChurchesCI3URCHILL SN?ihrries Jessie Ikirtin in Episcopal service in Little RockCIIU~IILL THOHAS JSee also - Ark - GovernorThanks girl who represented Ark in Pier,phis i~radeCIRCUSFSCircus to show at Little Fock mi; three other state townsEarnuril Circus cornin9 to <strong>Arkansas</strong>Two lions escape at Argenta for several hoursCIVIL :.'ARmploits of Henry C Pkst describedrrnrx mmSuit seeks pyment of bonds issued for railroadCLYIPX GEOZCPenitentiary official diesCLE\PrnILLEsee also - RobberiesTown in fine financial shapeW . Y J LDies at Xreka SpringscLAym~l m:ELInterviewed on political affairs10/17/80 04 4

President of Eureka Sprinqs railwayCLCi 7.D IS CIIYP\L Ssee also - Sex CrirzsJanmas r:see also - iiurdcrs - ZrwerCL nmr;see also - Clinton EannerCLIIrn1 MI3TiJERPublication beginsamLittle Tack supply depleted as trains use Ouita coclSpZra mines owrate day and nightSpadra nines get 20 nineis from P;lah,-sL I! Aryan explains shortacje of coal at Little TackWIERLFJi ELIZADies at Little MckCOCIIFdUJ ELIZAErn1Dies at Little PackOXl'rnL J JIhrries i5ss Bessie Cunnincjhar,~ in Little Rock ccrcrnonya2CiiILL S I:see &so - Ark - Attorney Ger,eralOC>FFIiJ aiARLSSCorrespndence with Ser, hugustus I1 Galarid on statc debtOC>tIDi I-IEPJXZ'Yoting son of Bernard Cohen dies at Little Kockam1 LOUISEsee dso - Raphael Ea3LzI;nrl IVI!'E I1see clso - Ark - FimncesCCLLKEsee also - Ar!;ansas Collecjesee clso - <strong>Arkansas</strong> Ferrale Collegesee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> Industrial <strong>University</strong>see also - Arkz.nsc?s InLust r ial Univcrsi ty !iccliczl Cel~rtnentsec also - Judson Universitflsee also - St Johns CollqeState urged to establish agricultural collc~csSecond letter on need for asriclilturcil colleges in <strong>Arkansas</strong>Third letter from :.'illim C Stoct or, agricultural collqcs:luntsville pts u? collecje build ngCOLtLIER I! I?Letter on nc-cessity of educstionkttcr on elccztionCOLL1;TS C S3uildinq fine hmc in Little Pock03LLI!IS EArticle on CadArticle or, JP;!~P.rticle on CoZ03LLIilS LXSF.Scc also - Elliot ? 1,rnT,L7 5 Il mu: -Ikttcr qivcs ,-icv:r,of arc2

c@Imsee - SpceC@:Z.EXIAL IXlX OF TWVV,'SI,Overdraft ky G T Potter forces closing of bankEewsitors to get prt of mneyCOi;Y;?~Ssee zlso - Cravens Jordan Esee also - Cum Poindextersee also - &rlanii Auqustus :!illsee also - Gunter Tlio;;~~ ;isee also - Slmons I? Fm;G153S - IiGUST:E:e;x!~l icms to name sur~ervisors for wcq pllin~ placeGazette urges czreful count of votesFkiitorial on army of Republicm,~ Jmes Torrans sends to 1x11s<strong>Arkansas</strong> to gain one seat in CongressCI3KITSS - 1;CUSE DISmICI' 1J \I ilouse to seek r~~r,iinatior, for seztJ I? Ilousc- imosted for noi,~inationPoinZexter Dun11 seeks reelectionJ \I House trithdrzws froii~ contest for Dcrmcratic nominationPoindexter Dunn re~:oninated by Cer,~ocratsPoinZextc-r Dunn zccepts Deniocra-t ic nal.lin;; tionPoindexter Durn com,~ndeil. by I k q h j . ~ ;;perPoinclextcr Durn reyzins liezlt!i cit Eureka Spririgr;CazetLe says Poindextcr Dunn is electcdElection returns by countyJohnson, a llegro, plans to contczt dcfezt bj SumC!GPSXS - IiGUSE DIS'ITICI' 2Jmes K Jones is canzickte for aenocratic nominationEditorial discusses candickcy of J2r;;es 1: JamsCongressional pmel rules !? F Slcr;.,ons defeated John :I EraclleyJohn 5' Cearden touted for Cer;iocratic nominatior.Jams 1: Jones mkes plitical speckr at ToledoJohn T 3earden witkidraws from race1.i F Slmons seeks renomination\j F S1er;:ol-IS withdrzws his naix Lron consickrationCkzette cormnts on encjry of L: i! Lkrtin ~s IndepmieiitJZXS I: Jones has enough votes for Derxxratic nor;inatioiiJ~;ies I: Jones ixks rousinq simxli at Cz:idcnJn;:es K Joncs is nmince of DcrnocratsJol?es co~~3l ir~entei by GczeLteG I? Lhrtin rrckes mo~ic~~icnt of his mnciicixy~Wfus 1: Garlad is 111d~;~i1d~nt mndiciatc:ESCus i; Garlad mil Jams :; Joncs sptik z.t Lc\;isvill~.John A !;illiai.ls is Rc.puLlica? mndiclate in field of fourJones a d Carla;< &&te zt l.zqi;olij21 iIora20 is scere or' dc-Late kt\;ce~-! Joi~es 2nd rcr1z::LO 2 Snyder r.-cy see!: seatGzc-kte sayj ?.U~US 2; G;lrla:i id; ncj h9l.c. ~f d~ctioiiGr;ctte zys 2 j: G~rlani ocl;/ llelPs pei]ubliccli mu,^r7 l'2rkiil lJli-)l&rz,]~ . ..-, , , Iron r~ccL;~yzicji; tour ucscriberlr,epLlicms ho;~ to mtcr Jo;m I: ;.,'iili;i.i~ or Sa.1 ;-.allory

Saiii iiallory says he is not a candidate 10/?.2/80 02 1Cariipaiyn reprt from Southwest Ark 10/23/GO 02 3John A l!illim1~ is Indeperdent kpubliczn endidate 10/24/GO 02 1Gazette says I!illiarlls hopes to ?raw Greenback supprt 10/27/E(C 02 2Gazette says Jams C Jones is elect& ll/C9/80 G1 4Election returns by county 11/13/80 04 4CC:GPSS - ICUSE DI3CTRIC!I' 3Rokrt I? Howard urqd for Cer,mcratic nminee 01/03/30 04 3Robert A IIoward highly conplinente2 by Fayctteville ppcr 02/18/80 04 2Pakrt A IIoward has god credentials for race 02/2C/80 04 4Iioward service ir. Union Ariny used aqainst hin 02/2S/FO 05 3Pobert A Ilomrd spal;s at ::orrilton 03/1G/80 04 4I?eprint of letter of 2 A !Toward urginc; fight acjzinst raclicdls 03/19/80 04 3Robert A I!oward endorsed by Ilot Sprinqs Teleqra@l 03/23/&0 04 3Pakrt Eowzrd makes fine spcch 2t Mver 03/24/10 OC 4J P 3yers seeks norination Cll/lC/flC 04 3J P Cyers outlines platforn in Clarksville s-pech 04/27/80 04 42yers znZ I!owarc! spez,l; in Franklin County 05/OG/CC 04 4Eyers a d t:omrd speak at :ili.lil 05/07/80 08 5Dmocrats noxinate Jorkn "Yravens oii Iirst kllot OS/lG/IO 01 GRobert I! I!owcrd witkidrcw namc iron consideration 09/17/80 04 2?roceedincjs of Demcratic conv tliat noninatcc: Crzvens 0?/17/GO OC 4Acceptance spcch of Jor&n C Cravens 03/13/3C 04 3Thomas Bolcs is nominee cf Rcptlican Party 09/29/30 01 4Record of Jordan E Cravens con:urcd with TIlorx,, Wlcs 10/31/00 02 1Thorns Boles czrries Little Rock 11/03/30 04 2Thor,as Pales carries Pu1asl;i County ll/O?/C9 04 3Thorns Pales carries Pulaski County 11/06/30 04 3Gazette says Jordan !2 Cravens is elected11/03/?0 01 AElection returns by countyCOLGPSS - I!OUSE DISTRICT 411/13/10 01 4'i'horas :I Gunter will seek reelection 03/19/80 04 1S :? Peel seeks seat held by Thorns li Cunter 04/03/80 04 4Split my occur among Denocrats 09/18/r0 04 1Editorial on I?ccocrstic split 03/19/80 04 1Pace close between Thorn-~s Cunter and S :! Peel 11/07/80 01 3Cazette says Tho~as Cunter is elected 11/09/30 01 4Election returns by county 11/13/80 0 4aXLCE :i Fbnmy Cour,ty Clerk dies 02/03/8C OC 2CK>16E~~~TIOi!see - TJildlifeCOINEXTI' OF lERCY Or OUR LTEIi?.S 09 TIIE SPP,I;K;S2uiliinq do~atc.6 bj priest for school at Ilot Syinqs 08/05/39 C8 4m:! lAYsee also - Ar!:msas TravelerTom described C1/20/30 08 3A P Robinson elected :&;lor 04/03/80 Ce 2CIX ~;AY mcrimsc.e zlso - Gcrnalls in Px!:see zilso - ;ktalr; mc' Ilincrcil;;Zhut 3CO fzi1ic-s c:ri;cctci for 2'; JOSE& Colory ;t I'orril'icii 02/25/CO OC; 2St Jozepl~ Colony ;~ttoi@ts to providc reli$ious L ecuc service 03/10/?0 0: 2iirticlc orl er;tal of St Jo;c@~ Colo~~y by Cdti~clic Qlurcl, 04/0l/CG C8 3

IXTEPAG CEighty Italian fardies settle in county031kY.Y 03UIJIY iEDICTJ, SOCIUWSociety fomed, officers elected03IJ.7r"iY DE: KPATsee - Xe~slxpersflew nme of forner Paulkner County =)cmocr&tFaces libcl suit iy <strong>Arkansas</strong> TravelerC YT Cruce discusses suit Lry <strong>Arkansas</strong> Travclcr03!I JAY SCIDOL DIS'EICI'!%rollraent in phlic school is 68 pupilsCOOK \4ILLIAI!Dies at Little RockCOOYSCY mO:.VS Gsee also - Sex Crir.lc-sCOOPER E3bTY 5.1see zlso - Presidentid ElectionrnPEP. R CGiographiml sketch of Atkins resident03PPER TIlCIlPSDies at Little FackWimlsee - r\gricultureEllD.? PLAI,FSeveral atterqtcd murders take place in area03UCII mz-3Dies in mtenrell accicht in Little RockDeath notice03UI~FEWEITIIG\! J 1icCracl:en char~ed!.7illi&i J IlcCrackcn foun? guilty of pssing hcjus mneymm GmEC Asee also - Little Pocl: - Police and. Law Enforcerent03UPJIlT Tf!a,'mSuffers serious injuries in effort to stop runamy horses03UlTSsee - Ark - Supreme Courtsee also - Ark - Chanccry Courtsee dso - I\rk - Circuit Courtsee also - Ark - Su?rer,~e Courtsee also - Little 2ockOD:see also - US - Pederzl i.!cstern District CourtROr,rnsee also - Sex Crir:iesCT;"VE?S GiXXUDEFound not cjuilty of steclin? noneyCI'J.VG iS JOPSX: 2see also - Co~g-ezs - 1;ousc District 3Favors unlirited coinacy of silverPioc;ral:hiczil sl:.-tchcrn rLmnx, JOI !::see dso - rxi; - TidCito~(??I 2;; Jy;;see also - I:~r&rs - St-:;iicncPL.1 T > .I: r ?< I3 C?,L 2; AIL'04/24/80 08 2

IXTEPAG Csee &so - Arkasas Statc Prisonsee aso - Ihrderssee also - Fbkeries and Theftssee C~SO - Sex CrimesFok-rt Vanclever, Texas c?espera~, eptured at Van Ruren C1/07/80 08 3mss 03uI\?I'YS~rnri~ry of ncws of crea 12/02/80 02 2CrWSS !I3 TAP3Chancellor recalls early dcys in <strong>Arkansas</strong>aJI~:I%Iyl[ l :~DLLIz01/18/10 02 3Bath was case? by fever 12/19/80 C4 3IlnILY JPL 72ssee also - ilurSers - Dailym.;msee - Partiesmmx ?&LCsee also - Stor~i~sEWDNIELLE ED PCISSSLVILLE RAILIiDADLine forned to connect two tamsWL-V!&LE SPEI?X;Ssee also - Resorts and Spassee dso - Springsnnv1xo:r mysee dso - IIurders - DcvidsonWiVIDSOI: I:ZrJr,S'see also - ::urders - Eavidsonmv1s OiLEsee also - Arl; - Suprerne CourtWXVIS JOSEPIi PEies at Little Rock 12/15/CO C.4 3Dies &t Little Rock 12/13/80 04 3MVIS TIIOI-S Ji hr ries Jennie i:atthm~s 02/25/80 OC 2JYIVIS SLTERKilled by train at Texarkana 12/02/80 02 2Dies at Little Rock 12/15/80 04 3MVIS IlILLISsee also - Ihrders - DavisM!SOil I?kIieq'ro supprts: Da;locrat for president C8/28/80 04 4DAY ifncrcYou'ch takes his life by jumping into ;.!evrijort Lake 03/@2/CO 05 4my n-IOI-~Dn&Cies at Little Pack 12/08/00 04 3CODISContortion of bCy Lrigliters mtcliers in Faulkner County 03/05/20 0C. 3Cones found at Little Eocl: wrc once used for rrlc-dim1 duc 94/24/80 05 1Ikcjrocs desecrate qrave to get fincjcrs for lucky chari.1~ @G/25/30 OC 3Parts of bodies fror, I.idi~l SC:?OO~ foun2 hcl: of rc.sider;zc CT,/03/30 02 3tmcient p'irifiec? kby found zt C~re1:a Si:rinr_;c 10/05/23 Cc? 5~ ~ fo.w.6 2 ~ a= r Zurel;~ Sprinc~.~ is a c~;:itc c;:ild 10/17/80 O/ 4ma ,-!LIE P : Isee 2120 - j;c;rier- - StqAl~rjsIXXIY !III,LL'

W E PAC Csee also - ihrders - P\ichardsonL;lxY RUFUSsee also - X~rders - DeanDZnJ< ';DCZLqan County youth dies of accidental siiotDLV? iizsee also - I.lurtiers - DemDFF3T-iSsee &so - Tccidents ml Safetysee also - !,iurdersSheriff Piarner of Kentucky kcornes ill in ArgcntaSheriff \krner my have ken pisoi:edDGATSsee dso - Peligioli md Churcl-icspmTsee - txk - FinancesDEE2see - 1;ildlifcDEFRD JR.XSDrams near ratesvillcCELL VALENTIIiEsee Laso - Rephlican Partysee also - US - District Court oL :restern rxkansar;DELOIG r!Csee also - :Il;rdcrs - GurchDE:~;OCZr~.T I C PAKYsee also - Tirk - Zlectionssec also - Ark - PoliticsList 02 nmhers of Dcrr~ocratic State Coimi'i'iceJ ii 3ititliee spnjors dinner for =i;i Central Cor,u,~ittec.Eermcratic State Central Car, ~rets, set2 kte for stztc; convI'unber of delegates to Dm cormnt ion assignedEditorial coxnents on Der,-iocratic Statc: Convcntiol;:knbers of Zxecut ive Comrni t tec- 1 ist edList of delegates to Dcmocrztic State Co~ventionProceedings of %m Statc Convcntion9crnocratic State Convcntion contincc:; hllotint;Gzette corn131 irm;ts all czndid;tes before D m conv2amcratic Statc Conv noriinates cmdid~kc-s, adopts platL'or~,~Editors eiiZorse Ccmcratic ticketDcrnocrclts plan extensive spakin? schezuleText of platforr:~ of state and mtionzl prtyI-lomrd County 11olds pr imries[liller County nminatincj converkion heldPulaski County holds county prir,hriesPrcceedincjs of Pulasl-i County co~ventionFaulkner Courky holds pr imricsGrlmd County :z.rty ilividd into factionsGrbccue at Eenton draws large cro:!tlurges thst hxsh worcis over repudiation he for.jottcnDW " . O :S ;\: D l?ICl?Ssee dso - Tcxarkanapi:IsD!7 2~ucjrjcsl;s railrod link kxtvrccr. Conmy and Yell;~illc

ARKANSAS WE;?TE INDEX 1880DEITNIS ALBERTDies in Little PackDEXrnP? JNES Lsee also - Ark - Public InstructionDFsmrIaJ OF TIIE DEN)see - Dead EodiesDESIiA mmNews of areaDemocratic county convention heldWork begins on new courthouseCourt orders county seat R D V ~ to ~ <strong>Arkansas</strong> CityDCSHGN A Gsee also - Easley Edward TandyDrnIrrY HmFusee also - Ark - HistoryDrnELL E vsee also - Little Rock - FinancesDEXEY XCXJZO AMxriesA Snith at Little RockDINDIJD JOEsee - Reynolds JosephDIBI3RELL JA JRktters on AIU Medical DepartmentDILLOEi PAmICKIkmorial tribute f r m lodgeDIS~II1llIATIO~lsee also - TexarkanaDISEASE N?D rL,LImSsee also -see also -see also -DIVER QWLEsee also -DODGE R LEntertainsScarlet FeverSrrallpxSnakebite35 family re~bers with Thanksgiving dinnerDOEON JOI-9JIhrries iLss KurrayDOGSChild horribly mutilated by dogCOI.WIOE m?amKilled when thrown from wagonAccount of accident that killed DonahoeDOPIAI! PATDenies charse that he is a RepublicanDOPSrn axmYAshley County Tims suggests meD=F?ZY STEP14E: !!see also - Presidential ElectionDOIQCII FPJPN P\7ife of :! P 33rtch diesmxw rn.msee - a ce I?obJIXXLTSS \:ILLITJi FYributc of respct for the late ;:r X~cJassGe chmse? to IkTonty

ObituaryDCX?lJEY JNIESIblarries Iliss Kilbis at Little RockDOXEY S 11rhrries Florence G HinkstonDOYLE PHILIPsee also - Germans in ArkDm1 mfmSmmry of news of areailIW ,WIIGSsee - Accidents and SafetyDRUG EBUSE NbZD TRAFFICOpium den operates in Little rackDPaIPmD z I3see also Ilodges EliWFFIE JCfI1.l Srbving to :lashington D CWFFIE Ii I1see also - Ark - GovernorWi ?IJN.; FAN JI T:see also - Scott Phil Dwm: mmmsee also - Nurders - DunnDULTJ rnIIIDGTEn,see also - Concjress - Ilouse District 1Plans to vote against stucy of exodus by Eccjroes from SouthStates psition on icp J~UCSDYER FAI3XEsee also - Strange \J [IWN.! PATIbt expected to recover from injuries inflicted by horseCTiGLE JRES Psee also - Ark - GovernorServes as officer of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Zaptist State ConventionEAGLCSsee - IJildlifeW\II.I JOIII! F!Verifies Unior. loyalty of VJilliam 1,; FishhckYoung Negro spanked for burglarizing Eakin honeEASLFI ED:ARD TNDYCharges were Grouc,ht bq. A G Deshon wd Charles EiverDr Skip~ith not guilty of eridxzzlenient fror:~ Qslcy estateEASLCY Jan:Pulaski County ran assaultcc! by group of Ilcgro convictsCCEXIDGC ALLE!Ideyro preacher fined at Little Rock for encouragins fightEDl3,'FIELD JESICsee also - Ikm3ers - menfieldEUD:ICS TIlOi%see also - ihrders - AlseGrookmcATiOi:see also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> School for the Glindsee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> Teackers rmociationsee also - Convent of ikrcyMTE PAC C01/28/80 05 402/18/80 08 G12/31/80 04 2

ARNU!SAS GI\ZEXTE INDEX 1880see also - Conway School Districtsee also - Little Rock School Districtsee also - Osceola School Districtsee also - Russellville School Districtsee also - Searcy Fame Institutesee also - St Joseph Acadqsce also - Waldron School DistrictFunding discussed during campaign for GovernorState school fund being distriburedFund apprtionment listed by countiesECU~TIOIJ - GRADIX OF STUDEIESsee also - Little Pack School Districtm?m m1see dso - riurders - EdwardsEI~EER mmyDies at Little RockEL# PAS0see also - StornlsELDER ISMCllarries Turmh Stokes whcri both arc in their 70smmRIc m7m\see also - Little Rock Electric Light CoELLICIIT R LIhrries Rosa Collins~l En ZLE~PT NTD r IISAPPROPEIATIOIIsee dso - Easley Tm*EI?GLISII mm I:see also - Ark - Suprc;.~ Court\!ins praise of US Supram Court JusticeSpeaks at Xedical College cerenonyEIX;LISH P I3Census enumerator in Pulaski County disappearsl3 TVrnA1! x mnsee - TheaterZPISCOPAL CI:UZCIiRev NWun of Fort Smith disappars at Little PackEPISCOPa CHURCI: - E~~ SPRItGSChurch chancel windows describedm!? m1sPaokkeerpr assaulted by lleyerIZXAPES AID A'ITZIPTCD ECAPCSsee - <strong>Arkansas</strong> State PrisonI;?TER ! 1ILLIN: I1Dies in Ilempstead CourityJXJPEI'A SPRItKSDispute arises over land clainI?zter has unusual qualitiesCurative pwer of springs claimedTmn has been incorpratedTo',,m grows rapidly as miraculous cures are reprtedCity has about 10,000 inhabitaritsInteresting itens of news from EurekaLetter gives rims of tom which rcserbles mining cmpmllas ran says wters benef itte2 his health

Tam filled wi h vacztioners and health seekersmlitical rally heldi:iraculous cure reported after use of mineral waterRailroad coriections to increase number of visitorsVater from spring sold by bucketBuildincj bmir.g in tamIliraculous cures clair,~d by use of sprins waterCity ordinance protects trees in cityTelegra* line to Seligrnan under constructionVisitors continue to pour in despite bad westherConditions in tam describedCorrmercial activities increaselXJPZXA SPRITK;S WBYsee - Dead. sodiesEUFZKA SPT,I~X;S PxmmPlans being made for constructionEVNIS CIVJ&E(; FReceives hoilor~ry doctorate from Arkans~s Industrial UnivEVIIJS JOEFurnishes Piney Creek stone for 1:enphis strcct pvancntEXPLCS IONSsee also - Factories~SITIOI~S NID FAIPSState Fair stockholders ii~et, voge to hn gaihlincj at fairAppeal made for funcls for State Fair AssociationGazette urges support of State FzirArk reps to Plorld Fair in ikw York narr~edState Fair directors meetDirectors of State Fair meetMard of Directors of State Fair meetsPlanning for State Fair continuesPlanning for State Fair mves forward<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Fair opens with finc displayProceedings at State FairState Fair preniun-s awardedLarge crowds attenci State FairIlestern Ark Fair ?lamed for Fort SrrithRe,mrt on activities at State FairProceedings on last cky of State Fair\Jestern <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fair has fine displayProcee2ings of :yestern <strong>Arkansas</strong> FairForth <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fair held at BatesvilleIkstern <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fair is highly successfulSoutheast <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fair held at :!onticelloP.eprt on I!estern <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fair:Jestern <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fair had successful runCazette urqes better effort by State Fair AssociationFA~RIES FX mdC;TTZIrJ; C W ~ P ZTIT :Details of explosion of Taylor mill in Searcy CountyFP.CIY>FZES AID IIlX~3iPI.?L DWElXP: El72Boiler explosior, at Cenjanin Taylor mill in Sccrcy Co kills 4 01/04/00 04 3Erinkley o get cotton seed oil nil1 01/22/80 08 2Little Pack to have cotton factory near the Uind School 01/28/;0 08 2Cotton factory to k loetcc! near Deaf Scliocl 01/29/20 OC 2

MTEPAC C<strong>Arkansas</strong> iXg Co to build hu~e cotton nil1 in ArcjentaArticles of incorpration of <strong>Arkansas</strong> iimufacturinq CoRose City %king Powder Co of Little Pack is veq~ ~uccessfulOil factory at Little Pack has large octptFomdry md mchine shoi3 under construction in Little RockRed Vill explosion at Little Rock does heavy Gctm$etax£ ield Woolen !:ills near !?atesvillc describedLittle Pack Furniture Co organizedIce factory at Little Rock sues when water is cut offmie :'.ills at Neqmrt destroy& by fireIIcnry A Eallantyne bcilding lurbcr mill near Y~lvernCotton gin m.d rill to be built at rlorrilton<strong>Arkansas</strong> :If9 Co at Argenta to have large coqxcssGlass factory rmy locate in Little EockStoneware produced in Bentor,FAIPSsee - Dpxitions and FairsFN.!CI:Ln JOE31 Dsee also - Ark - Land CormissionerFATS\ 2 P I!see =also - Ark - Attorney GeneralFAUJX JOIIPJInjured in accidentFAULi?;Irn 03UIrnTCounty Judge J? R Jihrx chzrged in robtxry of Glicriffs officeSheriff accuses Ahrs, says A K lsioore not involved in tlrcft:ihny suspct deputy took f~ids, accused JLKI~C IihiisFrium;IJm ~ X J : m XIm-?xsee - Conway Cer,~ocratFAULJ;IJCR STJDKlPG FK'lIL'isee &so - Trapmll Sclly Win FculknerFAYLT'IL71LLEsee dso - Firessee also - Storr:~Smmry of new of areaTam c;ra!inr; - in dl directionsF2LX m.6~Dies at Little PackPE'STn'ALSlhrdi Gras festival planned for Little 2ock:hrdi Gras celet~r~ted in Little 2x1:Easter Festival held c;t Little CockFn rmL, J "JLetter on two dea'il~s ilczr I !allnoFIGITSsee - Fcsaults and 3isorierly C~nductFILE A :;see &so - :irk - riditorFIX mnmr.eccivesfine silver setFIFZi-2:zee also - Little IlcckF 1,"SCliear ins on zrcol: cr,;\rcje zc;zins'i C~orqc :'enike~

MTEPK CCharges against Georsc Ihilcen droppeb:hSison fire destroys Koger and Pro storeLargc prtion of ktesville destroyccl and one man killedP~tcsvillc fire Sclievcd ~:ork of t:io xsonistsLocl:csixrg fire destroys c!lurchFayetteville businesses suffer heavy loss \her? stores burnI!arrisor, loses several stores ar.d officesJZmpie ::ills at !:eqort 2estro~-cc?I!one of J IT Ferquston burns, at Little CockJ Erbcr loses three builzings in Littlc RockPTevprt suffers disastrous fireStore destroyed in Searcykprt on losses in ::eqmrt fireSearcy fire losses list&Two Pine Rluf f horns IxrnFine bluff residence burnsFI%isee - \'ildlifeFISIl J I:sce also - Little Pock Scliool DistrictF IS! 3AC: PZC;OLIT 10: ISsee - Ark - FimnccsFISEACY 1 TIILIX! rysee also - Ark - Ficnccs x d 2ud~ctssec also - Ark - Tavcrnor!!cads group prmotincj Fort %ith bssincssrISIICR JSFPEPSO!l DEies at Little Pockmd mc! I cr rmc~:see 2.1~0 - llurdcrs - FlctchcrI>L!TC!IS? PdTEEIYASlounc; ku~hter of J G Flctchcr diesrnJdrn!P2 JULIIrsee also - \lelcl: ?orh-~K-ECI ILT. rmx

see &so - Ihrders - Broxh.yFDPD Z Tsee also - :;urders - Emiicttmm GPZIZJDies at Little RockFDPZIGI: X S C ~ G ~ U Esee also - Gerrmns in <strong>Arkansas</strong>see also - Ir is11 in <strong>Arkansas</strong>see zlso - Italians in <strong>Arkansas</strong>see dso - Swedes in <strong>Arkansas</strong>mrs'ir, AID rnl-L!T\Ysee also - TreesEm1 SiiI'i71Custlin5 city surpriscz visitorCestineZ to kco~le a sre~t city an?. railroc6 ccriterLetter nwntions several rcsitkntsDescriptiori of citySmry of news OF areaSurmary of news of arcTTews of are2Surnimry OF news of are6Gusiness boonin9 in brder cityCitizens organize to advance business interestsram SLITII ZE~L:~~ILLEPaljers of incori:;oration filcclKSTZR LIilSAsee also - Patrolier Pcterrnuxrrm ZL,IZ~~T=IIDies at Little i?Wk'iQUT?TliI: jSsee dso - Ark - LpitolAI.D CI'XAT ;mmm:: rmLmmFOURCI!r LA FAVL: IUVZRBei kii~j cleared for nmicjation7--~l~l:s clcared 2s ziti to naicj~tionsee zlso - Gemans in ?,rkansasAbout 112 imicjrsnts leave train at Ozsrl:Letter on agr, business, culturc, religion hFPAi'ZD2 'JiL 0,"SXSsee - Free wKi P,cce,$eZ Order of i,Fac;onssee zlso - himican Lecjior. of IIor:orsee slso - Indepndc-nt Grdcr oi' OirC Fcllmssee zlso - Ihic,ilts oE :lonorsee also - I;nigl,'is oT Pytliicssee also - Ihiqhts of thc Colde~~ Rule

Grant zccepts irwit~tion to visit Llttlc LockVisit to Arkzsas is not pliticalPrepration, bein2 r.tzJz fcr rcccption zt Little RockCormittees fomed for welcom to Little RockLittle Rock cor.mittees planninc, :or visitEitorial urges railrods to reduce fares on &y of visitGrand plans r~de for reception rcith city JccoratcdPlans outlined for recep ion at Little Kocl;Little Rock rcce;stion planr xe elaborateLine of ;urcde throuc,i-A Little Rock outlinedFocr brass bcm& to grcet party at Little RockGrants to stay at Ca2it~l i?otel in Littlc RockLittle Rock to treat visit as grm-d holichyGen arrives ir! Little Pack to qrceting of large crm;6Largest crow2 ever assenbled in Little !:ockGQJIIVY ADics at Little Rockcrml ma IWCDics at Little RockGPXCt! GTX)T(GCsee also - :iurders - GreenGTXEL: JACISCX1see also - Iiurders - SolandCPEEF3ACE P&?Tsee also - rxk - Xcctionsgreets =;rant517sshinqon IzrEr suqcjcsts ~ndicktcs for ?,rl:cnr;as off icccCrecn~~cliers ;my br ins out stroq tickctGreerkck Txty holclinc: statc convcr~tion in Lit-tlc RockGrc-enLc?cks field full slutc. of canLiCktcsCciitorial cor,u,cnts on Greenback caniidztesCazettc sa17s party dead in fl.r::c?riszsGzette declzrcs Crecnhck Party deadGPJ=DT 103 lUPF'.',Er? SEiqrcphiczl sl:etc11 of pronincnt residcr.t of 3~11to1i County3iocjra;hiczl skctchGPJ=II!K: JOili:Fort Smith rail 11a1qs l~i~lselfGLIFFIil 1 ~~~~Killed in cxplosior~ in Sc;lrc;i CountyGP.IFFITII SA'LKI, Lsee clso - ;,r% - Sovcrncrcross Tlcr.::;;cnorial trih~teCET~lI!SI:'X-T: JOSEPr!!krrics Falmie ClcLtcn~cr in Je~~isk: ccrcIee z1s0 - Ccryre~~ - :'OULC- %strict 4LL3r.ies effort to Cizy:;r;c:;~ rl~rc!:~ .C; .rings settlcrr,12'JTm3YX@c;?lc l?c!:i:y virtue c.'rse? fror tom h:I f.-r-.~le rcr:icht:;"1C" r!I'pTfl?'T:r. i,? of ".v.;ustus ?k;cr r7ic:: ?t ?,ittln ?cck

O O C O O OC3 c2 C3 C3 c C3h2Srlrlfi' - 3rl

10/10/C(O 10 409/01/80 OF! 2On/3.!3/CO OC 304/20/~0 05 2cr/10/00 oc 203/06/80 03 205/3.G/FO 04 4OG/23/P0 OC 2

Sen A I; Gxlan? works for fair settlmel~t of title claimFditorial discusses bills to quiet titlesSen A I! Qr1ar.d says investors plan to buy landsCity officials urge Cong Celccjatior, to seel: title settlementGrand Central at F!ot Springs rebuiltLetter on visitors, residents, improver,ents a12 pliticsLetter gives news of city md its visitorsReprter conrmks or! xtivities in cityLetter sciimrizes neIm cf areaLetter discusses sitcation in tmmGeneral news of areaPolitical nets of areaCorrespndent gives general news of cityLetter on events in cityNews item from aresLand office to besin enterinc, lands for purcllclse by ocmcrsAccomt of great krbecue an2 plitical rallyIXitorial describes tam as an ir.r,toral placeSmry of new of areaSmmry of news of areeI?em of cityS ~ i ~ of r y nem of are2i hny imqxovemer.ts being made in cityL:oney scarce in cityk1CTr SPRIIKX T~~~i'J"lPI!see also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> GazeitePurchzm3 b;i Thoxs C %ekMUXLSsee also - i;ot Springssee also - Little PockIlOUSE J i,?see also - Concjress - Iiouse District 1IDUSITCGashar;~ cottages co~pleted in Littlc Rock?lev Ottenheirner house at Littlc P~ck is cor.pleted[Ys Cardan 1; Way building 3 ho~ses or, Second St in LRTho fine residences being built at Fifth h Ferry in LEDr Quim building hc~se in Little i'iockIh~dsorne resideme kin2 built in Little Pock by IIr LewisEkhonckon tio~sc in !restern Littlc Rock is fine structureC S Collins builds fine horx in Littlc rock1 !OKSLri7 l'?i 3ZI?s?_.c; 21~0 - I.:ilr&rs - !!ebbITCT :iZ! 3 KI,Ssee ~lso - Ikvillc -?.obert JI !O, !?$DJr: :zs- :lurder- - ::o,jard

Urge crmcl mlcor:.es Cale 1211 ran horx from prisor,HEECS SILK)!; PScrves as Prcs of Statc Fair Association!TXI!E SIiD?: PReasons for o2psition to repudiation of stztc debt listedIrnT12Csee - 1,lildlifeIM'UUTTr J SAccused of iprjury in charge apinst business rivalEWLEN I3ESIEsee also - !hitz- C C!rn mmrl:krries :!is Jose,phine Crooks in Little PockI;Um; I1 CDies at Little FockI!mI: 1; 1;sez- also - Ark - Xtorney Cc-ncrc?l1l;i IIGPJiTIOI ! ND C :iCPATIO:;see &so - Franklin Countyset? also Joimson Countysee also - Laf~yctte Countysee 2.1~0 - Yegrocssec also - ?hillips CountyStatc society pronotcs i~miyratioc to ArknsasAbout 30 :

J@!!E A CLetter urges building of a lunatic ZS~?ISIJCX?FS IY~IIZL, :.'Serves as Deimcratic electorJO::CS CUDLEY Zsce 2150 - GmesJOiiZS ELECTsee also - Alco~;ol ic CeverayesJ0'"P,.w ""'a LA& .dlSsce clso -JOi!CS ISAIAI'sec also -JO:!ES JXIZS 1;see also -scc also -I:igcjs !: C;:urders - \!illiamrd: - PoliticsConcjrccs - 1:ousc District 2

%rial ms in Oaklsnc; Ccr,~eter in Little Pocl;KiX4"JOOC' IL'.T=I!2 LEZGies at Little Cock::Ira ;mG Jax:kcjuerreau protrait of Cr Kirla-mcd is one of oldest in DSiGiIGiC P E :,ITSLittle 2ocl; hostess honored!.:IGiTS OF !1Ol70XConway chspter officers installdkTprt of Grand Dictator Johr-i C PriceList of loJcjes in i",rkznsasSmmry of :,;roceei!inss of Crand Lo&eR:ICiT?S OF PJ'TiIIASsee also - Partiesller !xxrclcrsLittle Rock lod~e elects officersKYIG!~ OF T!E CXILDZ: ~ L ECastle to 5e orgailize2 in Little Zock!3J@XvILI,T:L,ettcr gives nevs of areaIXXPYIT mT17JO?1YDies in Little PockLt'2OPsee also - Factories and 1ncIuskri;;l Peveloyr.mtsee also - St Louis Iron Ihuritain Southcrn !'ail.rosc3Pxkmsas Gazette sqs Printers [Jnior. rules ccscd (1isrni:;sals!iorkers walk off jobs in !lot Spriys in diyxltc over w.9~:;Ln"m T;7' ::v 'DYDies at Little RockTLPDISC EZ!:EJOL@T PSSOCIl'1TIO:j OF LITi'TJ"XD.;~lains failure to ahit mil to hospital?.eprts on activities for yearLT$AVYITf: ODU?TYThirty imigrants settle on T.lrigl-it ~lantationm'Dsee - Red EstateIA X;rn?l ISAACsee also - !:urders - LeeL'J1SO':-WEER'see also - Yurders - PixrotL?S.VJ,F XlZZ'I' CE:VPiLIE1? LEsee also - - 1:istoryTASTER I!Dies at I:cPJmr,tL'J F.9 1CT: !.TII,I ,IT !?

MTEPAG CSmry of news of areaLEE JTJm I.;see also - $lurdcrs - LeeLEE ~ ~ K ~ I ADies in Little Pack hospitalLEAL PRomSIObJEar Association of Fifth Judicial District meetsLEG ISLATuR%see - F L ~ - LeqislatureLM;ISLA?VPE - IICUSEList of nembers3 D 17illians nentioned for Fouse speakerLM;ISLJ\TUP! - SD'ATEList of Senators elected and held overibse IIarris endorsed for SecretaryL E ~ JmmxrRobert Lehn beaten by three I!egroesLRmm RAFFArnDies at Little RockLGlIiJC SNiUELsee also - 1;urders - LaxingL!37IS BESSIEsee also - Shinn JmesLrnIIS CIIAP?GPulaski County pioneer diesLEXIIS MITISDies at Little PackLDEL, AJ1D SLNDERsee also - Ikvspy~rsLIBWGIES ATJD LIBPARINlSsee also - Little Pack Public <strong>Library</strong>LIE2 iER ;.IEfJADies at Little RockLIIJCOLII COmmLetter gives court newsLIIJCOLII WJCE!Jew paper starte2 at Star CityLPTD 2 FSee also - riurders - LindLITJDE TI!EODOIGFalse reprt says Lincle is deadLIOWRsee - rJcoholic BeveragesLImC PrnR COmmArticle diescusses conditions in coucty~JcwS oL areaLI"IE RIVLR IWrl'UaDsee - ZlewspqxrsPaper to Ge established at Rocky CmLortL1'i"'LC ESXKse &.,o - ;;eZicine an6 IIealthsee also - ?.;kist Churchsee also - Ce~etericssee also - 2ruq Nxze12/10/80 02 2

see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see C~SO-see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -FactoriesFestivalsFloodsGar331 ingIIome 1:atenlorks CoHotelsIlousinsLibraries and LibrariansLittle Rock School Districtlkthodist ChurchParksPartiesPicnicsPresbyterian ChurchProstitutionRobberies and ?"ricftsRomn Cztholic ChurchSewzge and Liquid KastesTelephonessee also -Article discusses need for iinprovements in cityLITTLE FOCI; - EUILDCGSGrand Central Hotel picturedPicture of building at 301 lalain occupied by F J Hogan CoUniori Depot and Gleason Cotel picturdPicture of Quinn Brothers Storerailroad dept to be built near state Capitolibzart Hall nears m~pletionSeveral buildi~igs condemned by t ln CJ' incersCitizens urge that operahouse be mde sferL m E KKK - CITY ODrnlCILProceedings of Council summarizedProceedings smrizedElectric light ordinance approvedCouncil acts on several mttersBrief meetin5 hears reports on Artestian \?ell CompnyMeeting brief as few reprts presentedIlinutes show several reports receivedVotes to improve Narkham StreetHears report on sanitary t~mDemocrats nominate candidatesI1 H Rottaken states position on street railwayAction on sanitary tax and Artesian \Jell CompnyTwo Denocrats and four Greenkickers elected to CouncilCity officials elected by CouncilCouncil disposes of lengthy agendaCouncil decids sanitary plicermn not neededConsidering right of way dispute between two railroadsCouncil handles several items of businessCouncil bans illegal game of picoSummary of proceedingsProceedings of CouncilCouncil reinstates Judge StevensonSmry of proceedingsActs on cpmbling ordinancelXTEPAC; C

MTEPN; CProceedings of CouncilProceedings of meetingCouncil sets rate of taxationProceedings of councilLarge munt of business transactedSeveral imprtant matters settled by CouncilStormy session held over water for fire hydrantsProceedings of Council meetingProceedings of meetingtlor ks through lengthy agendaStormy session over results of schooA electionMayor John G Fletcher and W G Phipple argue at meetingCouncil enacts routine businessLITILE KCK - D~~IPTIO~JS MID II~IP~SIOIJSDetroit paper describes cityIJew York Daily Graphic to feature Little Pack scenesImprovements in city notedDescribed as a leading city of the SouthwestPlanphis paper describes growth of cityL r n E mCK - mm11c COI.TDITIO1.1SLittle Rock promoted as wholesale centerE Urquhart describes condition as flourishingLITI'LE FOCR - ELCCTIOPISsee also - Little Rxk - City CouncilLITI'LE RXK - EMPLOEE AElD OFFICIALSEntertainment held to raise funds to pay officialsLITI'LE mCK - FIMICES AED BUDGFlS1-lass meeting denounces tax dodgers, calls for collectionSecond meeting held to protest tax dodgersSuits brought against delinquent proprty ownersProceedings of taxpayers committeeControversy swirls over paynlent of sanitary taxLetters from M B Wait and E V Deuell on tax cbdgersE'dward W Parker discusses sanitary tax and warrantsResidents asked to pay sanitary tax voluntarilyExplanation for opposition to sanitary taxCity ordered to levy tax to pay two debtsCourt issues more orders for payment of city debtsCounty Clerk refuses to collect taxes on new additionsLITI'LE I-BCE: - FIW4ENAnnual parade plannedL ~ ma E - IImnI BOW!see also - Medicine and HealthBoard organizes for businessBoard discusses sanitary measuresLITTLE - HOTELSGrand Central at Little Rock picturedGleason Hotel and Capital Hotel at Little Rock picturedCapital Hotel to be heaikpzrters for U S Grant visit to stateRobinson House at Little Pack soldWindows of Capital Hotel shattered by factory explosionCapital Hotel at Little Pock gets coat of white paintCapital Hotel at Little Pack pictured in advertisementLITIZE KKK - IXJ'PXCIPRT> O3W

Judge I? IV Stevenson reinstated by City CouncilLI'ITLE m - H3LICEPetition asks that George A Counts be retained as ChiefGeorge Counts reelected by City CouncilChief George Counts engages in fight with James B blchughlinChief George Counts comnded by editorLIrnE KKK - H3FuLATIOfJCity has 21,280 residentsCensus of 13,000 is grossly in errorEffort my be made to correct census returnsCensus to be reported as 16,114 residentsLI'ITLE Fax - mmGas conpany shuts off gas to street lightsMayor John G Fletcher discusses shutoff of gas to lightsDeplorable conditions describedLights being turned back onReason given for shutoff of gaslightsContract let for madmizing streetsGas to be turned off againLights turned back onLI'ITLE RICK - VISITORSsee also - Grant Ulysses Ssee also - Sheridan PhilLI'ITLE mcK AlJD mm SmrH RAILFEDADsee also - Real EstateList of officers and directorsPoints of interest along lineLarge depot under construction at FussellvilleTen trains running between Fort Snuth and Little RockLIrnE RXK Am fAPOLrnJ RAImN)Claims trespass by Little bck, rzississippi & Texas RailroadLI'ITLE RXK APSWSenator A H Garland moves slowly on closing of ArsenalTo be headquaerters for new military departmentLI'ITLE KICK CHA[+EER OF CDMIERCEEffort under way to revive organizationBusinessnen revive ChamberLITTLE IOCK CITY JAILEleven prisoners escapeLI'ITLE Fax 03rII.IERCIAL 03LLEX;EProgress mde by schoolL ~ m; E OclITorJ EXCEIFSGEblerchants organizing an exchangeProceedings of organizational meetingEditor encourages establishment of exchangeList of charter merbersExchange expected to spur business in Little PackJohn D Mams elected presidentExchange holds form1 openingProcee6ings at forral openingLI'ITLE ELEXTRIC LIGHT 03Seeks franchise for operation on Little Pack streetsCity Council approves ordinance for firmCity Comcil acts upn charter recjuest

ARKANSAS GI\ZEZTE INDEX 1880LI?TLE FOCI< FURNITURE ODsee - Factories and Industrial DevelopnentLZlTLE I.DCK GAS LIGHT ODEditorial critical of shutoff of Little Rock street lights 01/01/80 04 1hbyor Fletcher discusses gas shutoff 01/01/80 05 1Firm sold to Pulaski Gas Light Co 01/09/80 08 2LI?TLE FCCK LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONGroup begins operation with series of lectures 01/25/60 08 2LITTLE KICK MISSISSIPPI &D TMFS RAILEOADWork begins on link between Little Rock and Pine 3luff 01/01/80 08 2President of Little Rock md Napoleon line claims trespass 01/04/80 08 4Zeb Ward buys property of Cr Chrisman so work can proceed 01/07/80 08 3Cities of !lonticello, Warren and Camden to be ~0~ected 01/09/80 04 3Injunction sought to halt construction 02/11/80 08 2Suit by Little Pock Pine Bluff and Napoleon I?! to be pushed 02/12/80 003 3Extension to rlarren, Mampton and Camden urged 02/13/80 04 3President J E kdfield inspecting line 03/1lJ80 08 5Work progresses under direction of lJilliam I1 Ward 04/18/80 05 2Large part of track is in working order 04/29/80 04 2Compliment to Supt I.Jo&on for fine work 04/29/80 04 3Directors and officers elected 04/30/80 05 1llanagement highly complimented 06/10/80 08 4Extension from Elonticello to Red River planned 12/03/80 02 2LITI'LE NICK MISSISSIPPI RNER AND TEXAS RAILIUIN)see - Little Pak Mississippi and Texas RailroadLITmE RICK PIPE BLUFF AND fWLEI31 RAILIUIADsee also - Little Pock Ilississippi and Texas railroadLITmE Km RTBLIC LIBMYEstablishment of a public library urged 03/28/80 04 3Group incorporates to form library 04/30/80 05 2Over 200 members signed up 05/05/80 08 GYes A M Bishop is librarian 05/07/80 08 2Collection includes both books and games 05/15/80 08 2<strong>Library</strong> has 314 menbers 05/15/80 08 2<strong>Library</strong> is open 05/30/80 08 2Collection grows rapidly 07/07/80 08 3Collection used heavily 07/22/80 08 2Gazette urges fines on overdue books 08/17/80 08 2Chess room provided 10/21/80 04 2&mains open until ten each night 10/27/80 04 2bliss Godwin Parham named librarian 12/22/80 04 3LITlZE FOCK SCHOOL DISTRICTsee also - Walden SeminaryE F Officer refuses to resign as principal of Peabody School 01/01/80 08 3School Board holds stormy session on reports 01/01/80 08 3Maneuvering allows sale of Kramer property for school 01/27/10 01 3Board panel cleares Principal E F Officer of charges 02/01/80 08 3School mrd neetiny handles hot issues 02/01/80 01 3List of honor students 02/06/80 08 3School Board hears reports on effort to fire Prin E F Officer 02/29/80 08 3Appleton offers free readers to por children 03/02/80 08 3Adoption of Appleton readers urged 03/03/80 05 4Tug of war going on in battle over textboks 03/27/80 08 3Roard abpts policy on pupil discipline 03/28/80 08 3

IATEPAG CHonor roll of studentsCornnittee adopts Appleton readers after hot debateSchool Board holds lively meeting, adopts Appleton readersSupt J M Fish invites public to visit during open houseJ Bloch gives favorable report after visit to schoolList of honor studentsFirst Negro graduation program in <strong>Arkansas</strong> to be heldGraduation exercises setGraduation exercises greeted by large crowdAccount of graduation of Union High School for KegroesProceedings of school boardSouth End to have fine new school buildingProceedings of school bardVoters approve tax for new buildingBoard transacts businessSupt J M Fish explains inprtance of retaining studentsNear 1400 enroll on first day of termProceedings of school board meeting smrizedPlans for new building altered because of costHonor roll of gradesSchool board hears report that schools are in good shapeNew plans drawn for school building in South EhdHonor roll of studentsContract awarded for new buildingList of honor studentsDemand made for recount in school electionBoard meets on Christmas Day to reorganizeList of honor studentsLIT'ILE FOCK TEN PIN CLUBPrivate social club opensL r n E mCK PIATrnJOrn Or)Plew owners told there are no books to turn over to themHistory reviewed by indignant citizenTaxpayer calls for legislation to correct problemsFirm taking out fire hydrantsNew compny forms to provide water to Little Rockr-axL ELECTIONSList of county officialsLKKESBUEsee also - Methodist ChurchLOEuNm! ImAInfant dies in Little Rockm 1mmsee also - Gerrnans in <strong>Arkansas</strong>Courthouse nears completionLam1 \JILLIA!:see also - Kurders - Loganmmmm HENRY ~ J ~ x ) ~ ISupports Arkansaw as correct pronunciation of name of stateLOI\K>IEReporter describes visit to tamLD!DERMU< J Esee also - Ark - Politics and GovernmentLMJCI! Wr' RID LRJCHIIX;

see also - riurders - Kimsee dso - Texarkanar U\CI\lr ILLENew postoffice established in Southeast <strong>Arkansas</strong>:IADIS0I1see aso - FiresP'AGAZ IIJESsee also - F~rkansas liedical Ilonthlysee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> School JournalI 'KJrnL IAArticle mentions several residentsI'J?IIOITEY W!IELDies at Argenta hotelI !AILsee - Postal Servicer 'JICLXIRY SN !see dso - Congress - Rouse District 2I'RLmlE P?ALTT=Rsee also - Iiurders - LeminyILWERF: PRIIJCCTOIl PJJD SOUTIIIYSTCIIIT FAII,FLIN)Articles of incorpration filedI'N~~KYEl SPRItG&scription of huye spring in Fulton CountyIWELCFine sjjcimns come from Eureka Springs areaITS,QICNX JESSE CDies at Little I?ockI"'rn?IGRASsee - FestivalsiIRRmlIiAI!ews of areaIP2,IOTJ OUI?IYLetter discusses political events in county! lAPJW'AIISIIIPShooting matches held at Little RockI "mm Ab;mOpens pic0 shop above his LIttle P~cksaloonParent wants teenagers dept out of Ihrre establishmentLnRl?IPG€'?llorrilton worm displays hats of her 14 husknCsPhillips County wonan mrried 3 tims, saves breechesITDSiI EDDIEDrovms at Little Pock: 2J-31 'SILLTown raking improvemnt sI WSIiPLSsee - US DistricY Courti'~I1J Q'SrRLE5Hose ct Little Pock is scene of prtyI'rnIT? 7 \I'see also - Congees - !:ouse District 2: Z'LTI?: I3 EKIALCharged with bic;my

lWW!SIIS GAZETTE IFIDEX 1880MTEPNC; CDies in Little Rock!'lETIM JESSE GHealed. of paralysis by use of nedicinal springI'PRTIII JESSIEsee also - Churchill SarnI'iARTIN JOSFTUAEye twithing leads to trouble in Little Rock storesIARTIN TIIOI'fi Bsee also - Ark - Attorney Generali'XOT1 PELLIE GLJife of L I Ikson dies at Little bckI 'SOT< IC ORDFSsee - Free and Accepted Order of [lasonsr1A'ITHEX7S JENtIIEsee also - Davis Thorns JInATIY>CI< FOBWsee also - Ihrders - Lliller:lAy s msee also - ITurders - I-hytlCAFE% JOIlflsee also - Nurclers - DunnIriCALYC 1 lILI,IN'!see also - 1,;urders - I"lcF;lyciKYdJDPJ3JS ELI\Funeral services for Little Rock woman setIICATTDRDIS JD3JIE\*life of P C Ikrindrews dies at Little bckFuneral services mnounccdiiCCWIIIJ I ~ r n I ADies in Little PackI'ICCLAIEJE A BAssaulted, robbed by :!hit l3rownllCCLOUD JCorpse goes through contortions before frightened watchersF'ICCLURI;: JG!11see also - Presidential ElectionJudge 1:cClure says he has always kcn a DenncratI.ICCCI,lPJ? G I1Judge dies near Camdenr:ccnmm YI Jsee also - Counterfeitingr!mUC,N, I.! Csee also - I"iur6ers - Ikst:ICELLIO?T m msee also - Sex Crines1 %E 7 9' ALMN\DEl?Details of af fair that led to wounding of !Ir IlocnichI ICEJ lLT-1 TiOt 'ASDies at Little Rock after cxpcsurc to coldI !CFADDCI.I ETllERsee also - :;urders - IkFacEc~I :CFPDDE! SY!X:LYscc also - I;urZers - IlcFncXen10/10/80 10 409/01/80 01? 4

MTEPX CCies in Little RockMC-EE Nsee also - riurders - IicGeermIN1 PPriest has had charge of New Gascony church 35 yearsE1CIbrnSM rlAaDies at Little Rcok1lCII.msI \7ILLYUI14mager of opera house at Little Pack diesTribute of respect from Little Rock Dramatic Club~KLAUGEILIN JAI IES Bsee also - L ittle Rock - Police and Law EnforcementPIu-nmm. FPrnDies in accident at Ilot SpringstICFX TIIorlAs CChairman of Nevada County DemocratsChosen for Dermcratic Presidential ElectortlCVEIG[I 1; r,:Article on pronunciation of <strong>Arkansas</strong>PEAPJS BILLsee also - Ihrders - llicholasllEDICAL FACILITIESsee also - Aniy Navy IIospitalsee also - Ladies Benevolent Association of Little Rock18EDICAL SCHOOLSsee - <strong>Arkansas</strong> Industrial <strong>University</strong> Iledical DeprtmentI EDICINE ED WERLTIJsee a10 - Eureka Springssee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> liedical P!onthlysee also - Amstrong Springssee also - Rot Springssee also - Ravenden Springssee also - Resorts and SpasLittle Pock organized for sanitary pur,msesCleanup of Little Rock urgedLittle Pock residents urged to clean property Sefore surmr;EDLOCK EOBETZTsee also - Ilew LightsILELVILLE JXIEEFT JIiarries Belle Howard at Little RockIF~IPIIIS FJTD CJELT SOUTIA,Jl%TERI: RAIL^^Ileackyarters to be in Little RocktTE3lPI:IS ID CRMT SCUI'I-F; IWID~J PAILFQADSCharter for compny filed,PEITPITIS ATID w;srs CITY mLmmProject my be revivedPTXPEIS AID LITTLE FOCC PwLmmsee also - Southern Express CoCouqht by Jay Gould to become &part of Tesas m.6 Pacific lT?Jay Gould did not purchase stockipan killed on track near kinkleyEridge over SL Francis Piver collapsed wher! bank caved inRoad my be leased to St Louis Iron liountain sncl S~utk.ern P2General IRaaqer Padolyh Fink resigns05/04/80 043 3

MTEPX CT! P Ikrrinqton med general nanagerIkichine shop in Argenta employs sixty menI.TE3'SI-IIS PIPE BLUFF PdID SHl?EV!2KRt' RAILIOADOrganization of new co takes place at Little RockIIElJIIEIT GEDSC [Isee also - FiresIDJKUS Jlknkus assaulted on Little .Rock street by Lco Pollockf.EbTAL GISOP~~ IL'D DEFICIENCYLetter urges building of asylum fo the insaneEstablishment of a lurntic asylum favored by J M SnlithecSad coundition of woman in jail at Little RockSad story of young girl in Little Rock who bccmc inssncJenny Vrhite and her snall child confined in Pulaski Co Jailrirs Ihite cjives birth to &ild which diesR IJ Sanders jailed at Little RockDemd made that <strong>Arkansas</strong> build an asylumInsane persons held in Pulaski Jail under terrible conditionsLetter urges state to build an asylumSad case of Rev Sanders who is chained in Pulaski Co JailFunds being collected to send Rev Sanders to an asylumriethdists have mde provision for care of Pcv SandersIERC~-mES~,TIO~L m:z or L ~ m~ CBank in prosperous conditionIEI'ALS RTD III~IERFLSsee also - CoalNews from mining dist of 1:ontgomery Co tells of rich findsJ Van Cleve Phillips discusses silver extractionKellgg :lines sold for $50,000Gold discovered in Conway County in black sandReport on activity in Silver City area of Flontgomery CountyIlontyomery County nunes expected to produce rich oresL P Cunningham discusses silver rines of Ilontcjonery CountySilver ore found in St Joe area of Searcy CountyKellogg Nine neer Little Rock attracts capitalistsLand leased near ICellqy [line for explorationRumor of gold find in Little Rock excites interestArticle says silver exists in pying cjuantity in <strong>Arkansas</strong>Silverdale [lines in i:ontgonery Gouty are in owrationSamuel Rindskopf is owner of nine at Silver CityArticle on operations in Silver City area of t!ontgomcry CoFirst silver brick from riontgomcry County nmcleSilver brick frm, Ilontgoriery County arrives in Little PackSilver production rrcy mke Ark a leading mineral statemo exprts examine t:or,tcjonery County mines!lahut Nine shaft is 100 fect deepPJews from mining area of Ilontgornery CountyNews from mining area of t7ontgornery CountyPromising reprts frorn I!ontyonery CowtyIlalnut Iline shaft in Iiontgornery Cow.ty is 130 fect deepi Ti'EX)?,S F2;D ! ~ ~ R I T R Ssee - .TzceI ~ IODIST CIILJRCXI?c-sterr. 'letbociist begins phlicztion in Littlc Rock

MTEPZG CRev Fountain Brown was early nussiomry in <strong>Arkansas</strong>:!eetincj scheduled in Pulaski CountyTemperance statement aimd at T J ChurchillChp meting in progress at AustinIlelena to host state conf of Ilethodist J2piscopal ChurchPastoral ap;xlrts of White River ConferenceIT'EIODIST CIIUFCIi - LI'I"I"LE EI(X1:First Xeth Episc Ch ,South uses nw buildinqLydia Sexton to prach at Centenary ChurchFirst tleth Epis Cn South uses new buildingFirst Meth Epis Ch South building dedicatedFirst bleth J$is Ch South menorial windowsZion Church has problems mng mmbershipFirst Reth Epis Ch South building describedBethel AIX building dedicatedI~iODIST CIKJFCI-I - LOCKEBUXEuilding destroyed by firerxYEl? GAnEsee &so - Crb LouisI EYER LTJJRAInfant dies at Little PackIEYERIIOFF LOUISsee also - Iiusici7ILITIACapital City Guards organizedQuapw Guards elect officersIIallies P\if les orqmizec'r in Little RockI?lILLER ADNlDies in Little RockIIILLEP, cornDemocrztic convention heldRepublicans nominate nixed slate of czndidatc-s for co office:IILLJ!X JN'S IICXJARDsee also - Kurders - HowardTIILLrn, 1:Dies at Little RockIiILLER T[IO~Wsee also - 1-iurders - ilillerI;ILLrz, WILLIN; Rsee also - Ark - GovernorCavernor [Iiller com,rutes death sentence of I:'illiaril SkeinCavernor attends teachers meting at I!elemPerforms mrriaqe ceremony zt GatesvillePrevents execution of Thorus IZ~rnnds priding ay~l~al&clines to halt execution of L L FordRefuses to cosl~ute &at11 sentence of Thorns GiklondsExplains refusal to intervene in WhlE of L L FordIlonorary doctorate conferre< upn Gov bj Arkanszs Indus UnivAttc-rick dedication of St Joseph Amde~i*y at riorriltonEusiness prcvents attendance at Dem mectinq in PTm; YorkSpeaks at tkdiczl Co1lec;e cereiionyVisited in office by wntclly deran

MTEPAG Csee also - tkynes SteptienPXLLS AhTDEFS0E.JProduces first M e of cotton of seasonYILTYXl JRESsee also - Piurders - Snith:mJaIER 1-mzDies unexpectedly in Little Rockt !I1 l ~ , Ssee - Ketals and llineralsrm:!s r m !IIPlrtGsee - l;etals an2 llineralsl1ISCCGENATIOE!see - IJegroesl~11SC JOfR;see also - llurders - IhrnesPXSSIFK; PERYOJSI'?r IIendricks disappears at Pqentailr 1:endricks twns up in RussellvilleIlISSISSIPPI NID I.TIIITT2 F3VER VALLCY PAILIDADArticles of incorpration filedi1ISSISSIPPI CDUX!?Yljews of Osceola areaIlISSISSIPPI ,wmsee also - Flooclsr?ISSOURI hPJ7J\iSAS N\ID SOUTIICFUJ FAILJOFIDRail road planned f ron Fayettevillc to Clarksville1 ~ITCIIELL JACIZLittle Rock barkeeper diesITITCEELL JQlIIJFamily disappeared in 1824 while mving to ene HillI:mIlELL IIATrICCornnits suicide at Little Rock after being desertedFather of John k!atson asserts his son was innocentfsDlm IILIJ~N iDies in Little RockCause of death given!mmE mUI=Deiiocratic convention heldJ R Chapline claims he was cheated out of electionBusiness booming in countyIDPTrCX)I iERY CDUFTI'Ysee also - Metals.rmmrEr,Y T LLittle Rock businesi)man is prosperousf DITI'IILY GUIDEsee - :!a~ssprs1;ew paper established s.t Clarksville1'131rrICELLGFirst loconotivc reaches tamTowri sho;~~ cjrowth with corning of rail road;;oOI?J CIlASI,ES ?Jsee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - kttorncy Ccneral:WPZ DALTsee zlso - !iurders - ::oorc

MTEPAG CI'rnPE ErTm r1see also - Elurtishaw Samuel \;II~100FE GEX)K,EGeorge Noore critically wounded by John Lauderback!1DOPE 1smmLnFayetteville bamm dies:*IOORE PAULChild dies at LewisvilleIDRGAIJ JCTIE7 ADiscovers gold in Conway CountyPDRODescribed as important trading pointiDRRILL ED1 loves to rIor rilton from Lewisburq!DRRILrnJsee also - Factoriessee also - St Joseph AcademyTown makes renarkable grotrthCrowth as commercial ccnter rentionedMews of area gives good econor~~ic reprtEDWISON GEX)M;E SLittle Rock resident diesBiographical sketch of Morrison!rnEsee - Slogans 'and MottoesrmJT IWLLYTown describedIKWT\T ST ImYS ACN>Elr;YQuality of school praised: rn\TAIN FKXIEsee also Resorts and Spassee also - SpringsIUrnLEI: rnJA ~ ~ ~ G D ~ n ~Ilife of Richael ilueller dies at Little EtockII[I'EL,LER LXXlISsce also - KurZers - Puellerrvr!Essee also - Ilw LightsU~knavri womn throws baby into river near Arcjentakdy of nun found under brush near Port SmithEegro worn killed in Hot Springs, but body not foundUnknown man killed near AtkinsGeorge Curtis convicted at ClarksvillcIURDEPS - N S 5 E O K JULIAIlew trial sought for Thoras FLhondr, vho is under clcath ordcr~ I O I . csws , ~ ~ X ; I ~ :7m1 G cxu MILLEI? IIITLTNE~EState Supreme Ct upholds death r~nalty for Thomas llkoncisPetition fron 1:entuck.y sccks com~tztion of death sentence'J7horras !Xnonds to be hcanycd at OzarkCov ::iller refuses to halt executio;~ of Fkkonds:.IIJI"!CPS - NDCRSOI1 E C CShot to dcatt, by Slzry C'ikalIUPdICPS - FPJWLD BILLCriticcilly wou-idccl by :!orris

ARKANSFS GAZLTE INDEX 1880I4uRDERS - BARNES WILLW-IBarnes shot to death in Logan County by John MiserIPlRDERS - BOLATJD BWAI~IINJackson Green charged in assassination of Boland near LonokeJackson Green on trial for murder of Boland in Lonoke CountyGreen will receive death penalty for mrderrURDEFS - Born JAIESGarland County nm shot to death by young son of Frank PriceI4uRDERS - BRANDEBERY THOrIASKilled by Jerry Blalock in Jackson CountyElLIRDCRS - BREXrn L LSearcy Co man killed by W J Clemons in quarrel over whiskeyIIUFDERS - BHIADJAY JOHNTennessee residents seek to halt hanging of L L FordL L Ford and a Negro med Jackson to hang at MarionGov Eliller explains his refusal to intervene in death orderFriends of Lee say Gov lliller could not be locatedFILIRDEFG - BmCK CHAFLES FLittle Rock man killed at GallowayTribute of respect for Mr BrunckReward offered for arrest of PJilliam Wilkinson for murderRoaney Pennington arrested as accompliceAdam Wheeler and Rodney Pennington dischargedMURDERS - BURQl CIIAFZESBurch shot to death at Darhelle by W E DeLongAccount of killing of Burch, or BirchFluRDERS - m \7ELLDr Caldwell killed by Goerge FordLetter says Ford plays insanity gamer.IURDERS - CASSIDY BU3William Skein sent to prison for role in Union County murderI'IURDEFS - CATHEY kJ TPhysician assassinated near Alma by BlandIUPDERS - CHRISrOPHER JNESShot to death by Negro woman in Forrest Cityt4LJRDERS - DAILY JAIESDaily dies of wounds inflicted by GoddardHot Springs man shot by F J Goddard in gambling roomHLJRDERS - JMVILEON EDYHenry Davidson sought for murder of his wife at Des ArcXJPDERS - DAVIS PJILLIEPlack Thonlas discharged because of lack of evidenceIURDW - DAVIS WILLISPack Thms accused of role in disappearance of young boyTrial has not determined if Davis was actually killedHearing stalmted because testimny is in agreementCraaford k vis charged with false report as Davis is foundI'IUFDERS - D M7 l?LJF'USDean struck and killed by George Young at ArkadelphiaMJPDEPS - Dm1 PESDean shot while attempting to eject mn from trainIUPDEFS - mPl m>DP?JKilled by John NcAfee in PocahontasIIURDEIX - EDE!FIELD JESIE

MTEPAC; CCritically mundedIXJPDEPS - ECI*~ARDS TOE1Iiansh \JishmAccount of hanging of T:illiam DinnslIURDERS - FLrnI!ER M I 1Crowelys Ribge man killed by John TJcbtxr in 1824rlUP.ERS - GATE GDFGEGeorge Gates critically wounded by Daniel 1-lorthlyTestimony conflictsReprter interviews Daniel IJorthleyI3aniel IJorthly fined for shootin9 GatesI.lUFDEFS - GILLESPIEIlr Gillespie killed by 13egro nand John JohnsonIXJFDEPS - GREEN GCOEE ITSGeorge Green shoots his wife to death near Fort SnithI.IL1PaEPS - IiAELEY GDKC IF?Ilegro seriously munds his wife in shootin9Mrs Har3Jey diesI~IUPDEFS - II1L'llEiT P FIlmiett killed by Z T FordIUPDERS - IIIC17? 'ITIGl'fiThree men arrested for killing Hicks in Sevicr CountyEUPDERS - E1IbES GEOECCritically vmunded in Little Rock bar shootingIIURDERS - IIOSAP? 17 GPJF2.JJm,es Sanson charged with &tempt to kill Ilqan near ConwayDetails of encounter between Iloqan and SansonIUPDEFS - IIOLLIFIILD T i?Rufus P I!ollifield to face charge of murder of his fatherQewitness account of killing of Iiollifield by his sor,mrams - IIa1m :DLLIEJanes Howard to be exec~ted at Qzark for murder of his wifeHoward executed before crowd of 5,006Last letter of James IlowardIIUPDERS - hmlXRDI?r 1-Iublwrd dies of wounds inflict& by Iir I3lytheIUFDERS - JAI!ISON A CPush Bennett arrested for murder of Jmeson in Union CountyI XJPGEPS - JOLTSAccount of killing of Jones by Jackson in Crittendcn CountyIIUPDCRS - KETJIEEY JOIlliDesperado shot 6ead at Oil Trough after abuse of his familyIILIP!CPS - U C JAr'B :Few~rd offered for arrest of Isaac bnystonArticle on killing says ran m~ed Lester did shootingIIURDCRS - LKIIIJG sxvm!;alter 1lalor.e guilty of mnslauqhter in death of Scott Co mnIUPDEPS - LI!D J FPhysician assassinated at Hot Springs!nmCRS - mJ: EET3Y:oroner says mqan was murdered by shot in backFoul play suspxted in death of I'egro near Little RockSuspicion pints to h o ~ thieves!";UFDrI"S - LEN: !TIL,LLnJ:Fulaski Count77 1:egro killed by ileil Curton

NIYVQ!SAS GAZLTI'E INDEX 1880lIURDERS - :my s mClarksville man killed by Peg Leg Curtis1 WR!3ErS - !:CALYC PITILLIAi IKilled at Pocahontas by unknown assailantIIUFDEPS - FICFADDEPJ %?liERSydney i!cfadden to hang for mrder of his wife in FIempsteadAccount of hanging of i!cFadden for pisonins of his wifeIeIURDEPS - riGEE I:Ed 2ear aquitted of murder chatqeEWRDFXS - IiELVILLESteve Allen shoots llelville to deatll after being attackedr IuRcrm - I.;ILI,D,momsIJw Light leader Robert r2ttack kills Ton PIillerRobert lhttock captured and returned to Eztesvillel?UPDERS - IDORE MVEKilled at ginhouse in St Francis County by Ilr CarnickITJF!EP,S - IIUELLER LXXlISXur2ered near &qenta b.il unkno~m prsonCazette urc;cs effort to fin? killer of ran it calls MillerI'IUPaCRS - IiuPRIY \!ESCeaten to death by four Xegroes in rlillcr CountyrXJRDCPS - IEELEY !3?3PICESTobe Iieeley escapes after killing his wife in Conway County!IUDDFJIS - 1:ICIIOLAS JACXlCPocahontas merchant shot to death by Rill !leans!XJPaCr"S - l.lIE!.Wi JOi!NDrunks named Dickincon and Rowland kill Ilicl~limIbb storrns jail at Meqmrt and lynches suspctsIUFDZPS - RIILLIPS IEIlJeff Tl:atkins charcjed in 1877 rur2er of PhillipBanination trial of Jeff !Jatkins heldJeff Vyatkins attempts to escape fron officcrIIURDEPS - P LRP? JACKGlow fron Robert Lanson kills PiarrotI.IL1FBERS - FOLK JOSEP!! IPSAccount of capture of Joe Polk in TennesseeiWP3ERS - PCX!El?S TIIOIIASPowers shot to clecith by John Eolt as horse race in Clark Co1 UPDERS - ,RIQ'X?IXOII GUSShot to death by 1:illim Pea@ at Eureka SpringsIURDEPS - RIGSf?r Pigs killed in Sebastian County by I;r FryeURDEW - SkCDLCD. I! D?t~o rnen arrested for murckr of Saddler in Franklin Countyrumxrs - swm:t :r Scarrcw kill cd and F'r Sample wourded in Lincoln County:";UF3rSS - StlILEYCol Sc,iley killec!. and Robert Alexander cr iticdly womdedDetails of events lcading to shootingiUIDCFS - Si:ITI: JXESLittle Rock r.-a killed by Jmes Iiiltor!i;i ton sent to prison for two yccrsJOIz:Killed by Joc ;bite zt Iiot Sp-inc~sI ,vpcEps - m:'srsMTEPAG C

ARKANSAS MEXTE INDEX 1880IIURDEFG - mmmsJohn Crier, G N Dalton, Robert Connelly b Jackson arrested 06/17/80 01 2Two Negroes and two whites arrested in case 06/17/80 01 2White wornan named Stephens raped and murdered near Pine Bluff 06/17/80 01 2MURDERS - STEPHENS LITDAHoward County girl stabbed to death by Sarah Stokes 05/04/80 05 1FIUFDERS - SIXPHENS VJ PPI W Stephens, LBrsey County Judge, shot by P 1.J Deadwyler 06/10/80 08 3tURDERS - TAYLOR EDWebb City man shot to death by drunk man 09/24/80 08 3Oscar P Taylor reports that shot was not fatal 09/26/80 10 3Friends of Ellington say shooting justified 10/02/80 08 4FIURDERS - WALdTERS WiNShot to death by Shep Riley at Wild Cat in Jefferson County 08/21/80 08 4IlllRDERS - WHITGTDPI LAUEZAAlbert Vashington shoots his wife to death then kills himself 03/13/80 08 5PURDERS - IWKIPS MACKWatkins killed near Yellvillle by Nr OttIKJRDERS - WATKINS VIIiGILNegro killed by Mr Kennerly in Lafayette CountyMURDERS - PJEBE Em'Cedar Glades man killed by Vander IlousleyFlLJFDEFS - !JEST CPhysican at Mewprt shot by W C tlcDougalDetails of shooting affray that wounded \destNLJRDERS - VJIIITE JOHNKilled near Dardanelle by Plr BruceIUFDERS - \rJIIITE NJD t1RSNed vhite guilty of murder of his wife in Jefferson CountyI..IUPDERS - T.VIWIIATS GREENWilliams slain at Rob Pay by Isaiah JonesfUFDERS - T;TILLLNG JOlIlJShot, critically wounded in Lincoln CountyI.IURDERS - WILLW"m1 IIENRYNegro shot, killed by Augustus Kyle at HopeI~~RDERS - PlILSOTJ C LFoul play suspected in death of WilsonReward offered for arrest of murderersInJFSHY ISkACIday become prt of President Garfield's cabinetIXJRPIIY WILLIEFuneral services held at Little RockI IURRAY TIIOI~IASFayetteville resident diesI*URi'ISHIU? SAIXIEL P:Ihrries Ebm I1 MoreiIUSICSupprt for Prof Louis 1,ieyerhoff urgedm1sI mDies in Little RockIXIIATT I-1 LIIIXAYDies at Little Rock:.MIm LIIJDSAYI-ienorial tribute

APXANSAS GAZEITE INDEX 1880DATEPAG CIWESsee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong>see also - Ravenden SprinqsWXE JASPERShot and seriously wounded1SAROM:ICSsee also - Drug AbuseIJEBO FDrnTTsee also - Resorts and SpasNEELEY TOBE FAPIILYsee also - FIurders - NeeleyPJEX;rnCSsee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> Industrial <strong>University</strong> BLanch Normal Collsee also - Congress - Kouse District 1see also - Gates Georgesee also - Little Rock School Districtsee also - Nurders - Andersonsee also - Murders - Arnoldsee also - Murders - Davidsonsee also - Hurders - Deansee also - Xurders - Gillespiesee also - Murders - Greensee also - Murders - Hadleysee also - llurders - Jonessee also - liurders - Logansee also - Liurclers - Faysee also - [4ur&rs - KGeesee also - Ihrders - [{orresee also - Kurders - ilurphysee also - Flurders - Neeleysee also - liurders - Smithsee also - Llurders - Washingtonsee also - lhrders - Watkinssee also -- Whitesee also - Murders - Williamsonsee also - rlurders EkE'addensee also - Fulaski County - Electionssee also - Sex Crimessee also - Shootingssee also - Supelstitionssee also - Texarkanasee also - ltalden SeminaryLarge numbers mving to Ark from other Southern statesWhite girl marries Negro at Pine BluffEmigrants bound for Liberia tell of hardships in FlrkansasHenry \7001ridge claims he was whilsped for voting RepublicanLengthy article on stranded P.rkamns bound for LiberiaWhite man named Stephens attempts to mrry IJegro in PulaskiMany who left for Ibnsas are returning to <strong>Arkansas</strong>Rnigrants from Ark stranded in Philadelphia are destituteNegroes hoodwink EIorth by claiming they flee persecutionSorrte Ark Negroes bound for Liberia are dying of starvationColored Union oppses further aid for <strong>Arkansas</strong> refu5eesContradictory stories told Labout Liberia emigrants

Recollections and characterisrics of the old darkeySome Ark emigrants to Liberia decide not to board shipNegro youth whipped by men for burglary of John Eakin homePulaski Co Negroes urged to vote DemocraticUrged to move to Jackson County as far laborersPEm.oEsEmigrants from <strong>Arkansas</strong> stranded in PhiladelphiaPmm (xxJmYDemocratic cormnittee calls county conventionSummary of news of areaNEtJ LIGHT NIPJXINSsee also - Murders - MillerReligious sect in Sharp County practices strange theologymmmseealso -see also -NEE.?S AND NDJSsee also -see also -see also -see &so -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -see also -Ibttoes ofI;IEI.lSPAPERSsee - tJewsIrnrnbI mm'Factories and Industrial DevelopnentFiresIEDIAAlm IndependentFakansas Gapt ist<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette<strong>Arkansas</strong> Press Association<strong>Arkansas</strong> RepublicanClinton BannerConway DemocratHot Springs TelegraphLincoln LanceLittle Piver Heraldkthodist ChurchMonthly GuidePactolus MewsPine Bluff EagleSaline CourierStar of HopeUnion County Times<strong>Arkansas</strong> newspapers listedand Pkws I'lediaLetter qives news of countypetition asks removal of county seat from Jasper to Big Creek 02/05/80 01 4hmmI IlAYInfant dies at Little Rockrmn'011 mmxr c:lakes political speech at SheridanNICHOLAS JACDBsee also - Kurders - NicholsI;ICODC.XJS ~~'I'I'IEsee also - Pernot Sargif.JIEXPJJ JOIJNsee also - Murders - NilhmNICI EYER JACOEMarries Ihry A Stratm in elqant ceremony at Little I?ockTWRY FNIILYPolish inmigrant reports hiwife and children missins

AlX?V,TSAS GAZEITE INDEX 1880MTEPAG CMrs Nury is searching for her husbandOATS J b7llemorial tribute from fhrble WgeODD FELKRlSsee - Independent Order of Odd Fellowsommm FAITMEsee - Gugenheimer Jose*EDEN C Cihrries Hrs Robinson in lilem~isOKWIONAC E Tobey opposes opening area to white settlersEditorial urges Territorial statusOLIVER PIILLIN4 Ssee also - Presidential Electionsee also - Pulaski County - Electionssee also - Pulaski County - SheriffConplin~nted for work in connection with Grant visit10/14/80 08 201/29/80 08 60LSI;;IJ PETERI7arries Eliza Boyd at Little RockONIELY VlOlfASDies at Little RockOSCM>LA SCHOOL DISTRICI'High school opens in new buildingCXJACI lITA Q3UI?I'Y1kws of areaOUACH ITA VALLEY RAILJXIADsee also - Clark CountyCXJB3S JmJNIEFuneral services held 04/14/80 06 2PACE \.JILL W4Dies suddenly at Little Rock 11/02/80 04 2Dies at Little Rock 11/07/80 04 3PAWLUS I'rnJS1;ew paper to begin publication in Benton County 09/17/80 08 2PAImIf?see also - PicnicsPAM4 CREEKBridge to be built at Palarm Station in Faulkncr Comty 11/27/80 02 3PNJER ILLICEInfant daucjhter of C A and Yate Cutler diesPmRm J LLetter on prohibition and political conditionsPAErnIERSsee - PlildlifePWESsee also - LIttle Rock - FiremenPARK m11\Defends P! I1 Fishback from plitical chargePfllRIXX m7WD PiLetter ori Little I?ock sanitary tzxPNiKER ISAAC CSu~mry of spechPARKS N'D P!KJ?J=RTIO:lGazette urges public prk for Little Pock

MTEPAG CPARKS s!NuEL4Dies at Little RockPARKS 1: Psee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GovernorPARSLEY PS.2JIEDies at Little RockPrnIES AND MJCESList of Little Rock homes open for Mew Year callersThallian Eall at Little Rock is brilliant affairPulaski Ball is successLeap Year Ball at Little Rock is magnificent affairTerry home at LIttle Rock is scene of gala partySaltatorian Club has magnificant party & at Little RockJacksonport Jacksi Club to give ballKnights of Fythias hold grand masquerade ball at Little RockCalico hop at Little Rock is enjoyable affairHenry 1.1 Rector home in Little Rock hosts bi illiant partyTerry home in Little Rock is scene of gay party\J S Oliver hosts enjoyable dance at Little Rock homePhysicians of Little Rock entertained at ArsenalCharles Nartin home at Little Rock is setting for partyCasino Club at Little Rock gives social entertainmentQuapw Guards give brilliant ballLocomotive Brotherhood sponsors ball at Little PackThalian Eall at Little Rock is huge successCaledonia Club to give annual ball at Little W kElqant dwce given at Deuell residence in Little RockYoung couples feted at Ed Theeler home in LIttle PackCaledonia Club at Little Rock spnsors dancePASCHAL lPSS!IE SHELTOIIDies in Little RockDies of consumption at age 21PATROLLER PJ2ERParries !!iss Linsa FosterP?77msml CHATLESDies at Little RockPl?AFS@I li Eminister dies at SearcyPERY G O m N I,IPSBuilding three houses in Little RockPFAY HOOPERFuneral noticePERY JOIIIJ Csee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - TreasurerPEEK ?IIalFS Csee also - Iiews and E7ews ilediasee also - Pulaski County - ElectionsDenies slanclerous rmr k ebut I br thwest <strong>Arkansas</strong>Resigns position with <strong>Arkansas</strong> GazetteComplimented by Russellville paperPEEL S I7see also - Congress - Eouse District 4PEI:ITFSTTIAF?ICSsee - <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Prison

PENlJIfGTDJ FOlNEYsee also - Ilurders - GrunckPENNITGIYRI TINEDies of injuries in factory accidentPENSE J APhrries Miss Hollie Jones in Little RockPRJZEL QIARLESOfficer in Home Waterworks CoPEOPLES VICIDRIAsee also - Proctor AlonzoPERCY WILL IAI iDies at Little WckPmWT SAIiGIEIlarries Eliss Hattie Nicodemus at Van BurenPmY mm'Summary of news of areaPETIT JEAN FSVERIron bridges to be built at Danville and Rocky CrossingWrnElSsee - ApparitionsPIIIFER \CKLW 1Ibving to Little Wck to opn cigar factoryHIILLIPS CDlJNIYIrronigration aid society formedSummary of news of areaHeavy debt hmys over countyPHILLIPS J IGVJ amDiscusses silver mining techniquesEIILLIIS NEDsee also - Kurders - PhillipsPHrnMIYDeguerreau portrait of Dr Kirkwood is one of oldest in USPIIYSICIXJS AND SUSICEOIJSsee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> fledical Societysee also - Conway County fiedical SocietyDr John E Dale performs ovariotor.yPIARRCrr JACKsee also - Nurders - FiarrotPICIUCSGeebe attracts 2,000 for picnicLarge crowd from Little Rock yo to Palam for picnicHethodist Church at Little Rock sponsors picnic at Old riverCztholics of Little Rock picnic at 1;arren StationAbout 4,000 people attend brbercue at ArkadelyhiaPIKE ALCI:FTCrayon portrait of Gen Pike on displayConm~ents on &lens found in EwptPIICE mmLetter gives news of areaPIIIE BLUFFsee also - Fires17 Ii I!ollmd elected myorSevers1 hsinesses described:anv imrovmcnts mde in citv

AF3SiUlSAS GAZETTE lllDEX 1880PIlJE BLUFF EWEFirst issue pub1 ishedP L U I GEDRGE ~ ~Dies in Little RockPOCAHCPFASsee also - Gems in <strong>Arkansas</strong>POENSVild Oats by tlrs S R AllenIt Is \!ell (Ilrs S R Allen)Ilew Eethesda (Fay Hempstead)Storming the Fort (Fay Ilempstead)Her Lost Youth (Mrs S R Allen)After the Ball (Fay Hmpstead)Thanksgiving Sermon and the Ibney Lenders (Iks S R Allen)<strong>Arkansas</strong> ChristmasPOIsOIlnG ATlD POISOE1Ssee also - tlurders - !WaddenPOKER JACKsee - WClure JohPOLICE FhTD LALJ EI~FORCBIETrnsee also - Little RockPOLK JOSEPllsee also - Murders - PolkPOLLOCK Lrnsee also - Iienkus JmLLVTIOr!Several poinoning ases in Little Rock frm bad waterPOORsee - PovertyPOPE murmIJem of areaNews of area surrrnlarizedPOPP JOIINDies at Little PockPOKI'ER \LILLIEDies of oonsumptionRXTAL SERVICEEffort begins for Russellville to Harrison routeLittle Rock designated a first class officeLeo~rdsville is new office in Crawford CountySen A H Garland works for improved service for Little RMJkEomKrYWoamn and children live in poverty in Little RockSad case of Mrs Katie FloodJ Hanold family seeks assistenceRelief requested for Little Rock womanSharp words exchanged over needy womanPOWERS 'lmotwsee also - Murders - PowersPRAIRIE CDUNIYVote ordered on proposed move of county seat to DeValls Bluff 04/09/80 08 2ETWT SARAH JANEDies at Little RMJk 12/08/80 04 3PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1880<strong>Arkansas</strong> Presbytery meets at Walnut Ridge 04/22/80 05 2<strong>Arkansas</strong> Presbytery meeting at Fort Smith 10/24/80 01 7PRESBYTERIAN (XJRcH - LI?TLE RDCKHumorous incident at First Church 07/22/80 08 2PRESmTown growing rapidly 11/12/80 02 3PRESIDENTIAL ELmION OF 1880Paper says Ark delegation to Republican conv secure for Grant 03/19/80 04 2Grant Club formed by supporters in Little RockGrant Club formed, invitation to visit Little Rock extendedGazette says rant Club mposed of old CarpetbaggersJohn McClure does not support U S Grant<strong>Arkansas</strong> Republican State Conv is unanimous for U S GrantEditor says Stephen W Dorsey orchestrated Grant conv in ArkList of <strong>Arkansas</strong> delegates to Republican Conv in ChicatoW S Oliver disputes report of H W Cooper on Repub ConvHenry W Cooper replies to W S Oliver on meuvers in convStephen W Dorsey denies he sold out Grant for BlaineJames Torrans hies that Dorsey sold out Ark Delegation<strong>Arkansas</strong> Democrats choose electoral ticketDemocratic delegates from Ark chosenArk delegates to Repub Conv vote for Blaine, then for GrantReaction in Little Rock to nomination of Garfield by Repubs<strong>Arkansas</strong> delegation to Dem Conv votes for MancockArk Democrats celebrate nanination of Winfield Scott HancockHancock Club forms in Little RockBatesville Dems rally for HancockDemocrats hold torchlight parade at Little RockRally and barbecue at Hot Springs attracts large crowdJ N Smithee addresses Dm rally at BentonGeorge PI Caruth speaks at Camclen for DemocratsDemocrats celebrate at BatesvilleDemocrats name J A Gibson elector in place of A C BrewerBrewer resigned because of doubt that he was eligibletlancock flagpole raised at Hele~James A Garfield wins natl election in landslideTotal vote by party in each county in <strong>Arkansas</strong>Vote listed by countyA C Brewer says falsehoods caused him to resign as electorJ N Smithee verifies Brewer account of resignationPRICE FRANKsee also - Murders - BorenPRICE JOHN GReport of Grand Dictator Knights of HonorPRIJ2STER RIXJBENsee also - Sex CrimesPRINCE WILLIEDies in Little RockPRINTERS UNIONsee also - LaborPRISONS MTD PRISONERSsee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Prisonsee also - Little Rock City Jailsee also - Pulaski County Jail

ARKANSAS GAZEXTE INDEX 1880see also - Yell County Jaill?RocmR ALmzOMarries Victoria Peoples at Little RockP~I?VTIONLittle Rlock house is scene of brawl between two wcmenYoung girl rescued from Little Rock housel?IunxmANT EF'ISrnPAL CHURCHsee - Episcopdl ChurchPSYCHIC pH-Rev Watson lectures at Little Rock on spiritualismPUBLIC BUILDINGS AND OFFICESsee - US - Public Buildings and OfficesRIIl\SKI aX7EJrY - EtEKTTIONSGreenbackers nominate candidatesGazette endorses T C Peek for County JudgeDemocrats choose their nomineesProcedings of Democratic ConventionElection judges listedRepublicans pt out full ticketW S Oliver attempts to revive proscriptionPeoples Ticket pts out full slate of candidatesGreenbackers disturbed by candidates listed on two ticketsLIVELY OONTESrS DEVELX>PINGIllness keeps W N Slack out of campaignNegroes form organization called ReadjustersElection trick by Republicans discoveredPolitical rallies held on eve of electionPreparations mde to keep peace during electionNegroes encouraged to vote Democratic ticketDemocrats hold rally in street at Little RockIncidents of election dayReturns show most Democrats will be elected 09/08/80 08 2Election fraud my be behind failure of two townships to rept 09/09/80 08 3Table of incomplete election returns 09/09/80 08 4All boxes returned but Sixth Ward in LR is challenged 09/10/80 08 3Official count continues as challenges are settled 09/11/80 08 3Election returns still being counted 09/12/80 08 4Young Township vote challenged 09/14/80 08 4Election returns last in state to be certified 09/23/80 08 3List of officials elected 09/23/80 08 3Series of arrests occur because Democrats refused one box 09/23/80 08 5Suits wer Young Township votes withdrawn 09/28/80 08 2HJLASKI ~~ - FINANCES AND RUDGEXSSheriff M B McCabe publishes financial statement 08/10/80 06 1Table shows reason for high taxation 10/03/80 10 3County court mkes appropriations 10/06/80 08 3HJLASKI CWNI'Y - GRAND JURYList of members 09/23/80 08 4Completes work and mkes report 12/12/80 04 2HJLASKI CDUNIY - POLITICS AND G(JVERNMENTDelegates to Replblican county convention 04/13/80 05 4Democrats hold primaries 05/02/80 05 3Proceedings of Dein county convention 05/08/80 08 3HJLASKI 00UP?IY - SHERIFF

ARKANSAS GAZETI% INDEX 1880William S Oliver electedBond of W S Oliver my be insufficientM W bnjamin letter on bonds of W W OliverList of sureties of Sheriff W S OliverHJL?SKI CDUNIY JAILGrand Jury mkes annual finding that jail is a nuisanceGrand Jury reports horrible conditions in jailRlLASKI GAS LIGHT a3Purchases Little Rock Gas Light CoPUNISHMEN OF CRIMINALSsee also - MurdersHJNISHMENT OF CRIMINALSsee also - Capital Punishmentsee also - Prisons and Prisonerssee also - Rothries and TheftsQWAW GUARDSsee - MilitiaQUINN FRANKDies at Little RockRACE PFtOI3LJiNSsee - DiscriminationRAILROAD6see also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> Midland Railroadsee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Missouri Railroadsee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Northern Railroadsee also Bentonville and Fort Smith Railroadsee also - Dardanelle and ~ssellville Railroadsee also - Fort Smith Bentonville and Great Northern RRsee also - Iron Mountain and Helena Railroadsee also - Kansas City Fort Scott and Memphis Railroadsee also - Kansas City Memphis and Mobile Railroadsee also - Little Rock Mississippi and Texas Railroadsee also - Little Rock and Napoleon Railroadsee also - Nalvern Princeton and Southeastern Railroadsee also - Memphis and Great Southwestern Railroadsee also Memphis and Kansas City Railroadsee also - b-is and Little Rock Railroadsee also - Missouri <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Southern Railroadsee also - Southside Short Line Railroadsee also - Springfield and Memphis Railroadsee also - St Louis <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Texas Railroadsee also - St Louis Iron Mountain and Southern Railroadsee also - St Louis and San Francisco Railroadsee also - Texas <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Northern Railroadsee also - Washington and Hope RailroadConnection between Conway and Yellville suggestedEditorial on battle between Jay Gould and Vanderbilt<strong>Arkansas</strong> destined to be great railroad stateAugusta residents work for railroad to that placeRoute through Drew and Ashley Counties suggestedList of new companies in <strong>Arkansas</strong>Several <strong>Arkansas</strong> companies to mergeSeveral mergers plannedRAMSEY ALLISONWTEPAL; C

Has served for 36 years as Justice of the Peace in Dallas CoRANDOLPH almIYDutch settlers on barrensRANDaPH JOHN FAMILYJ T Furlow Jr is descendantRAPEsee - Sex CrimesRAPHAEL EMarries Louise Cohn at Little RockRKKLIFFE MARYInfant ddaughter of W C Ratcliffe diesRAVENDEN sPRmsDescription of areaNaming of town explainedLarge hotel to serve users of curative waters of springsLetter on developnent of townMedicinal properties of water known outside stateRAY GmKEsee also - Alcoholic BeveragesREAD OPIE PHumorous description of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette local editorReports on mss meeting in Russellville to discuss roadHumorous story about editor ReadAuthors series of humorous articles about Old JerryPaid high compliment by Nashville paperAmusing story about his paper, the Prairie FlowerREALARNOLDDies at Little RockREAL -ATE BUSINESSLittle Rock and Fort Smith RR assured they have legal claimREARDOE1 Jam ENamed fish commissioner for <strong>Arkansas</strong>RECREATIONsee - Parks and RecreationRECCOREWHot Springs home destroyed by fireRECrOR ERNE;STINEsee also - Williams McGeheeRECTOR HEMiY MParty at Little Rock home is brilliant affairREC!I'€)R VALIEInfant dies at Little RockRED RIVERRailroad bridge completed at FultonFirst train crosses new Fulton bridgeREDDELL ~~ APope County m arrested for opening letter sent to nephewREDFIELD J Esee also - Little Rock Mississippi and Texas RailroadPSE'RIG ERATORSsee - InventionsmIo1JALISI: IN rnL1TICSsee - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Politics and GovernmentPEID TH@W J

APXANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1880Obituary of Dallas County pioneerRELIGICM AND QIUFCHESsee also - Baptist Churchsee also - Blackburn Jasper Wsee also - Catholic Churchsee also - Episcopl Churchsee also - Ingersoll Robert Gsee also - Jewssee also - Methodist Churchsee also - New Light Mmnonssee also - Presbyterian ChurchCatherine Schurz preaches in Statehouse yardko Baier and Prof Underwood to debate existence of GodDebate to consider truth of Bible and existence of GodControversy over proposed debate developsLeo Baier says he is not avoiding debateDebate between Baier and Underwood cancelledB F Underwood lectures to continueBuck Snort George disturbs servicesUnderwood lecture on women takes dig at religionReply to Underwood lectures on wmenREPTILESsee - WildlifeREHlBLIcAN pA#Tysee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Electionssee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Finances and Budgetssee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Folitics and Governmentsee also - Presidential Election of 1880see also - Pulaski CountyRepublican State Central Cormnittee meets, calls for convEditoril critical of Repub State Corn addressProceedings of State Convention and list of delegatesRepublicans will not put out a state ticketPulaski County Convention heldJames Torrans elected Chmn of State Republican CodtteeW t y exists between W Jasper Blackburn and Valentine DellRESOmsee also - SpringsRESORTS AND SPASsee also - Armstrong Springssee also - Eureka Springssee also - Ravenden Springs<strong>Arkansas</strong> has three famous resortsDmhnelle Springs and Mt Neb praised as resortsBenton County has several medicinal springsREUBIN ELILoses hand in planer accidentWSE JOHANNDies in Little RockRE- JOSEPHBiographical sketch of Diamond JoeRICE BOl3Marries Ehn-a DouglasRICE ER.JARD P

ARKANSAS GAZEXTE INDEX 1880Dies at Little RockDies at Little RockRICHARDGON GUSsee also - Murders - RichardsonRICHLAND AmMDrms near NewportRILEY SHEPsee also - Murders - WaltersRILEY WILSHIREsee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Land CommissionerRINDSKOPF SAMUELOwns silver mine at Silver CityRIUI'Ssee - Demonstrations and RiotsRITER CHARLESDies at Little RockRNERSsee also - Floods and Flood ControlReport discusses improvements in Northeast <strong>Arkansas</strong>KlADS AND TRAFFICHarrison group promotes road to RussellvilleWagon train from Harrison to Eiussellville to promote roadLittle Rock delegation Mmed to meet Harrison trainRussellville prepares to receive Harrison visitorsWagon train gathering near RussellvilleLittle Rock businessmen attend Russellville meetingOpie Read article on Russellville mass meetingBoone and Newton County delegation goes to Little Rock~ssellvill entertains visitors with barbecue and speechesLittle Rock Chamber of Commerce promotes Harrison roadSpringfield tries to halt flaw of goods to EiussellvillePossible routes for Harrison road being surveyedHarrison road cost estimatedAttempt to renew interest in Harrison to Russellville roadLittle Rock group to solicit funds for Harrison roadRoad over Fourche Mountain being improvedRoad between Little Rock and Silver City urgedZeb Ward donated $500 for road from Harrison to RussellvilleDirt road to Pine Bluff to be improvedmEERIES AND THEETSsee also - Faulkner CountyWo horse thieves shot to death near HaddoxburgHill Store at Clarksville robbed £of $4,000Horse stolen at Little Rock through trickeryAttempt made to rob Quaile Store at OzarkHam Woodard not guilty of horse stealingAttempt mde to rob Andrew Hayett family in Poinsett CountyAndy Bourland arrested in Little Rock theftsWo men who arrested robbers are charged for taking weaponsOfficers tell how they came to be arrestedAttempt mde to steal diamond from A Goldberg homeJewelry stolen from Little Rock storeWo rrren arrested for robbery of jewelry store at Little RockStagecoach robbed between Fayetteville and Webb City No

ARKANSAS GAZFITE INDEX 1880Charles L Adamson charged at Conwaybsked men rob Mrs E Desoyer of mney and jewelsKBBINS HIRAMsee also - Inventions and InventorsKBERTS CHARLEYElopes with Fanny Kellemm1NSON JOSEPHFight breaks out between George Burras and Joseph RobinsonNarrowly escapes being shot on Little Rock streetW D Waters in jail on charge of attempt to shoot RobinsonW D Waters near death in jailmINSON LEWISDies at Little RockFUXINSON R Psee also - Benson J FmINm mDGEYell County rnan receives pardonmcK AND SrCeJEMemphis streets to be paved with stone from Piney Creek arearnERsJ0Dies suddenly in Little RockmERS WILLIAMDies at Little RockFCMW CATHOLIC QIURCHsee - Catholic ChurchE70CrrSIM;ANHAwarded fine cane as token of popllarity at Little RockAppointed vice pres of National Bankers AssociationOfficer of Home Waterworks CoFUXVSPKReceive fine set of silver from Mational Bank of Western ArkWarmly praised by Fort Smith paperFOSE URIAH Ksee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Finances and BudgetsI?3SEN3ORUGH JEFFKilled by falling tree near Batesvillem EBusiness at Russellville failsH HmmTsee also - Little Rock - City CouncilIOYSIDN GRANDISON DAccidentally shot in handRUMBOUGH J POfficer in Home Waterworks CoRLJSSELLVILLEsee also - Roads and TrafficTown described as substantialSumnary of news of areaRLJSSELLVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICTOver 100 pupils enrolledRYAN AARON Asee also - Alcoholic BeveragesRYAN VAN Rrkrries bliss Watkins

ARKANSAS GAZFITE INDEX 1880SADDLER N Dsee also - Murders - SaddlerSALINE aWRIEXPublication scheduled to beginSALLEEJWMarries Adda Brown in ceremony at AugustaSANSON JAMESsee also - Murders - HoganSAYNISCH HUBBARDDies at Little RockSCARLE;T FEVERLittle Rock child dies of scarlet feverSecond child dies in Little RockSCHURZ CATHERINEsee also - Religion and ChurchesSrnIAHIZ CHARLESDies at Little Rocks m aum'YArea enjoys prosperitySOtrrr PHIL DNarries Fannie Dunham at Van BurenSCULL4 WILLIAM BDies at Little RockMr Scull was member of prominent familySEARCYsee also Firessee also - Searcy Female InstituteBusiness conditions goodSEARCY (BUNIYsee also - Factories and Industrial Developnentsee also Metals and Mineralssee also - Storms and Tornadoesktter mntions proceedings of court, other local newsSummary of news of areaLetter gives general news of areaSEARCY FEM&E INSTITUTEGraduation program announcedSEBASTIAN (JxJm'YInunigrants arrive in Fort Smith areaSEmJCTIOEisee - Sex CrimesSEVELLES J Wsee also - Sibbles GeorgeeSENIER AMBEEDSE H JRSells <strong>Arkansas</strong> GazetteI11 health of Sevier was reason for sale of GazetteSEWXEsee - Waste Materials and SewageSWXE AND LIQUID WASTESLittle Rock residents seek sewer systemLittle Rock group names pnel to study costsBill to aid Little Rock being draftedSewerage co organized at Little RockLittle Pak group studies sewage disposal plan

ARKANSAS GAZFITE INDEX 1880Little Rock group proposes state legislation for systemSEX CRIMESsee also - Incestsee also - Murders - Stephenssee also - TexarkanaClint Tucker found guilty of rape in Yell CountyClint Tucker faces death for rape of Susan HaneyMbert Cox, a Negro boy accused of attempted rape of whiteDr Price 0 Chaney gets prison term for seduction of girlClinton Tucker escapes from jail at DardanellePhil McElliott sought for rape of young girl at TexarkanaW M Slocum rapes two young girls in Cross County, fleesJ W Bresler charged in attempted rape of adopted daughterReuben Priester gets prison term for rape attemptNegro boy named Kelly rapes child in Hot SpringsJohn Trotter accused of rape of Negro woman at McAlmntJohn M Trotter found innocentCharles Clmns, a white man, rapes a Negro girl at NewportThomas B Cooksey accused of rape of his daughter in Pope CoSHAKESPEARIAN CLUB OF LITIZE K KClub is highly successfulSHARP aluNrYsee also - Alcoholic Beveragessee also - New Light MormnsSHEPARD ERVIN RNarries Caroline D Slack in Little Rock ceremonySHERIW PHILGen Sheridan interviewed during brief stop in Little RockSHERIRW T BCivil War veteran returns to state to work at newspaperSHERRILL A R PiRSFuneral held at Little RockSHINN JAMES~ssellville m marries Bessie LewisCouple returns from tour of EastSHIPPINS BY WATERsee also - Fourche LaFave RiverPerryville interests building boat to run to Little RockSHIPS AND BOATSArch P Green sinks near BatesvilleHattie Nawland wrecked in <strong>Arkansas</strong> RiverJohn G Fletcher sinks above DardanelleFir Stallions building steamer for use on upper White RiverSteamer Winnie sinks near BatesvilleSHIPS AND SHIPPIKHattie Nowland cannot be savedSrnIIGSsee also - Accidents and Safetysee also - W i n Georgesee also - Hardin Charliesee also - I4urderssee also - Spears DickExcitement high wer shooting of two Negroes in Saline County 12/11/80 04 3SHOPPAQl JAMES H76

ARKANSAS GAZFlTE INDEX 1880DATEPIU; Csee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - AuditorSIBBLES GJDFGEQuitman attorney shot 06/20/80 08 2Article lists victim as J W Seveiles, also as Mr Levelles 06/22/80 08 4SIBLEY GJDEdSEsee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Attorney GeneralSILVERsee - Metals and KineralsSILVER CITYsee also - Metals and MineralsSIEE L Psee also - Hogue William PSKEIN KILLIAMsee also - Murders - CassidySLACK CAROLINEsee also - Shepard Edwin RSLPGLE SUSAN IWife of Charles Slagle dies at Little RockSLWS W Fsee also - Congress - House District 2Seeks funds for <strong>Arkansas</strong> River work at Pine BluffSLOCUM W Hsee also - Sex CrimsSLOGANS AND E.rrrrOESsee also - News and News MediaS L m BEULAHInfant dies at Little RocksrmpoxAlm frightened by false alarm of smallposSYEDLEY WILLIAM EDies at ArgentaSMITH AMANlxLittle Rock woman dies of heart attackSMITH Q1ARLES HPhysician diesSE,!ITH D MLetter on Charles L Adamson as a rogueSMITH GOININLittle Rock child diesInfant son of Samuel and Brooksie Trezevant Smith diesSMITH JAPESsee also - Nurders - SmithLaborer dies at Little RockDies at Little RockSMITH JmDies of injuries suffered in fall form boatSMITH LILA I.!see also - Campbell John JSMITH MARY Asee also - Dewey Alonzo ASMITH WILLIAMDies at Little RockSMITHEE J 111see also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Elections

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1880see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Finances and Budgetssee also - Presidential Election of 1880see lso - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - GovernorReport on Cong work of <strong>Arkansas</strong> delegationSMITHRICK E'RANKAccidentally shot to death by John HildebrandSNAKEBITENan avers snake bit him on lipSNAKESsee - Wildlifesm7see - WeatherSNYDER 0 Psee also - Congress - House District 2SOElERs JOHNsee also - Murders - SomersSOUTHERN EXPRESS 00Memphis and Little Rock RR ordered not to interfere with co 06/12/80 08 3SOUTHSIDE SHOHT LINE RAILROADLine to run from Little Rock to Fort Smith 11/28/80 04 1SPACEBright meteor passes over Little Rock 01/03/80 08 2SPANIARDS IN ARKANSASsee also - SuperstitionsSPASsee - Resorts and SpasSPEARS DICKShot, wounded by Frank BowdenSPECTERSsee - ApparitionsSPIRITUALISMsee - Psychic PhenomenaSPRINGFIELD AND MEMPIIIS RAILRXDIncorporation papers filed 11/20/80 04 2SPRINGSsee also - Resorts and SpasST JOHNS ODLLEGEGazette suggests Pres Leo Eaier attend to coll affairs 04/18/80 04 2Art program established at Little Rock school 05/01/80 08 3Leo Baier retained as President 05/26/80 08 2ST JOSEPH ACADEMYDedication held for Catholic school at Morrilton 04/01/80 08 3ST JOSEPH OOLONYsee - Conway CountyST LLUIS AND SAN F'RANCISa RAILROADSurvey under way for branch from Fayettwille to Fort Smith 11/30/80 04 2ST LMIIS ARWSAS AND TEXAS RAILROADIncorporation papers filed 07/18/80 08 4Tracks to reach Fayetteville next spring 11/02/80 04 3ST LMIIS IRON ~rnrrAIN Am SCUTHERN RAILFmDsee also - Iron Mountain and Helena RailroadEranch line to be built from Gurdon to CamSlen 01/27/80 08 5Purchased by Jay Could to become part of Texas and Pacific RR 02/05/80 08 4Passenger without fare thrown from mving train 02/17/80 08 5

ARKANSAS GAZEITE INDEX 1880DATEPAG CConductor explains why man was removed from trainBranch my be built to CamdenMan killed on track near ArkadelFhiaDepot at Little Rock to be located near state CapitolBrakemen go on stike, but trains still runningTracks to be extended along river in downtown Little RockRight to use riverbank challenged by W TRailroadLittle bck City Council considers disputeBranch to be built from Gurdon to W e nFlash flood caused wreck that killed two men near BismarkCompany to run its own express businessGurdon branch under constructionLocomotive explodes at Baring CrossHelena 6 Iron Mtn reorganizes with William Bailey as presLittle Rock businessmen seek rate reductionSteel rails being installed along entire lengthNo rate reductions to be made for cottonJay Gould purchases railroadImprovements plannedAccused of discrimination against <strong>Arkansas</strong>More on freight discrimination tcward Little Rock shippersPaper comments on sale to GouldSTAFFORD T HLetter on events in Pike CountySTAGECOAQIES AND CARRIAGESLine to operate between &ark and Eureka SpringsSTAR CITYsee also - Lincoln LanceSTAR OF HOPEPublication ceasesSTAYTON JOHN Wsee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - AuditorSTEELE WILLIAM MIndependence County Judge diesSTEPHENS LINDAsee also - tsirders - Stephens!XTPHENS W Psee also - Murders - StephensS T m m EVAEssay read at college graduationSTMSOEJ R Wsee also - Little bck - Municipal CourtmAHT FREDDies at Little RockSTIGALL R FHome near Ozark blown awaySTILLWELL LAURAsee also - Milton J HSTOKES SARAHsee also - Murders - StephensSr0KF.s ?UNNAHsee - Elder IsaacSTOKE CDUNrYDemocrats hold convention

ARKAN% GRZEITE INDEX 1880SrOMIS AND TORNADOESDardanelle, Fayetteville and El Paso struck by tornadoesTornadoes this week were worst <strong>Arkansas</strong> ever experiencedEl Paso dead and wounded listedPath through Fayetteville described, injured listedDestructive tornado sweeps down Buffalo River in Searcy CoArea near Fayetteville damagedR F Stigall home destroyed near OzarkSrORY mDies at Little Rock of Maria feverSIIOVI' WILLIAM Csee also - ColleqesAuthors articles on Mound Builders of <strong>Arkansas</strong>Urges celebration of settlement of Ark by white manS I W W E W HMarries Fannie DyerSrRATFOPD JOHNDies at age 50 in Little RockSTRATMAN I.MY Asee also - Niemeyer JacobSTRAUSS ELLA LILLEXDies of scarlet fwers'lmAuSS ILIA LILLYScarlet fever kills Miss Strauss at Little RockRAILWAYSCamilen to have railwaym1msee - Laborsee - St Louis Iron Mountain and Southern RailroadSTUART H Bsee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> - Finances and BudgetsSUICIDES AND SUICIDE ATTEMPTSsee also Day Macksee also - Kellam GeorgeSULLIVAN SJSIEsee also - Gordon FrankSUPERSTITIONSNegroes descrate grave to get human fingers for good luckKey and gun used by Spanish family in Little Rock as charmSJEDES IN ARKANSASGroup arrives for settlement in stateSYBEIiG FREDAccount of travels across plainsReturns to Little RockLetter on trip to the desert countryTATE IWIRONYFamily quarrel leads to knife attackTAYLOR BENJAMINsee also - Factories and Industrial DevelopnentTAYLOR EDsee also - Murders - TaylorTAYLDR OSCAR Psee also - Murders - TaylorTEACHERS

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1880see <strong>Arkansas</strong> Teachers Associationsee - EducationTELERAPHYLine in operation between Pine Bluff and <strong>Arkansas</strong> City 01/29/80 02 1Eureka Springs to be connected with Seligmn 11/24/80 02 3TELEmCNESFbre subscribers sign up at Little Rock 02/05/80 08 2List of new subscribers at Little Rock 03/11/80 08 2Hot Springs to have phone company 06/12/80 08 2Little Rock rates are reasonable 12/12/80 04 2TEMPERANCEsee - Alcoholic BeveragesTEMPLm? FAYActress born in Little Rock returns for performance 05/02/80 08 2TERRY W DLetter on medical value of Armstrong Springs 09/01/80 04 4TMAPXANAsee also - Connnercial Bankrape of whiteNegro named Crornwell lynched for attempted rape of Mrs Coners 06/01/80 080 4News of area 07/27/80 08 4Five Negroes wounded in shootout with whitesFhites and Negroes engage in armed clash over06/01/8006/01/8008 408 4Incorporation of Ark side declared legal 08/11/80 01 4Candidates for city offices nominated 10/21/80 01 4First rmnicipal election is exciting 10/28/80 01 2TMAS ARKANSAS AND NOF3HERN RAILFEDADLine to run from Hopefield to Texarkana 11/30/80 04 2THEATER AND DWNbhggie Mitchell plays before fashionable audience in LR 01/09/80 08 4Evangelines play Little Rock engagement 03/13/80 08 5Little Rock audience pleased with amateur production 04/24/80 08 3Minstrels entertain large crowd at Little Rock 04/27/80 08 3Amateur group form at Little Rock to present plays 11/14/80 04 3THOENS MACKsee also - Murders - DavisTHalIPSON ED 07PIemorial resolution passed by Independence County bar 01/18/80 04 1EI37ARDTHONFSONEdward Thompson not expected to recover from stab by Jackson 04/03/80 08 3Dr N H Jackson gives his version of trouble that led to fight 04/10/80 05 2nJomaJ J~INNIEInjured in accidental shooting 12/09/80 04 6THoRNBm GrnE3GETouted for Speaker of House of Representatives 11/04/80 02 1THRIBES JOSEPHDies in Little Rock 10/10/80 10 4THm7ER Csee also - Ark - Attorney GeneralTILLAR J T Wsee also - Ark - GovernorTINER ELIASsee also - Withers H R?DEEY CHARCES Esee also - Ark - Secretary of State

ARKANSAS GAZEITE MDEX 1880DATEPAG Csee also - Oklahom?'om=see - Storms and TornadoesT o mJAMESsee also - Congress - Housesee also - Republican PartyDefends course of Stephen W DorseyTOI.TNSEND M Qsee also - GamblingTRANSPOHTATIONsee also - Railroadssee also - Shipping by Watersee also - Stagecoaches and CarriagesTRAPNALL SALLY ANN FAULKNERDaughter of Sandy Faulkner evicted from house for nonpaymentSad story of decline from wealty to povertyTRAPPINSsee - WildlifeTREES IWD s wsForests in central Ark being destroyed by caterpillarsCaterpillars said to be any mrmsTREZENANT J Tktter urges farmers to plant cornTRCYITER JOHNsee also - Sex Crin~sTRUMP ~TTIEEar bitten off by Ella Wilson during fightm-ISDr Lawrence says tuberculosis cannot be cured at Hot SpringsTUCKER urnsee also - Sex CrimesTUERKIS WILLIAM FREDERICKDies at Little RockTURKEYSsee - WildlifeTUrnER BmmlReception and banquet given for Turner at ConwayTURNER JESSEsee also - Ark - Supreme CourtCompliments Ark Supreme Court Justice Elbert H EhglishWERJOOD B Fsee also - Religion and ChurchesUNION OXJNlY TIMESPublication to begin soonUNITED STATESsee - USU~~~ EPartner in <strong>Arkansas</strong> Manufacturing Co at ArgentaDescribes business boom in Little RockOfficer of Home Waterworks Cous - CONGFSSsee - CongressUS - mumsee also - US - District Court of Western <strong>Arkansas</strong>

Nw1E.7SFS WE;?TE INDEX 1880US - DISTRICT 03UFZ' OF WESTERN ARKANSASValentine Dell is new mrshalValentine Dell promises reform of office of rnarshalEnemies of Valentine Dell object to his appointmentValentine Dell going to Washington to present his claimsUS - FUBLIC BUILDINGSHistory of federal building in Little RockFederal building at Little Rock called a disgraceVAhT BURENCity describedVAN TREASE JOHNElderly PIalvern man elopes with young girlVANE DIXIEWife of James A Vance dies at PerryvilleVANCE DIXIE HInfant son of James A Vance diesVANCE JAmsPerryville man rnarries Miss Lucy BenhamVANE MARY AWife of James N Vance diesVERNOR PI Hsee also - American Bible SocietyVICKEFS LUCY LAURAInfant daughter of H L and Rose I Vickers diesVINCEI\T C APlans to take his m lifePJPGNEP. cXAREssee also - Ketzscher JohnWAIT W Bsee also - L ittle Rock - Finances and Budgets\ W E N SEMINARYYoung men atWALDFON SCHOOL DISTRICTChle and female academy openedPJALDFOP ECRt'see also - Young HenryPJALrnCLAUDE WRIGHTschool in Little Rock seek workDies at Little RockFJALKER JN-23 Dsee also - Ark - FinancesV7ALTERS nANsee also - Murders - WaltersWARD ZEBPushes ahead with work on railroad by quick decisionsPartner in <strong>Arkansas</strong> Manufacturing Co at ArgentaLetter on payment of taxesGazette praises Ward as a good citizenDonated $500 for road from Harrison to F?ussellvillePresident of Home Waterworks at Little PockPI-Resident describes town in hmrous articleMews of areaIJkPJL'IcK W IBenefit performnce for Warwick postpones

ARKANSAS GAZFITE INDEX 1880IXTEPAG CLIFSHlNZKR1Letter describes Hempstead Co town, mentions residentsNews of townWASHIIGTON ALBm FAMILYsee also - Murders - WashingtonWASHINGmJ AND HOPE RAILRNIFirst engine reaches WashingtonWood rails being replaced with ironNarrow gauge railroad axnpletedWASHRGTON ama'YSmry of news of areaWASHlxTa1 PlARYLittle Fock warnan dead at age 25FIASH~~I FTILLISDies in waterwell accident in Little RockDeath noticeWASTE MATERIALSsee also - Sewage and Liquid WastesWATERsee also - Home Waterworks CoArtesian well to be drilled in Little RockArtesian Well Co seeks permit for pipes through LR streetsArtesian well finds no water at 985 feet deepArtesian well at Little Rock reaches 1125 feet deepArtesian well at Little Rock produces salt waterWater distributed through Little Rock system is muddyLittle PQC~ Water Co accused of shutting off water to fireFirm denies it cut water to fire in Little RockSeveral poisoning cases in Little Rock from bad waterWATJZFWUJ WALTERDies at Little RockDies of dropsyWATERS W Dsee also - Robinson JosephWATKINS COfficer in Home Waterworks CoWATKINS JEFFsee also - Purders - Phillips\\JATKINS P'iKsee also - Murders - WatkinsWATKINS VIRGILsee also - Murders - WatkinsVN"SOP1 JOHNsee also - Fitchell MattiewATrn1 L WAttempts suicide by cutting throatWATSON W Asee also - Ark - TreasurerW A T T ~ FRANK JKilled accidentallyPEATHERsee also - Floods and Floodingsee also - Storms and TornadoesSouthwest <strong>Arkansas</strong> gets deep snow

ARKANSAS GAZE!ITE INDEX 1880Temprature reaches 80 at Little RockHigh in Little Rock is only 62 degreesNegro church prayed for rain, now prays for sunshineGazette publishes first forecastLittle Rock gets snowHeavy snowfall hits Northwest <strong>Arkansas</strong>Man almost frozen to death at Little RockWFAVER ALICE LLittle Rock resident dies in Hot SpringsObituary of wife of George V WeaverMemorial tribute from the Flusic Union\\WB BENsee also - blurders - WebbPWB EMMADies at Little Rocklm3BER Jan4see also - Murders - FletcherWEIGLE BENNIEInfant son of Little Rock couple diesWELCH Dsee also - <strong>Arkansas</strong> CollegeWELCH JACKSurvives fall from bridge on <strong>Arkansas</strong> River at Little PackWELSH JAMES ALEXANDERDies at Little PmkComplimentary letter reviews life of PJelsh\.JEST HENRY CDies in MenphisMilitary exploits discussedWESTERN IlE!I'HODI!3Tsee - Methodist ChurchWHEELER ADAMsee also - Murders - BrunckWHEELER CENODies of lockjawWEELER JOHN FDies at Fort SmithObituary of senior ed of Wheelers IndependentWHEELER SDies at Little RockWHISKEYsee - Alcoholic EeveragesWHITE E CMarries Bessie I?urleyWHITE JOEsee also - Murders - SomersVIHITE JOHNsee also - Murders - White1.JIIITE NEDsee also - 14urders - WhitePEIITE RIVERsee also - Floods and Flood ControlI4r Stallions builds steamer for use on upper riverPJIGGS rS C

AFWWSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1880JXTEPAG CMarries EXPM S Jones in Pulaski CountyMILFSCHEEK momDies at Little RockPJILDEBEXGER HENRYLittle Rock resident diesWILDLIFELarge panther killed in Pulaski CountyFort Smith has $100,000 fur tradeGenuine salmon caught in <strong>Arkansas</strong> RiverChild at~acked by bald eagle at farm in Pulaski CountyBoone County is scene of frightening encounter with snakesJohn Farmin avers smke bit him on lipAlligator measuring 12 feet killed near MandevilleDeer weighing 327 lbs sold at Little RockPanther killed near Petit JeanPassage of conservation law urgedHugh rattlesnake killed near OzarkJames Hornibrook and John E Reardon apptd fish commrs for Arkbcks arrive in <strong>Arkansas</strong> County in large numbersDeer sells for $4 each at Hot SpringsPlan kills five deer and nine turkeys during one dayCJILKINSOPJ JNES CDevelops fine herd of Jersey cattlePJILKIMDJ WILLIN:see also - Murders - CrunckFlILLrnIs B DComplimented by Benton paperHot Springs pper urges Williams for I:ouse SpeakerWILLIM'S WJUEsee also - Hayman WillWILLINIS CATHARINEDies in Hempstead CountyWILL W4S GRE Rdsee also - Eiurders - WilliamsI~ILLW4s JOELsee also - Withers H RP7ILLW.E Jam Asee also - Congress - House District 2see also - Congress - House District 4WILLIAMS MOGMEEFhrries Ernestine RectorWILLING SAl4 PILetter on early Indians of <strong>Arkansas</strong>WILSHIRE EMmsee dso - Kelsey Charles LWILSHIRE WILLIAM Wsee also - Ark - FinancesWILSON ALFRED 14see also - Ark - Finances and Eudgetssee also - Ark - GovernorIJILSOlI JOEINOld citizen of WashinGon County diesWnJFIELD A RRefuses to support candidates who drink

ARKANSAS GAZEITE INDEX 1880LATEPAG CHelena Yoeman critical of Winfield stand on candidates 09/01/80 04 4WIPE D RBuilding fine house in LIttle Rock 07/29/80 08 3WISHANHANSHsee also - Piurders - EdenfieldPJITHERS H RI.-Rev Withers accused of cheating Elias Tiner and Joel Williams 09/05/80 04 3ELIZA KFuneral services scheduled for LIttle Rock woman 03/24/80 05 3PJLECII GORDObJSwan Lake planter mrries Juliet Fletcher 05/16/80 04 2CHRISTIAfJ TEElPERANCE UNION<strong>Arkansas</strong> chapter meets at Forrest City 06/12/80 08 4Tmm HAMsee also - Robberies and TheftsWrnD.JAF?D B WKilled in explosion in Searcy County 01/04/80 04 3IrnLRIDGE mmysee also - NegroesWKI'IELY m1ET.Jsee also - Murders - GatesWRESTLIPEPIatch may be held in Little RockPrnGEIT W HPartner in <strong>Arkansas</strong> f4anufacturing Co at Arge~taPNETENCI FREDERICKChild dies in Little FackYANCY Y COpposes repudiation of state debtYEAKLE CX)RINE BM'DONDies at Little Pack of typhoid feverFunders services describedmetic tributeYEAKLE mumHarries Corine BrandonELL COUWY JAILIron cages ordered for Danville and Dardanelle jailsDarhelle jail broken open so prisoners could escapeTwo escapees recapturedYELLVILLELetter describes Marion County townTown has several businessesYOmG GEOKEsee also - Murders - DeanYDm EImYWounded by Plort Waldrop in Clay County shootoutZAST I IG e m resident of Elorrilton seeks young wifeZELLER JOEDies after fall from hotel winch in Little Rock

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