Highlights of PSDP 2011 - 2017 - NSCB

Highlights of PSDP 2011 - 2017 - NSCB Highlights of PSDP 2011 - 2017 - NSCB

<strong>PSDP</strong>Philippine StatisticalDevelopment Program<strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2017</strong><strong>Highlights</strong><strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines1

162women who diedduring pregnancyor childbirth per100,000 livebirthsfor the period1999-200620.9%poverty incidence 7%<strong>of</strong> families in 200924.9Infant mortalityrate in 2008unemployment inQ2 20125.9%GDP growthin Q2 201218.4billionamount <strong>of</strong> FDIsin Q1 201223.1millionmagnitude <strong>of</strong> poorpopulation in 200995.6%literacy ratein 20083.6%inflation inSeptember 201223.9%land area coveredwith forest82cellphonesubscribers per100 population in2009426crimes committedper 100,000population in 201042,027barangays as <strong>of</strong> June2012<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines2

In these numbers rests our past.In these numbers lies our future.Statistics. It’s all about us.<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines3

supports strategicTHINKING and DECISIONMAKING.informs public POLICY.helps make the rightDECISIONS and ACTIONS.<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines4

monitoring andevaluationintelligencestrategic andexpenditureplanning543210policyformulationtargetingsurveillancegovernanceprocessesprojectmanagementprogramimplementation/service delivery<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines5

a responsive, effective, and efficientPhilippine Statistical Systemproviding quality statisticsevidence-baseddecisions and publicpolicyinclusive growth andreduced poverty<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines6

Issues Data quality• Relevance• Irrelevant and outdated (not rebased; not revised)• Lack details, including local-level• Gaps - governance, climate change, social protection• Timeliness and periodicity• Tardy; delayed release• Not frequent enough; long intervals• Protocol, e.g., clearance process, not decentralized• Accuracy and reliability• High underreporting/undercoverage rates• Low response rates• Low reliability <strong>of</strong> some estimates<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines7

Issues Data quality• Accessibility and clarity• Not proactively disseminated; no informationabout data• Difficult access, e.g., paper form, long process, noton website, on website but static (pdf)• High cost <strong>of</strong> data/microdata• Concern on transparency <strong>of</strong> methodologies andrevisions; unstated/lack <strong>of</strong> revision policy• Comparability and coherence• Related surveys not coherent• Census and related survey not comparable• Concerns on comparability due to method changes<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines8

Issues Data use• Increase in use <strong>of</strong> statistics at national level; stilllimited at local levels• Possible misuse and abuse <strong>of</strong> statistics bygovernment institutions for eligibility to assistanceIssues Capacity <strong>of</strong> data producers and providers• Significant capacity gap between MSAs and otherdata producers and LGUs• Limited funds to finance research and development,pr<strong>of</strong>essional and career development• Need to expand education <strong>of</strong> respondents<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines9

Issues Statistical infrastructure• Statistical laws are spread out; no integrated law onstatistics, including local level statistics• Current program <strong>of</strong> censuses and surveys notsufficient• Some sectors still fragmented; no integratingframework or mechanism• Need to improve business process• Inadequate technology resources<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines10

Issues Statistical infrastructure• Diminishing human resources• Rationalization = attrition?• ‘Exodus’ <strong>of</strong> statisticians• Low salary• Only handful <strong>of</strong> NGAs and LGUs have unit orpositions dedicated to statistics work• Inadequate funding for expansion <strong>of</strong> statisticalactivities to meet increasing demand• Budgetary cuts or delayed release <strong>of</strong> funds• Marginal funds for training and R&D<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines11

unfortunately, the resources for statistics are onthe decline!Statistical budget to GDP, 2005-20122005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2012% Statistical budget to GDP (at current prices)% Core statistical budget to GDP (at current prices)<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines12

unfortunately, the resources for statistics are onthe decline!Proportion <strong>of</strong> statistical personnel in governmentservice, 2005-20122005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2012<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines13

unfortunately, the resources for statistics are onthe decline!Statistical personnel to population ratio (number <strong>of</strong>persons per statistician), 2005-20122005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 <strong>2011</strong> 2012<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines14

Key outputs and outcomes in the <strong>PSDP</strong>More timely, accessible, coherent, comparable,comprehensive, and relevant statisticsBetter quality statistics in support <strong>of</strong> PDP<strong>2011</strong>-2016, e.g., poverty, children and women,decent work, universal health and education,social protection, macroeconomy, industry, andfinance, infrastructure and technology, etc. •New statistics, e.g., social protection,governance, security, disaster, environment,climate change, etc. •Improved local-level statistics throughimproved national surveys and info systems,CBMS, and LGPMS •Credible and dependable administrativeinformation systems •Increased user understanding and rational use <strong>of</strong>statistics• Statistics portal•Expanded Government StatisticsAccessibility Program- Statistical information centers at the local levels• Training <strong>of</strong> user and more IEC onstatistics• Data and microdata archiving• Partnership with media, academe, andother stakeholders for statisticscommunication<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines15

Key outputs and outcomes in the <strong>PSDP</strong>Improved coherence, effectiveness, and efficiency<strong>of</strong> the statistical systemCore national development indicators andsectoral data frameworks•Strengthened system <strong>of</strong> designatedstatistics•Rationalized <strong>of</strong> censuses and surveys•Business register and improvedadministrative data systems •Statistical policies implemented andmonitored •Administrative records review andclearance system •Data quality assurance framework •Code <strong>of</strong> ethics/practice •Improved business processes, e.g.,interactive online submission <strong>of</strong> data •Enhanced statistical capacities <strong>of</strong> data producersand providers• Revitalized statistical research anddevelopment• Competency standards for statisticians• Integrated HRDP – more training andeducation opportunities• Enhanced scientific career system forstatisticiansIncreased and sustained resources for statistics• Medium-term expenditure framework forstatistics• New statistical units; more statisticians<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines16

Key outputs and outcomes in support <strong>of</strong> inclusive growthImproved statistical frameworks, e.g, PSNA,IO, BOP, IIP, and economic indicators, e.g.,LEI, business clock, etc. •Rebasing <strong>of</strong> price data, real estate priceindex, and basic prices•Improved and linked databases onmonetary and financial statistics •Business register and corporate/businessstatistics, including foreign affiliate and directinvestments & data from business licensing andtax mapping •Refinement <strong>of</strong> tourism satellite accounts,surveys, and monitoring systems •R&D and innovation and energy accounts•• Improved census <strong>of</strong> agriculture andfisheries and integration <strong>of</strong> sampling frames<strong>of</strong> agricultural surveys• Institutionalized ICT surveys on e-commerce, m-commerce, e-business, IT/ITenabledservices• Informal sector/employment statistics• Statistics on MSMEs, micr<strong>of</strong>inance,microinsurance• Transport safety, updated inventory <strong>of</strong>roads and bridges, motor vehicle traffic• Convergence database on centers <strong>of</strong>growth and tourism<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines17

Key outputs and outcomes in support <strong>of</strong> poverty reductionand social developmentAnnual income, expenditure, and povertystatistics •Periodic small area poverty statistics atmunicipal, city, and congressional levels,and basic sectors •More frequent and timely hungerstatistics •Local-level HDI, GDI, CDI •NHTS-PR database in support <strong>of</strong> povertyreduction convergence programs•Updated IMR, CMR, and MMR ••Social protection data system•National VAW documentation system,• Established PHIN, enhanced FHSIS, localhealth accounts, LGU health scorecard,community health info tracking system, disability• Expanded BEIS, learners referencenumber• Decent work indicators, includingoverseas employment• 2010 census-based populationprojections and updated life tables• Migration• Housing affordability<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines18

Other key outputs and outcomesGood governance indicators, e.g., GGI,costs and benefits <strong>of</strong> good governance,corruption/bribery, etc. •Measure <strong>of</strong> business processes andservices in government •• Completion <strong>of</strong> cadastral survey• Philippine geoportal and geohazardsmaps and data• Environment accounting, PEENRA andwealth accounts, climate changeCrime victimization •National Crime Information System •• Philippine Security Information System• Non-traditional security indicators, e.g.,transnational crimes, disaster,data in conflictareas in support <strong>of</strong> peace process<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines19

Chapter onLocal Statisticsdevelopment<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines20

Coverage in terms <strong>of</strong> data• national censuses and surveys conducted by therelevant MSAs and NGAs• nationwide registration, reporting or monitoringsystems administered by NGAs through theirregional/field <strong>of</strong>fices and/or in collaboration with LGUs• local registration, reporting or monitoringsystems administered by LGUs such as CBMS, LGPMS<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines21

Coverage in terms <strong>of</strong> mechanisms• regional and local statistical coordination committeesand other interagency technical bodies,• regional and local statistical development programs,• statistical standards and practices,• statistical capacity building measures,• statistical advocacy, and• organizational development strategies<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines22

Key developments, 2005-<strong>2011</strong>•Small area statistics on poverty municipal and city level estimates <strong>of</strong> poverty incidence Poverty in the basic sectors•Good governance index for provinces and municipalities•Gender development index for provinces•Child development index for the regions•Local-level MDGs indicators and gender statistics•Local-level data through censuses and surveys and adminbasedregistration, reporting, and monitoring systems<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines23

Key developments, 2005-<strong>2011</strong>•Community-based monitoring system•Local Governance Performance Management System•National Household Targeting System for PovertyReduction (NHTS-PR)•Provincial product accounts in the Province <strong>of</strong> Guimaras•Provincial, city, and municipal pr<strong>of</strong>iles<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines24

Key developments, 2005-<strong>2011</strong>•Establishment <strong>of</strong> new local statistical developmentmechanisms.• Expanded statistical training program at regional andlocal levels through the SRTC regional affiliates• Regional press conferences and briefings on statisticaloutputs•Regional statistical conferences•Regional celebration <strong>of</strong> the First World Statistics Day on October20, 2010•Statistical advocacy through local chapters <strong>of</strong> the PSA in RegionsI, VI, X, and XI, and in Zamboanga City, and other areas.•Celebration <strong>of</strong> the National Statistics Month and World StatisticsDay•Philippine Statistics Quiz by the NSO and other parallel/similarstatistical contests in the regions<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines25

Key issues, 2005-<strong>2011</strong>•Data gaps•No clear government policy and legal basis for local-levelstatistics•Weak/inadequate statistical policies, standards, andcoordination mechanisms•Limited/difficult access to local statistics, i.e., data, microdata,and metadata•Inadequate statistical competencies <strong>of</strong> LGUs and NGAs•Perceived low appreciation <strong>of</strong> statistics among localstakeholders—regional and local executives and the media•Need for more statistical research and development•Inadequate resources for local-level statistics<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines26

Key outcomes and programs, <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2017</strong>More timely, accessible, coherent, comparable, comprehensive, and relevantstatisticsImproved LGU-based administrativesystems, e.g., business licensing, tax mapping •Strengthened NGA-LGU joint datacollection systems, e.g., civil registration,FHSIS, tourism statistics, etc. •Enhanced data collection and processingsystems, e.g., censuses and surveys, BEIS, ENR,etc. •Mechanism for utilization <strong>of</strong> data fromprogram target registries, e.g., NHTSPR,registry <strong>of</strong> farmers•Institutionalized community-basedmonitoring system in all LGUs •• Institutionalized generation <strong>of</strong> atleast provincial and city level data innational censuses and surveysRedesign <strong>of</strong> master sample for HH surveys•Small area estimates <strong>of</strong> keystatistics/indicators, e.g., as family incomeand expenditure, demographic, health, nutrition,and poverty statistics, etc.•Socio-economic indicators throughpartnership between NGAs, LGUs andthe private sector, e.g., provincial productaccounts, local health accounts, MDGs, gender,and disaster statistics, etc.<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines27

Key outcomes and programs, <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2017</strong>Increased user understanding and wider, rational use <strong>of</strong> statisticsStatistics web portalsRegional or local-level portals •Statistical information centers inprovinces, cities, and municipalities •Community statistical data boards inevery province, city, municipality andbarangay ••Statistics appreciation seminars forregional and local executives and theprivate sector•Training <strong>of</strong> LGUs and other localstatistics users• Enhanced advocacy fordissemination <strong>of</strong> local-level statistics•Websites, online databases and GIM/GIS•Partnerships between MSAs, NGAs, PIA,and media•Statistical conferences/congresses•Sustained observance <strong>of</strong> statisticscelebration at the regional and local levels<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines28

Key outcomes and programs, <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2017</strong>Enhanced statistical capacities <strong>of</strong> data producers and providersIntegrated statistical human resourcedevelopment program for localstatistical personnel •Statistical training for regional lineagencies and LGUs throughthe SRTCSurvey design, statistical analysis, databasedevelopment, data visualization, andGIS/GIM applications •• Research partnership and knowledgesharing• Enhanced data sharing among dataproducers• Participation in and hosting <strong>of</strong>international capacity building forums<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines29

Key outcomes and programs, <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2017</strong>Improved coherence, effectiveness, and efficiency <strong>of</strong> the statistical systemCore local development indicators andIntegrated local statistical frameworkand information systems •Regional and local statisticaldevelopment plans •Strengthened RSCC and similar body atleast in the provinces and cities •Administrative records review andclearance system •Data quality assurance framework •• Integrated, comprehensive statisticsact to govern statistical operations atnational and local levels•Modified legal frameworks andpolicies/IRR, e.g., EO 352, EO 135,<strong>NSCB</strong> Board Resolutions, etc.• Rationalized policy on sharing <strong>of</strong>data and microdata and pricing<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines30

Key outcomes and programs, <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2017</strong>Increased and sustained resources for statistics<strong>NSCB</strong> <strong>of</strong>fices in all regionsStatistical units and positions in NGAsand LGUs, i.e., at least one statisticianper municipality •Facilitation by the RDCs and LGUs forappropriate legislation •Advocacy towards mandatory budgetallocation for statistics by NGAs andLGUs •• Sustainable financing scheme forlocal statistics development• Cost-sharing between MSAs,NGAs, LGUs and the private sectorfor statistics• Advocacy for pr<strong>of</strong>essional andcareer development in statisticsDialogue for integration <strong>of</strong>basic statistics in the educational systemStatistical capacity building <strong>of</strong>secondary school teachers<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines31

Philippine StatisticalDevelopment Program<strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2017</strong><strong>PSDP</strong>• Good statistics• Good policy• Better PhilippinesFor more information, please email <strong>PSDP</strong> Secretariatat info@nscb.gov.ph.<strong>PSDP</strong> Advocacy Forum • 23 October 2012 • San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines32

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