CINT 906 - The Chang School

CINT 906 - The Chang School CINT 906 - The Chang School
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Expectations for Essay:‣ 8-10 sources minimum, including a selection of journal articles.‣ Length: 8 -10 pages (250 words/page) excluding references and title page, typed, double-spaced.‣ APA format4. Journal Assignment 15%Objectives:Nature of Journal:‣ to provide a vehicle for reflection of personal thoughts, feelings and values regarding sexuality;‣ to encourage connections between your own experience and larger patterns (consider impact ofculture, gender, religion, race, class, sexual orientation, disability, and social institutions).The personal journal is a record of your thoughts, feelings and experiences as they occur during and after class.Write about your feelings, your observations of yourself and others, insights into your thinking and that of yourclassmates. Set aside the time for quiet reflection and journal writing. This personal journal assignment is meant tobe a tool for your own use. It is a record of what happens for you throughout the course. Record specificobservations, impressions, thoughts and feelings. Allow this to be a free-flowing journal focusing on self- expressionnot style. Link your thoughts and insights, when appropriate, to your reading and to your experiences. Patterns andmeanings will emerge as classes go by; it is not necessary to understand everything that occurs, but it is important towrite your impressions into your journal for later review, reflection and understanding.Journal entries should include the following:1. Integration of readings and reflections. You are free to select additional readings (bibliography, etc.). It isyour analysis and attempts at integration that the instructor is interested in. You are encouraged tochallenge the readings in your analysis and, in the event of disagreement, supply your rationale for yourdisagreement.2. Learning and insights drawn from the material covered and/or the experiences to which you have beenexposed.3. Ideas that strike you as being of some importance from each of our classes. Questions generated by thework in class as well as your attempts to find answers to the questions.4. Feelings that have been generated by the various experiences throughout the class.Required Format:‣ Legible hand-written notes are satisfactory.‣ Hand in journal in lightweight binder or notebook with all entries together.‣ Suggested length: Write every night at least 2 pages per day for a total of 8 pages. The length should not beas important as the content. You must be the judge of how big/small that you write. As long as your entriesinclude the above four factors you have done the assignment.Please do not focus so much on length as much as ensuring that you put your self (thoughts, feelings, andexperiences) into this work.4

JOURNAL WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. PLEASE INCLUDE A SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE TOHAVE IT RETURNED. SHOULD YOU CHOOSE NOT TO HAVE IT RETURNED THE DOCUMENT WILL BESHREDDED.PLEASE READAll e-mailed assignments MUST include the assignment pasted into the body of the e-mail. If this is not done and Iam unable to open the attachment, the assignment will be considered late.Late Policy:Late assignments will be downgraded 5% per day.A request for an extended deadline for an assignment will be given only on medical or compassionate grounds. If arequest for an extension is required, a written Request for an Extension Date must be submitted before the due date.All assignments must be handed in to the professor in class on the day it is due. If not possible, it is yourresponsibility to make alternative arrangements. If you are unable to be at class to pick up an assignment pleaseinclude a self addressed stamped envelope. Assignments left following the end of term will be shredded.Due to the intensive nature of this course it is not possible to return papers in person to students. If you would likeyour assignments returned you MUST provide a self addressed stamped envelope. If you do not provide this yourpaper will be shredded.TOPICS – SEQUENCE & SCHEDULEThis schedule includes preliminary presenters, readings assigned, and a very rough overview of material to becovered in class. A final schedule will be distributed the first day of class. Please ensure you plan to be at the schoolbetween 9-5:00pm daily.Day 1 Introduction‣ Course objectives‣ What’s interdisciplinary studies?‣ Course requirements‣ Terminology‣ Good sex – Bad sex‣ Theoretical Perspectives‣ Intersexuality‣ Sexability Program Presentation: Anne Johnston Health CentreRead Articles #1 - #55

Expectations for Essay:‣ 8-10 sources minimum, including a selection of journal articles.‣ Length: 8 -10 pages (250 words/page) excluding references and title page, typed, double-spaced.‣ APA format4. Journal Assignment 15%Objectives:Nature of Journal:‣ to provide a vehicle for reflection of personal thoughts, feelings and values regarding sexuality;‣ to encourage connections between your own experience and larger patterns (consider impact ofculture, gender, religion, race, class, sexual orientation, disability, and social institutions).<strong>The</strong> personal journal is a record of your thoughts, feelings and experiences as they occur during and after class.Write about your feelings, your observations of yourself and others, insights into your thinking and that of yourclassmates. Set aside the time for quiet reflection and journal writing. This personal journal assignment is meant tobe a tool for your own use. It is a record of what happens for you throughout the course. Record specificobservations, impressions, thoughts and feelings. Allow this to be a free-flowing journal focusing on self- expressionnot style. Link your thoughts and insights, when appropriate, to your reading and to your experiences. Patterns andmeanings will emerge as classes go by; it is not necessary to understand everything that occurs, but it is important towrite your impressions into your journal for later review, reflection and understanding.Journal entries should include the following:1. Integration of readings and reflections. You are free to select additional readings (bibliography, etc.). It isyour analysis and attempts at integration that the instructor is interested in. You are encouraged tochallenge the readings in your analysis and, in the event of disagreement, supply your rationale for yourdisagreement.2. Learning and insights drawn from the material covered and/or the experiences to which you have beenexposed.3. Ideas that strike you as being of some importance from each of our classes. Questions generated by thework in class as well as your attempts to find answers to the questions.4. Feelings that have been generated by the various experiences throughout the class.Required Format:‣ Legible hand-written notes are satisfactory.‣ Hand in journal in lightweight binder or notebook with all entries together.‣ Suggested length: Write every night at least 2 pages per day for a total of 8 pages. <strong>The</strong> length should not beas important as the content. You must be the judge of how big/small that you write. As long as your entriesinclude the above four factors you have done the assignment.Please do not focus so much on length as much as ensuring that you put your self (thoughts, feelings, andexperiences) into this work.4

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