Template Task Collection 1 - Literacy Design Collaborative

Template Task Collection 1 - Literacy Design Collaborative

Template Task Collection 1 - Literacy Design Collaborative


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ScoringElementsFocusControllingIdeaReading/ResearchDevelopmentOrganizationConventionsContentUnderstandingTeaching <strong>Task</strong> Rubric (Argumentation)Not Yet Approaches Expectations Meets Expectations Advanced1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4Attempts to address prompt,but lacks focus or is off-task.Attempts to establish a claim,but lacks a clear purpose. (L2)Makes no mention of counterclaims.Attempts to reference readingmaterials to develop response,but lacks connections orrelevance to the purpose of theprompt.Attempts to provide details inresponse to the prompt, butlacks sufficient development orrelevance to the purpose of theprompt. (L3) Makes noconnections or a connectionthat is irrelevant to argument orclaim.Attempts to organize ideas, butlacks control of structure.Attempts to demonstratestandard English conventions,but lacks cohesion and controlof grammar, usage, andmechanics. Sources are usedwithout citation.Attempts to include disciplinarycontent in argument, butunderstanding of content isweak; content is irrelevant,inappropriate, or inaccurate.Addresses prompt appropriatelyand establishes a position, butfocus is uneven.Establishes a claim. (L2) Makesnote of counter claims.Presents information fromreading materials relevant to thepurpose of the prompt withminor lapses in accuracy orcompleteness.Presents appropriate details tosupport and develop the focus,controlling idea, or claim, withminor lapses in the reasoning,examples, or explanations. (L3)Makes a connection with a weakor unclear relationship toargument or claim.Uses an appropriateorganizational structure fordevelopment of reasoning andlogic, with minor lapses instructure and/or coherence.Demonstrates an unevencommand of standard Englishconventions and cohesion.Uses language and tone withsome inaccurate, inappropriate,or uneven features.Inconsistently cites sources.Briefly notes disciplinary contentrelevant to the prompt; showsbasic or uneven understandingof content; minor errors inexplanation.Addresses prompt appropriately andmaintains a clear, steady focus.Provides a generally convincingposition.Establishes a credible claim. (L2)Develops claim and counter claimsfairly.Accurately presents details fromreading materials relevant to thepurpose of the prompt to developargument or claim.Presents appropriate and sufficientdetails to support and develop thefocus, controlling idea, or claim. (L3)Makes a relevant connection to clarifyargument or claim.Maintains an appropriateorganizational structure to addressspecific requirements of the prompt.Structure reveals the reasoning andlogic of the argument.Demonstrates a command of standardEnglish conventions and cohesion,with few errors. Response includeslanguage and tone appropriate to theaudience, purpose, and specificrequirements of the prompt. Citessources using appropriate format withonly minor errors.Accurately presents disciplinarycontent relevant to the prompt withsufficient explanations thatdemonstrate understanding.Addresses all aspects of promptappropriately with a consistently strongfocus and convincing position.Establishes and maintains a substantiveand credible claim or proposal. (L2)Develops claims and counter claims fairlyand thoroughly.Accurately and effectively presentsimportant details from reading materialsto develop argument or claim.Presents thorough and detailedinformation to effectively support anddevelop the focus, controlling idea, orclaim. (L3) Makes a clarifyingconnection(s) that illuminates argumentand adds depth to reasoning.Maintains an organizational structure thatintentionally and effectively enhances thepresentation of information as requiredby the specific prompt. Structureenhances development of the reasoningand logic of the argument.Demonstrates and maintains a welldevelopedcommand of standard Englishconventions and cohesion, with fewerrors. Response includes language andtone consistently appropriate to theaudience, purpose, and specificrequirements of the prompt.Consistently cites sources usingappropriate format.Integrates relevant and accuratedisciplinary content with thoroughexplanations that demonstrate in-depthunderstanding.<strong>Template</strong> <strong>Task</strong> <strong>Collection</strong> 1 | © <strong>Literacy</strong> <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Collaborative</strong>, November 2011 16

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