DACC Catalog - Dona Ana Community College - New Mexico State ...

DACC Catalog - Dona Ana Community College - New Mexico State ...

DACC Catalog - Dona Ana Community College - New Mexico State ...


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2012-2013 <strong>Catalog</strong> 99FIRE 252. Vehicle Extrication2 cr. (1+3P)Course provides students with information on the newest types of air bags, restraintsystems and latest tools and techniques used in vehicle extrication; course meets orexceeds NFPA standards.GEOG—GeographyGEOG 111G. Geography of the Natural Environment4 cr. (3+3P)Introduction to the physical processes that shape the human environment: climateand weather, vegetation dynamics and distribution, soil development and classification,and geomorphic processes and landform development.GEOG 120G. Culture and Environment3 cr.Study of human-environmental relationships: how the earth works and how culturesimpact or conserve nature. Introduction to relationships between people and naturalresources, ecosystems, global climate change, pollution, and conservation.GEOL—GeologyGEOL 111G. Survey of Geology4 cr. (3+3P)Covers the fundamental principles of physical geology, including the origin of mineralsand rocks, geologic time, rock deformation, and plate tectonics.GOVT—GovernmentGOVT 100G. American National Government3 cr.U.S. constitutional system; legislative, executive and judicial processes; popular andgroup influence.GOVT 110G. Introduction to Political Science3 cr.This class covers fundamental concepts such as justice, sovereignty and power; politicaltheories and ideologies; and government systems that range from democratic toauthoritarian.GOVT 150G. American Political Issues3 cr.Major contemporary problems of American society and their political implications.HIST—HistoryHIST 101G. Roots of Modern Europe3 cr.Economic, social, political, and cultural development from earliest times to about1700.HIST 102G. Modern Europe3 cr.Economic, social, political, and cultural development from 1700 to the present.HIST 201G. Introduction to Early American History3 cr.History of the United <strong>State</strong>s to 1877, with varying emphasis on social, political, economic,diplomatic, and cultural development.HIST 202G. Introduction to Recent American History3 cr.History of the United <strong>State</strong>s since 1877, with varying emphasis on social, political,economic, diplomatic, and cultural development.HIST 261. <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> History3 cr.Economic, political, and social development of <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> from exploration tomodern times.HIST 269. Special Topics1–3 cr.Specific subjects to be announced in the Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for amaximum of 12 credits.HIT—Health Information TechnologyHIT 120. Health Information Introduction to Pharmacology3 cr.Introduction to the principles of pharmacology, including drug terminology; drugorigins, forms, and actions; routes of administration; as well as the use of genericname drugs, trade name drugs and categories of drugs to treat multiple and specificbody systems.HIT 140. Health Information Introduction to Pathophysiology3 cr.Introduction to the nature of disease and its effect on body systems. Disease processesaffecting the human body via an integrated approach to specific diseaseentities will be presented including a review of normal functions of the appropriatebody systems. Diseases will be studied in relation to their etiology, pathology,physical signs and symptoms, diagnostic procedures, complications, treatment modalitiesand prognosis.HIT 150. Introduction to Medical Terminology3 cr.The study and understanding of medical terminology as it relates to diseases, theircauses and effects, and the terminology used in various medical specialties. Emphasiswill be placed on learning the basic elements of medical words, appropriate spellingand use of medical terms, and use of medical abbreviations.HIT 158. Advanced Medical Terminology3 cr.Builds upon the concepts covered in Introduction to Medical Terminology providinggreater understanding of how to properly use and apply medical terminology used invarious health fields. Emphasis will be on terminology used in medical records andprocedures, medical billing and coding, and medical transcription. Terminology associatedwith the 11 body system’s anatomy and physiology, pathology, diagnostic andtherapeutic procedures, pharmacology, and abbreviations will also be introduced.Prerequisite: HIT 150.HIT 221. Cooperative Experience I1–3 cr.Student is employed in an approved work site and is supervised and rated by the employerand instructor. Each requires a specified number of hours of on-the-job workexperience. Restricted to HIT and BOT majors. Graded S/U.HIT 222. Cooperative Experience II1–3 cr.Continuation of HIT 221. Restricted to HIT and BOT majors. Graded S/U.HIT 240. Health Information Quality Management3 cr.Introduction to basic concepts of quality improvement and performance improvementas they apply to health record systems and the health care industry. Qualityassessment and improvement standards and requirements of licensing, accreditingfiscal and other regulatory agencies will be presented.HIT 248. Medical Coding I3 cr. (2+2P)Comprehensive overview of the fundamentals, coding conventions, and principlesof selecting the most appropriate ICD-9-CM and future ICD-10-CM diagnostic andprocedure codes. The most recent version of ICD-9-CM and an in depth study ofthe current Official Coding Guidelines for coding and reporting will be emphasized.Prerequisite: BOT 228.HIT 258. Medical Coding II3 cr. (2+2P)Continuation of Medical Coding I. Comprehensive overview of the coding and reportingguidelines, fundamentals, coding conventions, and principles of selecting themost appropriate CPT and HCPCS procedural codes for all medical specialties. Themost recent version of CPT and a continued study of the ICD-9-CM coding conventionsand principles will be emphasized. Designed as a medical coding capstonecourse. Prerequisite: HIT 248.HIT 268. Health Information Systems3 cr.Overview of health data management, work planning, and organization principles;an introduction to health care information systems; and review the fundamentals ofinformation systems for managerial, clinical support, and information systems. Prerequisites:BOT 208 and C S 110 or OECS 105.HL S—Health ScienceHL S 100. Introduction to Health Science1 cr.An overview of professional career opportunities in the realm of health science aswell as the functional roles of practice, education, administration, and research.Some field trips will be required.HL S 150G. Personal Health and Wellness3 cr.A holistic and multi-disciplinary approach towards promoting positive lifestyles. Specialemphasis is placed on major problems that have greatest significance to personaland community health. Topics to include nutrition, stress management, fitness, aging,sexuality, drug education, and others.HL S 275. Foundations of Health Education3 cr.Role and responsibility of the health educator with emphasis on small group dynamics,oral and written communication skills, building community coalitions and anintroduction to grant writing. Taught with HL S 375. Cannot receive credit for bothHL S 275 and HL S 375. Prerequisite: Either HL S 100 or HL S 150G, or consent ofinstructor.HL S 295. Foundations of Public Health, Epidemiology, and Biostatistics 3 cr.Principles and major areas of public health, including ecological and total-personconcept of health care systems; epidemiological approaches to disease preventionand control; using basic analytical and epidemiological statistics. Taught with HL S395. May not receive credit for both HL S 295 and HL S 395.

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