DACC Catalog - Dona Ana Community College - New Mexico State ...

DACC Catalog - Dona Ana Community College - New Mexico State ...

DACC Catalog - Dona Ana Community College - New Mexico State ...


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2012-2013 <strong>Catalog</strong> 93DHYG 126. Periodontology3 cr.Study of normal and diseased periodontium to include the structural, functional andenvironmental factors. Emphasis on etiology, pathology, evaluation of disease, treatmentmodalities, and therapeutic and preventative periodontics relative to the hygienist’srole as a co-therapist in a contemporary practice setting. Prerequisites: C or abovein DHYG 110, 112, 114, 116, 118.DHYG 132. Clinical Dental Hygiene II1 cr. (0.5+3.5P)Continuation of clinical skills, patient assessment and diagnosis, treatment and appointmentplanning, preventive techniques and application of dental hygiene proceduresat an intermediate level under the direct supervision of faculty. Clinical-basedinstruction helps students synthesize new knowledge, apply previous knowledge,and gain experience managing the workflow. Theory is simultaneously related topractical experience. Prerequisites: C or above in DHYG 120, 122, 124, 126.DHYG 134. Dental Materials3 cr. (2+3P)Study of the composition, chemical and physical properties, manipulations, and uses ofdental materials. Emphasis on materials and procedures for which the dental hygienistis directly responsible. Laboratory experiences include application and manipulation ofvarious materials used in dentistry. Prerequisites: C or above in DHYG 120, 122, 124, 126.DHYG 155. Special Topics in Dental Hygiene1–6 cr.Study of special topics related to the practice of dental hygiene. May include educationalmethodology as well as applications in clinical practice, research, or communityservice. Consent of instructor required.DHYG 210. Dental Hygiene Theory III2 cr.Advanced theory of dental hygiene and information on periodontal therapies relativeto the hygienist’s role as a co-therapist in clinical practice. Continuation of the studyof dental hygiene care for medically comprised patients and an introduction to specialneeds patients. Offered concurrently with DHYG 212. Corequisites: DHYG 212, 214,216, 218. Prerequisites: C or above in DHYG 132, DHYG 134, SOC 101 (or equivalent).DHYG 212. Clinical Dental Hygiene III4 cr. (16P)Continuation of clinical skills, patient assessment and diagnosis, treatment and appointmentplanning, preventive techniques and applications of dental hygiene proceduresat the intermediate to competent level under supervision of faculty. Emphasison dental hygiene treatment for the medically compromised and periodontallyinvolved patients. Theory is simultaneously related to practical experience. Offeredconcurrently with DHYG 210. Corequisites: DHYG 210, 214, 216, 218. Prerequisites:C or above in DHYG 132, DHYG 134, SOC 101 (or equivalent).DHYG 214. Dental Pharmacology3 cr.Study of the pharmacologic aspects of drugs and drug groups with which the dentistand dental hygienist are directly and indirectly concerned. Emphasis is placed onnomenclature, origin, physical and chemical properties, preparation, modes of administrationand effects of drugs upon the body systems. Corequisites: DHYG 210,212, 216, 218. Prerequisites: C or above in DHYG 132 and 134.DHYG 216. Dental Public Health Education3 cr.Study of principles and concepts of community public health and dental health education.Emphasis on dental epidemiology and statistical methods, community assessment,educational planning, implementation, and evaluation, scientific reviewof literature, and classroom presentation. Corequisites: DHYG 210, 212, 214, 218.Prerequisites: C or above in DHYG 132 and 134.DHYG 218. Pain and Anxiety Management3 cr. (2+4P)Study of the application of various physical, chemical, and psychological modalitiesto the prevention and treatment of preoperative and postoperative patient anxiety andpain. Emphasis on administration of local anesthesia and nitrous oxide. Corequisites:DHYG 210, 212, 214, 216. Prerequisites: C or above in DHYG 132 and 134.DHYG 220. Dental Hygiene Theory IV3 cr.Theoretical preparation for advanced clinical practice. In-depth study of dental hygienecare for patients with special needs. Case Study presentations and a BoardReview are utilized to demonstrate the synthesis of comprehensive dental hygieneknowledge, skills and attitudes. The most current dental and dental hygiene technologywill be reviewed as it related to clinical practice. Prerequisites: C or above inDHYG 210, 212, 214, 216, 218. Corequisites: DHYG 222, 224, 226.DHYG 222. Clinical Dental Hygiene IV4 cr. (16P)Clinical sessions combine basic and advanced dental hygiene skills with time managementtechniques essential for private practice. Comprehensive patient care to includeassessment, dental hygiene diagnosis, treatment planning, implementation andevaluation of dental care, nonsurgical periodontal therapy, adjunct clinical procedures,ultrasonic instrumentation, patient management, sealants, and comprehensiveprograms for control of oral diseases will be emphasized. Theory is simultaneouslyrelated to practical experience. Students are encouraged to develop independent decision-makingwith minimal faculty supervision. Prerequisites: C or above in DHYG210, 212, 214, 216, 218. Corequisites: DHYG 220, 224, 226.DHYG 224. Principles of Practice2 cr.Examination of the dental hygienist’s role in both traditional and non-traditional employmentsettings. Career planning, resume preparation and interviewing are practices.An understanding of the law, professional ethics of dental hygiene and the needfor lifelong learning are emphasized. Future roles of the dental hygienist and emergingissues in dental hygiene will be explored. Prerequisites: C or above in DHYG 210,212, 214, 216, 218. Corequisites: DHYG 220, 222, 226.DHYG 226. <strong>Community</strong> Oral Health2 cr. (1+3P)Students assess, plan, implement, and evaluate a community oral health project.Dental specialties and the dental hygienist’s role in referrals and in interdisciplinarypatient care are presented. Students participate in a variety of community healthprojects and practicum and observe in dental specialty practices. Prerequisites: C orabove in DHYG 210, 212, 214, 216, 218. Corequisites: DHYG 220, 222, 224.DHYG 255. Special Topics in Dental Hygiene1–6 cr.Study of special topics related to the advanced practice of dental hygiene. May includeeducational methodology as well as applications in clinical practice, research,or community service. Consent of instructor required.DHYG 298. Independent Study in Dental Hygiene1–9 cr.Individual study related to the dental hygiene profession. Prior approval of both theprogram chairperson and supervising instructor are required. Consent of instructorrequired.DMS—Diagnostic Medical Sonography (formerly OEDS)NOTE: All DMS courses are restricted to Diagnostic Medical Sonography majors.DMS 101. Introduction to Sonography2 cr.Introduction to the principles of ultrasound, terminology, scanning planes and applicationsof ultrasound. Includes observation in an ultrasound facility. All OEDScourses are restricted to students who have been accepted into the Diagnostic MedicalSonography Program. Corequisites: OEDS 112, 113.DMS 110. Ultrasound Physics3 cr. (2+2P)Properties of sound and its use in diagnostic imaging, technical components involved inultrasound imaging, how to use ultrasound equipment during lab sessions, the bioeffectsof high-frequency sound, and artifacts created during imaging. Prerequisite: MATH 121.DMS 112. Abdominal Sonography I4 cr. (3+2P)Includes anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the abdominal organ systems; scanningtechniques, ultrasound appearance of normal structures, and changes seen withpathologic conditions. Corequisites: OEDS 101, 113, 116.DMS 113. GYN Sonography3 cr. (2+2P)Includes female pelvic anatomy, scanning techniques, pelvic pathology, sonography,and Doppler findings in normal and abnormal exams, introduction to human embryology,and first trimester pregnancy. Corequisites: OEDS 101, 112, 116.DMS 114. OB Sonography4 cr. (3+2P)Includes review of human embryology, normal fetal anatomy, obstetrical scanningtechniques, fetal biometry, fetal abnormalities, fetal Doppler, the role of ultrasound ingenetic testing and chromosome abnormalities, fetal echocardiography, and congenitalheart abnormalities. Corequisite: OEDS 126.DMS 115. Abdominal Sonography II3 cr.Includes anatomy, physiology, and pathology of superficial structures, including femalebreast, thyroid, and neck structures, male pelvis, and musculoskeletal system;scanning techniques, ultrasound appearance of normal structures, and changes seenwith pathologic conditions; abdominal Doppler principles of applications and organtransplant sonography. Prerequisite: OEDS 112.DMS 116. Introduction to Vascular Technology3 cr. (2+2P)Basic ultrasound physics and principles, peripheral vascular anatomy, hemodynamics,Doppler evaluation, peripheral vascular scanning techniques, physiologic testingand the more common pathologies of the carotid arteries, and the peripheral vascularsystem. Corequisites: OEDS 101, OEDS 112, OEDS 113.DMS 117. Vascular and Advanced Sonography2 cr. (1+2P)Expansion of vascular applications, hemodynamics and pathology of the peripheraland extracranial vascular systems and renal transplants. This course will also exploremusculoskeletal and breast sonography. Corequisite: OEDS 122.DMS 118. Neurosonography2 cr.This course covers basic fetal assessment, biometrics and neurosonography. Studentswill learn the anatomy of the head, chest, abdomen, extremities and neural tube ofthe developing fetus, scanning techniques and the sonographic appearance of normalstructures as well as pathologies involving the brain and central nervous system.Corequisite: OEDS 120.

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