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DACC Catalog - Dona Ana Community College - New Mexico State ...

DACC Catalog - Dona Ana Community College - New Mexico State ...


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78 Doña <strong>Ana</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>first-come, first served basis. <strong>New</strong> or inactive students must complete preassessmentand orientation at any learning center prior to enrolling in aclass. Although college credit is not given for Adult Basic Education classes,students receive the Doña <strong>Ana</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> Adult Basic EducationCertificate of Attendance, upon completing a class. Students passing thepost test receive a certificate of level-gain or program completion. GED andESL program semesters vary in length. It is impossible to fail a class as lettergrades are not given.Tutoring ServicesDoña <strong>Ana</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> has four adult learning centers offering individualizedtutoring, small group instruction, and computer-assisted and selfpacedinstruction to supplement classroom instruction, or as an alternativeto the ABE classroom program.Trained tutors provide personal assistance and small-group instruction inreading and writing, mathematics, grammar, ESL, and other basic skills. ABEstaff understand that learning takes time and make an extra effort to be helpfuland patient. For the purpose of placing students accurately, tutors aretrained to administer practice tests in GED, the Test of Adult Basic Eduction(TABE), and the ESL TABE-ClassE assessment.After pretesting is completed, students are advised regarding their level,learning needs, educational goal(s) and plan, strengths, and learning progress.After completing a post test, students are advised to assess learningprogress. Centers have a comprehensive inventory of videotapes, cassettes,textbooks, and excellent, multi-media educational software to provide avariety of approaches to individualized learning. All of the services arefree of charge. Students are encouraged to call the nearest learning centerto sign up for the required pretest and new student orientation! Se hablaespañol.Support Services for Student SuccessAt the adult learning centers, many of the following types of student supportcan be found: pretesting, academic advising, new student orientations,guidance with goal-setting and college transition, student follow-up, informationand referral, and career guidance.Study Skills/Learning StylesFor learners having difficulty with their education as the result of ineffectivestudy habits, ABE has a solution. The Adult Learning Centers throughoutthe county have resources, information, and staff that can help improvetime management, listening, note taking, and test-taking skills. Students areencouraged to find out about their learning styles and develop study techniquesthat can help them become more successful.Computer-assisted InstructionStudents can take advantage of multi-media computer tutorials coveringa wide range of academic subject matter at various levels. The tutorials,available in the computer labs at the adult learning centers, help improveskills in reading, math (through basic algebra and geometry), and grammar.There are also tutorials focusing on science, ESL, GED, and socialstudies.Be Ready! <strong>College</strong> Transition ProgramThe Be Ready! program, offered through ABE, assists students in preparingfor a successful experience in college. This free program, available at each<strong>DACC</strong> Learning Center, provides access to a college transition advisor toguide students in making a successful transition from ABE to college andassists them through their first year in college. Students will become familiarwith the admissions process, with financial aid and scholarship opportunities,and with <strong>DACC</strong> and NMSU career options and pathways. Those meetingcourse criteria are also eligible to enroll in a free, college-preparationcourse, also available on-line. Call (575) 528-7038 for an appointment.Scholarships and Financial AidEach January and July, ABE offers two types of student scholarships: <strong>College</strong>Success and Application for U.S. Citizenship. Many Adult Education studentsinterested in transitioning to college are also eligible to apply for andreceive the <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Legislative Lottery Scholarship and other <strong>DACC</strong>tuition scholarships. Many college transition students also may qualify forfederal financial aid.Contract Services and <strong>Community</strong> PartnershipsContract services or agency partnerships can be arranged with schools,community-based groups, human- and social-services providers, and/oremployers who are interested in providing or negotiating related basic educationalservices for employees who fall under the following categories:• Displaced workers• Welfare (TANF) participants (work readiness)• Adult clients of public and social service agencies• Students enrolled in high school equivalency programs (HEP)• Workplace literacy (integrated with basic skills and/or English as asecond language) participants• Participants in federal and international education programs• Family literacy participants• WIA Adult training program participantsFor more information, please call 527-7741.Ability to BenefitABE provides services based on the adult learner’s ability to demonstrateacademic learning advancement and attain ABE educational goals, such asattaining a GED or transitioning to college and/or to employment. Referralsto outside agencies will be addressed at the proper professional and administrativelevels, based on intake, pretesting, and student progress.LocationsNOTE: Day, evening and Saturday classes also are available in the fall,spring and summer semesters. Since schedules vary and change, pleasecall for current information. In addition to the learning centers listed in thissection, ABE classes also are offered at various sites throughout Doña <strong>Ana</strong>County. Class locations are listed in the current ABE Class Schedule. Seemaps on pages 18–20 and the inside back cover.Las CrucesQuintana Adult Learning CenterDoña <strong>Ana</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>, room DALR-1603400 South Espina St. • Las Cruces, NM 88003Phone: (575) 527-7540, 527-7740Toll Free: 1-800-903-7503 • Fax: (575) 528-7065Regular Hours: Mon.–Thurs., 8:00 a.m.–6:15 p.m.; Fri., 8 a.m.–5 p.m.Summer Hours: Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–5 p.m.Anthony AreaGadsden Adult Learning CenterLocated in the <strong>DACC</strong> Gadsden Campus1700 E. O’Hara Rd., Anthony, NM 88021Phone: (575) 882-6813Hours: Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–5 p.m.ChaparralChaparral Adult Learning Center755 Prescott Anthony Dr., Chaparral, NM 88081Phone: (575) 824-2010Hours: Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–5 p.m.

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